2,013 research outputs found

    Geometric aspects of ground station/satellite communications

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    Geometry aspects of communications between ground station and satellite in elliptical orbi

    Data Compression System with a Minimum Time Delay Unit-Patent

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    Minimum time delay unit for conventional time multiplexed data compression channel

    Systems comparison of direct and relay link data return modes for advanced planetary missions

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    Advanced planetary missions using direct and relay link data return mode

    The Mariner 5 flight path and its determination from tracking data

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    Mariner 5 flight path and its determination from tracking dat

    Acquired immune heterogeneity and its sources in human helminth infection

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    Similarities in the immunobiology of different parasitic worm infections indicate that co-evolution of humans and helminths has shaped a common anti-helminth immune response. However, recent in vitro and immuno-epidemiological studies highlight fundamental differences and plasticity within host-helminth interactions. The ‘trade-off’ between immunity and immunopathology inherent in host immune responses occurs on a background of genetic polymorphism, variable exposure patterns and infection history. For the parasite, variation in life-cycle and antigen expression can influence the effector responses directed against them. This is particularly apparent when comparing gastrointestinal and tissue-dwelling helminths. Furthermore, insights into the impact of anti-helminthic treatment and co-infection on acquired immunity suggest that immune heterogeneity arises not from hosts and parasites in isolation, but also from the environment in which immune responses develop. Large-scale differences observed in the epidemiology of human helminthiases are a product of complex host-parasite-environment interactions which, given potential for exposure to parasite antigens in utero, can arise even before a parasite interacts with its human host. This review summarizes key differences identified in human acquired immune responses to nematode and trematode infections of public health importance and explores the factors contributing to these variations


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    It is well known that, at least in the Northern Hemisphere, there is a strong seasonal element in the annual pattern of bird strikes. This study undertakes a statistical analysis of an 11year data set collected at Dublin Airport, Ireland. It attempts to identify statistically significant trends in the seasonal trajectories of bird strikes, both in general and in respect of individual species and in comparison with seasonal trends in the abundance of birds generally and at Dublin Airport in particular. Hypotheses relating to the idea of “open” (i.e. intervals of through-put of naïve and young birds) and “closed” (i.e. intervals when throughput is declining or at a minimum) periods are tested. The results are discussed in the context of the probable ability of birds to learn to avoid aircraft. If birds possess a spatio-temporal memory then it is likely that this ability, or the lack of it, may explain some of the observed trends in the seasonal distribution of bird strikes

    Looking into the hearts of Bok globules: MM and submm continuum images of isolated star-forming cores

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    We present the results of a comprehensive infrared, submillimetre, and millimetre continuum emission study of isolated low-mass star-forming cores in 32 Bok globules, with the aim to investigate the process of star formation in these regions. The submillimetre and millimetre dust continuum emission maps together with the spectral energy distributions are used to model and derive the physical properties of the star-forming cores, such as luminosities, sizes, masses, densities, etc. Comparisons with ground-based near-infrared and space-based mid and far-infrared images from Spitzer are used to reveal the stellar content of the Bok globules, association of embedded young stellar objects with the submm dust cores, and the evolutionary stages of the individual sources. Submm dust continuum emission was detected in 26 out of the 32 globule cores observed. For 18 globules with detected (sub)mm cores we derive evolutionary stages and physical parameters of the embedded sources. We identify nine starless cores, most of which are presumably prestellar, nine Class 0 protostars, and twelve Class I YSOs. Specific source properties like bolometric temperature, core size, and central densities are discussed as function of evolutionary stage. We find that at least two thirds (16 out of 24) of the star-forming globules studied here show evidence of forming multiple stars on scales between 1,000 and 50,000 AU. However, we also find that most of these small prototstar and star groups are comprised of sources with different evolutionary stages, suggesting a picture of slow and sequential star formation in isolated globulesComment: 60 pages, 28 figures, accepted by The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Serie

    Abundances of Molecular Species in Barnard 68

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    Abundances for 5 molecules (C18O, CS, NH3, H2CO, and C3H2) and 1 molecular ion (N2H+) and upper limits for the abundances of 1 molecule (13CO) and 1 molecular ion (HCO+) are derived for gas within the Bok globule Barnard 68 (B68). The abundances were determined using our own BIMA millimeter interferometer data and single-dish data gathered from the literature, in conjunction with a Monte Carlo radiative transfer model. Since B68 is the only starless core to have its density structure strongly constrained via extinction mapping, a major uncertainty has been removed from these determinations. All abundances for B68 are lower than those derived for translucent and cold dense clouds, but perhaps only significantly for N2H+, NH3, and C3H2. Depletion of CS toward the extinction peak of B68 is hinted at by the large offset between the extinction peak and the position of maximum CS line brightness. Abundances derived here for C18O and N2H+ are consistent with other, recently determined values at positions observed in common.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure, accepted by AJ, typo corrected, reference removed in Section 4.