820 research outputs found

    Active Alignment System for CLIC 30 GHz Modules in CTF2

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    The active alignment system is capable of positioning accelerator components of CLIC (Compact Linear Collider) with a few micron precision. An electronic processing and command system connects the micro-movers and sensors of this system to the CERN-PS complex control system


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    El concepto de salud ha estado ligado frecuentemente al concepto de enfermedad, pese a que el término "salud" engloba realmente un campo que es diferente y no sólo opuesto a enfermedad. La enfermedad ha estado siempre presente en la historia de la humanidad, y la lucha contra ella ha sido permanente, bien a través de recursos naturales (la medicina académica y la tradicional) o a través de ritos y el recurso a la divinidad (chamanismo y curaciones por la fe). Más aún, la salud y la enfermedad son dos constantes que se refieren especialmente, aunque no de modo exclusivo, al cuerpo, y el cuerpo ha sido objeto de gran número de interpretaciones desde la denostación hasta la exaltación. La salud puede ser vista también desde los enfoques sociales, culturales y, especialmente, de la educación. Esta dimensión antropológica y educativa es el núcleo alrededor del cual se desarrolla este artículo. Palabras clave: Salud. Enfermedad. Cultura. Educación. Medicina académica. Medicina tradicional. Ritual. Cuerpo. AlmaABSTRACT The concept of health has been frequently linked to the concept of illness, though the term «health» really encompasses a field that is different and not only the opposite of, illness. Nevertheless, illness has swayed the course of humanity, and the fight against illness has been a permanent one, whether through rites and appeals to divinities (shamanism, faith healing). Furthermore, health and illness are two constants that refer specialy –albeit not exclusively- to the body, and the body has fallen under and amazingly wide range of interpretations throughout history, from revilement to exaltation. Lastly, health can be looked at from the social, cultural and specialy the educational standpoint. This antropological and educational dimensión is the core ofthis article. Key words: Health. Illness. Culture. Education. Academic Medicine. Traditional Medicine. Ritual. Body. Soul.


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    Se plantea aquí la necesidad de que el problema de la paz comienza en el interior de la persona. Para ello, se pretende clarificar el concepto de "paz", por considerarlo un término controvertido. Para ello, se examinan las distintas influencias que se ejercen sobre el ser humano y que pueden condicionar el recto ejercicio de la educación para la paz, como son las actitudes, su formación y cambio y los diversos obstáculos que se presentan en este camino. Finalmente, se proponen las diversas herramientas que precisa una buena educación para la paz y se aboga por la necesidad de implantarla, pese a su carácter utópico, pero con el concurso de la esperanza. ABSTRACT It arises here the need that the problem ofpeace begins inside the person. So one tries to clarify the concept of«peace», for considering it to be a controversial term.In the same way, the need ofan «education forpeace» is defended, where the core ofthe question is the own human being as subject ofthe same one.That is why, several influences, which are exercised on the human being are examined and which can determine the proper method of education for peace, as they are: attitudes, training and change and several hindrances that appear in this way.Finally, several tools, which require a good education for peace, are required and one pleads for the possibility of implementing it, in spite of its Utopian character, but with the presence  of hope.

    Model based, detailed fault analysis in the CERN PS complex equipment

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    In the CERN PS Complex of accelerators, about a thousand of equipment of various type (power converters, RF cavities, beam measurement devices, vacuum systems etc...) are controlled using the so-called Control Protocol, already described in previous Conferences. This Protocol, a model based equipment access standard, provides, amongst other facilities, a uniform and structured fault description and report feature. The faults are organized in categories, following their gravity, and are presented at two levels: the first level is global and identical for all devices, the second level is very detailed and adapted to the peculiarities of each single device. All the relevant information is provided by the equipment specialists and is appropriately stored in static and real time data bases; in this way a unique set of data driven application programs can always cope with existing and newly added equipment. Two classes of applications have been implemented, the first one is intended for control room alarm purposes, and the second one is oriented for specialists diagnostics. The system is completed by a fault history report facility permitting easy retrieval of faults previously occurred, for example during the night

    Primase-polymerases are a functionally diverse superfamily of replication and repair enzymes

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    Until relatively recently, DNA primases were viewed simply as a class of proteins that synthesize short RNA primers requisite for the initiation of DNA replication. However, recent studies have shown that this perception of the limited activities associated with these diverse enzymes can no longer be justified. Numerous examples can now be cited demonstrating how the term 'DNA primase' only describes a very narrow subset of these nucleotidyltransferases, with the vast majority fulfilling multifunctional roles from DNA replication to damage tolerance and repair. This article focuses on the archaeo-eukaryotic primase (AEP) superfamily, drawing on recently characterized examples from all domains of life to highlight the functionally diverse pathways in which these enzymes are employed. The broad origins, functionalities and enzymatic capabilities of AEPs emphasizes their previous functional misannotation and supports the necessity for a reclassification of these enzymes under a category called primase-polymerases within the wider functional grouping of polymerases. Importantly, the repositioning of AEPs in this way better recognizes their broader roles in DNA metabolism and encourages the discovery of additional functions for these enzymes, aside from those highlighted here

