552 research outputs found

    Teachers and their Habitus – a few Reflections on Educational Activity

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    In the study, the author refers to R. Kwaśnica’s concept of two rationalities and to P. Bourdieu’s constructivist structuralism. She assumes that the teacher’s activity takes place within the limits of two (adaptive and emancipatory) rationalities in a specific “field”, with a particular social, cultural and human capital, and with a developed habitus which determines educational practice. A research report is presented. This is done in the form of a record of the current state and socio-civilizational changes which have influenced teachers working in the southern part of the Polish-Czech borderland. Research results show both the continuity and change of the teacher’s behavior and activity from the perspective of social time and social change. They allow for a closer insight into the structure of pedagogical activities and their effects. The strategy of longitudinal comparisons was applied. Diagnostic polling and the interview were used along with the (repeatable) panel method. The studies were conducted in time spans (1998, 2008, 2016) and they concerned the measurement of the teacher’s perception of the “other” learner in class, self-reflection upon the role applied by the teacher, and the teacher’s competences. The obtained research results allow for discovering the characteristics of the teacher’s habitus, for understanding the mechanisms of its functioning and for the effective design of educational activity

    Rodzina i konstrukcje tożsamości młodzieży w warunkach pogranicza

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    The theoretical framework for this discussion is constructivism and Jerzy Nikitorowicz’s concept of the multisided and constantly self-creating identity. In this study, it is assumed that an individual’s identity is socially constructed. The author recognizes the subjective characteristics of an individual (which she considers in the broader context of social experiences collected and (re)constructed during primary and secondary socialization) as important factors that are crucially involved in the process of identity formation. This discussion is based on multivariate quantitative and qualitative research conducted for over thirty years in the Polish-Czech borderland, in Cieszyn Silesia. The analysis concerns the importance of the family (the one functioning in the Polish part of Cieszyn Silesia and the other one functioning in Zaolzie – the Czech part of Cieszyn Silesia) in constructing an individual’s identity. In their context, it should be stated that an individual shapes the core of their identity in the process of primary socialization: the relatively constant part of it. This core allows for continuity and is a constructive response to the ambiguity of the world. An individual reconstructs their identity on the basis of the available cultural sources by adding them to the core of their identity.Ramą teoretyczną prowadzonych rozważań jest konstruktywizm oraz koncepcja wielopłaszczyznowej i ustawicznie kreującej się tożsamości Jerzego Nikitorowicza. Autorka przyjmuje, że tożsamość jednostki jest społecznie konstruowana. Za ważne czynniki, w kluczowy sposób uwikłane w proces formowania się tożsamości, uznaje podmiotowe cechy jednostki, które rozpatruje w szerszym kontekście doświadczeń społecznych gromadzonych i (re)konstruowanych w trakcie socjalizacji pierwotnej i socjalizacji wtórnej. Podstawą podjętych rozważań są wyniki wielozmiennowych badań ilościowych i jakościowych prowadzonych od ponad trzydziestu lat na pograniczu polsko-czeskim na Śląsku Cieszyńskim. Przedstawione w tym artykule analizy dotyczą znaczenia rodziny (cieszyńskiej – funkcjonującej w polskiej części Śląska Cieszyńskiego oraz zaolziańskiej – funkcjonującej w czeskiej części Śląska Cieszyńskiego) w konstruowaniu tożsamości jednostki. W ich kontekście należy stwierdzić, że w procesie socjalizacji pierwotnej jednostka kształtuje rdzeń tożsamości, względnie stałą jej część. Rdzeń pozwala zachować ciągłość i stanowi konstruktywną odpowiedź na wieloznaczność świata. Jednostka rekonstruuje swoją tożsamość, opierając się na dostępnych źródłach kulturowych, dokładając je do rdzenia tożsamości

    What can cultural and creative industries do for urban development? Three stories from the post-socialist industrial city of Ostrava

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    This paper is focused on the role of cultural and creative industries in the regeneration of the inner city of Ostrava. The first part outlines the basic relationship of cultural and creative industries and urban areas in market economies, with emphasis on industrial cities. Ostrava is a post-socialist city, therefore essential characteristics of one are briefly given. The empirical part presents three case studies demonstrating the impact of cultural and creative industries on the regeneration of the inner city of Ostrava. In the conclusion, the case studies are discussed in a comparative perspective with special accent on the role of the public sector as an actor of culture-led regeneration in Ostrava

    Young people’s identity capital and social participation in the life of the local community

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    The article contains a report from a study involving young people living in the Polish southern borderland. The research was designed as a comparative, longitudinal cohort study. Measurements of a given variable (declared identity behaviours) were carried out with the use of the same instrument, in a reproducible manner, at different times (in the school years 2003/2004 and 2016/2017) and on the same cohort. The results of these measurements, obtained in two separate measurement periods, indicate a similar value of youths’ identity capital and an increase of social participation in the life of the local community. The diagnosis is a prelude to the determination of compensating educational activities and identification of existing social instruments as regards their model and pattern

