252 research outputs found
Effects of fade distribution on a mobile satellite downlink and uplink performance in a frequency reuse cellular configuration
In a mobile satellite system with a frequency reuse cellular configuration, significant co-channel interference can be experienced due to the antenna sidelobe level. The signal will be subjected not only to its own fading, but also to the effect of the varying degree of fading on co-channel interferer, and this interference will behave differently in the up and in the down link. This paper presents a quantitative evaluation of the combined effects of fades and co-channel interference on a mobile satellite link
Identification et quantification des isocyanates générés lors de la dégradation thermique d'une peinture automobile à base de polyuréthane
ThÚse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothÚques de l'Université de Montréal
In Situ Experiment and Modelling of RC-Structure using Ambient vibration and Timoshenko Beam
International audienceRecently, several experiments were reported using ambient vibration surveys in buildings to estimate the modal parameters of buildings. Their modal properties are full of relevant information concerning its dynamic behaviour in its elastic domain. The main scope of this paper is to determine relevant, though simple, beam modelling whose validity could be easily checked with experimental data. In this study, we recorded ambient vibrations in 3 buildings in Grenoble selected because of their vertical structural homogeneity. First, a set of recordings was done using a 18 channels digital acquisition system (CityShark) connected to six 3C Lennartz 5s sensors. We used the Frequency Domain Decomposition (FDD) technique to extract the modal parameters of these buildings. Second, it is shown in the following that the experimental quasi-elastic behaviour of such structure can be reduced to the behaviour of a vertical continuous Timoshenko beam. A parametric study of this beam shows that a bijective relation exists between the beam parameters and its eigenfrequencies distribution. Consequently, the Timoshenko beam parameters can be estimated from the experimental sequence of eigenfrequencies. Having the beam parameters calibrated by the in situ data, the reliability of the modelling is checked by complementary comparisons. For this purpose, the mode shapes and eigenfrequencies of higher modes are calculated and compared to the experimental data. A good agreement is also obtained. In addition, the beam model integrates in a very synthetic way the essential parameters of the dynamic behaviour
Analyse de commentaires libres par la technique des réseaux de segments
International audienceLes techniques dâanalyse du contenu dâun corpus de textes sont multiples. Le traitement exposĂ© ici est basĂ© sur une approche hybride intĂ©grant lâanalyse de rĂ©seaux, employĂ©e en sciences sociales ou en bibliomĂ©trie, et la technique de segmentation utilisĂ©e en analyse statistique textuelle.Lâapplication de cette mĂ©thode dans le cadre dâĂ©tude dâanalyse sensorielle est prĂ©sentĂ©e. Ces Ă©tudes ont pour objet lâinterprĂ©tation dâun corpus de commentaires libres proposĂ©s par des consommateurs soumis Ă des tests de produits agro-alimentaires. Ces commentaires Ă©tant saisis sous formes de textes Ă©lectroniques, la mise en Ćuvre dâoutils informatiques spĂ©cifiques a permis lâanalyse de rĂ©seaux des segments prĂ©sents dans ces commentaires. La premiĂšre phase du traitement de ces commentaires est leur postcodage : correction orthographique ; rĂ©duction du vocabulaire par lemmatisation et synonymie ; marquage des termes ou locutions selon leur appartenance Ă des classes (arĂŽme/odeur, hĂ©donique, perception, saveur, texture, aspect, intensitĂ© des sensations) ; dĂ©coupage du texte en segments. La seconde phase passe par le dĂ©nombrement des segments et de leurs associations, construction dâun tableau exprimant ces donnĂ©es. La derniĂšre phase du traitement est la reprĂ©sentation de ce tableau sous la forme dâun rĂ©seau. Lâoutil informatique qui gĂ©nĂšre ce rĂ©seau permet le renvoi vers les commentaires contenant les noeuds du rĂ©seau ainsi quâune navigation hypertexte
Ăvaluation et expĂ©rimentation de logiciels libres pour la petite et moyenne entreprise
Les logiciels libres, ou Open Source Software, ont connu un trĂšs grand succĂšs au cours des derniĂšres annĂ©es. Les logiciels libres offrent plusieurs avantages Ă leurs utilisateurs: des coĂ»ts plus bas, davantage de flexibilitĂ© dans la conduite de leur stratĂ©gie informatique ainsi que la rĂ©duction de certains risques, tel que la disparition de lâĂ©diteur dâun logiciel.
RĂ©cemment, plusieurs logiciels dâaffaires sont apparus sous licence libre: parmi ceux-ci, certains progiciels de gestion intĂ©grĂ©e (PGI, ou ERP) se dĂ©marquent, dont Compiere, avec des centaines de milliers de rĂ©fĂ©rences sur Google et un nombre total de plus de 700 000 tĂ©lĂ©chargements. Il est raisonnable de croire que les logiciels dâaffaires libres offrent aux PME canadiennes l'opportunitĂ© de bĂ©nĂ©ficier des avantages des technologies de l'information Ă moindre coĂ»t.
Nous soutenons que lâaccĂšs au gain dâefficience promis par ces logiciels Ă moindre coĂ»t pourrait augmenter la compĂ©titivitĂ© des entreprises canadiennes. Ce projet est une premiĂšre Ă©tape en vue de vĂ©rifier cette hypothĂšse. Son but est dâidentifier les meilleurs logiciels dâaffaires libres et dâen faire une Ă©valuation sommaire.
