649 research outputs found

    Nuclear magnetic resonance of laser-polarized noble gases in molecules, materials and organisms

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    Conventional nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are fundamentally challenged by the insensitivity that stems from the ordinarily low spin polarization achievable in even the strongest NMR magnets. However, by transferring angular momentum from laser light to electronic and nuclear spins, optical pumping methods can increase the nuclear spin polarization of noble gases by several orders of magnitude, thereby greatly enhancing their NMR sensitivity. This dissertation is primarily concerned with the principles and practice of optically pumped nuclear magnetic resonance (OPNMR). The enormous sensitivity enhancement afforded by optical pumping noble gases can be exploited to permit a variety of novel NMR experiments across many disciplines. Many such experiments are reviewed, including the void-space imaging of organisms and materials, NMR and MRI of living tissues, probing structure and dynamics of molecules in solution and on surfaces, and zero-field NMR and MRI

    Using Raman Spectroscopy to Improve Hyperpolarized Noble Gas Production for Clinical Lung Imaging Techniques

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    Spin-exchange optical pumping (SEOP) can be used to “hyperpolarize” 129Xe for human lung MRI. SEOP involves transfer of angular momentum from light to an alkali metal (Rb) vapor, and then onto 129Xe nuclear spins during collisions; collisions between excited Rb and N2 ensure that incident optical energy is nonradiatively converted into heat. However, because variables that govern SEOP are temperature-dependent, the excess heat can complicate efforts to maximize spin polarization—particularly at high laser fluxes and xenon densities. Ultra-low frequency Raman spectroscopy may be used to perform in situ gas temperature measurements to investigate the interplay of energy thermalization and SEOP dynamics. Experimental configurations include an “orthogonal” pump-and-probe design and a newer “inline” design (with source and detector on the same axis) that has provided a >20-fold improvement in SNR. The relationship between 129Xe polarization and the spatiotemporal distribution of N2 rotational temperatures has been investigated as a function of incident laser flux, exterior cell temperature, and gas composition. Significantly elevated gas temperatures have been observed—hundreds of degrees hotter than exterior cell surfaces—and variances with position and time can indicate underlying energy transport, convection, and Rb mass-transport processes that, if not controlled, can negatively impact 129Xe hyperpolarization

    Comparative study of in situ N2 rotational Raman spectroscopy methods for probing energy thermalisation processes during spin-exchange optical pumping

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    Spin-exchange optical pumping (SEOP) has been widely used to produce enhancements in nuclear spin polarisation for hyperpolarised noble gases. However, some key fundamental physical processes underlying SEOP remain poorly understood, particularly in regards to how pump laser energy absorbed during SEOP is thermalised, distributed and dissipated. This study uses in situ ultra-low frequency Raman spectroscopy to probe rotational temperatures of nitrogen buffer gas during optical pumping under conditions of high resonant laser flux and binary Xe/N2 gas mixtures. We compare two methods of collecting the Raman scattering signal from the SEOP cell: a conventional orthogonal arrangement combining intrinsic spatial filtering with the utilisation of the internal baffles of the Raman spectrometer, eliminating probe laser light and Rayleigh scattering, versus a new in-line modular design that uses ultra-narrowband notch filters to remove such unwanted contributions. We report a ~23-fold improvement in detection sensitivity using the in-line module, which leads to faster data acquisition and more accurate real-time monitoring of energy transport processes during optical pumping. The utility of this approach is demonstrated via measurements of the local internal gas temperature (which can greatly exceed the externally measured temperature) as a function of incident laser power and position within the cell

    A 3D-printed high power nuclear spin polarizer

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    [Image: see text] Three-dimensional printing with high-temperature plastic is used to enable spin exchange optical pumping (SEOP) and hyperpolarization of xenon-129 gas. The use of 3D printed structures increases the simplicity of integration of the following key components with a variable temperature SEOP probe: (i) in situ NMR circuit operating at 84 kHz (Larmor frequencies of (129)Xe and (1)H nuclear spins), (ii) <0.3 nm narrowed 200 W laser source, (iii) in situ high-resolution near-IR spectroscopy, (iv) thermoelectric temperature control, (v) retroreflection optics, and (vi) optomechanical alignment system. The rapid prototyping endowed by 3D printing dramatically reduces production time and expenses while allowing reproducibility and integration of “off-the-shelf” components and enables the concept of printing on demand. The utility of this SEOP setup is demonstrated here to obtain near-unity (129)Xe polarization values in a 0.5 L optical pumping cell, including ~74 ± 7% at 1000 Torr xenon partial pressure, a record value at such high Xe density. Values for the (129)Xe polarization exponential build-up rate [(3.63 ± 0.15) × 10(−2) min(−1)] and in-cell (129)Xe spin−lattice relaxation time (T(1) = 2.19 ± 0.06 h) for 1000 Torr Xe were in excellent agreement with the ratio of the gas-phase polarizations for (129)Xe and Rb (P(Rb) ~ 96%). Hyperpolarization-enhanced (129)Xe gas imaging was demonstrated with a spherical phantom following automated gas transfer from the polarizer. Taken together, these results support the development of a wide range of chemical, biochemical, material science, and biomedical applications

