627 research outputs found

    Les pôles du froid en Franche-Comté

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    Grâce à la combinaison de plusieurs facteurs géographiques qui favorisent le froid d'hiver, la Franche-Comté présente une fréquence de gels assez élevée. Le Haut-Doubs dans son ensemble et Mouthe en particulier présentent régulièrement des températures qui descendent au-dessous de -20°C. L'étude statistique de la chronique climatologique 1992-2007 permet de dresser le bilan des séquences glaciales et d'identifier, par analyse spatiale, les sites les plus froids de Franche-Comt

    Comparison of conventional and advanced radiotherapy techniques for left-sided breast cancer after breast conserving surgery

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    Whole breast radiotherapy (WBRT) after breast conserving surgery is the standard treatment to prevent recurrence and metastasis of early stage breast cancer. This study aims to compare seven WBRT techniques including conventional tangential, field-in-field (FIF), hybrid intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT), IMRT, standard volumetric modulated arc therapy (STD-VMAT), noncoplanar VMAT (NC-VMAT), and multiple arc VMAT (MA-VMAT). Fifteen patients who were previously diagnosed with left-sided early stage breast cancer and treated in our clinic were selected for this study. WBRT plans were created for these patients and were evaluated based on target coverage and normal tissue toxicities. All techniques produced clinically acceptable WBRT plans. STD-VMAT delivered the lowest mean dose (1.1 ± 0.3 Gy) and the lowest maximum dose (7.3 ± 4.9 Gy) to contralateral breast, and the second lowest lifetime attributable risk (LAR) (4.1 ± 1.4%) of secondary contralateral breast cancer. MA-VMAT delivered the lowest mean dose to lungs (4.9 ± 0.9 Gy) and heart (5.5 ± 1.2 Gy), exhibited the lowest LAR (1.7 ± 0.3%) of secondary lung cancer, normal tissue complication probability (NTCP) (1.2 ± 0.2%) of pneumonitis, risk of coronary events (RCE) (10.3 ± 2.7%), and LAR (3.9 ± 1.3%) of secondary contralateral breast cancer. NC-VMAT plans provided the most conformal target coverage, the lowest maximum lung dose (46.2 ± 4.1 Gy) and heart dose (41.1 ± 5.4 Gy), and the second lowest LAR (1.8 ± 0.4%) of secondary lung cancer and RCE (10.5 ± 2.8%). MA-VMAT and NC-VMAT could be the preferred techniques for early stage breast cancer patients after breast conserving surgery

    Postmastectomy radiotherapy for left-sided breast cancer patients: Comparison of advanced techniques

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    Postmastectomy radiotherapy (PMRT) has been shown to improve the overall survival for invasive breast cancer patients, and many advanced radiotherapy technologies were adopted for PMRT. The purpose of our study is to compare various advanced PMRT techniques including fixed-beam intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT), non-coplanar volumetric modulated arc therapy (NC-VMAT), multiple arc VMAT (MA-VMAT), and tomotherapy (TOMO). Results of standard VMAT and mixed beam therapy that were published by our group previously were also included in the plan comparisons. Treatment plans were produced for nine PMRT patients previously treated in our clinic. The plans were evaluated based on planning target volume (PTV) coverage, dose homogeneity index (DHI), conformity index (CI), dose to organs at risk (OARs), normal tissue complication probability (NTCP) of pneumonitis, lifetime attributable risk (LAR) of second cancers, and risk of coronary events (RCE). All techniques produced clinically acceptable PMRT plans. Overall, fixed-beam IMRT delivered the lowest mean dose to contralateral breast (1.56 ± 0.4 Gy) and exhibited lowest LAR (0.6 ± 0.2%) of secondary contralateral breast cancer; NC-VMAT delivered the lowest mean dose to lungs (7.5 ± 0.8 Gy), exhibited lowest LAR (5.4 ± 2.8%) of secondary lung cancer and lowest NTCP (2.1 ± 0.4%) of pneumonitis; mixed beam therapy delivered the lowest mean dose to heart (7.1 ± 1.3 Gy) and exhibited lowest RCE (8.6 ± 7.1%); TOMO plans provided the most optimal target coverage while delivering higher dose to OARs than other techniques. Both NC-VMAT and MA-VMAT exhibited lower values of all OARs evaluation metrics compare to standard VMAT. Fixed-beam IMRT, NC-VMAT, and mixed beam therapy could be the optimal radiation technique for certain breast cancer patients after mastectomy

    Combining microsatellites, growth, and adaptive traits for managing in situ genetic resources of Eucalyptus urophylla

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    International audienceGenetic diversity and structure of 17 populations representative of the natural range of Eucalyptus urophylla S.T. Blake in Indonesia were analysed with 10 microsatellite markers. Two provenance and progeny trials, using the same populations, were established in the Republic of the Congo and analysed for growth and survival at 37months. Observed microsatellite heterozygosity (Ho) was moderate to high within populations (Ho = 0.51-0.72). The index of fixation (FIS) was significantly different from zero for all populations (FIS = 0.13-0.31) and possibly resulted from a Wahlund effect. The differentiation parameter was low (FST = 0.04) and not significantly different from zero, which can be explained by effective gene flow via pollen. The genetic variances within and among provenances for survival and growth traits were significantly different from zero, representing 13%-23% and 14%-50% of the total variation, respectively. The differentiation between populations based on quantitative traits was marked (QST = 0.07-0.33). A negative relationship between altitude of the seed source and its performance in the Congo was observed (R2 = 0.59-0.67) and could be explained by the effect of natural selection along the altitudinal gradient. This marked differentiation for quantitative traits despite high apparent gene flow results in a clinal variation, which suggests the use of altitude of seed source as an important principle for in situ or ex situ management of E. urophylla genetic resources. À l'aide de 10 marqueurs microsatellites, les auteurs ont analysé la diversité et la structure génétiques de 17 populations représentatives de l'aire naturelle d'Eucalyptus urophylla S.T. Blake en Indonésie. La croissance et la survie après 37 mois ont été analysées dans deux essais établis en République du Congo et contenant les mêmes provenances et descendances. L'hétérozygotie observée (Ho) chez les marqueurs microsatellites variait de modérée à élevée au sein des populations (Ho = 0,51-0,72). L'indice FIS était significativement différent de zéro pour toutes les populations (FIS = 0,13-0,31) et était possiblement le résultat d'un effet de Wahlund. La différenciation de population était faible (FST = 0,04) et n'était pas significativement différente de zéro, ce qui peut s'expliquer par un flux génique efficace attribuable au pollen. Les variances génétiques au sein et parmi les provenances pour les caractères de survie et de croissance étaient significativement différentes de zéro, représentant respectivement 13% à 23% et 14% à 50% de la variation totale. La différenciation de population estimée à partir des caractères quantitatifs était élevée, avec une valeur de QST = 0,07-0,33. Une relation négative entre l'altitude des sources de semences et leur performance au Congo a été remarquée (R2 = 0,59-0,67). Cette relation pourrait s'expliquer par l'effet de la sélection naturelle le long du gradient altitudinal. Cette différenciation marquée chez les caractères quantitatifs, en dépit d'un flux génique apparent élevé, se manifeste par un patron de variation clinale, ce qui indique que l'altitude des sources de semences est un critère important qui devrait être utilisé pour la gestion in situ et ex situ des ressources génétiques d'E. urophyll

    Auto-Differentiation of Relational Computations for Very Large Scale Machine Learning

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    The relational data model was designed to facilitate large-scale data management and analytics. We consider the problem of how to differentiate computations expressed relationally. We show experimentally that a relational engine running an auto-differentiated relational algorithm can easily scale to very large datasets, and is competitive with state-of-the-art, special-purpose systems for large-scale distributed machine learning.Comment: ICML 202

    Solid-liquid exchange between uranium and a synthetic apatite: towards uranium decorporation from bone matrix

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    Natural uranium exhibits chemical toxicity, especially known with its acute effects on kidney. Simultaneously, it has been proved that uranium accumulates in bones during long-term exposure[1] but its chronical effects on bones are not clear. Particularly the mechanisms associated to accumulation into and release from bones are unknown, which is key to design and test decorporation reagents in future. Bone is a complicated organ, composed of mineralized apatite and organic compounds (mostly type I collagen). Our work is dedicated to the understanding of how uranium is accumulated in the inorganic bone matrix through chemical pathways, and what factors influence the solid/liquid equilibrium between uranium and the bone. To fulfil this goal, apatite materials which mimic bone apatite have been synthesized, with and without uranium. Such apatite materials have been pre-equilibrated with a fluid mimicking blood plasma at physiological pH=7.4

