20 research outputs found

    On \u3ci\u3eDistoma felineum\u3c/i\u3e Riv. in the United States and on the Value of Measurements in Specific Determinations among the Distomes (1895)

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    The distomes of cats have received special attention of late in the two papers of Braun (94) and stiles and Hassall (94). The latter authors give a most admirable account of our present knowledge of a dozen allied forms, and record two, D. albidum and D. complexum n. sp., as found in cats in the United States. During the past year I have examined the cats killed at this laboratory, and have found neither of the forms recorded from the east. Distoma felineum, however, which Stiles and Hassall did not find, and which has not been reported hitherto for the United States, is not uncommon here. Among a dozen cats examined last spring, two contained specimens of this species, and one of the four killed this fall was likewise infected. The first cat contained over one hundred of the distomes, and the others approximately one dozen each. The exact correspondence of the forms with the figures and descriptions of Braun and Stiles and Hassall leave little doubt as to the identity of the two forms, and yet there are some points of disagreement which deserve mention, especially since the discovery of the European form in the liver of man in Siberia by Winogradoff adds this species to the list of human parasites

    Entretien avec Alain Joubert

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    Claire Boustani : Alain Joubert, vous ĂȘtes connu pour avoir Ă©tĂ© un compagnon de route du « dernier » surrĂ©alisme. Dans votre livre Le Mouvement des surrĂ©alistes ou le fin mot de l’histoire : mort d’un groupe, naissance d’un mythe, vous dĂ©crivez votre entrĂ©e au sein du groupe surrĂ©aliste parisien et vous dites que vous avez rejoint un Ă©tat d’esprit issu d’un profond sentiment de rĂ©volte. En quoi le mouvement surrĂ©aliste incarnait-il pour vous plus la rĂ©volte que d’autres groupes intellectuels ..

    Collaboration entre services support pour l'accompagnement des chercheurs dans la gestion des données de la recherche

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    International audienceUn groupe de travail réunissant tous les acteurs académiques impliqués dans la vie d'un projet de recherché a été créé à l'Université de Rouen Normandie en fin d'année 2020. Rassemblant des acteurs d'expertises diverses, il a permis d'aborder ensemble le cycle de vie d'un projet de recherche et des données associées dans le but de comparer puis concilier des cultures professionnelles diverses mais complémentaires

    Psychosocial Factors That Shape Patient and Carer Experiences of Dementia Diagnosis and Treatment : A Systematic Review of Qualitative Studies

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    Funding: This article presents independent research commissioned by the UK National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) under Research for Patient Benefit (Grant Reference Number PB-PG-0808-16024). The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR, nor the Department of Health. The sponsor of the study had no role in study design, data analysis, data interpretation or writing of the reportEarly diagnosis and intervention for people with dementia is increasingly considered a priority, but practitioners are concerned with the effects of earlier diagnosis and interventions on patients and caregivers. This systematic review evaluates the qualitative evidence about how people accommodate and adapt to the diagnosis of dementia and its immediate consequences, to guide practice. Methods and Findings: We systematically reviewed qualitative studies exploring experiences of community-dwelling individuals with dementia, and their carers, around diagnosis and the transition to becoming a person with dementia. We searched PubMed, PsychINFO, Embase, CINAHL, and the British Nursing Index (all searched in May 2010 with no date restrictions; PubMed search updated in February 2012), checked reference lists, and undertook citation searches in PubMed and Google Scholar (ongoing to September 2011). We used thematic synthesis to identify key themes, commonalities, barriers to earlier diagnosis, and support identified as helpful. We identified 126 papers reporting 102 studies including a total of 3,095 participants. Three overarching themes emerged from our analysis: (1) pathways through diagnosis, including its impact on identity, roles, and relationships; (2) resolving conflicts to accommodate a diagnosis, including the acceptability of support, focusing on the present or the future, and the use or avoidance of knowledge; and (3) strategies and support to minimise the impact of dementia. Consistent barriers to diagnosis include stigma, normalisation of symptoms, and lack of knowledge. Studies report a lack of specialist support particularly post-diagnosis. Conclusions: There is an extensive body of qualitative literature on the experiences of community-dwelling individuals with dementia on receiving and adapting to a diagnosis of dementia. We present a thematic analysis that could be useful to professionals working with people with dementia. We suggest that research emphasis should shift towards the development and evaluation of interventions, particularly those providing support after diagnosis.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Consensus sur l'insuffisance surrénale de la SFE/SFEDP : introduction et guide

