901 research outputs found

    Anomalies and divergences in N=4 supergravity

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    The invariants in D=4, N=4 supergravity are discussed up to the three-loop order (where one expects a general R^4 structure). Because there is an anomaly in the rigid SL(2,R) symmetry of this theory, the analysis of possible restrictions on three-loop divergences due to duality needs careful treatment. We show that this anomalous symmetry is still strong enough at the three-loop order to require duality invariance of candidate counterterms. Provided one makes the additional assumption that there exists a full 16-supercharge off-shell formulation of the theory, counterterms at L \ge 2 loops would also have to be writable as full-superspace integrals. At the three-loop order such a duality-invariant full-superspace integral candidate counterterm exists, but its duality invariance is marginal in the sense that the full-superspace counter-Lagrangian is not itself duality invariant. We show that, subject to the assumption that a full off-shell quantisation formalism exists, such marginal invariants are not allowable as counterterms.Comment: 15 pages, version published in Phys. Lett.

    Invariants and divergences in half-maximal supergravity theories

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    The invariants in half-maximal supergravity theories in D=4,5 are discussed in detail up to dimension eight (e.g. R^4). In D=4, owing to the anomaly in the rigid SL(2,R) duality symmetry, the restrictions on divergences need careful treatment. In pure N=4 supergravity, this anomalous symmetry still implies duality invariance of candidate counterterms at three loops. Provided one makes the additional assumption that there exists a full 16-supercharge off-shell formulation of the theory, counterterms at L>1 loops would also have to be writable as full-superspace integrals. At the three-loop order such a duality-invariant full-superspace integral candidate counterterm exists, but its duality invariance is marginal in the sense that the full-superspace counter-Lagrangian is not itself duality-invariant. We show that such marginal invariants are not allowable as counterterms in a 16-supercharge off-shell formalism. It is not possible to draw the same conclusion when vector multiplets are present because of the appearance of F^4 terms in the SL(2,R) anomaly. In D=5 there is no one-loop anomaly in the shift invariance of the dilaton, and we argue that this implies finiteness at two loops, again subject to the assumption that 16 supercharges can be preserved off-shell.Comment: 81 page

    Genericity of Fr\'echet smooth spaces

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    If a separable Banach space contains an isometric copy of every separable reflexive Fr\'echet smooth Banach space, then it contains an isometric copy of every separable Banach space. The same conclusion holds if we consider separable Banach spaces with Fr\'echet smooth dual space. This improves a result of G. Godefroy and N. J. Kalton.Comment: 34 page

    The influence of longwave ultraviolet radiation (u.v.-A) on the photosynthetic activity (14C-assimilation) of phytoplankton

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    The impact of u.v.-A (315-400 nm) on phytoplanktonic C-assimilation has been studied in situ and in the laboratory under artificial light. Water samples from Lake Lucerne were placed in DURAN-glass bottles and incubated either covered or uncovered with u.v. absorbing transparent tubes. Exposure to u.v.-A clearly inhibited 14C-assimilation in the uncovered samples both in situ and in the laboratory. Variations in visible light intensity and filtering of u.v.-B selectively demonstrated small inhibition of 14C-assimilation. U.v.-A inhibition of productivity is the major factor in the well known depression in productivity for surface water

    Classification of BPS instantons in N=4 D=4 supergravity

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    This talk is based on the recent work in collaboration with M. Azreg-A\"{\i}nou and G. Cl\'ement devoted to extremal instantons in the one-vector truncation of the Euclidean N=4, D=4\mathcal{N}=4,\, D=4 theory. Extremal solutions satisfying the no-force condition can be associated with null geodesic curves in the homogeneous target space of the three-dimensional sigma model arising in toroidal reduction of the four-dimensional theory. Here we (preliminarily) discuss the case of two vector fields sufficient to find all relevant metrics in the full N=4, D=4\mathcal{N}=4,\, D=4 theory. Classification of instanton solutions is given along the following lines. The first is their possible asymptotic structure: asymptotically locally flat (ALF), asymptotically locally Euclidean (ALE) and ALF or ALE with the dilaton growing at infinity. The second is the algebraic characterization of matrix generators according to their rank and the nature of the charge vectors in an associated Lorentzian space. Finally, solutions are distinguished by the number of independent harmonic functions with unequal charges (up to four).Comment: Submitted to Proceedings of "Quantum Theory and Symmetries" (QTS-7), Prague, August 7-13, 201