Pour mieux nous prĂ©parer Ă la recherche des meilleurs candidats, nous avons dâabord fait la revue des diffĂ©rentes mĂ©thodologies de sĂ©lection de logiciels, autant dans le domaine du propriĂ©taire que du libre. Par la suite, nous avons Ă©tabli la liste des diffĂ©rents types de logiciels dâaffaires, en prenant comme toile de fond les principes de la rĂ©ingĂ©nierie des processus.
Finalement, nous avons appliqué une série de cribles dans le but d'identifier une dizaine de logiciels libres matures. De tous les candidats potentiels, trois ont été retenus pour une évaluation ergonomique et fonctionnelle sommaire.
Compiere : prĂ©sentĂ© comme un ERP, Compiere permet dâautomatiser les processus dâachat, de vente, de gestion dâinventaire et les opĂ©rations comptables. Il est programmĂ© en Java et son installation est facile. LâĂ©valuation ergonomique sâest avĂ©rĂ©e satisfaisante. Lâoffre de services professionnels est dĂ©jĂ importante. Lâenthousiasme de la communautĂ© semble donc justifiĂ©.
ERP5 : choisi parmi les finalistes pour son caractĂšre unique. Câest le seul logiciel de gestion de production. Cependant, il sâest avĂ©rĂ© impossible Ă installer. Il fut aussi impossible dâobtenir du support technique. Pour ces raisons, nous ne recommandons pas ce logiciel pour un site pilote.
SQL-Ledger : Essentiellement un logiciel de comptabilitĂ©, son installation sâest avĂ©rĂ©e trĂšs facile. Ce logiciel est aussi bien supportĂ© par sa communautĂ©. Cependant, le processus dâĂ©valuation a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© des dĂ©ficiences ergonomiques importantes. Nous ne pouvons donc recommander ce logiciel.
En conclusion, Compiere se dĂ©marque clairement parmi les logiciels dâaffaires libres. Câest un logiciel mature qui offre Ă faible coĂ»t des fonctions requises par un trĂšs grand nombre de PME.
Cette Ă©tude nâest pas suffisante pour recommander formellement ces logiciels aux entreprises canadiennes. Une Ă©tude plus approfondie, tel un projet pilote en entreprise, sera nĂ©cessaire. Nous recommandons que Compiere soit choisi pour ces projets pilotes.
Dynamic parameters of structures extracted from ambient vibration measurements: an aid for the seismic vulnerability assessment of existing buildings in moderate seismic hazard regions
During the past two decades, the use of ambient vibrations for modal analysis
of structures has increased as compared to the traditional techniques (forced
vibrations). The Frequency Domain Decomposition method is nowadays widely used
in modal analysis because of its accuracy and simplicity. In this paper, we
first present the physical meaning of the FDD method to estimate the modal
parameters. We discuss then the process used for the evaluation of the building
stiffness deduced from the modal shapes. The models considered here are 1D
lumped-mass beams and especially the shear beam. The analytical solution of the
equations of motion makes it possible to simulate the motion due to a weak to
moderate earthquake and then the inter-storey drift knowing only the modal
parameters (modal model). This process is finally applied to a 9-storey
reinforced concrete (RC) dwelling in Grenoble (France). We successfully
compared the building motion for an artificial ground motion deduced from the
model estimated using ambient vibrations and recorded in the building. The
stiffness of each storey and the inter-storey drift were also calculated
RĂ©silience communautaire: le cas du Liban
In a turbulent and aggressive environment, organizations are subject to external events. They are sometimes destabilized and can disappear. This context explains the multiplication of works studying resilience of human organizations. Resilience is then defined as the ability of the organization studied to face an external shock.This paper proposes a state of the art of resilience concept and considers the interests of the transposition of the concept to the field of a territorial community. A case study will lead us to apply the concept of resilience to the Lebanese nation
(Post-)queer citizenship in contemporary republican France
1996 saw the publication of FrĂ©dĂ©ric Martelâs Le Rose et le noir, a comprehensive study of three decades of gay life in metropolitan France. The predominantly anti-communitarian stance adopted by Martel in the epilogue to the first edition of his work had evolved, by the time of the bookâs publication en poche in 2000, into a more nuanced view of the interactions and intersections between queer and republican identities in contemporary France. This development was influenced, in large part, by concrete changes which took place over the second half of the 1990s, centring around the introduction of the PACS in 1999, and leading to an ever-broadening debate. This paper will begin by setting forth the ways in which Martelâs position changed and analysing the attitudinal, social, and legislative backdrop which paved the way for such a change to occur. It will then bring Martelâs work into a dialogue with the writings of Eric Fassin and Maxime Foerster, both of whom have, like Martel, offered crucial analyses of the place of queer citizens within the contemporary French republic. Particular attention will first be paid to the ways in which Fassin, in his writings, has underlined the salience of the âdroit du sol/droit du sangâ debate, traditionally associated with questions of ethnic belonging, in light of public and political discussions revolving around questions of queer kinship raised by the introduction of the PACS. This will lead into an examination of Foersterâs assertion that gay citizens of the Republic, in the era of the PACS, find themselves in a role previously held by women, in other words, as elements that require integration within a republican model. Foerster argues that this requirement to integrate is indicative of the fact that the traditional republican claim that the citizen is a blank canvas is at best misguided, and, at worst, has been deliberately subverted. This paper will examine the manner in which Martel and Fassinâs observations can be used to further strengthen the points raised by Foerster, concluding with the latter that a true engagement with the issues raised by debates around queer citizenship over the past decade can, in fact, allow the contemporary republican citizen to âdevenir ceux [quâil] estâ. In other words, the article will conclude that the potential impact of the PACS legislation and the broader discussions it has provoked could be a renegotiation of the relationship between queer citizens and the republic
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