226 research outputs found

    Dépression, conduites violentes et de négociation en réaction à la violence d'un conjoint : contribution de la dépendance et de l'autocritique

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    ThÚse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothÚques de l'Université de Montréal

    Les pratiques de gestion du bénévolat et des bénévoles en centres communautaires de loisir

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    RĂ©percussions d’une enfance vĂ©cue en institution : le cas des Enfants de Duplessis

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    Les consĂ©quences nĂ©gatives d’un placement en institution sur les enfants ont Ă©tĂ© documentĂ©es, mais aucune Ă©tude n’a portĂ© sur les orphelins et les enfants placĂ©s une fois devenus adultes. Au QuĂ©bec, les Enfants de Duplessis offrent un tĂ©moignage poignant des rĂ©percussions Ă  long terme d’une enfance vĂ©cue en institution. Les histoires recueillies auprĂšs de 40 hommes et 41 femmes ayant grandi en institution Ă  l’époque de Duplessis font Ă©tat d’un nombre Ă©levĂ© d’abus et d’expĂ©riences adverses, incluant les agressions physiques, psychologiques et sexuelles. Le milieu Ă©tait peu stimulant et offrait peu d’opportunitĂ©s de dĂ©velopper des relations d’attachement positives et significatives. Lorsqu’ils sont appariĂ©s et comparĂ©s Ă  des adultes provenant de l’enquĂȘte SantĂ©-QuĂ©bec, les Enfants de Duplessis devenus adultes rapportent plus de problĂšmes de santĂ© liĂ©s au stress et une dĂ©tresse psychologique plus importante. Nos rĂ©sultats indiquent Ă©galement que les personnes ayant disposĂ© de peu de ressources et d’aptitudes personnelles dans l’enfance sont les plus affectĂ©es par les expĂ©riences adverses.Whereas the immediate consequences of institutionalized placements on children have been documented, no study has investigated adults who were raised in orphanages or institutions. In Quebec, les enfants de Duplessis offer a unique testimony of the long term consequences of an institutionalized childhood. Stories collected from 40 men and 41 women who grew up in institution in Duplessis’era indicate a high number of abuse and aversive experiences, including physical, psychological and sexual aggressions. In addition, the environment was poor in stimulation and opportunities to develop positive attachment relationships with adults. When matched and compared to adults from the SantĂ©-QuĂ©bec survey, les enfants de Duplessis report a higher number of health problems associated with stress and more psychological distress. Moreover, our results indicate that those who had fewer strengths and aptitudes in childhood are the most affected by unfavourable experiences.Se han documentado las consecuencias negativas del ingreso de los niños a una instituciĂłn, pero ningĂșn estudio trata acerca de los adultos que fueron internados cuando eran niños o quedaron huĂ©rfanos. En Quebec los niños de Duplessis son un testimonio desgarrador de las repercusiones a largo plazo de una infancia vivida en una instituciĂłn. Las historias recopiladas de 40 hombres y 41 mujeres que crecieron en una instituciĂłn en la Ă©poca de Duplessis constatan el nĂșmero elevado de abusos y experiencias adversas, incluyendo agresiones fĂ­sicas, psicolĂłgicas y sexuales. El medio era poco estimulante y ofrecĂ­a pocas oportunidades de desarrollar relaciones de apego positivas y significativas. Al emparejarlos y compararlos a los adultos provenientes de la encuesta de Salud Quebec, los niños de Duplessis, quienes ya son adultos, reportan mĂĄs problemas de salud relacionados al estrĂ©s y un desasosiego psicolĂłgico mĂĄs importante. Nuestros resultados indican tambiĂ©n que las personas que disponen de pocos recursos y aptitudes personales en su infancia son las mĂĄs afectadas por las experiencias adversas.As conseqĂŒĂȘncias negativas de uma internação em instituição sobre as crianças foram documentadas, mas nenhum estudo foi realizado sobre os ĂłrfĂŁos e as crianças internadas quando jĂĄ se tornaram adultas. No Quebec, as “crianças de Duplessis” testemunham de maneira profunda das repercussĂ”es a longo prazo de uma infĂąncia vivida em instituição. As histĂłrias recolhidas junto a 40 homens e 41 mulheres que cresceram em instituição na Ă©poca do governo de Duplessis relatam um alto nĂșmero de abusos e de experiĂȘncias adversas, incluindo agressĂ”es fĂ­sicas, psicolĂłgicas e sexuais. O meio era pouco estimulante e oferecia poucas oportunidades de desenvolver relaçÔes de apego positivas e significativas. Quando eles foram colocados lado a lado e comparados aos adultos vindos da pesquisa de SantĂ©-QuĂ©bec, as “crianças de Duplessis” que se tornaram adultas sofrem mais de problemas de saĂșde ligados ao estresse e a uma depressĂŁo psicolĂłgica mais importante. Nossos resultados indicam igualmente que as pessoas que dispuseram de poucos recursos e aptidĂ”es pessoais na infĂąncia sĂŁo mais afetadas pelas experiĂȘncias adversas

