3,667 research outputs found

    Attachment priming and avoidant personality features as predictors of social-evaluation biases

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    Personality research has shown that negativity in social situations (e.g., negative evaluations of others) can be reduced by the activation of participants' sense of attachment security. Individuals with avoidant personality disorder (APD), however, are theoretically less responsive to context or situational cues because of the inflexible nature of their personality disposition. This idea of individual differences in context-responsiveness was tested in a sample of 169 undergraduates who were assessed for APD features and assigned to positive, negative, or neutral attachment priming conditions. More pronounced APD features were associated with more negative responses to vignettes describing potentially distressing social situations. A significant interaction showed that participants with more avoidant features consistently appraised the vignettes relatively more negatively, regardless of priming condition. Those without APD features, by contrast, did not exhibit negative appraisals/evaluations unless negatively primed (curvilinear effect). This effect could not be explained by depression, current mood, or attachment insecurity, all of which related to negative evaluative biases, but none of which related to situation inflexibility. These findings provide empirical support for the notion that negative information-processing is unusually inflexible and context-unresponsive among individuals with more pronounced features of APD

    Heterogeneous condensation of the Lennard-Jones vapor onto a nanoscale seed particle

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    The heterogeneous condensation of a Lennard-Jones vapor onto a nanoscale seed particle is studied using molecular dynamics simulations. Measuring the nucleation rate and the height of the free energy barrier using the mean first passage time method shows that the presence of a weakly interacting seed has little effect on the work of forming very small cluster embryos but accelerates the rate by lowering the barrier for larger clusters. We suggest that this results from a competition between the energetic and entropic features of cluster formation in the bulk and at the heterogeneity. As the interaction is increased, the free energy of formation is reduced for all cluster sizes. We also develop a simple phenomenological model of film formation on a small seed that captures the general features of the nucleation process for small heterogeneities. A comparison of our simulation results with the model shows that heterogeneous classical nucleation theory provides a good estimate of the critical size of the film but significantly over-estimates the size of the barrier.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures, In Print J. Chem. Phy

    Jammed Disks of Two Sizes in a Narrow Channel

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    A granular-matter model is exactly solved, where disks of two sizes and weights in alternating sequence are confined to a narrow channel. The axis of the channel is horizontal and its plane vertical. Disk sizes and channel width are such that under jamming no disks remain loose and all disks touch one wall. Jammed microstates are characterized via statistically interacting particles constructed out of two-disk tiles. Jammed macrostates depend on measures of expansion work, gravitational potential energy, and intensity of random agitations before jamming. The dependence of configurational entropy on excess volume exhibits a critical point

    Development and Preliminary Application of Mathematical Models to the Weber Basin

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    The adoption of stream standards, whether for direct application or for the establishment of realistic effluent standards, creates a need to predict the impact of pollution loads on river water quality during critical flow periods or as the result of future user demands. Because of the complexity of aquatic systems, mathematical models are an excellent medium for bringing together the state-of-the-art knowledge from a variety of disciplines into a form which can be readily applied to practical problems. Applying a mathematical model to a river system has the added advantage of providing a structure for the systematic consideration of the many diverse aspects of water quality phenomena. This report describes the development of a river simulation model (QUAL-U) for predicting water quality and its preliminary application to the Weber River drainage basin in northeastern Utah. The model involves the numerical solution of a set of differential equations representing the aquatic system under steady state conditions. The development and use of a second model which provides the flow boundary conditions for the first model is also described. This model is a simple interactive procedure for obtaining flows at specified locations on the river system given the measured flows at other locations and typical flow ranges of headwater, diversions, surface and subsurface lateral inflows, and point loads. Previous river water quality models are reviewed and the structure of QUAL-U is presented. The economic and physical characteristics of the study area are described and the Weber River system is represented by subbasins, reaches, and computational units. Model calibration was based on water quality data collected at over eighty sampling locations in the study area during a four day period in September, 1973. Each of the sampling points was subsequently surveyed to obtain representative hydraulic characteristics for each reach of the river system. Coefficients for the mathematical equations representing hydraulic characteristics and chemical and biological reactions were estimated and adjusted during the model calibration procedure until model responses satisfactorily resembled the observed data. Results for the calibration period and also for studies involving critical low flow conditions are described and model limitations are considered. The work on which this report is based was performed for the State of Utah, Department of Social Services, Division of Health as part of a Waste Load Allocation Study on the Weber River. The scope of this project provided only for supplying the calibrated model to the client and does not include predictive runs or interpretation of management alternatives

    Asymptotically optimal quantum channel reversal for qudit ensembles and multimode Gaussian states

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    We investigate the problem of optimally reversing the action of an arbitrary quantum channel C which acts independently on each component of an ensemble of n identically prepared d-dimensional quantum systems. In the limit of large ensembles, we construct the optimal reversing channel R* which has to be applied at the output ensemble state, to retrieve a smaller ensemble of m systems prepared in the input state, with the highest possible rate m/n. The solution is found by mapping the problem into the optimal reversal of Gaussian channels on quantum-classical continuous variable systems, which is here solved as well. Our general results can be readily applied to improve the implementation of robust long-distance quantum communication. As an example, we investigate the optimal reversal rate of phase flip channels acting on a multi-qubit register.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure

    Ion acceleration and anomalous transport in the near wake of a plasma limiter

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    Ion acceleration and anomalous transport were studied experimentally in the near wake region of an electrically floating disk limiter immersed in two different types of collisionless, supersonically flowing, magnetized plasmas: the first initially quiescent, the second initially turbulent. Ion densities and velocity distributions were obtained using a nonperturbing laser induced fluorescence diagnostic. Large-amplitude, low-frequency turbulence was observed at the obstacle edge and in the wake. Rapid ion and electron configuration space transport and ion velocity space transport were observed. Configuration space and velocity space transport were similar for both quiescent and turbulent plasma-obstacle systems, suggesting that plasma-obstacle effects outweigh the effects of initial plasma turbulence levels

    Dialogue games for explaining medication choices

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    SMT solvers can be used efficiently to search for optimal paths across multiple graphs when optimising for certain resources. In the medical context, these graphs can represent treatment plans for chronic conditions where the optimal paths across all plans under consideration are the ones which minimize adverse drug interactions. The SMT solvers, however, work as a black-box model and there is a need to justify the optimal plans in a human-friendly way. We aim to fulfill this need by proposing explanatory dialogue protocols based on computational argumentation to increase the understanding and trust of humans interacting with the system. The protocols provide supporting reasons for nodes in a path and also allow counter reasons for the nodes not in the graph, highlighting any potential adverse interactions during the dialogue.Postprin

    Realizing the Dream of Flight: Biographical Essays in Honor of the Centennial of Flight, 1903-2003

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    While growing up in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Milton Wright, The Wright Brothers Father, liked to purchase toys for his sons that he hoped would stimulate their imagination. One of the most memorable gifts was a toy helicopter that was designed by the French aeronautical experimenter Alphonse P naud. Milton gave his sons this gift in 1878, and, though it was a simple device with a stick bound to a four-blade rotor set in a spindle, it had the intended effect it caused them to dream. Twenty-five years separated the gift of this toy and their invention of the airplane, yet the Wright brothers were convinced it had exerted an important influence. Tom Crouch argued in The Bishop's Boys that toys like these perfectly illustrated the significance of play for technological innovation. He wrote, rotary-wing toys were to intrigue and inspire generations of children, a few of whom would, as adults, attempt to realize the dream of flight for themselves. If the first powered flight on 17 December 1903 represented a childhood dream realized, it was only the first step in the rapid evolution of the airplane from their flimsy kite-like contraption of wood and cloth to jet airliners and rockets in space. And, as extraordinary as the achievement of powered flight seemed in 1903, before the end of the century, space travel also would become a dream realized. Soviet astronaut Yuri Gagarin first circumnavigated Earth in April 1961, and, eight years later, American astronauts took the first steps for humankind on the Moon. It is with great pleasure that we introduce Realizing the Dream: Biographical Essays in Honor of the Centennial of Flight. These essays in celebration of the Wright brothers first flight 100 years ago grew out of presentations by a group of prominent scholars in 2003 at a conference sponsored by the NASA History Division and held at the Great Lakes Science Center in Cleveland, Ohio. The volume focuses on the careers of some of the many men and women who helped to realize the dream of flight both through the atmosphere and beyond

    Posttranslational processing of concanavalin A precursors in jackbean cotyledons

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    Metabolic labeling of immature jackbean cotyledons with 14C-amino acids was used to determine the processing steps involved in the assembly of concanavalin A. Pulse-chase experiments and analyses of immunoprecipitated lectin forms indicated a complex series of events involving seven distinct species. The structural relatedness of all of the intermediate species was confirmed by two-dimensional mapping of 125I-tryptic peptides. An initial glycosylated precursor was deglycosylated and cleaved into smaller polypeptides, which subsequently reannealed over a period of 10-27 h. NH2-terminal sequencing of the abundant precursors confirmed that the intact subunit of concanavalin A was formed by the reannealing of two fragments, since the alignment of residues 1-118 and 119-237 was reversed in the final form of the lectin identified in the chase and the precursor first labeled. When the tissue was pulse-chased in the presence of monensin, processing of the glycosylated precursor was inhibited. The weak bases NH4Cl and chloroquine were without effect. Immunocytochemical studies showed that monensin treatment caused the accumulation of immunoreactive material at the cell surface and indicated that the ionophore had induced the secretion of a component normally destined for deposition within the protein bodies. Consideration of the tertiary structure of the glycosylated precursor and mature lectin showed that the entire series of processing events could occur without significant refolding of the initial translational product. Proteolytic events included removal of a peptide from the surface of the precursor molecule that connected the NH2- and COOH-termini of the mature protein. This processing activated the carbohydrate-binding activity of the lectin. The chase data suggest the occurrence of a simultaneous cleavage and formation of a peptide bond, raising the possibility that annealment of the fragments to give rise to the mature subunit involves a transpeptidation event rather than cleavage and subsequent religation

    Homogeneous nucleation of a non-critical phase near a continuous phase transition

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    Homogeneous nucleation of a new phase near a second, continuous, transition, is considered. The continuous transition is in the metastable region associated with the first-order phase transition, one of whose coexisting phases is nucleating. Mean-field calculations show that as the continuous transition is approached, the size of the nucleus varies as the response function of the order parameter of the continuous transition. This response function diverges at the continuous transition, as does the temperature derivative of the free energy barrier to nucleation. This rapid drop of the barrier as the continuous transition is approached means that the continuous transition acts to reduce the barrier to nucleation at the first-order transition. This may be useful in the crystallisation of globular proteins.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur