327 research outputs found

    Tamaño relativo del cerebro en murciélagos cubanos

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    Se estudia el tamaño relativo del cerebro en 22 especies de murciélagos cubanos, incluidos en seis familias: Phyllostomidae (siete), Mormoopidae (cuatro), Natalidae (una), Noctilionidae (cuatro), Vespertilionidae (cuatro) y Molossidae (cinco). Se incluyeron todos los géneros (19) presentes en el Archipiélago cubano con la excepción de Anthrozous. El exponente alométrico que describe la relación entre el volumen endocraneal y la masa corporal es considerablemente más alto que el hallado en estudios anteriores sobre el orden Chiroptera. Los filostómidos presentaron cerebros más grandes que otras especies de murciélagos insectívoros. Al examinar la relación del coeficiente de cefalización con diferentes estrategias en el uso del hábitat, se encontró la mayor relación cuando los murciélagos se agruparon de acuerdo al uso de los diferentes espacios alimentarios. El desarrollo endocraneal observado en la fauna de murciélagos de Cuba muestra la misma tendencia que en estudios previos: la utilización de hábitats y conductas más complejas determinan mayores volúmenes cerebrales.The relative brain size is described for 22 Cuban bats, seven species from the Phyllostomidae, Mormoopidae (four species), Natalidae (one species), Vespertilionidae (four species), Noctilionidae (one species) and Molossidae (five species). This study included all genera (19) recorded in Cuba, with the exception of Anthrozous. The allometric exponent describing the functional trend between the endocranial volume (brain size) and body mass, is considerably highest than the exponent value found in previous studies in Chiroptera. The phyllostomids had significantly larger brains that insectivorous species. When examining the relationship of the encephalization quotients with different strategies in the use of the habitat, it was the highest when the bats were grouped according to their foraging strategies. The endocraneal development observed in the cuban bats shows the same tendency that in previous studies of the order Chiroptera: the use of complex foraging strategy is associated with increased relative brain size

    Identification of Xiphinema index in an Austrian vineyard

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    Sistemática de las Jutías de las Antillas (Rodentia, Capromyídae)