    Les expériences vécues par les enfants de Duplessis institutionnalisés : les conséquences aprÚs plus de 50 ans

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    Dans cet article, les auteurs prĂ©sentent les rĂ©sultats qualitatifs recueillis Ă  partir de questionnaires et d’entrevues semi-structurĂ©es destinĂ©s Ă  documenter les expĂ©riences tant actuelles que passĂ©es des enfants de Duplessis institutionnalisĂ©s (EDI). Des exemples typiques et deux cas reprĂ©sentatifs sont prĂ©sentĂ©s. Les rĂ©sultats indiquent que les abus et la nĂ©gligence subis par les EDI pendant l’enfance ont compromis leur ajustement psychosocial Ă  long terme. Ils rĂ©vĂšlent aussi que les EDI qui ont rapportĂ© au moins quatre forces pendant leur enfance Ă©taient plus susceptibles d’ĂȘtre protĂ©gĂ©s Ă  l’ñge adulte contre les effets nĂ©gatifs de leur placement.In this article, the authors present qualitative results, derived from questionnaires and semi-structured interviews, to describe past and present experiences of the Duplessis children. Examples representative of their experience and a detailed description of two cases are provided. Results indicate that childhood abuse and negligence are related to poorer long-term psychological adjustment. The findings also demonstrate that reporting at least four strengths in childhood can have long-term protective effects.En este artĂ­culo, los autores presentan los resultados cualitativos recopilados a partir de cuestionarios y entrevistas semiestructuradas destinadas a documentar las experiencias, tanto recientes como pasadas, de los niños de Duplessis que fueron institucionalizados (EDI). Se presentan ejemplos tĂ­picos y dos casos representativos. Los resultados indican que los abusos y la negligencia sufridos por los EDI durante la infancia han comprometido su ajuste psicosocial a largo plazo. TambiĂ©n revelan que los EDI que han reportado al menos cuatro fuerzas durante su infancia eran mĂĄs susceptibles de estar protegidos en la edad adulta contra los efectos negativos de su colocaciĂłn.Neste artigo, os autores apresentam os resultados qualitativos coletados a partir de questionĂĄrios e entrevistas semi-estruturadas destinados a documentar as experiĂȘncias tanto atuais quanto passadas das crianças de Duplessis institucionalizadas (CDI). SĂŁo apresentados exemplos tĂ­picos e dois casos representativos. Os resultados indicam que os abusos e a negligĂȘncia sofridos pelas CDI durante a infĂąncia comprometeram seu ajuste psicossocial a longo prazo. Eles revelam tambĂ©m que as CDI que relataram, pelo menos, quatro aspectos positivos durante sua infĂąncia eram mais susceptĂ­veis de ser protegidas durante a idade adulta contra os efeitos negativos de sua internação

    Ingénierie des réseaux productifs orientés service

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    http://www.easy-dim.org/reunions/iesi-2010/IESI10_Elhabib.pdfNational audienc

    Epistemic injustices and participatory research: A research agenda at the crossroads of university and community

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    This article presents an innovative framework to evaluate participatory research. The framework, comprising both a methodology and a self-assessment tool, was developed through a participatory approach to knowledge production and mobilisation. This process took place over the last two years as we, a multidisciplinary team made up of researchers and community-based organisation members from the Groupe de recherche et de formation sur la pauvretĂ© au QuĂ©bec, were building a scientific program on social injustices and participatory research. We argue that participatory research can help provide a university-community co-constructed response to epistemic injustices embedded within the processes of knowledge production. From our perspective, the mobilisation of knowledge from the university and the community, initiated at the earliest stages of the creation of a research team, is part of a critical approach to the academic production of knowledge. It also constitutes a laboratory for observing, understanding and attempting to reduce epistemic injustices through building bridges between team members. The article focuses on two dimensions of the framework mentioned above: (1) The methodology we established to build co-learning spaces at the crossroads of university and community-based organisations (recruitment of a coordinator to organise and facilitate the workshops, informal and friendly meetings, regular clarification of the process and rules of operation, time for everyone to express themselves, informal preparatory meetings for those who wanted them, financial compensation where required, etc.); and (2) A self-assessment tool available in open access that we built during the process to help academics and their partners engage in a reflexive evaluation of participatory research processes from the point of view of epistemic injustices. Throughout we pay particular attention to challenges inherent in our research program and our responses, and finish with some concluding thoughts on key issues that emerged over the course of two years’ research

