380 research outputs found

    Ionospheric Absorption on 1539 Khz in Relation to Solar Ionizing Radiation

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    Radio wave absorption data on 1539 kHz for the summer period of 1978 to 1980 are considered in relation to variations of solar X-ray and L-alpha radiation. It is shown that under non-flare conditions L-alpha dominates in controlling absorption and that X-rays contribute about 10% to the total absorption. Optimum regression equations show that absorption is proportional to the m-th power of ionizing flux where m 1. The role of correcting L-alpha values, measured by the AE-E satellite, is discussed

    Ionospheric effects of the extreme solar activity of February 1986

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    During February 1986, near the minimum of the 11 year Solar sunspot cycle, after a long period of totally quiet solar activity (R sub z = 0 on most days in January) a period of a suddenly enhanced solar activity occurred in the minimum between solar cycles 21 and 22. Two proton flares were observed during this period. A few other flares, various phenomena accompanying proton flares, an extremely severe geomagnetic storm and strong disturbances in the Earth's ionosphere were observed in this period of enhanced solar activity. Two active regions appeared on the solar disc. The flares in both active regions were associated with enhancement of solar high energy proton flux which started on 4 February of 0900 UT. Associated with the flares, the magnetic storm with sudden commencement had its onset on 6 February 1312 UT and attained its maximum on 8 February (Kp = 9). The sudden enhancement in solar activity in February 1986 was accompanied by strong disturbances in the Earth's ionosphere, SIDs and ionospheric storm. These events and their effects on the ionosphere are discussed

    A competência profissional do educador e sua dimensão ética

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção.O presente trabalho tem como objetivo a pesquisa e a análise dos aspectos que se referem à competência profissional do educador e sua dimensão ética e deve-se à necessidade de estudos e reflexões sobre os fundamentos éticos que norteiam a prática destes profissionais no contexto escolar. Sob o princípio de ser o setor de serviços educacionais vital no desenvolvimento de todas as nações e da espécie humana, esta dissertação motiva-se na ênfase que o Brasil está dando a esta área; no investimento de grandes empresas na área educacional; na mudança do relacionamento entre mercado e instituições educacionais particulares; no crescimento do setor e na busca pela maior profissionalização nas administrações destas instituições. Motiva-se também na possibilidade de reverter a desvalorização crescente que a profissão vem sofrendo no decorrer dos últimos anos. Neste sentido, são investigados os fundamentos éticos que norteiam a prática dos profissionais da educação no contexto escolar, realizando-se uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema. Esse referencial embasa a práxis, pois, através de considerações teóricas adequadas que realmente fundamentem enfoques específicos, é possível identificar, no processo de produção de ensino, as concepções dos profissionais da educação sobre competência profissional e ética. Realiza-se assim, uma pesquisa de campo, fixada nos meios acadêmicos com as presenças professor-aluno-órgão gestor, abordando-se e analisando-se o enfoque conceitual dos pesquisados com relação ao tema da dissertação. Nas conclusões verifica-se a validade do trabalho aliado à valorização do profissional da educação, que deve acompanhar-se de um valor ético para que exista uma integral imagem de qualidade com aplicação a outras iniciativas


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    Resumo Este relatório de pesquisa faz parte do projeto “Serviço Social: Concepções e fundamentos sobre a ação profissional”, coordenado pelo Prof. Dr. Hélder Boska de Moraes Sarmento. Pretende aprofundar a discussão acerca do exercício profissional do (a) assistente social e analisa a diversidade categorial e conceitual encontrada na produção bibliográfica da autora Regina Célia Tamaso Mioto. Com esse objetivo em mente desenvolveu-se amplas discussões no Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Serviço Social (GEPSS) e procurou-se por meio de leituras, reflexões e debates identificar e analisar as diferentes apreensões categoriais e conceituais. O estudo, de cunho quanti-qualitativo, pautou-se em pesquisa webgráfica com base na plataforma lattes e sites de revistas online de Serviço Social. Constatou-se a ausência de um marco conceitual em relação ao exercício profissional e a prevalência de certo pluralismo, expresso por diferentes vocábulos que aludem ao exercício profissional, mas que não deixam de trazer uma proposição crítica aos processos interventivos da profissão

    MEMRI is a biomarker defining nicotine-specific neuronal responses in subregions of the rodent brain.

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    Nicotine dependence is defined by dopaminergic neuronal activation within the nucleus accumbens (ACB) and by affected neural projections from nicotine-stimulated neurons. Control of any subsequent neural activities would underpin any smoking cessation strategy. While extensive efforts have been made to study the pathophysiology of nicotine addiction, more limited works were developed to find imaging biomarkers. If such biomarkers are made available, addictive behaviors could be monitored noninvasively. To such ends, we employed manganese (Mn(2+))-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MEMRI) to determine whether it could be used to monitor neuronal activities after acute and chronic nicotine exposure in rats. The following were observed. Mn(2+) infusion identified ACB and hippocampal (HIP) neuronal activities following acute nicotine administration. Chronic exposure was achieved by week long subcutaneously implanted nicotine mini-pump. Here nicotine was shown to activate neurons in the ACB, HIP, and the prefrontal and insular cortex. These are all central nervous system reward regions linked to drug addiction. In conclusion, MEMRI is demonstrated to be a powerful imaging tool to study brain subregion specific neuronal activities affected by nicotine. Thus, we posit that MEMRI could be used to assess smoking-associated tolerance, withdrawal and as such serve as a pre-clinical screening tool for addiction cessation strategies in humans


