7 research outputs found

    Short communication: Establishment and maintenance of donkey-in-mule pregnancy after embryo transfer in a non-cycling mule treated with oestradiol benzoate and long-acting progesterone

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    Female mules are considered as infertile; however, they could be used as recipients in interspecific embryo transfer. This study reports for the first time how it is possible to obtain the birth of a live Andalusian donkey foal after transfer a donkey embryo to a non-cycling mule. Two non-cycling mules were used as recipients, oestradiol benzoate was administered when donors showed oestrus and long-acting progesterone after ovulation. The mules also received long-acting progesterone every 7 days until 120 days of gestation. One embryo was collected from the two donor jennies and transferred to one of the mules after 5 days of progesterone treatment. Pregnancy was established and maintained after embryo transfer. The pregnant mule carried to term and delivered a live donkey foal after 375 days of pregnancy. In conclusion, non-cycling mules treated with oestradiol benzoate and long-acting progesterone can be successfully used as recipients of donkey embryos, which open new ways for the conservation of endangered donkey species


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    O efluente de dejetos em sistemas de confinamento animal pode ser responsável por um impacto ambiental, uma vez que, além desse efluente conter alta carga orgânica e nutrientes, ele pode apresentar micropoluentes como os Desreguladores Endócrinos. Essas substâncias são capazes de interagir com o sistema endócrino de seres humanos e animais, causando danos de diferentes magnitudes. Assim, este trabalho busca caracterizar as fases sólida e líquida do efluente da pecuária leiteira quanto à presença desses compostos e sua remoção no sistema de tratamento. O efluente analisado provém da fazenda experimental Embrapa Gado de Leite, localizada em Coronel Pacheco – MG, o qual foi submetido à um tratamento com biodigestor, seguido de lagoa de estabilização, sendo este recirculado para a limpeza da instalação. Foram realizadas 10 amostragens no período de Setembro de 2017 à Setembro de 2018 da fração liquida e sólida do efluente bruto e tratado. Para a quantificação da atividade estrogênica, foi utilizado o ensaio Yeast Estrogen Screen (YES). Verificou-se concentrações elevadas de estrogenicidade nos efluentes bruto e tratado, tanto da fase líquida quanto da fase sólida. Portanto, deve-se ter cautela no manejo desses efluentes necessitando de mais estudos para avaliar o potencial de contaminação do ambiente

    Establishment and maintenance of donkey-in-mule pregnancy after embryo transfer in a non-cycling mule treated with oestradiol benzoate and long-acting progesterone

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    Female mules are considered as infertile; however, they could be used as recipients in interspecific embryo transfer. This study reports for the first time how it is possible to obtain the birth of a live Andalusian donkey foal after transfer a donkey embryo to a non-cycling mule. Two non-cycling mules were used as recipients, oestradiol benzoate was administered when donors showed oestrus and long-acting progesterone after ovulation. The mules also received long-acting progesterone every 7 days until 120 days of gestation. One embryo was collected from the two donor jennies and transferred to one of the mules after 5 days of progesterone treatment. Pregnancy was established and maintained after embryo transfer. The pregnant mule carried to term and delivered a live donkey foal after 375 days of pregnancy. In conclusion, non-cycling mules treated with oestradiol benzoate and long-acting progesterone can be successfully used as recipients of donkey embryos, which open new ways for the conservation of endangered donkey species

    Cryopreservation of Andalusian donkey (Equus asinus) spermatozoa: Use of alternative energy sources in the freezing extender affects post-thaw sperm motility patterns but not DNA stability

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    The aim of this study was to compare the effect of three sugars and Equex paste in a freezing extender for donkey sperm cryopreservation. Ejaculates (n = 18) were collected from six Andalusian donkeys of proven fertility were pooled (two ejaculates per pool) and cryopreserved using a freezing extender containing three different sugars (glucose, fructose and sorbitol), with or without the addition of Equex paste. Sperm quality was assessed before and after freezing-thawing for motility, morphology, plasma membrane integrity, acrosome integrity and DNA integrity. The use of sorbitol in the freezing extender improved total and progressive sperm motility (P 0.05). Glucose was more effective in maintaining sperm morphology (P 0.05). Supplementation of fructose and Equex paste in the freezing extender decreased plasma membrane integrity (P 0.05), even after 24 h of incubation. The use of different sugar sources in the extender could affect the in vitro post-thaw quality of cryopreserved donkey spermatozoa, with sorbitol being an interesting alternative for improving the sperm quality. Results of the present study indicate the use of Equex paste could negatively affect post-thaw outcomes for sperm viability in this species.Fil: Dorado, Jesus. Universidad de Córdoba; EspañaFil: Hidalgo, Manuel. Universidad de Córdoba; EspañaFil: Acha, Daniel. Universidad de Córdoba; EspañaFil: Ortiz, Isabel. Universidad de Córdoba; EspañaFil: Bottrel, Marina. Universidad de Córdoba; EspañaFil: Azcona, Florencia. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico CONICET- La Plata. Instituto de Genética Veterinaria "Ing. Fernando Noel Dulout". Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Instituto de Genética Veterinaria; ArgentinaFil: Carrasco, Juan José. Centro de Selección y Reproducción Animal ; EspañaFil: Gómez Arrones, Vanesa. Centro de Selección y Reproducción Animal ; EspañaFil: Demyda-Peyrás, Sebastian. Universidad de Córdoba; España. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico CONICET- La Plata. Instituto de Genética Veterinaria "Ing. Fernando Noel Dulout". Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Instituto de Genética Veterinaria; Argentin


