11 research outputs found

    Structural organization of human replication timing domains

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    AbstractRecent analysis of genome-wide epigenetic modification data, mean replication timing (MRT) profiles and chromosome conformation data in mammals have provided increasing evidence that flexibility in replication origin usage is regulated locally by the epigenetic landscape and over larger genomic distances by the 3D chromatin architecture. Here, we review the recent results establishing some link between replication domains and chromatin structural domains in pluripotent and various differentiated cell types in human. We reconcile the originally proposed dichotomic picture of early and late constant timing regions that replicate by multiple rather synchronous origins in separated nuclear compartments of open and closed chromatins, with the U-shaped MRT domains bordered by “master” replication origins specified by a localized (∌200–300kb) zone of open and transcriptionally active chromatin from which a replication wave likely initiates and propagates toward the domain center via a cascade of origin firing. We discuss the relationships between these MRT domains, topologically associated domains and lamina-associated domains. This review sheds a new light on the epigenetically regulated global chromatin reorganization that underlies the loss of pluripotency and the determination of differentiation properties

    Segmentation du génome humain en domaines structuraux : des données de conformation de la chromatine aux fonctions nucléaires

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    The replication program of about one half of mammalian genomes is characterized by megabase-sized replication U/N-domains. These domains are bordered by master replication origins (MaOris) corresponding to ~200 kb regions of open chromatin favorable for early initiation of replication and transcription. Thanks to recent high-throughput chromosome conformation capture technologies (Hi-C), 3D co-localization frequency matrices between all genome loci are now experimentally determined. It appeared that U/N-domains were related to the organization of the genome into structural units. In this thesis, we performed a combined analysis of human Hi-C data and replication timing profiles to further explore the structure/function relationships in the nucleus. This led us to describe novel large (>3 Mb) replication timing split-U domains also bordered by MaOris, to demonstrate that the replication wave initiated at MaOris only depends of the time during S phase and to show that chromatin folding is compatible with a 3D equilibrium in early-replicating euchromatin regions turning to a 2D equilibrium in the late-replicating heterochromatin regions associated to nuclear lamina. Representing Hi-C co-localization matrices as structural networks and deploying graph theoretical tools, we also demonstrated that MaOris are long-range interconnected hubs in the structural network, central to the 3D organization of the genome and we developed a novel multi-scale methodology based on graph wavelets to objectively delineate structural units from Hi-C data. This work allows us to discuss the relationship between replication domains and structural units across different human cell lines.Le programme de rĂ©plication d’environ la moitiĂ© du gĂ©nome des mammifĂšres est caractĂ©risĂ© par des U/N-domaines de rĂ©plication de l’ordre du mĂ©ga-base en taille. Ces domaines sont bordĂ©s par des origines de rĂ©plication maitresses (MaOris) correspondantes Ă  des rĂ©gions (~200 kb) de chromatine ouverte favorables Ă  l’initiation prĂ©coce de la rĂ©plication et de la transcription. GrĂące au dĂ©veloppement rĂ©cent de technologies Ă  haut dĂ©bit de capture de conformations des chromosomes (Hi-C), des matrices de frĂ©quences de co-localisation 3D entre toutes les paires de loci sont dĂ©sormais dĂ©terminĂ©es expĂ©rimentalement. Il est apparu que les U/N-domaines sont reliĂ©s Ă  l’organisation du gĂ©nome en unitĂ©s structurelles. Dans cette thĂšse, nous avons effectuĂ© une analyse combinĂ©e de donnĂ©es de Hi-C de lignĂ©es cellulaires humaines et de profils de temps de rĂ©plication pour explorer davantage les relations structure/fonction dans le noyau. Cela nous a conduit Ă  dĂ©crire de nouveaux domaines de rĂ©plication de grande tailles (>3 Mb) : les split-U-domaines aussi bordĂ©s par des MaOris; Ă  dĂ©montrer que la vague de rĂ©plication initiĂ©e aux MaOris ne dĂ©pend que du temps pendant la phase S et de montrer que le repliement de la chromatine est compatible avec un modĂšle d’équilibre 3D pour les rĂ©gions euchromatiniennes Ă  rĂ©plication prĂ©coces et un modĂšle d’équilibre 2D pour les rĂ©gions heterochromatiniennes Ă  rĂ©plication tardives associĂ©es Ă  la lamina nuclĂ©aire. En reprĂ©sentant les matrices de co-localisation issues du Hi-C en rĂ©seaux d’interactions structurelles et en dĂ©ployant des outils de la thĂ©orie des graphes, nous avons aussi dĂ©montrĂ© que les MaOris sont des hubs interconnectĂ©s Ă  longue portĂ©e dans le rĂ©seau structurel, fondamentaux pour l’organisation 3D du gĂ©nome et nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© une mĂ©thodologie multi-Ă©chelle basĂ©e sur les ondelettes sur graphes pour dĂ©limiter objectivement des unitĂ©s structurelles Ă  partir des donnĂ©es Hi-C. Ce travail nous permet de discuter de la relation entre les domaines de rĂ©plication et les unitĂ©s structurelles entre les diffĂ©rentes lignĂ©es cellulaires humaines