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    A implementação obrigatória do Estágio de Docência na universidade brasileira, desde 1999, pela Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal do Ensino Superior, para os alunos bolsistas dos cursos de Pós-graduação stricto sensu, foi concebida como estratégia de preparação do futuro docente. Embora seja polêmica, pouco se escreveu e pesquisou sobre esta política. Pela oportunidade da experiência e da possibilidade de reflexão é que desenvolvemos a presente pesquisa sobre o processo de construção do Estágio de Docência na Pós-Graduação em Serviço Social da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Considerando os sujeitos vinculados diretamente a esse processo, buscamos a partir da observação e da experiência dos estagiários de docência, descrever e analisar a preparação do futuro docente nessa modalidade de Estágio. A amostra contemplou os alunos matriculados em Estágio nos últimos cinco anos. A coleta e o tratamento dos dados ocorreu por meio da elaboração de um questionário, seguida da aplicação e análise destes. Identificamos uma falta de conhecimento, planejamento e delimitação das atividades relacionadas ao estagiário docente. Concluímos ser necessário o aperfeiçoamento dos documentos referentes ao Estágio de Docência (política de formação) no horizonte da qualificação da formação do futuro docente

    Planetary and gravity wave signatures in the F-region ionosphere with impacton radio propagation predictionsand variability

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    The aim of this work within the WP 3.1 of the COST 271 Action is the characterization of the variability introduced in the F-region ionosphere by -Planetary Wave Signatures- (PWS) and -Gravity Wave Signatures- (GWS). Typical patterns of percentage of time occurrence and time duration of PWS, their climatology and main drivers, as well as their vertical and longitudinal structure have been obtained. Despite the above characterization, the spectral distribution of event duration is too broad to allow for a reasonable prediction of PWS from ionospheric measurements themselves. GWS with a regular morning/evening wave bursts and specific GWS events whose arising can be predicted have been evaluated. As above, their typical pattern of occurrence and time duration, and their vertical structure have been obtained. The latter events remain in the ionospheric variability during disturbed days while additional wave enhancements of auroral origin occur. However, both types of disturbances can be distinguished

    Cultural adaptation and Rasch psychometrics of the Substance Addiction Consequences scale

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    This study aims to adapt and evaluate the validity of the Substance Addiction Consequences scale for the Brazilian community-based addiction setting. This is a psychometric study, conducted in two stages: (1) cultural adaptation and (2) validation using the psychometric Rasch model. The Substance Addiction Consequences derived from the Nursing Outcome Classification comprises 16 items and four domains in the original instrument. We applied the original scale with 200 outpatients at two Psychosocial Care Centers for Alcohol and Drugs in São Paulo, Brazil. The four subscales are suitable for the Rasch model. In 13 of the 16 items, infits and outfits are between 0.5 and 1.5, corresponding to the model's optimal parameters. In addition, we removed one item that distorted the measurement. The psychometrics suggested that the SAC scale is valid with its 15 items and four domains. Therefore, it can be considered appropriate to use in the Brazilian community-based addiction setting.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    MiR-133a Mimic Alleviates T1DM-Induced Systolic Dysfunction in Akita: An MRI-Based Study

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    Diabetic cardiomyopathy is a leading cause of heart failure. Developing a novel therapeutic strategy for diabetic cardiomyopathy and characterizing animal models used for diabetes mellitus (DM) are important. Insulin 2 mutant (Ins2+/-) Akita is a spontaneous, genetic, mouse model for T1DM, which is relevant to humans. There are contrasting reports on systolic dysfunction and pathological remodeling (hypertrophy and fibrosis) in Akita heart. Here, we used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) approach, a gold standard reference for evaluating cardiac function, to measure ejection fraction (indicator of systolic dysfunction) in Akita. Moreover, we performed Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA) and hematoxylin and Eosin stainings to determine cardiac hypertrophy, and Masson\u27s Trichrome and picrosirius red stainings to determine cardiac fibrosis in Akita. MiR-133a, an anti-hypertrophy and anti-fibrosis miRNA, is downregulated in Akita heart. We determined if miR-133a mimic treatment could mitigate systolic dysfunction and remodeling in Akita heart. Our MRI results revealed decreased ejection fraction in Akita as compared to WT and increased ejection fraction in miR-133a mimic-treated Akita. We also found that miR-133a mimic treatment mitigates T1DM-induced cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis in Akita. We conclude that Akita shows cardiac hypertrophy, fibrosis and systolic dysfunction and miR-133a mimic treatment to Akita could ameliorate them

    Landmark Optimization Using Local Curvature for Point-Based Nonlinear Rodent Brain Image Registration

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    Purpose. To develop a technique to automate landmark selection for point-based interpolating transformations for nonlinear medical image registration. Materials and Methods. Interpolating transformations were calculated from homologous point landmarks on the source (image to be transformed) and target (reference image). Point landmarks are placed at regular intervals on contours of anatomical features, and their positions are optimized along the contour surface by a function composed of curvature similarity and displacements of the homologous landmarks. The method was evaluated in two cases (n = 5 each). In one, MRI was registered to histological sections; in the second, geometric distortions in EPI MRI were corrected. Normalized mutual information and target registration error were calculated to compare the registration accuracy of the automatically and manually generated landmarks. Results. Statistical analyses demonstrated significant improvement (P < 0.05) in registration accuracy by landmark optimization in most data sets and trends towards improvement (P < 0.1) in others as compared to manual landmark selection