36 research outputs found

    An action research report on the rising democracy discourse in 2000s Turkey: Does Eros Contour the Demos?

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.This article conceptualizes gender equity and sexual liberty issues that most of the literature on democracy and democratization in Turkey fails to address. The major focus of the article is on the convergent and divergent positions of the rising democratization discourse in contemporary Turkey. When the democratization discourses of different political groups are analyzed, we see that the convergent points consist of legal and constitutional changes that aim at political and economic liberalization, while the divergent points include liberalization in the private sphere and engaging in gender equity and sexual liberty issues. Therefore, we argue that it is crucial to analyze gender equity and sexual liberty issues with more dynamic concepts such as globalization and the EU accession process of Turkey rather than the essentialist ones like Islam

    Downton abbey dizisinin Türkçe altyazılarındaki çeviri hatalarının skopos kuramı bakımından analizi

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Son yıllarda yaygınlık gösteren görsel-işitsel medya unsurları sebebiyle, altyazı çevirileri daha da önem kazanmış ve çeviribilim araştırmacılarının odak noktalarından birisi haline gelmiştir. Çalışmamızda da, tarihi bir İngiliz drama dizisi olan Downton Abbey'in (Downton Malikanesi) ilk sezonunun tamamı olan yedi bölüm analiz edilerek, Türkçe altyazı çevirilerindeki dilsel ve kültürel bağlamdaki çeviri hataları/sorunları saptanıp, ilgili kısımlar için alternatif çeviriler sunulmuştur. Bulunan hatalar genel olarak, kültürel ve dilsel kategoriye ayırılmıştır. Makro çerçeve olarak, işlevsel çeviri anlayışının dominant kuramı olan Skopos kuramı ışığında, amaç ve işlev doğrultusunda çeviri hataları saptanmıştır. Mikro çerçevede de, Skopos'taki amaç konsepti ile birlikte altyazı çevirisindeki yaygın stratejiler benimsenerek çeviri kararları alınmış ve alternatifleri verilmiştir. Çalışmamızda, işlevsel Skopos kuramının altyazı çevirisi yaparken yol gösterici olabileceği görüşü amaç edinilmiştir. Çevirmenin kaynak metne bağlılığı, yer yer dilsel ve kültürel artalan yetersizliği ile amaç doğrultusunda hedef kitlenin beklentilerine eğilmemesinin hataların omurgasını oluşturduğunu söyleyebiliriz. Bu hatalardan hareketle, altyazı çevirmenlerinin çeviri yaparken işlevsel ve hedef kitleyi gözeten çeviriler benimsemesi gerektiği önem kazanmıştır. Ayrıca hedef kitle ve akademik ölçekte de çeviribilim çevreleri için, Skopos kuramının altyazı çevirisinin eleştirisi ve uygulaması için yol gösterici ve yönlendirici olabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Çeviri, altyazı çevirisi, çeviri hataları, Skopos kuramı, Downton Abbey.Due to the recent widespread audiovisual media, subtitle translations have gained more importance and become one of the focal points of translation researchers. In our study, after analyzing all of the seven episodes in the first season of the English historical drama series Downton Abbey in order to determine the linguistic and cultural translation errors/problems in the Turkish subtitle translations, we tried to provide alternative translations for the relevant sections. In general, the errors are divided into cultural and linguistic categories. As a macro framework, in the light of the Skopos theory, which is the dominant theory of functional translation, translation problems have been identified in line with the purpose and function concepts. In the micro-framework, in addition to the concept of purpose in Skopos, common strategies in subtitle translation were adopted to take translational decisions and give alternative translations for the mistaken parts. In our study, we aim to assert that functional Skopos theory can be guiding in the process of subtitle translation and its criticism. We hold the opinion that the translator's linguistic and cultural background information inadequacy, loyalty to the source text and the lack of focus on the expectations of the target addressee along with the negligence of purpose are the backbone of the translational errors. Based on these errors, it is substantial that subtitle translators should adopt functional and target-oriented translations when translating. We can conclude that Skopos theory can be guiding and instructive in the criticism and practice of subtitle translation both for the target addressee and the translation studies circles on the academic scale. Keywords: Translation, subtitle translation, translation errors, Skopos theory, Downton Abbe

    Prevalence and Characteristics of Campylobacter Species Isolated from Gallbladder of Slaughtered Sheep in Van (Eastern) Turkey

