2,479 research outputs found

    Vortex-Antivortex Lattice in Ultra-Cold Fermi Gases

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    We discuss ultra-cold Fermi gases in two dimensions, which could be realized in a strongly confining one-dimensional optical lattice. We obtain the temperature versus effective interaction phase diagram for an s-wave superfluid and show that, below a certain critical temperature T_c, spontaneous vortex-antivortex pairs appear for all coupling strengths. In addition, we show that the evolution from weak to strong coupling is smooth, and that the system forms a square vortex-antivortex lattice at a lower critical temperature T_M.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review Letter

    What makes a megaplasmid?

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    Naturally occurring plasmids come in different sizes. The smallest are less than a kilobase of DNA, while the largest can be over three orders of magnitude larger. Historically, research has tended to focus on smaller plasmids that are usually easier to isolate, manipulate and sequence, but with improved genome assemblies made possible by long-read sequencing, there is increased appreciation that very large plasmids—known as megaplasmids—are widespread, diverse, complex, and often encode key traits in the biology of their host microorganisms. Why are megaplasmids so big? What other features come with large plasmid size that could affect bacterial ecology and evolution? Are megaplasmids 'just' big plasmids, or do they have distinct characteristics? In this perspective, we reflect on the distribution, diversity, biology, and gene content of megaplasmids, providing an overview to these large, yet often overlooked, mobile genetic elements. This article is part of the theme issue ‘The secret lives of microbial mobile genetic elements’

    Impact of pharmacy participation on number of discrepancies identified during admission medication reconciliation process: A pilot study

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    Background: Medication reconciliation is endorsed by the Joint Commission as a process to reduce negative patient outcomes associated with medication discrepancies across transitions in care. Pharmacist-performed MR in the Emergency Department (ED) compared to medication reconciliation performed by physicians has been shown to identify more medication discrepancies prior to admission. Objective: The primary objective of this study is to determine if pharmacy participation during the admission medication reconciliation process increases the number of medication discrepancies identified at the Providence VAMC in comparison to the standard of care. Secondary objectives are to evaluate the discrepancies based on the type of discrepancy, medication class, and medication supplier. Methods: A retrospective electronic chart review was performed for veterans at the medical center who had a pharmacy representative (sixth year pharmacy student or PGY-1 pharmacy resident), complete medication reconciliation template upon admission from January 1, 2015 to May 1, 2015. Patients included were admitted through the ED and had an outpatient medication reconciliation clinical reminder documented in the physician intake note. Patients were excluded if admitted from a facility that had oversight in the dispensing of medications, unable to participate in medication reconciliation, or admitted while pharmacy representatives were not on-site. The number of discrepancies documented by pharmacy personnel and the number of discrepancies documented by the ED staff were compared. The percentage of discrepancies was determined type of discrepancy, medication class, and medication supplier. Results: A total of 157 patient charts were reviewed. 348 discrepancies were identified by pharmacy compared to 41 discrepancies identified by ED staff. The mean number of discrepancies documented per patient was 2.21 for pharmacy representatives and 0.26 for the ED, CI (1.58-2.32) p Conclusion: Pharmacy identified significantly more discrepancies during the admission medication reconciliation process in comparison to the standard of care in the ED. The findings of this study support the importance of incorporating pharmacists in the medication reconciliation process at the medical center to improve patient care

    Commentary: Human liver Flukes

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    Surveying the spirit of absolute summability on multilinear operators and homogeneous polynomials

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    [EN] We draw a fundamental compendium of the most valuable results of the theory of summing linear operators and detail those that are not shared by known multilinear and polynomial extensions of absolutely summing linear operators. The lack of such results in the theory of non-linear summing operators justifies the introduction of a class of polynomials and multilinear operators that satisfies at once all related non-linear results. Surprisingly enough, this class, defined by means of a summing inequality, happens to be the well known ideal of composition with a summing operator.D. Pellegrino acknowledges with thanks the support of CNPq Grant 401735/2013-3-PVE (Linha 2)-Brazil. P. Rueda acknowledges with thanks the support of the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (Spain) MTM2011-22417. E. A. Sanchez Perez acknowledges with thanks the support of the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (Spain) MTM2012-36740-C02-02.Pellegrino, D.; Rueda, P.; Sánchez Pérez, EA. (2016). Surveying the spirit of absolute summability on multilinear operators and homogeneous polynomials. Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales Serie A Matemáticas. 110(1):285-302. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13398-015-0224-8S2853021101Achour, D., Dahia, E., Rueda, P., Sánchez-Pérez, E.A.: Factorization of absolutely continuous polynomials. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 405(1), 259–270 (2013)Albiac, F., Kalton, N.: Topics in Banac Space Theory. Springer, Berlin (2005)Alencar, R., Matos, M.C.: Some classes of multilinear mappings between Banach spaces, Publicaciones del Departamento de Análisis Matemático 12, Universidad Complutense Madrid (1989)Bombal, F., Pérez-García, D., Villanueva, I.: Multilinear extensions of Grothendieck’s theorem. Q. J. Math. 55(4), 441–450 (2004)Botelho, G., Braunss, H.-A., Junek, H., Pellegrino, D.: Holomorphy types and ideals of multilinear mappings. 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    Could Estradiol be used as a biomarker of infection in Schistosoma haematobium infected patients?

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    Urogenital schistosomiasis is a chronic infection caused by the human blood fluke Schistosoma haematobium. Schistosomiasis haematobia is a known risk factor for cancer leading to squamous cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder (SCC). This is a neglected tropical disease endemic in many countries of Africa and the Middle East. Schistosome eggs produce catechol-estrogens. These estrogenic molecules are metabolized to active quinones that cause alterations in DNA (leading in other contexts to breast or thyroid cancer). Our group has shown that schistosome egg associated catechol estrogens induce tumor-like phenotypes in urothelial cells, originated from parasite estrogen-host cell chromosomal DNA adducts and mutations. Also we have demonstrated that these molecules are detected as Estradiol in sera of infected patients.N/

    Keratin peptides from chicken feathers for biomedical applications

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    Book of Abstracts of CEB Annual Meeting 2017info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Biodistribuição do 18FDG em ratos nude balb-c nu/nu normaiS

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    Resumo do poster apresentado ao XII Congresso Nacional de Medicina Nuclear, 12-14 Novembro 2009, Mealhad
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