    Mono- and dimeric complexes of an asymmetric heterotopic P,CNHC,pyr ligand

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    An asymmetric heterotopic ligand (S-NMeCP) containing a central bicyclic, expanded-ring NHC with one pyridyl and one phosphine exo-substituent has been synthesised and its coordination chemistry with selected late transition metals investigated. The amidinium precursor [S-NMeCHP]PF6 shows variable coordination modes with Ag(I), Cu(I) and Au(I) depending on the L:M ratio. The reaction of two mols of [S-NMeCHP]PF6 with [Cu(MeCN)4]BF4, AgBF4 or Au(THT)Cl gives the bis-ligand complexes [Cu(κ-P-NMeCHP)2(CH3CN)2]BF4·(PF6)2, 1, and [M(κ-P-NMeCHP)2]X·(PF6)2 (3: M = Ag, X = BF4; 6: M = Au, X = Cl) respectively. The 1:1 reaction of [S-NMeCHP]PF6 with AgOTf gave the head-to-tail dimer H,T-[Ag2(μ-N,P-NMeCHP)2(μ-OTf)2](PF6)2, 2, whereas the analogous reaction with Au(THT)Cl gave monomeric [Au(κ-P-NMeCHP)Cl]PF6, 5. Complex 2 was converted to H,T-[Ag2(μ-C,P-NMeCP)2](PF6)2, 4, upon addition of base, while 6 gave [Au(κ-C-NMeCP)2]Cl, 8, when treated likewise. Reaction of [S-NMeCHP]PF6 with Ni(1,5-COD)2 gave the oxidative addition/insertion product [Ni(κ3-N,C,P-NMeCP)(η3-C8H13)]PF6, 9, which converted to [Ni(κ3-N,C,P-NMeCP)Cl]PF6, 10, upon exposure of a CHCl3 solution to air. Complex 10 showed conformational isomerism that was also present in [Rh(κ3-N,C,P-NMeCP)(CO)]PF6, 14, prepared from the precursor complex [Rh(κ-P-NMeCHP)(acac)(CO)]PF6, 13, upon heating in C6H5Cl. [Pt(κ3-N,C,P-NMeCP)(Cl)]PF6, 12, derived from trans-[Pt(κ-P-NMeCHP)2(Cl)2](PF6)2, 11, was isolated as a single conformer

    Representation and usage of knowledge for initialization of accelerator control equipment

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    A knowledge based application, called SETUP, to initialize and diagnose the CERN/PS accelerators' control equipment is described. The object model and the general features of control algorithms are presented, together with their relation to the knowledge description of the setting up of the system. The different ways of the integration of the SETUP in the control system are outlined

    C IV absorption in damped and sub-damped Lyman-alpha systems: correlations with metallicity and implications for galactic winds at z~2-3

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    We present a study of C IV absorption in a sample of 63 damped Lyman-alpha (DLA) systems and 11 sub-DLAs in the redshift range 1.75<z_abs<3.61, using a dataset of high-resolution (6.6 km/s FWHM), high signal-to-noise VLT/UVES spectra. Narrow and broad C IV absorption line components indicate the presence of both warm, photoionized and hot, collisionally ionized gas. We report new correlations between the metallicity (measured in the neutral-phase) and each of the C IV column density, the C IV total line width, and the maximum C IV velocity. We explore the effect on these correlations of the sub-DLAs, the proximate DLAs (defined as those within 5 000 km/s of the quasar), the saturated absorbers, and the metal line used to measure the metallicity, and we find the correlations to be robust. There is no evidence for any difference between the measured properties of DLA C IV and sub-DLA C IV. In 25 DLAs and 4 sub-DLAs, covering 2.5 dex in [Z/H], we directly observe C IV moving above the escape speed, where v_esc is derived from the total line width of the neutral gas profiles. These high-velocity C IV clouds, unbound from the central potential well, can be interpreted as highly ionized outflowing winds, which are predicted by numerical simulations of galaxy feedback. The distribution of C IV column density in DLAs and sub-DLAs is similar to the distribution in Lyman Break galaxies, where winds are directly observed, supporting the idea that supernova feedback creates the ionized gas in DLAs. The unbound C IV absorbers show a median mass flow rate of ~22(r/40 kpc) solar masses per year, where r is the characteristic C IV radius. Their kinetic energy fluxes are large enough that a star formation rate (SFR) of ~2 solar masses per year is required to power them.Comment: 21 pages, accepted to A&A, Fig 1 downgraded, v2 with proof corrections made and improved Fig 1

    Constraint on the Assembly and Dynamics of Galaxies. II. Properties of Kiloparsec-Scale Clumps in Rest-Frame Optical Emission of z ~ 2 Star-Forming Galaxies

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    We study the properties of luminous stellar "clumps" identified in deep, high-resolution Hubble Space Telescope NIC2/F160W imaging at 1.6 μm of six z ~ 2 star-forming galaxies with existing near-infrared integral field spectroscopy from SINFONI at the Very Large Telescope. Individual clumps contribute ~0.5%-15% of the galaxy-integrated rest-frame ≈5000 Å emission, with median of ≈2%; the total contribution of clump light ranges from 10% to 25%. The median intrinsic clump size and stellar mass are ~1 kpc and ~10^9 M_☉, in the ranges for clumps identified in rest-UV or line emission in other studies. The clump sizes and masses in the subset of disks are broadly consistent with expectations for clump formation through gravitational instabilities in gas-rich, turbulent disks given the host galaxies' global properties. By combining the NIC2 data with Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS)/F814W imaging available for one source, and adaptive-optics-assisted SINFONI Hα data for another, we infer modest color, M/L, and stellar age variations within each galaxy. In these two objects, sets of clumps identified at different wavelengths do not fully overlap; NIC2-identified clumps tend to be redder/older than ACS- or Hα-identified clumps without rest-frame optical counterparts. There is evidence for a systematic trend of older ages at smaller galactocentric radii among the clumps, consistent with scenarios where inward migration of clumps transports material toward the central regions. From constraints on a bulge-like component at radii ≾1-3 kpc, none of the five disks in our sample appears to contain a compact massive stellar core, and we do not discern a trend of bulge stellar mass fraction with stellar age of the galaxy. Further observations are necessary to probe the buildup of stellar bulges and the role of clumps in this process