    Rethinking Liberal Multiculturalism: Foundations, Practices and Methodologies

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    The article introduces a special issue on “Rethinking Liberal Multiculturalism: Foundations, Practices and Methodologies.” The contributions presented in this special issue were discussed during the conference « Multicultural Citizenship 25 Years Later », held in Paris in November 2021. Their aim is to take stock of the legacy of Kymlicka’s contribution and to highlight new developments in theories of liberal multiculturalism and minority rights. The contributions do not purport to challenge the legitimacy of theories of multiculturalism and minority rights, they rather aim at deepening our understanding of the foundations of liberal multiculturalism and of its practical implementation, sensitive to social scientific dynamics of diverse societies. Without abandoning the general idea that cultural minorities should be granted special minority rights, the essays presented raise new questions about three dimensions central to liberal multiculturalism: its normative foundations, its practical categories of minorities or groups, and its fact-sensitive methodology. Taken together they shed light on the renewed variety of theories of liberal multiculturalism highlighting their complexity and internal disagreements. To introduce these articles, the article first draws a brief historical overview of the debates on multiculturalism since the 1990s (section 1). It then highlights the distinctive aspects of Kymlicka’s contribution (section 2) and identifies recent research trends (section 3). Doing so, it explains how the articles gathered here both expand on those distinctive aspects and explore those new research avenues. The section 4 summarizes the contributions

    Utility of Quantitative 99mTc-MAA SPECT/CT for 90yttrium-Labelled Microsphere Treatment Planning: Calculating Vascularized Hepatic Volume and Dosimetric Approach

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    Objectives. The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of SPECT/CT for volume measurements and to report a case illustrating the major impact of SPECT/CT in calculating the vascularized liver volume and dosimetry prior to injecting radiolabelled yttrium-90 microspheres (Therasphere). Materials and Methods. This was a phantom study, involving volume measurements carried out by two operators using SPECT and SPECT/CT images. The percentage of error for each method was calculated, and interobserver reproducibility was evaluated. A treatment using Therasphere was planned in a patient with three hepatic arteries, and the quantitative analysis of SPECT/CT for this patient is provided. Results. SPECT/CT volume measurements proved to be accurate (mean error <6% for volumes ≄16 cm3) and reproductive (interobserver agreement = 0.9). In the case report, 99mTc-MAA SPECT/CT identified a large liver volume, not previously identified with angiography, which was shown to be vascularized after selective MAA injection into an arterial branch, resulting in a large modification in the activity of Therasphere used. Conclusions. MAA SPECT/CT is accurate for vascularized liver volume measurements, providing a valuable contribution to the therapeutic planning of patients with complex hepatic vascularization

    Retrospective studies on rabbit haemorrhagic disease outbreaks caused by RHDV GI.2 virus on farms in France from 2013 to 2018

