50 research outputs found

    Aportaciones de la neurociencia cognitiva a la estimulación auditiva musical de 0 a 6 años

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    Este artículo forma parte de una investigación más amplia acerca de la actitud y la aptitud que los maestros generalistas de 2º ciclo de Educación Infantil de los colegios públicos de Valencia tienen para estimular auditivamente a sus alumnos a partir de la discriminación auditiva y la escucha comprensiva de las audiciones musicales, con el fin de desarrollar el oído interno y la capacidad atencional. A lo largo de este trabajo se explica cómo afecta al cerebro infantil una continua estimulación sensorial, concretamente la auditiva, desde el ámbito neurológico

    Still seeking for an explanation of the Sequential Compatibility Effect

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    The modulation of the Compatibility Effect (CE) according to the compatibility of the previous trial (Sequential Compatibility Effect, SCE) in three types of attentional tasks is explored. The flankers and spatial Stroop tasks have different degrees of cognitive complexity. In all three tasks it is analyzed whether the SCE varies when the stimuli in consecutive trials are exactly the same (pure replicas) or not. The data, collected from three independent samples (total N = 1.159), show the CE in the three tasks. However, SCE only shows up in the spatial Stroop task. The effect is smaller albeit still significant when the pure replica trials are removed, a result inconsistent with those of Mayr et al. (2003) and Hommel (1998) but consistent with the Conflict Theory (Botvinick et al., 2001). Furthermore, we also discuss the importance of cognitive complexity in relation to the perspective of Botvinick et al. (2004). From this point of view more complexity should be reflected in a greater presence of cognitive conflict, and therefore a higher SCE

    L2L European Project: a Serious Game for Leadership Training

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    Effective leaders manage the underlying group dynamics in ways that help the team meet its objectives. Leaders need people management skills, resource management and organization. Despite the offer of leadership skills training programs, effective and valid training in these areas is scarce and it is usually available only in master programs of high quality or large corporations. The Learn 2 Lead (L2L) Project consortium has designed and developed a leadership skills training online game that aims to increase the availability of these programs as well as give people a more active role in the learning process. The aim of this work is to describe both the serious game and the research design to be user in order to test the efficacy of the game in leadership training. The training is going to be applied in two different modes: 1) online self-administered mode; and 2) blended mode. A pilot study and a large scale trial will be carried out to test this game and to compare the differential efficacy between these two training modes. Future results from these studies will provide empirical evidence about the validity and utility of new technologies, specifically serious games, in leadership skills training

    En busca de una explicación del Efecto Secuencial de Compatibilidad

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    Se estudia la modulación del Efecto de Compatibilidad (EC) según la compatibilidad del ensayo previo (Efecto Secuencial de Compatibilidad, ESC) en tres tipos de tareas atencionales, flancos verbal, flancos numérico y Stroop espacial, modeladas a partir de Gratton et al., (1992). Las tareas de flancos y Stroop espacial presentan diferente complejidad cognitiva. Se analiza en estas tareas si la modulación del EC está matizada por la repetición de estímulos exactamente iguales consecutivos (puras réplicas) o es independiente de ésta. Se registran datos de tres muestras independientes (Ntotal = 1.159) para averiguar si los resultados logran reproducirse. Se observa EC para las tres tareas atencionales, pero sólo hay ESC en la tarea de Stroop espacial. El efecto se mantiene después de eliminar del análisis los ensayos que son puras réplicas, un resultado inconsistente con las propuestas de Mayr et al. (2003) y Hommel (1998) pero congruente con la Teoría del Conflicto (Botvinick et al., 2001). Además, se analiza la importancia de la complejidad cognitiva en relación a la perspectiva de Botvinick et al. (2004). Desde este punto de vista una mayor complejidad se debería reflejar en una mayor presencia de conflicto cognitivo, y, por tanto, un mayor ESC.The modulation of the Compatibility Effect (CE) according to the compatibility of the previous trial (Sequential Compatibility Effect, SCE) in three types of attentional tasks is explored. The flankers and spatial Stroop tasks have different degrees of cognitive complexity. In all three tasks it is analyzed whether the SCE varies when the stimuli in consecutive trials are exactly the same (pure replicas) or not. The data, collected from three independent samples (total N = 1.159), show the CE in the three tasks. However, SCE only shows up in the spatial Stroop task. The effect is smaller albeit still significant when the pure replica trials are removed, a result inconsistent with those of Mayr et al. (2003) and Hommel (1998) but consistent with the Conflict Theory (Botvinick et al., 2001). Furthermore, we also discuss the importance of cognitive complexity in relation to the perspective of Botvinick et al. (2004). From this point of view more complexity should be reflected in a greater presence of cognitive conflict, and therefore a higher SCE

    Mechanisms Involved in the Removal of Emerging Contaminants by a Combined UASB-MBR System