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    To determine the prevalence of campylobacter species in gallbladder of sheep in Van, (Eastern) Turkey, a total of 220 gallbladder samples from healthy slaughtered sheep were examined bacteriologically in October 2000 and 2002. Of the 110 samples examined each year, 27 (24.6%) and 24 (21.8%) campylobacter strains were isolated, respectively. Of the 27 campylobacter strains isolated in the year 2000, 14 (51.9%) were identified as C. jejuni, 7 (25.9%) C. fetus, 3 (11.1%) C. coli and 3 (11.1%) C. lari. Similar results were obtained in the study performed in 2002, but C. lari could not be isolated. Growth and biochemical characteristics of all identified Campylobacter species with some exceptions were typical of each species. Six of 13 examined C. fetus strains grew well at both 25 °C and 42 °C in thioglycollate medium and on blood agar. C. jejuni strains differed from C. coli only by Na-hippurate hydrolysis test. Results of the present study revealed that C. jejuni is the most common campylobacter species isolated from gallbladders of sheep. The thermophilic campylobacters in significant proportions may cause contamination of carcass during slaughter and transmission of the food-borne pathogens to humans

    Intermingling of Collective Memories with Food in Lahiri’s Fiction

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    This paper aims to present an alternative reading of Lahiri’s fiction by subverting the perception that food serves only as a substance of nourishment for human beings and by interlocking of collective memory, group membership and culture with food. According to the principal argument of the paper, food, in Lahiri’s literary texts, becomes an instrument of restructuring of Indian immigrants’ cultural peculiarity in America and giving rise to the awareness of cultural and social groupings which play an active role in reconstruction of collective memories as well as challenging the fact of overall extinction of commonly and collectively shared cultural values of Indians. The Namesake (2003) and “The Third And Final Continent”, a short story from Interpreter of Maladies (1999), will be analyzed by extending the meaning of food further to such an extent that definably characterizes the fundamental pieces of immigrants’ native origins that have been harboured in the face of distance.

    Anadolu Mandalarında Q Fever Hastalığının Serolojik Olarak Araştırılması

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    Buffaloes as in other animals have been demonstrated to play a role in certain diseases transmitted to susceptible animalsand human populations. In this study, serum samples were collected from Anatolian Buffaloes in breeding Samsun and around were examinedfor Q Fever. For this purpose, 184 sera were analyzed with commercial ELISA test kit. Totally 29 (15.8%) were determined positive for Q Feverfrom examined 184 serum samples. Serum samples obtained from Anatolian Buffaloes were examined first time in terms of serologically in ourregion respect to Q Fever. As a result, the data provided within the scope of the research indicate a Q Fever seropositivity level that could pose arisk for our indigenous buffalo population. We concluded that the data obtained from this study can constitute a resource to similar studies in ourregion. The epidemiology of the disease can be elaborated in the light of studies that will be carried out with more comprehensive researches inour region.Mandaların, diğer hayvanlarda olduğu gibi bazı hastalıkların duyarlı hayvan popülasyonlarına ve insanlara bulaştırılmasında rol oynadıkları ortaya konulmuştur. Bu çalışmada, Samsun ili ve ilçelerinde yetiştiriciliği yapılan Anadolu Mandalarına ait kan serum örnekleri Q fever hastalığı yönünden incelendi. Bu amaçla, 184 kan serumu ticari bir ELISA kiti ile test edildi. İncelenen 184 serum örneğinin 29 (%15.8)’u Q fever hastalığı açısından seropozitif bulundu. Bu araştırma ile bölgemizde ilk kez Anadolu Mandalarına ait serum örnekleri Q fever yönünden serolojik olarak incelendi. Sonuç olarak, proje kapsamında sağlanan veriler bölgemiz manda populasyonu için risk oluşturabilecek düzeyde Q fever seropozitifliğine işaret etmektedir. Yürütülen araştırmadan elde edilen verilerin, yöremizde yapılacak benzer çalışmalara kaynak teşkil edebileceği kanısına varıldı. Bölgemizde daha kapsamlı projelerle gerçekleştirilecek araştırmalar ışığında hastalığın epidemiyolojisi detaylı bir şekilde ortaya konulabilecektir

    Colistin Resistance Profiles and Genotypes of Escherichia coli Isolates from Dogs and Cats