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    [EN] Rabbit haemorrhagic disease (RHD) is a critical health threat to the rabbit industry in Europe. In 2018, the French rabbit industry adopted a voluntary control plan against this disease. In this context, two epidemiological studies were conducted on RHD outbreaks that occurred between 2013 and 2018 in France. The objectives were to describe the spread of RHD due to the new genotype RHDV GI.2 (rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus GI.2) and to identify rearing factors influencing the occurrence of the disease in order to guide the prevention measures recommended in the control plan. An analysis of cases on 295 farms between 2013 and 2017 showed that 32% of farms were affected at least once; the incidence of the disease increased in 2016-2017 compared to 2013-2015. Farms already affected in 2013-2015 had a higher risk of being infected in 2016-2017 than those that remained unaffected until 2015 (Relative Risk and 95% Confident Interval 1.7 [1.1-2.7]). A case-control study carried out between 2016 and 2018 on 37 outbreaks and 32 control farms revealed variability in biosecurity and decontamination practices between farms. The risk of being infected tends to be linked to these practices, but certain structural factors (e.g. the manure disposal system, transfer of rabbits at weaning) could also influence the risk of virus introduction into farms. In the context of a limited vaccination coverage of the farms (only females are vaccinated), these hypotheses will be studied further, using information from the RHD outbreak monitoring system implemented at the same time as the control plan in 2018.This study was founded by the French Ministry of Agriculture (2017-430 / 170274).Huneau-SalaĂŒn, A.; Boucher, S.; Fontaine, J.; Le Normand, B.; Lopez, S.; Maurice, T.; Nouvel, L.... (2021). Retrospective studies on rabbit haemorrhagic disease outbreaks caused by RHDV GI.2 virus on farms in France from 2013 to 2018. World Rabbit Science. 29(2):87-98. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2021.12800OJS8798292Abrantes J., Van der Loo W., Le Pendu J., Esteves P.J. 2012. Rabbit haemorrhagic disease (RHD) and rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV): a review. Vet. Res., 43: 12.https://doi.org/10.1186/1297-9716-43-12Capucci L., Cavadini P., Schiavitto M., Lombardi G., Lavazza A. 2017. Increased pathogenicity in rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus type 2 (RHDV2). Vet. Record., 180: 426. https://doi.org/10.1136/vr.104132Carvalho C.L., Leclerc Duarte E., Monteiro J.M., Afonso C., Pacheco J., Carvalho P., Mendonça P., Botelho A., Albuquerque T., Themudo P., Fevereiro M., Henriques A.M., Santos Barros S., Dias Duarte M. 2017. Progression of rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus 2 upon vaccination in anindustrial rabbitry: a laboratorial approach. World Rabbit Sci., 25: 73-85. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2017.5708Cooke B.D., Fenner F. 2002. Rabbit haemorrhagic disease and the biological control of wild rabbits, Oryctolagus Cuniculus, in Australia and New Zealand. Wildlife Res., 29: 689-706. https://doi.org/10.1071/WR02010Dalton K.P., Balseiro A., Juste R.A., Podadera A., Nicieza I., del Llano D., GonzĂĄlez R., Martin Alonso J.M., Prieto J.M., Parra F., Casais R. 2018. Clinical course and pathogenicity of variant rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus in experimentally infected adult and kit rabbits: Significance towards control and spread. Vet. Microbiol., 220: 24-32. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vetmic.2018.04.033Dohoo I., Martin W., Stryhn H. 2003. Measures of disease frequency. In: Veterinary Epidemiologic Research, First Edition, AVC Inc., Charlottetown, Canada, 65-84.Hall R.N., Huang N., Roberts J., Strive T. 2019. Carrion flies as sentinels for monitoring lagovirus activity in Australia. Transboundary Emerg. Dis., 66: 2025-2032. https://doi.org/10.1111/tbed.13250Henning J., Meers J., Davies R., Morris R.S. 2005. Survival of rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV) in the environment. Epidemiol. Infect., 133: 719-730. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0950268805003766Hurand J. 2016. L'Ă©levage de lapins de chair en France, rĂ©sultats technico-Ă©conomiques 2015. Tema, 40.ITAVI. 2019. Situation de la filiĂšre cunicole. Novembre 2019. 