    High Xe density, high photon flux, stopped-flow spin-exchange optical pumping: Simulations versus experiments

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    © 2020 Elsevier Inc. Spin-exchange optical pumping (SEOP) can enhance the NMR sensitivity of noble gases by up to five orders of magnitude at Tesla-strength magnetic fields. SEOP-generated hyperpolarised (HP) 129Xe is a promising contrast agent for lung imaging but an ongoing barrier to widespread clinical usage has been economical production of sufficient quantities with high 129Xe polarisation. Here, the ‘standard model’ of SEOP, which was previously used in the optimisation of continuous-flow 129Xe polarisers, is modified for validation against two Xe-rich stopped-flow SEOP datasets. We use this model to examine ways to increase HP Xe production efficiency in stopped-flow 129Xe polarisers and provide further insight into the underlying physics of Xe-rich stopped-flow SEOP at high laser fluxes

    Downgraded curriculum? An analysis of knowledge in new curricula in Scotland and New Zealand

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    The development, since 2000, of new National Curricula across the Anglophone world signals a number of policy trends, including: a move from the explicit specification of content towards a more generic, skills-based approach; a greater emphasis on the centrality of the learner; and [ostensibly] greater autonomy for teachers in developing the curriculum in school. These policy shifts have attracted some criticism, especially from social realist writers, who claim that the new curricula downgrade knowledge. This paper offers a contribution to this debate; an empirically-based analysis of two new curricula, New Zealand&rsquo;s Curriculum Framework and Scotland&rsquo;s Curriculum for Excellence. We conclude that, while these curricula continue to accord considerable importance to knowledge in their statements of policy intent, the social realist critique is at least partially justified, since both curricula are characterised by a lack of coherence and mixed messages about the place of knowledge

    Batch-Mode Clinical-Scale Optical Hyperpolarization of Xenon-129 Using an Aluminum Jacket with Rapid Temperature Ramping

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    We present spin-exchange optical pumping (SEOP) using a third-generation (GEN-3) automated batch-mode clinical-scale 129Xe hyperpolarizer utilizing continuous high-power (∌170 W) pump laser irradiation and a novel aluminum jacket design for rapid temperature ramping of xenon-rich gas mixtures (up to 2 atm partial pressure). The aluminum jacket design is capable of heating SEOP cells from ambient temperature (typically 25 °C) to 70 °C (temperature of the SEOP process) in 4 min, and perform cooling of the cell to the temperature at which the hyperpolarized gas mixture can be released from the hyperpolarizer (with negligible amounts of Rb metal leaving the cell) in approximately 4 min, substantially faster (by a factor of 6) than previous hyperpolarizer designs relying on air heat exchange. These reductions in temperature cycling time will likely be highly advantageous for the overall increase of production rates of batch-mode (i.e., stopped-flow) 129Xe hyperpolarizers, which is particularly beneficial for clinical applications. The additional advantage of the presented design is significantly improved thermal management of the SEOP cell. Accompanying the heating jacket design and performance, we also evaluate the repeatability of SEOP experiments conducted using this new architecture, and present typically achievable hyperpolarization levels exceeding 40% at exponential build-up rates on the order of 0.1 min–1

    XeNA: an automated ‘open-source’ 129Xe hyperpolarizer for clinical use

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    Here we provide a full report on the construction, components, and capabilities of our consortium’s “open-source” large-scale (~ 1 L/h) 129Xe hyperpolarizer for clinical, pre-clinical, and materials NMR/MRI (Nikolaou et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 110, 14150 (2013)). The ‘hyperpolarizer’ is automated and built mostly of off-the-shelf components; moreover, it is designed to be cost-effective and installed in both research laboratories and clinical settings with materials costing less than $125,000. The device runs in the xenon-rich regime (up to 1800 Torr Xe in 0.5 L) in either stopped-flow or single-batch mode—making cryo-collection of the hyperpolarized gas unnecessary for many applications. In-cell 129Xe nuclear spin polarization values of ~ 30%–90% have been measured for Xe loadings of ~ 300–1600 Torr. Typical 129Xe polarization build-up and T1 relaxation time constants were ~ 8.5 min and ~ 1.9 h respectively under our spin-exchange optical pumping conditions; such ratios, combined with near-unity Rb electron spin polarizations enabled by the high resonant laser power (up to ~ 200 W), permit such high PXe values to be achieved despite the high in-cell Xe densities. Importantly, most of the polarization is maintained during efficient HP gas transfer to other containers, and ultra-long 129Xe relaxation times (up to nearly 6 h) were observed in Tedlar bags following transport to a clinical 3 T scanner for MR spectroscopy and imaging as a prelude to in vivo experiments. The device has received FDA IND approval for a clinical study of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease subjects. The primary focus of this paper is on the technical/engineering development of the polarizer, with the explicit goals of facilitating the adaptation of design features and operative modes into other laboratories, and of spurring the further advancement of HP-gas MR applications in biomedicine
