18 research outputs found

    Financial markets interaction: an application of probabilistic Markov model and ARDL approach

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    In the context of the last world financial crisis, the interconnection between the different markets is arising as a serious problem ; which made a situation of uncertainty about the trend and direction of causality among these markets.This paper examined the causality and long-run relationships between Oil Price, Gold price and Dollar index using ARDL approach and a Probabilistic Markov Models over the period  (1986-2016).The findings reveal that: i) A positive trend of Gold prices; which can take a big bull market . ii) A symmetric dynamic structure of Oil prices . iii) Stable, long-run relationship exists between Oil prices and Gold prices. iv) The evidence also suggests that the US dollar index as indicator has no effect on Oil prices. v) Model stability results also reveal that after incorporating the CUSUM and CUSUMSQ tests, Oil price function is stable over the period (1986-2016). Key words: Markov Models, ARDL, Oil, Gold, Dollar index

    Wind energy as source for rural electricity to enhance agricultural production at Djelfa State (Center of Algeria)

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    In this paper we have estimated the mean wind power density at Djelfa station. This wild source could be used to electrify the rural regions in the state since most of the fertile farmlands are located in it. We found that the electricity powered by wind reaches 534.93 W/m² (February) in the monthly study, 546.23 W/m² (winter) in the seasonal study and 384.91 W/m² as annual average at 50m height. The two-parameter Weibull distribution used to represent the diurnal mean wind speed data and Bayesian Estimation method is adopted statistical method used to estimate the shape and scale parameters.Keywords: Wind Power; Bayesian Estimation; Weibull Distribution; Rural  Electrificatio

    Prevalencija mastitisa u alĹľirskih jednogrbih deva i antimikrobna rezistencija stafilokoka uzroÄŤnika mastitisa

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    To investigate the prevalence, bacterial spectrum of mastitis, and antimicrobial resistance of the causative staphylococci in Algerian dromedary camels, a total of 200 lactating camels were first examined for clinical mastitis and the healthy quarters were examined for subclinical mastitis using the California Mastitis Test (CMT). Milk samples from the affected quarters were collected aseptically and analysed using conventional bacteriological isolation and identification procedures. Staphylococcal isolates were then analysed for antimicrobial resistance. The overall prevalence of mastitis in camels based on CMT and clinical examination was 35 % (70/200), of which 7.5 % (15/200) was clinical mastitis and 27.5 % (55/200) was subclinical mastitis. At the quarterly level, the overall prevalence was 11.87 % (95/800), of which 2.62 % (21/800) was clinical mastitis and 9.25 % (74/800) was subclinical mastitis. A total of 98 bacterial isolates were identified from the 95 cultured milk samples. Staphylococci (70.4%) were the predominant isolates, with 31.63 % identified as coagulase-positive staphylococci (CPS) including S. aureus at 25.51 % and 38.77 % identified as coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS). The remaining isolates were Micrococcus sp., Streptococcus sp., Bacillus sp., E. coli, and Enterococcus. Antibiotic susceptibility testing revealed that 24 (34.78 %) of the isolates were susceptible to all antimicrobial drugs tested, while 21.73 % (15/69) were multidrug resistant strains. The highest resistance rates were found for penicillin, tetracycline and erythromycin with 33.33 %, 31.48 % and 21.74 %, respectively. Therefore, the implementation of integrated approaches in the study is of great importance for the prevention and control of mastitis to improve the quality of camel milk, minimize economic losses and avoid significant public health risks.Kako bi se istražila prevalencija, bakterijski spektar mastitisa i antimikrobna rezistencija stafilokoka uzročnika mastitisa u alžirskih jednogrbih deva, ukupno 200 ženki u laktaciji, inicijalno je pregledano na klinički mastitis, a zdrave četvrti pretražene su na subklinički mastitis pomoću kalifornijskog mastitis testa (CMT). Uzorci mlijeka iz oštećenih četvrti aseptički su prikupljeni i analizirani konvencionalnim postupcima bakteriološke izolacije i identifikacije. Zatim su izolati stafilokoka ispitani na antimikrobnu rezistenciju. Rezultati CMT-a i kliničkog pregleda deva ukazali su na ukupnu prevalenciju mastitisa od 35 % (70/200), od čega je 7,5 % (15/200) bio klinički mastitis, dok je 27,5 % (55/200) bio subklinički mastitis. Na razini tromjesečja ukupna prevalencija bila je 11,87 % (95/800), od čega je 2,62 % (21/800) bilo klinički, a 9,25 % (74/800) subklinički mastitis. Iz 95 kultiviranih uzoraka mlijeka identificirano je ukupno 98 bakterijskih izolata. Stafilokoki (70,4 %) su pri tom bili dominantni izolati, od čega je 31,63% bilo koagulaza pozitivnih stafilokoka (CPS) uključujući S. aureus s 25,51 %, a 38,77 % su bili koagulaza negativni stafilokoki (CNS). Preostali izolati bili su sojevi Micrococcus sp., Streptococcus sp., Bacillus sp., E. coli i Enterococcus. Testiranje osjetljivosti na antibiotike pokazalo je da je 24 (34,78 %) izolata bilo osjetljivo na sve testirane antimikrobne lijekove, dok su 21,73 % (15/69) bili sojevi otporni na više lijekova. Najviši stupanj rezistencije utvrđen je za penicilin (33,33 %), tetracikline (31,48 %) i eritromicin (21,74 %). Stoga je primjena integriranog pristupa u provedbi znanstvenih istraživanja od velike važnosti za prevenciju i kontrolu mastitisa kako bi se poboljšala kvaliteta devinog mlijeka, minimizirao ekonomski gubitak i spriječili značajniji rizici u pogledu javnog zdravlja

