88 research outputs found

    Les politiques et pratiques commerciales québécoises en matiÚre de boissons alcooliques dans le contexte du droit commercial international

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    "MĂ©moire prĂ©sentĂ© Ă  la FacultĂ© des Ă©tudes supĂ©rieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de MaĂźtrise en Droit (LL.M.)"Ce mĂ©moire analyse l'impact du droit commercial international sur les politiques et pratiques commerciales en matiĂšre de boissons alcooliques au QuĂ©bec. Plus spĂ©cifiquement, il examine leur conformitĂ© aux obligations contenues au GATT et aux autres accords commerciaux. Le premier chapitre prĂ©sente le rĂ©gime juridique applicable au commerce de l'alcool, dans le contexte particulier du partage constitutionnel canadien et de la dĂ©lĂ©gation du pouvoir provincial Ă  la SociĂ©tĂ© des alcools du QuĂ©bec (« SAQ »). Le second chapitre retrace l'Ă©volution historique du marchĂ© quĂ©bĂ©cois de l'alcool et Ă©tudie sa structure actuelle, divisĂ©e entre un monopole d'État (vins, spiritueux et biĂšres importĂ©es) et l'industrie privĂ©e (biĂšres domestiques). Le troisiĂšme chapitre traite des pratiques de la SAQ jugĂ©es incompatibles avec le GATT, soit les majorations de prix discriminatoires, les procĂ©dures d'inscription et de radiation des produits au catalogue et les restrictions d'accĂšs aux points de vente. Cette partie aborde les accords bilatĂ©raux subsĂ©quemment nĂ©gociĂ©s par le gouvernement fĂ©dĂ©ral et acceptĂ©s par les monopoles provinciaux pour rĂ©soudre ces conflits. Le dernier chapitre discute de la compatibilitĂ© des pratiques actuelles de la SAQ, en particulier sa mĂ©thode de fixation de prix par rapport Ă  l'article II:4 du GATT (monopoles d'importation) et son nouveau concept de gestion par catĂ©gorie en regard de l'article XVII (entreprises commerciales d'État) et de l'article XI (restrictions quantitatives).This thesis analyses the impact of international trade law on Quebec's commercial policies and practices relating to alcoholic beverages. More specifically, it examines their conformity with GATT's obligations and other bilateral agreements. The first chapter presents the legal framework pertaining to alcohol trade in the context of the constitutional powers prevailing in Canada and the delegation of Quebec's authority to its liquor board, SociĂ©tĂ© des alcools du QuĂ©bec. The second chapter reviews the historical evolution of Quebec's a1cohol market and studies its actual structure, which is divided between a state monopoly on one side (wine, spirits and imported beer) and the private sector on the other side (domestic beer). The third chapter outlines how SAQ's practices were declared inconsistent with GATT, namely discriminatory mark-ups, listing and delisting procedures and restrictions on access to points of sale. This section also covers the bilateral agreements subsequently negotiated by the federal govemment and accepted by the provincial monopolies to resolve these conflicts. The final chapter examines the compliance of today's SAQ's policies with GATT's requirements. Particularly, it looks at its practice ofpricing method with respect to Article II:4 (import monopoly) and at its new concept of category management in relation with Article XVII (state trading) and Article XI (quantitative restrictions)

    La relation changeante entre la Cour suprĂȘme du Canada et la sociĂ©tĂ© civile : l'impact des acteurs sociaux sur l'accĂšs Ă  la justice et la production du droit

