92 research outputs found


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    The article analyzes the importance of financial market regulation, its role in economic development and the world experience in financial market regulation. It also provides conclusions and proposals for creating the national financial market which is appropriate for international standards by ensuring information openness and data transparency in the financial market, preventing fraud and increasing investment attractiveness

    Motivation till integration : En kvalitativ undersökning om handledarnas uppfattning kring ensamkommande flyktingbarns motivation till integration

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    Flyktingpolitiken har varit ett debatterat ämne i Sverige efter den stora flyktingvåg som kom år 2015. Många av de flyktingarna var ensamkommande barn från b.la. Afghanistan, Irak och Syrien. De ensamkommande flyktingbarnen fick stöd i form av placeringar på familje- och HVB-hem där dagliga omsorgen gavs. Handledarna på HVB-hemmen har varit de ensamkommande flyktingbarnens vägledande skyddsfaktorer för integration. Syftet med studien är att ta reda på handledarnas uppfattning kring motivationen hos ensamkommande flyktingbarn gällande att integrera sig i det svenska samhället, samt till vilken utsträckning de är motiverade. Studien grundar sig på en kvalitativ ansats med semistrukturerade intervjuer som utformning. Ett målinriktat urval har tillämpats vid ett HVB-hem i Västerås, med totalt fem respondenter som deltagande i undersökningen. Data analyserades genom en manifest innehållsanalys. Resultatet visar på att ensamkommande flyktingbarnens motivation till integration framförallt påverkas av asylprocessen. De har förutsättningar för att kunna motiveras till en integration men då asylprocessen tar tid för att fatta beslut uppstår stress och oro hos de ensamkommande flyktingbarnen, vilket påverkar motivationen för integration i det svenska samhället.The refugee policy has been a debated topic in Sweden since the large refugee wave in 2015. Many of the refugees were unaccompanied children from Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria among other countries. The unaccompanied refugee children received accommodation support such as placements in family homes and home-care, where daily care was provided. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the supervisors in home for cares perception regarding motivation of unaccompanied refugee children to integrate into the Swedish society, and to what extent they are motivated. The study was based on a qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews as a design. A targeted-oriented approach has been applied to a home for care in Vasteras, with a total of five respondents who participated in the survey. Data was analyzed through a manifest content analysis. The result shows that the unaccompanied refugee children’s motivation for integration is mainly affected by the asylum process. They have the ability to be motivated to integrate into the Swedish society, however, due to long process of an asylum decision, stress and anxiety increases among the unaccompanied refugee children, which influences the motivation to integrate into the Swedish Society

    Incus replacement prosthesis

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    The present invention provides a device to restore hearing to individuals who have a discontinuity in the middle ear sound conductive mechanism. The device in accordance with the present invention addresses a specific problem arising often in middle ear surgery. Currently available middle ear prostheses are inadequate to remedy the specific problem of a lateral relationship of the stapes capitulum to the malleus, thereby necessitating a cartilage graft resulting in poor sound conductive properties. The present invention provides a middle ear prosthesis that solves the problems associated with the lateral relationship of the stapes capitulum to the malleus


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    In the article, there are studied the role of pension provision in the social system, the issues of financial control and monitoring of pension provision system of our country, development stages of national pension fund, as well based on analysis of revenues and expenditures of pension system developed recommendations of improvement of pension provision control

    Issues of improving the practice of regulating the financial market

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    The article discusses in detail the essence, important aspects of regulation of the country's financial market, methods of regulation, and developed scientific proposals for improving the regulation of the financial market

    Trace elements in soils and vegetation of the Tyumen federal reserve

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    Представлены результаты исследований содержания микроэлементов в почвах и растениях Тюменского федерального заказника. Было проведено определение содержания подвижных форм 8 микроэлементов в почвах (экстрагент – ацетатно аммонийный буфер, рН – 4,8) и содержание этих элементов в растениях атомно-абсорбционным методом. Показано, что содержание подвижных форм практически всех исследованных элементов в почвах Тюменского федерального заказника колеблется в незначительных пределах, а содержание подвижных форм Zn, Cu, Co, Ni, Pb не превышает предельно допустимых концентраций. Установлено, что содержание микроэлементов в растениях колеблется в широких пределах, которое определяется видовыми особенностями растений путем подсчета процентного содержания проб с избыточными и недостаточными концентрациями микроэлементов были получены ряды, отражающие закономерности накопления микроэлементов растениями заказника. Выявлено, что в наибольшей степени в растениях Тюменского федерального заказника концентрируется никель, затем следуют марганец и кадмий; в то же время растения недостаточно обеспечены железом и медью. Показано, что экологическая ситуация в Тюменском федеральном заказнике является благополучной, поскольку в почвах и растительности не наблюдается превышения предельно допустимых концентраций исследованных микроэлементов, однако имеет место недостаточное содержание в растениях меди и железа, которое можно устранить внесением микроудобрений содержащих эти элементы, на участках, где выращиваются кормовые травы для подкормки животных в зимний период.Presented research results for content of the trace elements in soil and vegetation of the Tyumen federal wildlife preserve. Using the atomic absorption spectroscopy the content of the movable form of 8 trace elements in ground was determined (acetate ammonium buffer used as extraction agent, рН – 4,8) as well as the content of these elements in plants of the Tyumen federal wildlife preserve. Shown that the content of movable forms of virtually all of examined elements in soil of the Tyumen federal wildlife preserve varies in a small range, while the content of movable forms of Zn, Cu, Co, Ni, Pb not exceeded the maximum permissible concentrations. Stated that content of trace elements in plants are varied in a wide range and determined by the specific peculiarities of plants. By calculating the percentage of samples with excessive and insufficient concentrations of trace elements we obtained some series reflecting regularities of trace elements accumulation in the ground of wildlife preserve. It was discovered that the most concentrating element in plants of the Tyumen federal wildlife preserve is nickel then manganese and cadmium, while plants have not enough provision of iron and copper. Shown that there are no significant problems with the ecological situation in Tyumen federal wildlife preserve, as no excessive concentrations of examined trace elements was detected. However, found some insufficiency of iron and copper in plants which can be eliminated by applying micro-fertilizers with such elements in stern grass vegetation areas for winter additional fourage for animals