    L'identification des adventices assistée par ordinateur avec le système IDAO

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    Identification of crop weeds is essential to get the information needed for elaborating efficient control methods. Non specialised people had difficulties to do this identification with classical tools, such as floras or field guides (too technical, unsuitable for seedlings or partial samples, process difficult to follow...). That brought us to develop a new system for plant recognition assisted by computer that was called IDAO (IDentification Assistée par Ordinateur). This software has the distinctive feature to use a graphical identification system by identikit. This identikit allows the user to build the image of the plant from traits freely chosen according to the specimen or to the user. It tolerates observation errors or polymorphism. Species are listed by their probability of similarity with the identikit. Descriptions, illustrations and information (biology, ecology, control...) are available at any time in local or online Html pages. These descriptive files can be regularly updated on the Web site. IDAO is a multilingual and multiplatform system. It can be used on PC (from cdrom or downloaded) or directly in the field on ultra mobile computer. Several applications have been published on weed floras of different cropping systems (rice, cotton, food crops, sugarcane...) and for different world areas (Africa, Asia, India, Indian Ocean), and also for other kinds of plants (trees, orchids...). The IDAO system will evolve during the Pl@ntnet project that will start in early 2009. IDAO will be available as free software on an Internet platform, for every body can develop by himself or under collaboration new applications available for all the user community. This identification system will be linked to an automatic recognition tool, using image analysis.L’identification des adventices d’une culture est une phase primordiale pour accéder à l’information nécessaire à l’élaboration de moyens de lutte performants. Les difficultés rencontrées par les non botanistes pour réaliser cette identification avec les outils classiques comme les flores ou les manuels (trop techniques, inefficaces pour les plantules ou les spécimens incomplets, processus difficile à suivre…) nous ont amené à développer un nouveau système de reconnaissance assistée par ordinateur appelé IDAO (IDentification Assistée par Ordinateur). Ce logiciel a la particularité d’utiliser un système d’identification graphique par portrait robot qui permet à l’utilisateur de construire l’image de la plante à partir de caractères choisis librement en fonction du spécimen ou de l’utilisateur et de tolérer les erreurs d’observation ou le polymorphisme. Les espèces sont listées en permanence en fonction de leur similitude avec ce portrait robot. Descriptions, illustrations et informations (biologie, écologie, lutte…) sont accessibles à tout moment sous la forme de pages au format Html disponibles localement ou sur un site Internet, et donc régulièrement actualisables. IDAO est multilingue et multiplateformes informatique. Il peut être utilisé sur PC (installable à partir de cdrom ou téléchargeable) ou directement au champ sur ordinateur ultra mobile. Une série d’applications a déjà été développée pour des flores de différents systèmes de cultures (riz, cotonnier, vivrier, canne à sucre…) et de différentes régions du monde (Afrique, Inde, Asie, Océan Indien) ainsi que pour d’autres types de plantes (arbres, orchidées…). Le système IDAO va évoluer dans le cadre du projet Pl@ntnet qui démarrera début 2009. Il sera mis à disposition sous forme de logiciel libre sur une plateforme Internet permettant ainsi à tout utilisateur de développer seul ou en partenariat une application et de la mettre à disposition de la communauté d’utilisateurs. Ce système d’identification sera associé à un outil de reconnaissance automatique par analyse d’images

    Analyse critique de la typologie des choix de carrière

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    Tout au long de leur vie active, les travailleurs prennent plusieurs décisions importantes quant à leur cheminement de carrière. Ces choix stratégiques de carrière ont été analysés, dans la littérature, d'abord selon une perspective dynamique (cf. les étapes de carrière), et plus tard selon une perspective plus statique (cf. les concepts de carrière). Le but de notre étude est de présenter une reformulation de la typologie de Driver susceptible de réconcilier l'approche dynamique et l'approche statique. En particulier, un élargissement théorique de la typologie de Driver est proposé afin de mieux saisir le phénomène des cheminements de carrière. Une étude empirique réalisée sur quatre-vingts travailleurs à la retraite permet de confirmer certains paramètres théoriques postulés.Throughout their working lives, people make very important decisions concerning their career path. These strategic choices have been analyzed, in the literature, both from a dynamic perspective (i.e. career stages) and a more static perspective (i.e. career anchors). The objective of the present paper was to present a reformulation of Driver's typology which would reconcile both approaches; more specifically, we propose a theoretical extension of his typology which we believe better captures the phenomenon of career change. An empirical study undertaken on a population of eighty retired workers allowed us to confirm the theoretical extension.Based on a large sample of U.S. workers at all levels of the organization, Driver identified four possible career paths. The first, the transitory is one in which no set job or field is ever permanently chosen. A person with a transitory career concept simply moves along from job to job with no particular pattern. In contrast, the steady state career concept is that one selects a job or field early in life and stays with it for life. The linear career concept is one in which a field is chosen fairly early in life and a plan for upward movement within that field is developed and executed. The spiral career concept involves a view that one develops in a given field for a period of time; then, one moves on to a related or perhaps a totally new area in five to seven year intervals.Based on our own previous studies on Canadian samples, it would appear that the four pure types in Driver's typology did not give a complete grasp of all the complexities of the career path.The result of our theoretical analysis was to identify a fifth type not recognized by Driver. We have called this type the careerist. Whereas the linear individual corresponds to the young Turk in a organization, the careerist is more akin to the average individual who, every five to seven years, experiences vertical mobility, but, in his job field.An empirical study was undertaken to verify the existence of the careerist category suggested by the theoretical analysis. Eighty individuals — retired workers and workers very close to retirement — participated in the survey. Each respondent filled in a series of questionnaires and personality inventories, all of which required between ten and fifteen hours of work. On the career questionnaire, each individual was asked to choose the paragraph that best described his or her overall working life from the five paragraphs describing different career paths. The most interesting point to emerge was that 22% of the sample identified with the careerist type path, thus confirming our premises. As well, significant personality and job satisfaction elements appear across the various career path types. The reformulation of Driver's typology is of interest because it enables: (1) systematization of Driver's pure types; (2) indication of the presence of another possible pure type (careerist); (3) introduction of dynamic aspects in career type analysis and (4) systematization of recent empirical breakthroughs in the dynamics of change in career type
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