    Gate ionization current of an Enhancement-Mode metamorphic Al0.67In0.33As/Ga0.66In0.34As HEMT on GaAs substrate

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    This paper presents original results provided by combination of Enhancement-Mode (E-mode) with metamorphic growth of Al0.67In0.33As/Ga0.66In0.34As HEMT structure on a GaAs substrate. The devices, which are the first reported for Enhancement-Mode Al0.67In0.33As/Ga0.66In0.34As MM-HEMT’s, exhibits good dc and rf performance. Good Schottky characteristics have been obtained (a forward turn-on voltage of 0.9V and a typical reverse gate to drain breakdown voltage of 16 V). The 0.4µm gate length devices have a saturation current of 455 mA/mm at +0.8V gate voltage. Gate current studies, versus gate-to-drain extension have been observed, in the first time, in such as devices, showing gate current issued from impact ionization

    Immunité naturelle et parodontopathies

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    L immunité naturelle ou innée est un système de défense ubiquitaire, que l on retrouve chez les insectes, les plantes et chez l Homme. Les agents pathogènes présentent des motifs moléculaires structuraux très conservés (PAMPs) reconnus par des récepteurs cellulaires somatiques et immunitaires, membranaires et intracytoplasmiques. Ces récepteurs sont les récepteurs de type Toll (TLRs), les récepteurs de type NOD (NLRs) et les inflammasomes, et dont la fonction est d engager une réponse immunitaire par la synthèse des médiateurs de l inflammation mais aussi de réguler et de mettre fin à cette réponse. Les parodontopathies sont engendrées par les bactéries opportunistes de la flore buccale, organisées en biofilm. Cependant le facteur bactérien ne suffit pas à expliquer les destructions tissulaires, la réponse inflammatoire de l hôte est largement incriminée. Les médiateurs de l inflammation et de l ostéolyse comme l IL-1, le TNF-a, l IL-6 et RANKL abondent dans les lésions parodontales. Les modèles animaux ont établi une relation de cause-à-effet entre ces cytokines et les parodontolyses, entre l initiation de l inflammation et son entretien. Les maladies parodontales peuvent être qualifiées de pathologies inflammatoires d origine infectieuse. Certaines espèces, au profil hautement parodontopathogène, comme Porphyromonas gingivalis ou Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans ont des facultés d évasion immune et de subversion immunitaire, déterminantes pour leur survie et celle de leur communauté microbienne. Ces espèces ont développé des mécanismes complexes et stratégiques de colonisation du milieu parodontal et joue un rôle clé dans le biofilm.LILLE2-UFR Odontologie (593502202) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Transistor à effet de champ de la filière A1InAs/GaInAs sur substrats GaAs et InP pour amplification de puissance en ondes millimétriques (étude et réalisation)