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    International audienceThe French endocrinology society (SFE) and the French pediatric endocrinology society (DFSDP) have drawn up recommendations for the management of primary and secondary adrenal insufficiency in the adult and child, based on an analysis of the literature by 19 experts in 6 work-groups. A diagnosis of adrenal insufficiency should be suspected in the presence of a number of non-specific symptoms except hyperpigmentation which is observed in primary adrenal insufficiency. Diagnosis rely on plasma cortisol and ACTH measurement at 8am and/or the cortisol increase after synacthen administration. When there is a persistant doubt of secondary adrenal insufficiency, insulin hypoglycemia test should be carried out in adults, adolescents and children older than 2 years. For determining the cause of primary adrenal insufficiency, measurement of anti-21-hydroxylase antibodies is the initial testing. An adrenal CT scan should be performed if auto-antibody tests are negative, then assay for very long (Y. Reznik). chain fatty acids is recommended in young males. In children, a genetic anomaly is generally found, most often congenital adrenal hyperplasia. In the case of isolated corticotropin (ACTH) insufficiency, it is recommended to first eliminate corticosteroid-induced adrenal insufficiency, then perform an hypothalamic-pituitary MRI. Acute adrenal insufficiency is a serious condition, a gastrointestinal infection being the most frequently reported initiating factor. After blood sampling for cortisol and ACTH assay, treatment should be commenced by parenteral hydrocortisone hemisuccinate together with the correction of hypoglycemia and hypovolemia. Prevention of acute adrenal crisis requires an education of the patient and/or parent in the case of pediatric patients and the development of educational programs. Treatment of adrenal insufficiency is based on the use of hydrocortisone given at the lowest possible dose, administered several times per day. Mineralocorticoid replacement is often necessary for primary adrenal insufficiency but not for corticotroph deficiency. Androgen replacement by DHEA may be offered in certain conditions. Monitoring is based on the detection of signs of under-and over-dosage and on the diagnosis of associated auto-immune disorders.La SociĂ©tĂ© française d'endocrinologie (SFE) et la SociĂ©tĂ© française d'endocrinologie pĂ©diatrique (SFEDP) ont Ă©laborĂ© des recommandations sur la prise en charge de l'insuffisance surrĂ©nale primaire et secondaire de l'adulte et de l'enfant, Ă  partir d'une analyse de la littĂ©rature rĂ©alisĂ©e par 19 experts rĂ©partis en 6 groupes de travail. Le diagnostic d'insuffisance surrĂ©nale doit ĂȘtre Ă©voquĂ© devant l'association de signes cliniques et biologiques non spĂ©-cifiques, en dehors de la mĂ©lanodermie observĂ©e dans l'insuffisance surrĂ©nale primaire. Le diagnostic repose sur les dosages du cortisol et de l'ACTH le matin et/ou le dosage du cortisol aprĂšs stimulation par l'ACTH synthĂ©tique (synacthĂšne). En cas de doute, le test d'hypoglycĂ©mie insulinique est le test de rĂ©fĂ©rence chez l'adulte l'adolescent et l'enfant de plus de 2 ans. La recherche Ă©tiologique est basĂ©e sur le dosage en 1 re intention des anticorps anti 21-hydroxylase. En cas de nĂ©gativitĂ©, un scanner surrĂ©nalien sera rĂ©alisĂ©, puis le dosage des acides gras Ă  chaĂźnes longues sera effectuĂ© chez le garçon. Chez l'enfant, une cause gĂ©nĂ©tique sera recherchĂ©e, principalement l'hyperplasie congĂ©nitale des surrĂ©nales. Devant un dĂ©ficit corticotrope, aprĂšs la recherche d'une prise prolongĂ©e de glucocorticoĂŻdes sera effectuĂ©e une imagerie hypothalamo-hypophysaire. L'insuffisance surrĂ©nale aiguĂ« est une complication grave souvent dĂ©clenchĂ©e par une infection gastro-intestinale. Elle nĂ©cessite aprĂšs prĂ©lĂšvement pour dosage du cortisol et ACTH l'administration parentĂ©rale d'hĂ©misuccinate d'hydrocortisone et la correction de l'hypovolĂ©mie et/ou de l'hypoglycĂ©mie. Sa prĂ©vention repose sur l'Ă©ducation thĂ©rapeutique du patient pour laquelle des programmes seront dĂ©veloppĂ©s. Le traitement de l'insuffisance surrĂ©nale s'appuie sur la prise pluriquotidienne d'hydrocortisone Ă  la dose la plus faible possible. La substitution minĂ©ralocorticoĂŻde est rĂ©alisĂ©e en cas d'insuffisance surrĂ©nale primaire mais n'est pas nĂ©cessaire en cas d'insuffisance surrĂ©nale secondaire. La substitution androgĂ©nique par la DHEA peut ĂȘtre proposĂ©e dans cer-taines indications prĂ©cises. La monitoring comportera la recherche de signes cliniques et biologiques de sous/surdosage et de maladies auto-immunes associĂ©es

    SRY ‐negative 46,XX testicular/ovotesticular DSD: Long‐term outcomes and early blockade of gonadotropic axis

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    International audienceObjective: SRY-negative 46,XX testicular and ovotesticular disorders/differences of sex development (T/OTDSD) represent a very rare and unique DSD condition where testicular tissue develops in the absence of a Y chromosome. To date, very few studies have described the phenotype, clinical and surgical management and long-term outcomes of these patients. Particularly, early blockade of the gonadotropic axis in patients raised in the female gender to minimize postnatal androgenization has never been reported.Design: Retrospective description of sixteen 46,XX T/OTDSD patients.Results: Sixteen 46,XX SRY-negative T/OTDSD were included. Most (12/16) were diagnosed in the neonatal period. Sex of rearing was male for six patients and female for ten, while the clinical presentation varied, with an external masculinization score from 1 to 10. Five patients raised as girl were successfully treated with GnRH analog to avoid virilization during minipuberty. Ovotestes/testes were found bilaterally for 54% of the patients and unilaterally for the others (with a contralateral ovary). Gonadal surgery preserved appropriate tissue in the majority of cases. Spontaneous puberty occurred in two girls and one boy, while two boys required hormonal induction of puberty. One of the girls conceived spontaneously and had an uneventful pregnancy. DNA analyses (SNP-array, next-generation sequencing and whole-exome sequencing) were performed. A heterozygous frameshit mutation in the NR2F2 gene was identified in one patient.Conclusions: This study presents a population of patients with 46,XX SRY-negative T/OTDSD. Early blockade of gonadotropic axis appears efficient to reduce and avoid further androgenization in patients raised as girls