    Multi-scale structural community organisation of the human genome

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    International audienceBackground: Structural interaction frequency matrices between all genome loci are now experimentally achievable thanks to high-throughput chromosome conformation capture technologies. This ensues a new methodological challenge for computational biology which consists in objectively extracting from these data the structural motifs characteristic of genome organisation. Results: We deployed the fast multi-scale community mining algorithm based on spectral graph wavelets to characterise the networks of intra-chromosomal interactions in human cell lines. We observed that there exist structural domains of all sizes up to chromosome length and demonstrated that the set of structural communities forms a hierarchy of chromosome segments. Hence, at all scales, chromosome folding predominantly involves interactions between neighbouring sites rather than the formation of links between distant loci. Conclusions: Multi-scale structural decomposition of human chromosomes provides an original framework to question structural organisation and its relationship to functional regulation across the scales. By construction the proposed methodology is independent of the precise assembly of the reference genome and is thus directly applicable to genomes whose assembly is not fully determined

    Additional file 1 of Multi-scale structural community organisation of the human genome

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    Supplementary Online Material. Additional data file 1 contains supplementary text: Graph wavelet transform and community mining, supplementary Figures S1 to S12 and supplementary Table S1 (PDF). (PDF 3963 kb

    Identification of shared tumor epitopes from endogenous retroviruses inducing high-avidity cytotoxic T cells for cancer immunotherapy

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    International audienceHuman endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) represent 8% of the human genome. HERV products may represent tumor antigens relevant for cancer immunotherapy. We developed a bioinformatic approach to identify shared CD8 + T cell epitopes derived from cancer-associated HERVs in solid tumors. Six candidates among the most commonly shared HLA-A2 epitopes with evidence of translation were selected for immunological evaluation. In vitro priming assays confirmed the immunogenicity of these epitopes, which induced high-avidity CD8 + T cell clones. These T cells specifically recognize and kill HLA-A2 + tumor cells presenting HERV epitopes on HLA molecules, as demonstrated by mass spectrometry. Furthermore, epitope-specific CD8 + T cells were identified by dextramer staining among tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes from HLA-A2 + patients with breast cancer. Last, we showed that HERV-specific T cells lyse patient-derived organoids. These shared virus-like epitopes are of major interest for the development of cancer vaccines or T cell–based immunotherapies, especially in tumors with low/intermediate mutational burden

    From the chromatin interaction network to the organization of the human genome into replication N/U-domains

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    International audienceThe three-dimensional (3D) architecture of the mammalian nucleus is now being unraveled thanks to the recent development of chromatin conformation capture (3C) technologies. Here we report the results of a combined multiscale analysis of genome-wide mean replication timing and chromatin conformation data that reveal some intimate relationships between chromatin folding and human DNA replication. We previously described megabase replication N/U-domains as mammalian multiorigin replication units, and showed that their borders are 'master' replication initiation zones that likely initiate cascades of origin firing responsible for the stereotypic replication of these domains. Here, we demonstrate that replication N/U-domains correspond to the structural domains of self-interacting chromatin, and that their borders act as insulating regions both in high-throughput 3C (Hi-C) data and high-resolution 3C (4C) experiments. Further analyses of Hi-C data using a graph-theoretical approach reveal that N/U-domain borders are long-distance, interconnected hubs of the chromatin interaction network. Overall, these results and the observation that a well-defined ordering of chromatin states exists from N/U-domain borders to centers suggest that 'master' replication initiation zones are at the heart of a high-order, epigenetically controlled 3D organization of the human genome

    HERVs characterize normal and leukemia stem cells and represent a source of shared epitopes for cancer immunotherapy

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    International audienceHuman endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) represent 8% of the human genome. The expression of HERVs and their immune impact have not been extensively studied in Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML). In this study, we used a reference of 14 968 HERV functional units to provide a thorough analysis of HERV expression in normal and AML bone marrow cells. We show that the HERV retrotranscriptome accurately characterizes normal and leukemic cell subpopulations, including leukemia stem cells, in line with different epigenetic profiles. We then show that HERV expression delineates AML subtypes with different prognoses. We finally propose a method to select and prioritize CD8 + T cell epitopes derived from AML-specific HERVs and we show that lymphocytes infiltrating patient bone marrow at diagnosis contain naturall