6 p. Available athttps://www.itavi.asso.fr/content/note-deconjoncture-lapins-7Accessed December 2019.Le Gall-ReculĂ© G., Zwingelstein F., Boucher S., Le Normand B., Plassiart G., Portejoie Y., Decors A., Bertagnoli S., GuĂ©rin J.L., Marchandeau S. 2011. Detection of a new variant of rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus in France. Vet. Rec., 168: 137- 138. https://doi.org/10.1136/vr.d697Le Gall-ReculĂ© G., Lavazza A., Marchandeau S., Bertagnoli S., Zwingelstein F., Cavadini P., Martinelli N., Lombardi G., GuĂ©rin J.L., Lemaitre E., Decors A., Boucher S., Le Normand B., Capucci L. 2013. Emergence of a new lagovirus related to Rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus. Vet. Res., 44:81. https://doi.org/10.1186/1297-9716-44-81Le Gall-ReculĂ© G., Boucher S. 2017. Connaissances et actualitĂ©s sur la maladie hĂ©morragique du lapin. In Proc.: 17Ăšmes JournĂ©es de la Recherche Cunicole, 21-22 November, 2017. Le Mans, France. 97-109.Le Minor O., Joudou L., Le Moullec T., Beilvert F. 2017. InnocuitĂ© et efficacitĂ© de la vaccination Ă  2 et 3 semaines d'Ăąge contre le virus RHDV2 de la maladie hĂ©morragique virale du lapin (VHD). In Proc.:17Ăšmes JournĂ©es de la Recherche Cunicole, 21-22 November, 2017. Le Mans, France. 127-130.Le Minor O., Boucher S., Joudou L., Mellet R., Sourice M., Le Moullec T., Nicoler A., Beilvert F., Sigognault-Flochlay A. 2019. Rabbit haemorrhagic disease: experimental study of a recent highly pathogenic GI.2/RJDV2/b strain and evaluation of vaccine efficacy. World Rabbit Sci., 27: 143-156.https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2019.11082Le Pendu J., Abrantes J., Bertagnoli S., Guitton J.S., Le Gall-ReculĂ© G., Lopes A.M., Marchandeau S., Alda F., Almeida T., CĂ©lio A. C., Barcena J., Burmakina G., Blanco E., Calvete C., Cavadini P., Cooke B., Dalton K., Mateos M.D., Deptula W., Eden J.S., Wang F., Ferreira C.C., Ferreira P., Foronda P., Gonçalves D., Gavier-WidĂ©n D., Hall R., Hukowska-Szematowicz B., Kerr P., Kovaliski J., Lavazza A., Mahar J., Malogolovkin A., Marques R.M., Marques S., Martin-Alonso A., Monterroso P., MorenoS., Mutze G., Naimanis A., Niedzwiedzka-Rystwej P., Peacock D., Parra F., Rocchi M., Rouco C., RuvoĂ«n-Clouet N., Silva E., SilvĂ©rio D., Strive T., Thompson G., Tokarz-Deptula B., Esteves P. 2017. Proposal for a unified classification system and nomenclature of lagoviruses. J. Gen. Virol., 98: 1658-1666. https://doi.org/10.1099/jgv.0.000840Matthaei M., Kerr P.J., Read A.J., Hick P., Haboury S., Wright J.D., Strive T. 2014. Comparative quantitative monitoring of rabbit haemorrhagic disease viruses in rabbit kittens. Virol. J., 11: 109. https://doi.org/10.1186/1743-422X-11-109Mc Coll K.A., Merchant J.C., Hardy J., Cooke B.D., Robinson A., Westbury H.A. 2002. Evidence for insect transmission of rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus. Epidemiol. Infect., 129: 655-663. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0950268802007756Neimanis A.S., Larsson Pettersson U., Huang N., Gavier-Widen D., Strive T. 2018. Elucidation of the pathology and tissue distribution of Lagovirus europaeus GI.2/RHDV2 (rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus 2) in young and adult rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Vet. Res., 49:46. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13567-018-0540-zRosell J.M., de la Fuente L.F., Parra F., Dalton K.P., Badiola SĂĄiz J.I., PĂ©rez de Rozas A., Badiola DĂ­ez J.J., FernĂĄndez de Luco D., Casal J., MajĂł N., Casas J., Garriga R., FernĂĄndez Magariños X.M. 2019. Myxomatosis and Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease: A 30-Year Study of the Occurrence on Commercial Farms in Spain. Animals, 9: 780. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani9100780Rouco C., Aguayo-AdĂĄn J.A., Santoro S., Abrantes J., Delibes-Mateos M. 2019. Worldwide rapid spread of the novel rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus (GI.2/RHDV2/b). Transboundary Emerg. Dis., 66: 1762-1764.https://doi.org/10.1111/tbed.1318

    Recognition memory, self-other source memory, and theory-of-mind in children with autism spectrum disorder.

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    This study investigated semantic and episodic memory in autism spectrum disorder (ASD), using a task which assessed recognition and self-other source memory. Children with ASD showed undiminished recognition memory but significantly diminished source memory, relative to age- and verbal ability-matched comparison children. Both children with and without ASD showed an “enactment effect”, demonstrating significantly better recognition and source memory for self-performed actions than other-person-performed actions. Within the comparison group, theory-of-mind (ToM) task performance was significantly correlated with source memory, specifically for other-person-performed actions (after statistically controlling for verbal ability). Within the ASD group, ToM task performance was not significantly correlated with source memory (after controlling for verbal ability). Possible explanations for these relations between source memory and ToM are considered