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    Ce travail concerne l'étude des potentialités de deux filières de transistor HEMT AlInAs/GaInAs pour les applications de puissance en ondes millimétriques. Nous avons fait appel à un outil de simulation, à la technologie et de la caractérisation pour mener à bien cette étude. Une étude de la topologie de la couche de contact a été menée grâce à un logiciel de simulation hydrodynamique bidimensionnel sur des structures métamorphiques. Nous avons effectué une analyse du claquage du composant en fonction du dopage et de l'épaisseur grâce à la répartition de grandeurs physiques telles que le champ électrique et l'énergie des porteurs. Les composants ont été fabriqués grâce aux outils de la technologie. L'élément clé a été le fossé de grille. Un profil uniforme du fossé de grille, une bonne tenue mécanique du métal et de bonnes caractéristiques électriques de grille n'ont pu être obtenues qu'en modifiant l'agent mouillant qui a permis de réduire cette étape. C'est la première fois qu'une étude sur les courants de grille issus du phénomène d'ionisation par impact est menée en fonction de la topologie du composant. Les résultats obtenus sont à l'état de l'art dans les deux filières. Dans la filière métamorphique sur GaAs, une densité de puissance de 100mW/mm (resp. 140mW/mm) a pu être obtenue à l'aide d'un banc load-pull à 10GHz sur un HEMT métamorphique à couche de contact fine (resp. épaisse) fonctionnant à accumulation de charge (Enhancement-Mode). De même, sur les composants à canal composite de la filière InP, une densité de puissance à 60GHz de 420mW/mm a été obtenue sur une structure et une topologie optimisées. Les composants à large extension grille drain ont permis à la fois d'obtenir de faibles courants de grille et d'améliorer la puissance de sortie.LILLE1-BU (590092102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Hemt structures and technology on GAAS and inp for power amplification in millimetre wave range

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    The paper introduces a simple and efficient approach for the modelling of low-frequency dispersive phenomena in FETs. It is based on the definition of a virtual, non-dispersive associated device controlled by equivalent port voltages and it is suitable for modelling based on standard nonlinear dynamic approaches, such as lumped-element equivalent circuits. The proposed approach is justified on the basis of a physically-consistent, charge-controlled description of the device, but the results are general and provide a valuable tool for taking into account dispersive effects in FETs by means of an intuitive circuit solution, in the framework of any existing nonlinear dynamic model of the associated non-dispersive device. The new equivalent-voltage description, identified on the basis of conventional measurements carried out under static and small-signal dynamic operating conditions, allows for the accurate prediction of dispersive effects above the frequency cut-off, but the formulation is still compatible, without for al modification, for the modelling of the device behaviour under signal excitations having spectral components in the dispersive low-frequency range. Preliminary results are presented which conferm the validity of the proposed approach

    Prevalence of mastitis in Algerian dromedary camels and antimicrobial resistance of the causative Staphylococci