    On duality symmetries of supergravity invariants

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    The role of duality symmetries in the construction of counterterms for maximal supergravity theories is discussed in a field-theoretic context from different points of view. These are: dimensional reduction, the question of whether appropriate superspace measures exist and information about non-linear invariants that can be gleaned from linearised ones. In D=4, N=8 supergravity we find that all three of these arguments suggest that F-term counterterms cannot be E7(7)-invariant and that the theory should be finite up to seven loops as a consequence. We also argue that N=6 supergravity is finite at three and four loops and that N=5 supergravity should be three-loop finite

    Counterterms vs. Dualities

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    We investigate and clarify the mutual compatibility of the higher order corrections arising in supergravity and string theory effective actions and the non-linear duality symmetries of these theories. Starting from a conventional tree level action leading to duality invariant equations of motion, we show how to accommodate duality invariant counterterms given as functionals of both electric and magnetic fields in a perturbative expansion, and to deduce from them a non-polynomial bona fide action satisfying the Gaillard-Zumino constraint. There exists a corresponding consistency constraint in the non-covariant Henneaux-Teitelboim formalism which ensures that one can always restore diffeomorphism invariance by perturbatively solving this functional identity. We illustrate how this procedure works for the R^2 \nabla F \nabla F and F^4 counterterms in Maxwell theory.Comment: 15 page

    Finiteness Properties of the N=4 Super-Yang--Mills Theory in Supersymmetric Gauge

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    With the introduction of shadow fields, we demonstrate the renormalizability of the N=4 super-Yang--Mills theory in component formalism, independently of the choice of UV regularization. Remarkably, by using twisted representations, one finds that the structure of the theory and its renormalization is determined by a subalgebra of supersymmetry that closes off-shell. Starting from this subalgebra of symmetry, we prove some features of the superconformal invariance of the theory. We give a new algebraic proof of the cancellation of the ÎČ\beta function and we show the ultraviolet finiteness of the 1/2 BPS operators at all orders in perturbation theory. In fact, using the shadow field as a Maurer--Cartan form, the invariant polynomials in the scalar fields in traceless symmetric representations of the internal R-symmetry group are simply related to characteristic classes. Their UV finiteness is a consequence of the Chern--Simons formula

    Multi-Centered Black Hole Flows

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    We describe the systematical construction of the first order formalism for multi-centered black holes with flat three dimensional base-space, within the so-called T3T^{3} model of N=2, D=4 ungauged Maxwell-Einstein supergravity. The three possible flow classes (BPS, composite non-BPS and almost-BPS) are analyzed in detail, and various solutions, such as single-centered (static or under-rotating) and all known multi-centered black holes, are recovered in this unified framework. We also consider the possibility of obtaining new solutions. The almost-BPS class is proved to split into two general sub-classes, corresponding to a positive or negative value of the duality-invariant polynomial for the total charge; the well known almost BPS system is shown to be a particular solution of the second sub-class.Comment: 17 pages,no figure

    Duality covariant non-BPS first order systems

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    We study extremal black hole solutions to four dimensional N=2 supergravity based on a cubic symmetric scalar manifold. Using the coset construction available for these models, we define the first order flow equations implied by the corresponding nilpotency conditions on the three-dimensional scalar momenta for the composite non-BPS class of multi-centre black holes. As an application, we directly solve these equations for the single-centre subclass, and write the general solution in a manifestly duality covariant form. This includes all single-centre under-rotating non-BPS solutions, as well as their non-interacting multi-centre generalisations.Comment: 31 pages, v2: Discussion of the quadratic constraint clarified, references added, typos corrected, published versio