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    Background: Nowadays, antibiotic resistance has become an important problem, posing a serious threat to both human and animal medicine. Colistin is one of the last-resort drugs for the treatment of particularly caused by multidrug resistant bacteria. The aim of this study was to investigate the resistance of Escherichia coli strains against colistin and the presence of colistin resistance genes (mcr1, mcr2 and mcr3) in them. Antibiotyping and genotyping of all strains was also aimed. Materials, Methods & Results: A total of 75 isolates of Escherichia coli from healthy animals (38 dogs and 37 cats) were screened for colistin resistance by cultivation in a screening agar and then microbroth dilution method was performed. Antibiotic susceptibilities of the isolates were determined by KBDDM. The presences of mcr1, mcr2 and mcr3 genes were investigated by PCR. The colistin resistant strains were genotyped by using RAPD-PCR, and antibiotyped based on resistance profiles. In the screening test, 1 strain in cats and 2 strains in dogs were colistin-resistant. However, 18.6% of strains (from 14 cats and 3 dogs) were found as colistin-resistant in the microdilution test. MDR status was 76.31% and 97.29% in dog and cat strains, respectively. The colistin-resistant strains showed 78-100% and 65-90% similarities with respect to their antibiotypes and genotypes, respectively. mcr1, mcr2 and mcr3 genes were not found in any of the strains. Discussion: There is an increase in infections brought on by Gram negative bacteria with various antibiotic resistances in addition to infections brought on by bacteria that are antibiotic-resistant. In order to cure illnesses caused by resistant bacteria, the repurposing of outdated antibiotics may be on the table. Colistin is a crucial antibiotic in veterinary medicine, according to a number of published perspectives, although it should only be administered with caution. However, the discovery of the plasmid-derived mcr1 gene and subsequent reports that this gene has propagated around the world. Escherichia coli strains isolated from companion animals have been found to carry the mcr1 (colistin resistance gene), and possible human-animal cross-contamination has been looked into. The findings demonstrated that mcr1-carrying E. coli might inhabit pets and spread between people and animals. The cat and dog strains used in this investigation had variable colistin resistance rates, which varied between trials. Although no isolates were found to be positive for the mcr1-3 genes in this study, it is believed that colistin resistance, which is determined phenotypically, should not be ignored in terms of spreading both in cat and dog populations as well as in terms of risk to human health, given the possibility that resistance could occur with other different mechanisms. Epidemiological research still uses in vitro antibacterial susceptibility patterns. Our antibiotyping method, which was based on an analysis of several antibiotic resistances, provided quantitative data. Commercial software was utilized to conduct the evaluation. There are no reports or publications that provide quantitative antibiotyping data for E. coli strains in the literature. A popular technique for genotyping different bacterial species is RAPD-PCR. By determining if certain specific genotypes are similar to those of other resistance strains, RAPD-PCR and other genotyping data can be compared with antibiotic resistance profiles to determine the specific risk of treatment resistance in infectious diseases. All organisms that were colistin resistant exhibited multiple antibiotic resistance, and these findings were also related to RAPD genotypes. The findings indicated that colistin-resistant E. coli bacteria could potentially represent a risk to human health and were thought to be transmitted from cats and dogs to humans and vice versa. Keywords: antibiotyping, cats, colistin resistance, dogs, Escherichia coli, genotyping

    Current Approaches in Chronic Pancreatitis

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    Chronic pancreatitis is a fibroinflammatory syndrome of the pancreas that results in exocrine and endocrine pancreatic insufficiency and chronic pain. It can be seen in all age groups depending on the etiologic factors. It is believed that alcohol is one of the major etiologic factors of chronic pancreatitis, but it is now recognized that alcohol is responsible for 50% of the cases. Mutations in many genes such as PRSS1, SPINK1, CTRC, CFTR are identified as causative or predisposing factors for CP. Early diagnosis and staging of CP are still a challenge in clinic. Although the chief complaint of patients with CP is abdominal pain, CP can cause many disorders such as diabetes or metabolic bone diseases. The treatment of CP mainly depends on the severity of the disease and morphology of the pancreas. Medical therapy, endoscopy and surgery are all used for the treatment of CP and its complications

    Diseases in Otters (Lutra lutra)

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    Su samuru (Lutra lutra) yarı-sucul yaşayan, etçiller takımının sansargiller familyasında yer alan avcı bir hayvandır. Ekolojik dengenin göstergesi konumundaki bu hayvanlar dünyanın pek çok ülkesinde olduğu gibi ülkemizde de nesli tükenme noktasına geldiği için koruma altına alınmıştır. Su samurlarının mikrobiyal florası çok değişkenlik göstermesine rağmen, viral, bakteriyel, mantar ve paraziter hastalıklardan etkilenebilmektedirler. Pek çok evcil ve yabani hayvan türünde olduğu gibi insan populasyonları ile zaman zaman temas halinde oldukları için, özellikle taşıdıkları zoonoz etkenler açısından bu hayvanlarda görülen hastalıkların detaylı olarak incelenmesi önem arz etmektedir.The otter (Lutra lutra) is a hunter animal living a semi-aquatic in located Mustalidae family of carnivorous order. Indicator positions in the ecological balance of these animals as well as in many countries of the world in our country are also protected because it came to the point of extinction. Although the microbial flora of the otters much variability, they may be affected from viral, bacterial, fungal and parasitic diseases. It is important detailed examination of diseases in these animals, especially in terms of zoonotic agents; because of they are sometimes in contact with human populations as well as many domestic and wild animals

    Genel Biyoloji

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