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    To investigate the prevalence, bacterial spectrum of mastitis, and antimicrobial resistance of the causative staphylococci in Algerian dromedary camels, a total of 200 lactating camels were first examined for clinical mastitis and the healthy quarters were examined for subclinical mastitis using the California Mastitis Test (CMT). Milk samples from the affected quarters were collected aseptically and analysed using conventional bacteriological isolation and identification procedures. Staphylococcal isolates were then analysed for antimicrobial resistance. The overall prevalence of mastitis in camels based on CMT and clinical examination was 35 % (70/200), of which 7.5 % (15/200) was clinical mastitis and 27.5 % (55/200) was subclinical mastitis. At the quarterly level, the overall prevalence was 11.87 % (95/800), of which 2.62 % (21/800) was clinical mastitis and 9.25 % (74/800) was subclinical mastitis. A total of 98 bacterial isolates were identified from the 95 cultured milk samples. Staphylococci (70.4%) were the predominant isolates, with 31.63 % identified as coagulase-positive staphylococci (CPS) including S. aureus at 25.51 % and 38.77 % identified as coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS). The remaining isolates were Micrococcus sp., Streptococcus sp., Bacillus sp., E. coli, and Enterococcus. Antibiotic susceptibility testing revealed that 24 (34.78 %) of the isolates were susceptible to all antimicrobial drugs tested, while 21.73 % (15/69) were multidrug resistant strains. The highest resistance rates were found for penicillin, tetracycline and erythromycin with 33.33 %, 31.48 % and 21.74 %, respectively. Therefore, the implementation of integrated approaches in the study is of great importance for the prevention and control of mastitis to improve the quality of camel milk, minimize economic losses and avoid significant public health risks

    Ecological differentiation of members of the Culex pipiens complex, potential vectors of West Nile virus and Rift Valley fever virus in Algeria.

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    International audienceWe investigated the ecological differentiation of two members of the Culex pipiens complex, Cx. p. pipiens form pipiens and Cx. p. pipiens form molestus in three sites, El-Kala, M'Sila and Tinerkouk in Algeria. These two forms are the most widespread mosquito vectors in temperate regions exhibiting important behavioural and physiological differences. Nevertheless, this group of potential vectors has been poorly studied, particularly in North Africa.Ten larval populations of Cx. p. pipiens were sampled from various above- and underground habitats in three zones representing the three bioclimatic regions in Algeria. The reproduction characteristics were also investigated in the laboratory to define the rates of autogeny and stenogamy. Identification of Cx. p. pipiens members present in Algeria was achieved using a molecular analysis with the microsatellite CQ11 locus.We detected larvae of Cx. p. pipiens in all areas suggesting that the species is a ubiquitous mosquito well adapted to various environments. To our knowledge, this study provides the first molecular evidence of the presence of the Cx. p. pipiens form molestus and hybrids (molestus/pipiens) in Algeria with a high proportion of molestus form (48.3 %) in comparison with hybrids (36.8 %) and pipiens form (14.9 %).Some unexpected correlations between the proportion of forms pipiens, molestus and hybrids, and mosquito biological characteristics were observed suggesting some epigenetic effects controlling Cx. p. pipiens mating and reproduction. Consequences for pathogen transmission are discussed

    Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Algeria; Highlight on the Focus of M’Sila

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    International audienceAlgeria ranks second after Afghanistan for the incidence of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) worldwide. Here, we report a 34-years retrospective analysis of CL in Algeria and focused on the most affected region, the M’Sila province. All 66 cutaneous isolates corresponded to Leishmania (L.) major. Our study of the sandfly and rodent fauna further highlighted the high density of Phlebotomus papatasi and additional phlebotomine species of medical importance, not previously identified in M’Sila. Wild rodents belonging to nine species were trapped in M’Sila, and Psammomys obesus and Meriones shawi were found infected by L. major. In addition, Leishmania infantum was isolated from two visceral leishmaniasis cases, one dog and its proven vectors (P. perniciosus, P. longicuspis, and P. perfiliewi) inventoried during the survey. The high incidence of CL in the M’Sila province is likely a consequence of the increase in minimum temperatures recorded that constitutes suitable conditions for establishing a high endemicity and leads to an explosive rise in leishmaniases cases in this region. A thorough investigation of the underlying risk factors is urgently needed to detect new cases earlier. All these would improve the preparedness to fight the disease