488 research outputs found

    Genet et la politique : entretien

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    Discussion sur Genet et la politique, à la suite d'une table ronde avec Jacques Derrida, au Collège international de philosophie

    Le Japon par lui-même. 1. Repenser l’histoire

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    La production intellectuelle japonaise reflète de manière récurrente, depuis quelques décennies, deux préoccupations en partie liées. La première correspond à une volonté de se démarquer des penseurs occidentaux et d’affirmer une sorte d’ «exception culturelle » face à la prédominance internationale de problématiques définies aux États-Unis ou en Europe. La seconde vise à se distancier vis-à-vis d’une historiographie nationale qui tend à idéaliser l’ère Meiji (1868-1912) en valorisant à la fois la modernisation à l’occidentale dont cette époque fut le témoin et la vision unifiée et centralisante du Japon qui commença alors à s’imposer (...)

    Le corps nu féminin et la censure dans trois films japonais : la beauté des détours

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    La culture japonaise peut être considérée comme un art du détour et de l’ellipse selon Kûki Shûzo et Tanizaki Junichirô. Le but de cet article est d’analyser trois films produits à une époque où la censure était assez forte. Avec Contes de la Lune et de la Pluie (Ugetsu monogatari, 雨月物語) en 1953, par Mizoguchi Kenji, Manji (Svastika, 卍) et Tatouage (Irezumi, 刺青) en 1966, par Masumura Yasuzo, nous analysons la façon dont la rhétorique de l’ellipse suggère, grâce à plusieurs techniques, ce que le public doit imaginer et qui n’est pas montré à l’écran.Japanese culture can be considered as an art of the detour and ellipsis, according to Kûki Shûzo and Tanizaki Junichirô. The scope of this article is to analyse three films produced at a time when censorship was relatively strong. With Tales of the Moon and Rain (Ugetsu monogatari, 雨月物語) in 1953, by Mizoguchi Kenji, Manji (Svastika, 卍) and Tatouage (Irezumi, 刺青) in 1966, by Masumura Yasuzo, we analyse how rhetoric of eclipse suggests thanks to several techniques what the audience have to imagine and that is not shown on the screen

    Os negros americanos em um cativo apaixonado, De Jean Genet (do clichê sobre o negro a sua imagem em movimento)

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    Dès 1968, Jean Genet a écrit plusieurs articles pour défendre la cause des Noirs américains, mais c’est surtout dans son ultime récit, Un Captif amoureux, paru un peu après sa mort, en avril 1986, que le lecteur découvre une forme singulière d’écriture engagée insérée dans un récit autobiographique qui renouvelle le genre dans la mesure où l’écrivain évite tous les clichés de l’écrit engagé par la pratique de l’ironie envers ses amis noirs, la multiplication des perspectives concernant un événement, une syntaxe narrative et rhétorique où chaque comparaison fait événement. Genet articule cette pratique poétique par un passage singulier des temps autobiographique, historique, et mythique ce qui lui permet de défaire tout cliché, notamment celui de l’opposition du noir et du blanc de la page qui aurait pu limiter la puissance inventive de son style

    Nitrate and sulphate dynamics in peat subjected to different hydrological conditions: Batch experiments and field comparison

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    International audienceConservation of ecosystems that depend on water management and water quality has to be considered. We combined a field monitoring and batch experiments to better understand the impact of hydrological perturbations on peatland functioning. Factors influencing the dynamics of nitrate and sulphate concentration observed in two sites with different hydrological conditions in a south Normandy peatland were determined through the comparison of field and lab experiment. The effects of nitrate input, and oxic or anoxic conditions on nitrate and sulphate concentrations were investigated in bioreactors, using peat samples from field sites influenced by different hydrologic regimes. In this experiment, peat samples were subjected to similar conditions to address the effects of NO 3 and O2 concentrations (chemical effects), and the effect of hydrologic regimes and peat soil moisture (physical effects) on nitrate and sulphate dynamics. Cl , SO2 4 and NO 3 were monitored for 215 h. Nitrate was significantly reduced in most experiments. A complete nitrate reduction after 215 h in soil under anoxic conditions was observed. A denitrification process was also found under aerobic conditions depending on the peat site sampling, i.e. depending on the hydrological conditions. This process was interpreted as a heterotrophic denitrification. Sulphate monitoring revealed that 400 mg L 1 were produced in peat from the peat site with high hydrologic fluxes under aerobic conditions. Clear differences in chloride concentration (deviance analysis, P < 0.05), sulphate concentration and nitrate consumption dynamics (deviance analysis, P < 0.0001) were observed, for similar experimental chemical conditions, between the samples from the two peat sites. These differences were related to the field chemical variations observed and they indicate that part of the field nitrate and sulphate dynamics is linked to different bacterial activity and not only to nutrient fluxes variations

    ARPEGES, une méthode pour évaluer le potentiel de contamination des eaux de surface par les pesticides à l'échelle nationale

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    International audienceArpeges is an innovating and coherent method to assess the potential surface water's contamination by pesticides at the national scale. In France, it was implemented at Water Framework Directive water bodies' scale. The objectives are to identify of vulnerable zones and to determinate the main risk factors implied in pollution transfer according to the considered zones. Actually, this method allows a better understanding and a ranking of pollution's causes considering three essential aspects of the contamination: uses, environmental vulnerability to pesticides pollution and substances properties. The method is mostly based on transfer processes. In order to take into account the seasonal temporal variability, analyses are separately carried on winter and summer, and both acute and chronic approaches of the risk are considered. The segregation between these two risks is built on the different processes transfer times to reach surface waters. 18 relevant variables describing pesticides transfer are chosen (infiltration, pedology, drainage, climate, buffer zones...); they are aggregated according to up to date expert knowledge thanks to a Bayesian network to obtain pesticides contamination. This tool allows associating an uncertainty factor to each result and contributing to increase the adaptability of the method. Intermediary results as environmental vulnerabilities are relevant to identify the main causes of transfer

    Coinfections and their molecular consequences in the porcine respiratory tract

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    Understudied, coinfections are more frequent in pig farms than single infections. In pigs, the term “Porcine Respiratory Disease Complex” (PRDC) is often used to describe coinfections involving viruses such as swine Influenza A Virus (swIAV), Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus (PRRSV), and Porcine CircoVirus type 2 (PCV2) as well as bacteria like Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and Bordetella bronchiseptica. The clinical outcome of the various coinfection or superinfection situations is usually assessed in the studies while in most of cases there is no clear elucidation of the fine mechanisms shaping the complex interactions occurring between microorganisms. In this comprehensive review, we aimed at identifying the studies dealing with coinfections or superinfections in the pig respiratory tract and at presenting the interactions between pathogens and, when possible, the mechanisms controlling them. Coinfections and superinfections involving viruses and bacteria were considered while research articles including protozoan and fungi were excluded. We discuss the main limitations complicating the interpretation of coinfection/superinfection studies, and the high potential perspectives in this fascinating research field, which is expecting to gain more and more interest in the next years for the obvious benefit of animal health

    Themis: an On-Site Voting System with Systematic Cast-as-intended Verification and Partial Accountability

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    International audienceWe propose an on-site voting system Themis, that aims at improving security when local authorities are not fully trusted. Voters vote thanks to voting sheets as well as smart cards that produce encrypted ballots. Electronic ballots are systematically audited, without compromising privacy. Moreover, the system includes a precise dispute resolution procedure identifying misbehaving parties. We conduct a full formal analysis of Themis using ProVerif, with a novel approach in order to cover the modular arithmetic needed in our protocol. In order to evaluate the usability of our system, we organized a voting experiment on a (small) group of voters