8,267 research outputs found

    Crystal truncation rods in kinematical and dynamical x-ray diffraction theories

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    Crystal truncation rods calculated in the kinematical approximation are shown to quantitatively agree with the sum of the diffracted waves obtained in the two-beam dynamical calculations for different reflections along the rod. The choice and the number of these reflections are specified. The agreement extends down to at least 107\sim 10^{-7} of the peak intensity. For lower intensities, the accuracy of dynamical calculations is limited by truncation of the electron density at a mathematically planar surface, arising from the Fourier series expansion of the crystal polarizability

    Teleportation of continuous variable polarisation states

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    This paper discusses methods for the optical teleportation of continuous variable polarisation states. We show that using two pairs of entangled beams, generated using four squeezed beams, perfect teleportation of optical polarisation states can be performed. Restricting ourselves to 3 squeezed beams, we demonstrate that polarisation state teleportation can still exceed the classical limit. The 3-squeezer schemes involve either the use of quantum non-demolition measurement or biased entanglement generated from a single squeezed beam. We analyse the efficacies of these schemes in terms of fidelity, signal transfer coefficients and quantum correlations

    The Dust Content of Galaxy Clusters

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    We report on the detection of reddening toward z ~ 0.2 galaxy clusters. This is measured by correlating the Sloan Digital Sky Survey cluster and quasar catalogs and by comparing the photometric and spectroscopic properties of quasars behind the clusters to those in the field. We find mean E(B-V) values of a few times 10^-3 mag for sight lines passing ~Mpc from the clusters' center. The reddening curve is typical of dust but cannot be used to distinguish between different dust types. The radial dependence of the extinction is shallow near the cluster center suggesting that most of the detected dust lies at the outskirts of the clusters. Gravitational magnification of background z ~ 1.7 sources seen on Mpc (projected) scales around the clusters is found to be of order a few per cent, in qualitative agreement with theoretical predictions. Contamination by different spectral properties of the lensed quasar population is unlikely but cannot be excluded.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    A GBT Survey for HI 21 cm Absorption in the Disks and Halos of Low-Redshift Galaxies

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    We present an HI 21 cm absorption survey with the Green Bank Telescope (GBT) of galaxy-quasar pairs selected by combining data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and the Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty-Centimeters (FIRST) survey. Our sample consists of 23 sightlines through 15 low-redshift foreground galaxy - background quasar pairs with impact parameters ranging from 1.7 kpc up to 86.7 kpc. We detected one absorber in the GBT survey from the foreground dwarf galaxy, GQ1042+0747, at an impact parameter of 1.7 kpc and another possible absorber in our follow-up Very Large Array (VLA) imaging of the nearby foreground galaxy, UGC 7408. Both of the absorbers are narrow (FWHM of 3.6 and 4.8 km/s), have sub Damped Lyman alpha column densities, and most likely originate in the disk gas of the foreground galaxies. We also detected H I emission from three foreground galaxies, including UGC 7408. Although our sample contains both blue and red galaxies, the two H I absorbers as well as the H I emissions are associated with blue galaxies. We discuss the physical conditions in the 21 cm absorbers and some drawbacks of the large GBT beam for this type of survey.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, 3 table

    Dephasing representation of quantum fidelity for general pure and mixed states

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    General semiclassical expression for quantum fidelity (Loschmidt echo) of arbitrary pure and mixed states is derived. It expresses fidelity as an interference sum of dephasing trajectories weighed by the Wigner function of the initial state, and does not require that the initial state be localized in position or momentum. This general dephasing representation is special in that, counterintuitively, all of fidelity decay is due to dephasing and none due to the decay of classical overlaps. Surprising accuracy of the approximation is justified by invoking the shadowing theorem: twice--both for physical perturbations and for numerical errors. It is shown how the general expression reduces to the special forms for position and momentum states and for wave packets localized in position or momentum. The superiority of the general over the specialized forms is explained and supported by numerical tests for wave packets, non-local pure states, and for simple and random mixed states. The tests are done in non-universal regimes in mixed phase space where detailed features of fidelity are important. Although semiclassically motivated, present approach is valid for abstract systems with a finite Hilbert basis provided that the discrete Wigner transform is used. This makes the method applicable, via a phase space approach, e. g., to problems of quantum computation.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    A mass balance for 137Cs and 90Sr in the North Atlantic Ocean

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    The total inventory of 137Cs(3272 kCi) and 90Sr(2257 kCi) in the North Atlantic Ocean in 1972, as well as the subinventories in the 0 to 1000 m, 1000 to 2000 m, 2000 m to bottom layers, continental shelf waters and bottom sediments, have been estimated. We have been careful to provide reliable estimates of uncertainty for each of these values. We have also estimated the inputs of 137Cs to the Atlantic Ocean as direct fallout (2065 kCi), or as ocean current transport (240 kCi) since the start of large scale nuclear testing...

    Magellan LDSS3 emission confirmation of galaxies hosting metal-rich Lyman-alpha absorption systems

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    Using the Low Dispersion Survey Spectrograph 3 at the Magellan II Clay Telescope, we target {candidate absorption host galaxies} detected in deep optical imaging {(reaching limiting apparent magnitudes of 23.0-26.5 in g,r,i,g, r, i, and zz filters) in the fields of three QSOs, each of which shows the presence of high metallicity, high NHIN_{\rm HI} absorption systems in their spectra (Q0826-2230: zabsz_{abs}=0.9110, Q1323-0021: zabs=0.7160z_{abs}=0.7160, Q1436-0051: zabs=0.7377,0.9281z_{abs}=0.7377, 0.9281). We confirm three host galaxies {at redshifts 0.7387, 0.7401, and 0.9286} for two of the Lyman-α\alpha absorption systems (one with two galaxies interacting). For these systems, we are able to determine the star formation rates (SFRs); impact parameters (from previous imaging detections); the velocity shift between the absorption and emission redshifts; and, for one system, also the emission metallicity.} Based on previous photometry, we find these galaxies have L>>L^{\ast}. The [O II] SFRs for these galaxies are in the range 112511-25 M_{\odot} yr1^{-1} {(uncorrected for dust)}, while the impact parameters lie in the range 355435-54 kpc. {Despite the fact that we have confirmed galaxies at 50 kpc from the QSO, no gradient in metallicity is indicated between the absorption metallicity along the QSO line of sight and the emission line metallicity in the galaxies.} We confirm the anti-correlation between impact parameter and NHIN_{\rm HI} from the literature. We also report the emission redshift of five other galaxies: three at zem>zQSOz_{em}>z_{QSO}, and two (L<<L^{\ast}) at zem<zQSOz_{em}<z_{QSO} not corresponding to any known absorption systems.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables, accepted to MNRA

    Collisions of boosted black holes: perturbation theory prediction of gravitational radiation

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    We consider general relativistic Cauchy data representing two nonspinning, equal-mass black holes boosted toward each other. When the black holes are close enough to each other and their momentum is sufficiently high, an encompassing apparent horizon is present so the system can be viewed as a single, perturbed black hole. We employ gauge-invariant perturbation theory, and integrate the Zerilli equation to analyze these time-asymmetric data sets and compute gravitational wave forms and emitted energies. When coupled with a simple Newtonian analysis of the infall trajectory, we find striking agreement between the perturbation calculation of emitted energies and the results of fully general relativistic numerical simulations of time-symmetric initial data.Comment: 5 pages (RevTex 3.0 with 3 uuencoded figures), CRSR-107