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    Postulant que la sociĂ©tĂ© civile canadienne manifeste de plus en plus le dĂ©sir de s’exprimer dans les dĂ©bats publics et de se faire entendre par les gouvernements, cette thĂšse montre que ce phĂ©nomĂšne se transpose devant les tribunaux et qu’il se traduit par un changement d’attitude de la part du pouvoir judiciaire. Plus spĂ©cifiquement, ce projet dĂ©crit et Ă©value l’impact de la participation accrue des acteurs sociaux dans les dossiers de la Cour suprĂȘme du Canada sous l’angle de l’accĂšs Ă  la justice et de la production des normes en matiĂšre de droits fondamentaux. À travers le prisme de l’accĂšs Ă  la justice, la Partie I dĂ©bute par un portrait historique de la position de la Cour suprĂȘme Ă  l’égard des acteurs sociaux agissant Ă  titre d’intervenants et de demandeurs dans l’intĂ©rĂȘt public. Ce portrait rĂ©vĂšle l’existence de cycles favorables Ă  la participation citoyenne, lesquels s’appuient sur un raisonnement Ă  prĂ©dominance dĂ©ontologique, et de cycles dĂ©favorables, priorisant plutĂŽt un raisonnement Ă  prĂ©dominance consĂ©quentialiste. DeuxiĂšmement, cette partie prĂ©sente une analyse quantitative de dossiers rĂ©cents qui tĂ©moignent de la volontĂ© des acteurs sociaux de participer aux dĂ©bats judiciaires et de l’ouverture des juges Ă  les entendre. TroisiĂšmement, une analyse du discours de la Cour suprĂȘme relie le phĂ©nomĂšne actuel de l’accroissement de l’implication citoyenne devant le forum judiciaire Ă  l’avĂšnement d’un nouveau cycle jurisprudentiel favorable fondĂ© sur le principe de la lĂ©galitĂ©, lequel consacre l’idĂ©e qu’il doit exister des maniĂšres pratiques et efficaces de contester la lĂ©galitĂ© des actions de l’État. La Partie II examine la participation accrue des acteurs sociaux devant les tribunaux sous l’angle de la production des normes, en analysant douze dossiers de la Cour suprĂȘme traitant des droits fondamentaux. Cet Ă©chantillon limitĂ© ne permet pas de faire des gĂ©nĂ©ralisations, mais il s’avĂšre utile pour documenter une hypothĂšse relative Ă  l’influence des acteurs sociaux sur la fabrication du droit. Par exemple, on constate que les acteurs sociaux adoptent des approches argumentatives diffĂ©rentes de celles des parties directement impliquĂ©es, car ils visent Ă  faire Ă©voluer le droit, sans trop se prĂ©occuper du sort particulier rĂ©servĂ© au justiciable qu’ils appuient. On voit Ă©galement que, dans certaines circonstances, les acteurs rĂ©ussissent Ă  s’imposer et Ă  influencer la production des normes, en prĂ©sentant des autoritĂ©s et arguments distinctifs, des Ă©lĂ©ments contextuels, des rapports issus de la sociĂ©tĂ© civile, ainsi que des perspectives et des « visions du monde » plus globales. En plus de cerner ces diffĂ©rents aspects, les analyses des dossiers sĂ©lectionnĂ©s sont l’opportunitĂ© d’élaborer une grille de lecture permettant de mesurer plus objectivement l’impact des acteurs sociaux sur les dĂ©cisions judiciaires de la Cour suprĂȘme. Au-delĂ  de la contribution Ă  l’avancement des connaissances sur la relation entre la Cour suprĂȘme du Canada et la sociĂ©tĂ© civile, cette thĂšse offre l’occasion de rĂ©flĂ©chir sur la nĂ©cessitĂ© de tenir compte de l’apport des acteurs sociaux dans la construction des normes et met l’accent sur l’utilitĂ© des thĂ©ories de l’argumentation et de la rhĂ©torique pour apprĂ©hender le processus d’adjudication constitutionnelle.Starting from the premise that the Canadian civil society is increasingly involved in the public debate and is taking more and more steps to be heard by governments, this thesis shows that this phenomenon is also happening in courts, which results in a change of attitude on the part of the judiciary branch. More specifically, this project describes and assesses the impact of the increased participation of social actors in Supreme Court litigation through the lenses of access to justice and the creation of human rights law. Part I analyzes this topic with a focus on access to justice. It begins with a historical portrait of the position of the Supreme Court towards the social actors acting as intervenors and public interest plaintiffs, which reveals some favorable cycles to citizen participation, predominantly sustained by principled reasoning, but also some unfavorable cycles, mostly driven by a consequentialist reasoning. Secondly, it presents a quantitative analysis of the Court records decided over the past few years showing that a growing number of social actors are willing to add their voice in the human rights legal debate and that the Supreme Court is welcoming this participation. Thirdly, an analysis of a recent Court’s decision involving interest groups suggests that the current situation marks the beginning of a new favorable cycle for the citizen participation in the legal forum, based on the principle of legality, which holds the proposition that there must be practical and effective ways to challenge the legality of state action. Through twelve in-depth case studies involving the Charter, Part II investigates the impact of the increased citizen participation on the creation of human rights law at the Supreme Court of Canada’s level. Although this number of cases is not sufficient to make generalizations, it provides useful indications on how the social actors operate to influence the construction of legal norms. For example, the case studies show that their contentions are usually not designed around the fate of the particular litigant they support, but rather on the evolution of the law. It also illustrates how the social actors, in some circumstances, provide valuable input to legal debate and participate to law creation, through distinct arguments and authorities, contextual factors, reports stemming from the civil society and broader «social universe» and perspective submitted in their pleadings. This case-study approach also develops a reading framework enabling the assessment of the impact of social actors on Supreme Court’s decisions on a more objective basis. In addition to furthering our understanding of the relationship between the Supreme Court of Canada and the civil society, this thesis is an opportunity to reflect on the input provided by the social actors in the development of legal standards and to emphasize on the usefulness of the argumentation and rhetoric theories to apprehend the constitutional adjudication process

    No Evidence of a Common DNA Variant Profile Specific to World Class Endurance Athletes

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    There are strong genetic components to cardiorespiratory fitness and its response to exercise training. It would be useful to understand the differences in the genomic profile of highly trained endurance athletes of world class caliber and sedentary controls. An international consortium (GAMES) was established in order to compare elite endurance athletes and ethnicity-matched controls in a case-control study design. Genome-wide association studies were undertaken on two cohorts of elite endurance athletes and controls (GENATHLETE and Japanese endurance runners), from which a panel of 45 promising markers was identified. These markers were tested for replication in seven additional cohorts of endurance athletes and controls: from Australia, Ethiopia, Japan, Kenya, Poland, Russia and Spain. The study is based on a total of 1520 endurance athletes (835 who took part in endurance events in World Championships and/or Olympic Games) and 2760 controls. We hypothesized that world-class athletes are likely to be characterized by an even higher concentration of endurance performance alleles and we performed separate analyses on this subsample. The meta-analysis of all available studies revealed one statistically significant marker (rs558129 at GALNTL6 locus, p = 0.0002), even after correcting for multiple testing. As shown by the low heterogeneity index (I2 = 0), all eight cohorts showed the same direction of association with rs558129, even though p-values varied across the individual studies. In summary, this study did not identify a panel of genomic variants common to these elite endurance athlete groups. Since GAMES was underpowered to identify alleles with small effect sizes, some of the suggestive leads identified should be explored in expanded comparisons of world-class endurance athletes and sedentary controls and in tightly controlled exercise training studies. Such studies have the potential to illuminate the biology not only of world class endurance performance but also of compromised cardiac functions and cardiometabolic diseases

    Sport, genetics and the `natural athlete': The resurgence of racial science

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    This article explores the ethical implications of recent discussions that naturalize the relationship between race, the body and sport within the frame of genetic science. Many suggestions of a racially distributed genetic basis for athletic ability and performance are strategically posited as a resounding critique of the `politically correct' meta-narratives of established sociological and anthropological forms of explanation that emphasize the social and cultural construction of race. I argue that this use of genetic science in order to describe and explain common-sense impressions of racial physiology and sporting ability is founded on erroneous premises of objectivity and disinterest, and inflates the analytical efficacy of scientific truth claims. I suggest that assertions of a value-free science of racial athletic ability reify race as inherited permanent biological characteristics that produce social hierarchies and are more characteristic of a longer history of `racial science'

    Inférence des traits de personnalité sur les critÚres évaluatifs: application à un produit socialement visible

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    Le but de l’étude est donc d'essayer de vĂ©rifier la relation (traits personnalitĂ© -> critĂšres Ă©valuatifs -> achat produit) et voir si cette premiĂšre relation peut expliquer la dĂ©cision d'achat d'un consommateur

    Inférence des traits de personnalité sur les critÚres évaluatifs: application à un produit socialement visible

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    Le but de l’étude est donc d'essayer de vĂ©rifier la relation (traits personnalitĂ© -> critĂšres Ă©valuatifs -> achat produit) et voir si cette premiĂšre relation peut expliquer la dĂ©cision d'achat d'un consommateur

    Minéralogie des agglomérés obtenus à partir de minerais de fer riches

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    Le Beau Navire de Baudelaire, composition et symboles

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    Le Boulay Jean-Claude. Le Beau Navire de Baudelaire, composition et symboles. In: Littératures 24, printemps 1991. pp. 65-69

    Je n 'ai pas oublié... de Baudelaire : intérieur et extérieur

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    Le Boulay Jean-Claude. Je n 'ai pas oublié... de Baudelaire : intérieur et extérieur. In: Littératures 28, printemps 1993. pp. 83-93