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    Generally, a conventional treatment is enough to remove suspended solids and organic matter in urban wastewater treatment plants, but unfortunately, many emerging contaminants (ECs) remain in water. The aim of this research is to study the removal of several ECs from wastewaters using a combined system (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket-UASB followed by a Membrane Bioreactor-MBR) at two organic loading rates, studying the mechanisms involved in their removal. The combined system consisted on a UASB (25 L) followed by a MBR (20 L) (hollow fiber; 0.4 μm; 0.2 m2). The system was fed with synthetic wastewater doped with ECs (pharmaceutical products, personal care products and industrial) at an inlet concentration of 10 μgꞏL-1 and operated at two organic loading rates, low 0.09–0.15 kg DQOꞏm-3ꞏd-1 (L1) and high 0.60–0.80 kg DQOꞏm-3ꞏd-1 (L2). Aqueous samples were extracted by Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) and were analysed by GC-MS. ECs were extracted from sludge by Accelerated Solvent Extraction (ASE). With the anaerobic-aerobic combination of processes that takes place in the UASB-MBR system, almost complete removal from water was reached for methylparaben, ethylparaben, propylparaben, estrone, butylparaben, 4-octylphenol, ibuprofen and triclosan at both organic loading rates. Carbamazepine and diclofenac were the most recalcitrant compounds, whose removal was enhanced at L2. Almost complete removal was reached for 17-a-ethinylestradiol, 17-b-estradiol, 4-t-octylphenol and bisphenol A at L2, decreasing slightly the efficiencies at L1. The first stage (UASB) of the system was analyzed Anaerobic biomass was especially efficient in the removal of parabens, 4-octylphenol, 17-b-estradiol and triclosan, reaching biotransformation percentages of 80–99.7%. Biotransformation percentages were: 53–95% for bisphenol A, ibuprofen, 4-t-octylphenol, 17-a-ethinylestradiol and estrone; 38–49% for carbamazepine and 15–57% for diclofenac. Hormones, alkylphenols, bisphenol A and triclosan were found in the anaerobic sludge (fraction: 0.3–2.4%): in addition, the second stage (MBR) was analyzed Aerobic biomass also contributed to ECs removal, reaching biotransformation percentages of 18–41% for carbamazepine and 48–71% for diclofenac. Estrone, 17-a-ethinylestradiol and alkylphenols were detected in the aerobic sludge.This study was partially financed by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness via the project “Combined treatments for degradation and removal of emerging pollutants in water” (CTM2013-46669-R). The authors are grateful to project LIFE15 ENV/ES/000598 “Development of an efficient and sustainable methodology for EMerging POllutants REmoval in WWTPs”(EMPORE)

    Eficacia diferencial de dos formas de aplicar las tareas para casa en el tratamiento de los Trastornos Adaptativos. Terapia Emocional On line vs. formato tradicional

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    Introducción. Los Trastornos Adaptativos (TA) son un importante problema de salud pública. Un componente central en la Terapia Cognitivo-Conductual (TCC) es la asignación de tareas para casa, sin embargo, no existen estudios que utilicen las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación para aplicar este componente terapéutico. teo (Terapia Emocional On line) es un sistema web que permite crear y enviar material terapéutico personalizado a los pacientes vía Internet. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar el estudio controlado que se realizará, en el que se comparará la eficacia y eficiencia diferencial de dos formas de aplicar las tareas para casa. Método. Se utilizará un diseño entre grupos con dos condiciones experimentales: 1) las tareas para casa serán aplicadas mediante el sistema TEO; 2) tareas para casa serán aplicadas de forma tradicional (lecturas, audios de las sesiones grabadas). Cuarenta personas con diagnóstico de TA recibirán 6-8 sesiones de TCC y se evaluará la autoeficacia para superar el problema, el estado de ánimo, así como, las expectativas, la opinión y la satisfacción de ambos formatos de aplicación de las tareas para casa. Resultados. Se espera que la condición que utilice teo se muestre igual de eficaz, y más eficiente que la condición que aplique las tareas para casa de forma tradicional. Además, será mejor valorada por los pacientes y por los terapeutas. Discusión. Un sistema como TEO puede facilitar el trabajo del terapeuta en la asignación de tareas para casa, y aumentar la adherencia del paciente al tratamiento.Introduction. Adjustment disorders (AD) are an important public health problem. Cognitive- behavioural Therapy (CBT) approach gives a crucial role to homework assignments, however, no study is available that uses the Information and Communication Technologies to apply this therapeutic component. TEO (Online Emotional Therapy) is a Web based system that allows creating personalized therapeutic material to present to the patient over the Internet. The aim of this work is present the controlled study that will be conducted, which we will compare the effectiveness and efficiency differential of two ways to apply the homework assignments. Method. We will use a between-group design with two experimental conditions; 1) Homework assignments will be applied using TEO system; 2) Homework assignments will be applied in the traditional way (reading materials, session audio record). 40 people diagnosed with TA will receive 6-8 CBT sessions and the efficacy to overcome the problem, the mood state and the expectations, opinion and satisfaction with both modalities of applying homework assignments will be assessed. Results. We expect that TEO condition will be equally effective and more efficient than the condition which applies homework assignments in the traditional way. In addition, it will better valued by patients and therapists. Discussion. A system like TEO can facilitate the therapist’s work in designing homework assignments and the patient’s treatment adherence

    Cognitive plasticity in normal and pathological aging

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    The main goal of the present study is to examine to what extent age and cognitive impairment contribute to learning performance (cognitive plasticity, cognitive modifiability, or learning potential). To address this question, participants coming from four studies (Longitudinal Study of Active Aging, age range, 55–75 years, N = 458; Longitudinal Study in the very old [90+], age range, 90–102, N = 188, and Cognitive Plasticity within the Course of Cognitive Impairment, 97 “Normal”, 57 mild cognitive impairment [MCI], and 98 Alzheimer’s disease [AD] patients) were examined through a measure of verbal learning (developed from Rey). The results show that all age, MCI, and AD groups learned across the five learning trials of that test, but significant differences were found due to age, pathology, and education. The effects of pathology (MCI and AD) can be expressed in a metric of “years of normal decline by age”; specifically, being MCI means suffering an impairment in performance that is equivalent to the decline of a normal individual during 15 years, whereas the impact of AD is equivalent to 22.7 years. Likewise, the improvement associated with about 5 years of education is equivalent to about 1 year less of normal aging. Also, the two pathological groups significantly differed from “normal” groups in the delayed trial of the test. The most dramatic difference is that between the “normal” group and the AD patients, which shows relatively poorer performance for the AD group in the delayed trial than in the first learning trial. The potential role of this unique effect for quick detection purposes of AD is assessed (in the 75–89 years age range, sensitivity and specificity equal 0.813 and 0.917, respectively).This study has been granted by the Research General Direction, MICINN: Project SEJ-2006-14438/PSIC; IMSERSO I+D+I Projects: 15-05 and 35-06

    Genetic assessment of population restorations of the critically endangered Silene hifacensis in the Iberian Peninsula

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    In order to preserve endangered plant populations and recover their evolutionary potential and ecological behavior, some restoration measures generally involve the reinforcement of the population size in existing natural populations or the reintroduction of new populations. Genetic monitoring of both natural and restored populations can provide an assessment of restoration protocol success in establishing populations that maintain levels of genetic diversity similar to those in natural populations. The highly threatened Spanish species Silene hifacensis (Caryophyllaceae) has only three natural reduced mainland populations in the Iberian Peninsula, following decline and extinction that occurred during the late 20th century. Preterit restoration strategies were essentially based on the implantation of new populations and reinforcement of certain existing populations using transplants mostly cultivated in greenhouses. In the present contribution, levels and patterns of genetic variability within natural and restored populations of Silene hifacensis were assessed using the molecular technique AFLP. Our results pointed out significant genetic diversity differences across the three existing natural populations though their population fragmentation and progressive loss of individuals have not had an impact on the global genetic diversity of this species. For restored populations, their levels of genetic diversity were similar and even higher than in natural populations. As a result, the past restoration protocols were successful in capturing similar and even higher levels of genetic diversity than those observed within natural pools. However, inbreeding processes have been detected for two restored populations. Finally, the main source of plant material for the long-time restored transplants appears to be the natural population of Cova de les Cendres. This study demonstrates, once again, how genetic markers are useful tools to be taken in consideration for endangered plant species conservation plans.Work was supported by the project CONSELLERIATERRITORIO4-06i (Conselleria de Territori i Habitage, Generalitat Valenciana)

    TEO: an online emotional therapy system to apply homework assignments in the Treatment of adjustment disorders

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    Adjustment Disorders (AD) are a very important public health problem. Regarding its treatment, only a series of general guidelines are available. Our research team has developed a cognitive-behavioral treatment (CBT) supported by Virtual Reality (VR) that has shown its utility in the treatment of AD. A CBT approach gives a crucial role to homework assignments. So far, studies that use Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for psychological treatments have been centered on how to use the technologies to deliver treatment within the therapeuti c c ontext. No study is avai lable in the literature that uses ICT to apply homework assignments. Therefore, in the present work we pretend to go one step beyond and join the use of the VR EMMA system within the therapy sessions, with the use of other ICT to apply homework assignments between sessions in the treatment of AD. TEO is a completely open Online Emotional Therapy system based on Web technology that allows, in a simple and effective way, to create personalized therapeutic material to present to the patient over the Internet. The aim of the present work is to describe the TEO system and the study that is being conducted to test its efficacy and efficiency

    Uso de plantas comestibles silvestres como ingredientes funcionales en la dieta moderna

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    Se han evaluado trece especies de plantas silvestres comestibles pertenecientes a once familias botánicas consumidas en la dieta mediterránea tradicional. Sanguisorba minor, Quercus ballota y Sedum sediforme mostraron la mayor actividad antioxidante total hidrofílica (H‐AAT), así como el mayor contenido en fenoles totales. El análisis sensorial indicó que los frutos de Q. ballota podrían considerarse muy dulces y que las plantas de Crithmum maritimum y Oxalis pes‐caprae son muy ácidas. Además, los catadores destacaron el sabor salado de C. maritimum, Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum y Mesembryanthemum cristalinum, el sabor picante de A. ampeloprasum, y el aroma de F. vulgare. Nuestros resultados indican que debido a sus propiedades funcionales y sensoriales, podrían utilizarse como nuevos ingredientes para aumentar la variedad en la dieta moderna y en la alta cocina creativa