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    ABSTRACTHigh milk production, heat, physiological status and management impair reproduction in Holstein cows. The use of in vivo-produced embryos has been reported as an alternative to enhance pregnancy outcome in the tropics; however there are several limitations for its production, especially from variations in superovulatory responses. The in vitro production of embryos would avoid such variations, but few studies have been reported. This study aims to verify the effects of variables related to recipients under a program of routine in vitro embryo transfer on a commercial dairy farm in southeastern Brazil. It was hypothesized that pregnancy rates after transfer of ovum pick up or OPUderived embryos (ET) to lactating Holstein recipients may be influenced by recipient GnRH-treatment at ET, parity, milk production and body condition score. Recipients (267) were allocated to one of three i.m. treatments given at ET: Control (92) - 2.5 ml saline; Buserelin (86) - 10 μg Buserelin acetate; Deslorelin (89) - 750 μg Deslorelin acetate. Ultrasound images and blood samples were taken at ET and seven days later. The first pregnancy diagnosis was performed between 30-40 days and the second between 60-80 days post ET. Data were analyzed by GENMOD (SAS(r)). The proportion of pregnant cows was greater (P<0.05) in Buserelin-treated recipients (38.3%) at the first pregnancy diagnosis than Controls (24.1%), but similar to Deslorelin and control cows at the second diagnosis (13.0, 20.9 and 14.6% in Control, Buserelin and Deslorelin, respectively). In conclusion, Buserelin improved pregnancy rate only transitorily, under the present conditions

    Remoção da Atividade Estrogênica por Carvão Ativado

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    Endocrine Disrupters (ED) are substances that can affect human and animal health, even at low doses. Several studies conducted in environmental matrices have found these compounds in surface water and water treatment plants. The conventional water treatment most used method in Brazil has its limitations in the removal of some ED, although it is possible to promote the removal of ED when it’s allied to other technologies. Thus, in this study, the potential of granular activated carbon (GAC) was investigated as a technology for the removal of estrogenic activity in water. Characterization of the GAC was conducted regarding the methylene blue index, iodine number, and  zero charge point pH, in addition to physical-chemical analyzes of the water, which was doped with a mix of endocrine disruptors (estrone, 17ẞ-estradiol, 17-α-ethinylestradiol, and 4-n-nonylphenol). Batch adsorption tests were performed with the sample, with pre-defined mixtures of ED and GAC mass. The estrogenic activity was quantified after solid-phase extraction and subsequent Yeast Estrogen Screen test (YES). The studied coal had a deficiency in micro and mesopores. In addition, there was noticeable turbidity growth with the increase in the mass of the adsorbent used, even after sample filtration. There was a greater removal of estrogenic activity in proportion to the addition of greater amounts of GAC. It was concluded that the granular activated carbon is capable of removing estrogenic activity, however, it is necessary to seek an optimization of the system, by using smaller amounts of GAC for higher removal rates.Os Desreguladores Endócrinos (DE) fazem parte de uma classe de substâncias passíveis de causarem efeitos à saúde humana e de outros animais, mesmo em baixas concentrações. Diversos estudos conduzidos em matrizes ambientais já constataram a presença desses compostos em águas superficiais e em estações de tratamento de água. O tratamento de água convencional, método mais utilizado no país, possui limitações na remoção de alguns DE. Aliando-se a outras tecnologias, é possível promover a remoção dos DE. Assim, neste estudo, investigou-se o potencial do carvão ativado granular (CAG) como tecnologia     para a remoção da atividade estrogênica da água. Foi feita uma caracterização do CAG quanto ao Índice de Azul de Metileno, Número de Iodo e pH do Ponto de Carga Zero, além de análises físico-químicas da água, a qual foi dopada com uma mistura de desreguladores endócrinos (estrona, 17ẞ-estradiol, 17-α-etinilestradiol e 4-n-nonilfenol). Ensaios de adsorção em batelada foram realizados com a amostra, com concentrações pré-definidas da mistura de DE e massa de CAG. A atividade estrogênica das amostras foi quantificada após à extração em fase sólida e posterior bioensaio Yeast Estrogen Screen (YES). O carvão estudado apresentou deficiência em micro e mesoporos. Além disso, constatou-se aumento de turbidez com o aumento da massa de adsorvente empregado, mesmo após filtração da amostra. Houve maior remoção de atividade estrogênica proporcionalmente à adição de maiores quantidades de CAG. Conclui-se que o carvão ativado granular é capaz de remover a atividade estrogênica, contudo, é necessário buscar a otimização do sistema, ao usar menores quantidades de CAG para maiores taxas de remoção