    Investigating Natural Word Order via Pantomime: Research Report

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    Abstract. Inquiry into language evolution has recently focused on the question of the natural word order, i.e. a word order which may be primary in a cognitive and phylogenetic sense (Dryer, 2005; Pagel, 2009; Gell-Mann and Ruhlen, 2011). Some substantial insights into this topic originate in gesture and sign studies. Research by Goldin-Meadow et al. (2008) has inspired scientists to use the silent gesture paradigm, which requires participants to narrate events using their hands. The results of the study revealed that participants tended to produce SOV word orderof a transitive event, regardless of the syntax of their native language. The findingwas corroborated to a degree in later studies; however, some of them shed more light on the issue (Gibson et al., 2013; Hall et al., 2013; Sandler et al., 2005). The aim of our study is to test whether the SOV order is dominant when participants communicate transitive events (verbs) with whole-body pantomime

    The Natural Order of Events: speakers of Polish do not follow the pattern

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    Research on constituent order is informative about language development and change, since constituent order is one of the earliest properties of language learned by children, and it displays a systematic variation across the languages of the world (Goldin-Meadow et al., 2008), including sign languages (Napoli & Sutton-Spence, 2014). Nonverbal communication in language evolution studies is currently in focus due to the gestural primacy hypothesis, which posits that language could have first emerged as a gestural/pantomimic system and subsequently evolved into primarily vocal communication (Żywiczyński & Wacewicz, 2015; Żywiczyński, 2018). In this paper, we review our earlier work on constituent order in pantomimic production, and complement it with two studies which investigated the influence of constituent order on comprehension. We conclude that constituent order has no influence on comprehension of pantomime

    The Nutating Engine-Prototype Engine Progress Report and Test Results

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    A prototype of a new, internal combustion (IC) engine concept has been completed. The Nutating Engine features an internal disk nutating (wobbling) on a Z-shaped power shaft. The engine is exceedingly compact, and several times more power dense than any conventional (reciprocating or rotary) IC engine. This paper discusses lessons learned during the prototype engine's development and provides details of its construction. In addition, results of the initial performance tests of the various components, as well as the complete engine, are summarized

    On the Pure Mathematical Aspects in Mathematical Models of some Metal Forming Processes

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    We shortly present some aspects of the number theory, group theory and theory of partial differentialequations as they are revealed by original mathematical models of typical metal forming processes.We show that the so called central embedding problems over a number field is especially concernedin some revised form that correlates with the wave equation operator (d´Alembert operator firstof all). This is typical for metal forming process like the Mannesmann-piercing process, wherea rotating round hot metal semiproduct is pierced by means of the piercing plug „between“ tworotating conical rolls. ...... More information is available in the full paper in the link below

    The possibility to use a vibration signal to estimate a state of rolling bearings after operation

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    In the article the construction of the test bench for the durability test of the friction couplings was showed. The properties of the tested tribological pairs are fully described, i.e. chemical constitution, kind of material and the results of the surface topography tests of basic material and with lubricant micropockets. The methodology and scope of the preliminary tests, including observation of course of changes in vibration signals on the housing of the pin-on-disc tester, for different load values and tribological couplings, i.e. with textured or non-textured surface. The vibroacustic research was carried out with industrial unit CSI 2130 by Emerson and with vibration sensor A0760GP. Comparative analysis of vibration signals and amplitude-frequency spectrums was performed for chosen work conditions of the tribological pair. Finally, the possibility to use the measurement of vibration signal to predict a seizure of the tribological pair was described and directions for further research were given

    Trzy oblicza własności. O roli własności prywatnej w systemie społeczno-ekonomicznym na podstawie twórczości H. Belloca oraz G.K. Chestertona

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    The institution of property is undeniably one of the most important elements of every social and economic system. It affects every human being, playing a vital role in everyday life of the whole human race. Nevertheless, its origin and true meaning is not always treated with due attention, which sometimes leads to practical errors and improper application of this essential idea in human societies. The article concerns the true importance of private property, based on works by two British writers of the early 20th century, H. Belloc and G.K. Chesterton. The author describes the economic freedom attached to private property and shows it as a condition necessary for maintaining basic human dignity. Then he presents two of the most common errors concerning perception and application of property – the limitation of its positive effects in capitalism and the futile attempt of its abolition in socialism.Instytucja własności stanowi jeden z najistotniejszych składników każdego systemu społecznego i ekonomicznego, ponieważ oddziałuje bezpośrednio na życie każdego człowieka, będąc praktycznym elementem zwykłej codzienności. Nie zawsze jednak poświęca się jej genezie należytą uwagę, a w toku dziejów nie brakowało rozmaitych błędnych poglądów przeinaczających właściwe znaczenie owego podstawowego urządzenia społecznego. W niniejszym artykule została podjęta próba zaprezentowania elementarnej wartości własności prywatnej w oparciu o twórczość dwóch brytyjskich pisarzy początku XX w. – H. Belloca i G.K. Chestertona. Autor zwraca uwagę na wynikającą z posiadania wolność ekonomiczną oraz ukazuje własność prywatną jako warunek konieczny szeroko pojętej godności człowieka. Następnie opisuje podstawowe błędy, jakie pojawiły się w historii ludzkości w związku z niewłaściwym postrzeganiem i używaniem opisywanej instytucji: ograniczenie oddziaływania własności w warunkach ustroju kapitalistycznego oraz próby zniesienia własności prywatnej w socjalizmie