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    S'estudia la sistemàtica dels capromïids vivents amb mètodes fenètics i filogenètics, en base a caràcters externs i del crani, i a la seqüència de nucleòtids del citocrom b. L'anàlisi de la variació morfològica i de similitud indiquen que Mysateles gartidoi és una espècie vàlida i que Capromys pilorides es diferencia de la resta d'espècies de capromïids. El volum cranial discrimina els taxa i ha evidenciat un baix Quoficient d'Encefalització, el qual s'interpreta com a resultat d'una evolució sense pressions selectives i/o com a un caràcter primitiu. La divergència en la seqüència de nucleòtids va apuntar Plagiodontia aedium com l'espècie més basal. S'ha descobert un nou taxon (una espècie críptica). Mysateleses parafilètic i es proposa la nova combinació Mesocapromys melanurus. Les dades moleculars i morfològiques recolzen el retorn de M. gundlachi a la seva categoria subespecífica (=M. prehensdis gundlachi; i la validesa dels cinc gèneres. La major similitud es dona entre Mysateles i Mesocapromys. El temps de divergència estimat fou de 23 Ma (milions d'anys) per a Plagiodontia i Geocapromys, i entre 17 i 19 Ma per a Caprornys, Mysateles y Mesocapromys. Les subespècies de Capromys i Mysateles varen divergir fa només 2,4 Ma i 0,8 Ma respectivament. Les anàlisis morfològiques i rnoleculars permeteren establir relacions fenètiques i filogenètiques que justifiquen els canvis taxonòmics proposats.La sistematica de los caprómidos vivientes se estudia en base a métodos fenéticos y filogenéticos, caracteres externos y del eraneo y la secuencia de nucleótidos del gen cítocrorno b. El anàlisis de la variación morfològica y de similitud indican que Mysateles garridoi es una especie vàlida y Capromys pilotides se separa del resto de las especies de caprómidos. El volumen craneal discrimina a los taxones y dernostró el bajo Coeficiente de Encefalización, ínterpretandose como resultado de una evolución sin presiones selectivas y / o como caracter primitivo. La divergencia en la secuencia de nucleótidos apunta a Plagiodontia aedium como la especie mas basal. Se descubre un nuevo taxón (una especie críptica). Mysateles es paraftlético y se propane la nueva combinación Mesocapromys melanurus. Los datos moleculares y morfológicos avalan retornar M. gundlachi a su posición subespecífica (=M. prehensilis gundlachiï y confirrnan la validez de los cinca géneros, con la mayor similitud entre Mysatelesy Mesocapromys. El tiernpo de divergencia calculada fue 23 Ma (millones de años) para Plagiodontia y Geocapromys, y entre 17 y 19 Ma para Capromys, Mysateles y Mesocapromys. Las subespecies de Caprornys y Mysateles divergieron hace sólo 2,4 Ma y 0,8 Ma, respectivarnente. Los anàlisis morfológicos y moleculares establecieron relaciones fenéticas y filogenéticas que justifican el arreglo taxonómico propuesto.The systematics of the recent caprornyids were studied with phenetics and phylogenetic methods of external and cranial characters and nucleotide sequence of cytochrome b. Analyses of morphological variation and similarity indicate the validity of Mysateles garridoi as a valid species and separate Capromys pilorides from tile rest of the species of capromyids. Cranial volume discriminated the taxa and demonstrated low encephalization coefficients that could be interpreted as evolution without selective pressures and/or a primitive character state. Analysis of sequence divergence identified Plagiodontia aedium as tile most basal species and discovered a new taxon (a cryptic species). Mysateleswas paraphyletic and the new combination Mesocapromys melanuruswes proposed. Molecular and morphologic data support tile return of M. gundlachi to subspecific level (=M. prehensilis gundlachiï and the validity of five genera, with Mysateles and Mesocapromys being very similar. Divergence times were estimated to be 23 My for Plagiodontia from Geocapromys and between 17 and 19 My for the divergence among Capromys, Mysateles and Mesocapromys. The subspecies of Capromys and Mysateleswere estimated to have diverged 2,4 My and 0,8 My, respectively. Morphologic and molecular analyses established phenetics and phylogene-tics relationships that justify tile taxonomic arrangement

    Microplastics in invasive geckos (Hemidactylus mabouia and H. angulatus): first evidence in Cuba and the Caribbean, and transfer pathways of concern

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    We report the presence of microplastics in digestive tracts or feces of two invasive House Geckos(Hemidactylus mabouia and H. angulatus) in Cuba, review the subject of microplastic contamination, and discuss apossible transfer pathway for plastics and associated toxins

    Valoración rápida de la biodiversidad en cayos al sureste de la Ciénaga de Zapata (Cuba)

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    Se realizó una valoración rápida de la biodiversidad en cayos y algunas zonas costeras al sureste de la Reserva de la Biosfera Ciénaga de Zapata, importante zona biodiversa de Cuba y la región caribeña. Se efectuaron dos expediciones de 6 y 9 días en el primer trimestre de 2004 para inventariar las especies que constituyen su flora y fauna (especialmente de vertebrados terrestres). Se detectaron 165 especies de plantas con flores (10 taxones endémicos), pertenecientes a 133 géneros y 64 familias. En lo concerniente a vertebrados se observaron 61 especies (8 especies endémicas): 5 mamíferos (incluyendo una especie invasora, Rattus rattus), 42 aves, 13 reptiles y un teleósteo de aguas interiores. Se comentan los impactos que están afectando actualmente a la biodiversidad de la zona. Los datos obtenidos serán de utilidad para la elaboración de posibles planes de manejos y de conservación en esta zona protegida.We carried out a rapid assessment of the biodiversity in some keys and adjacent coastal zones Southeast Ciénaga de Zapata Biosphere Reserve. This area constitutes an important biodiverse zone of Cuba and the Caribbean region. In order to prepare an inventory of its flora and fauna (especially terrestrial vertebrates), two expeditions of six and nine days were done between January and March of 2004. We detected 165 species of flowering plants (10 endemic taxa), belonging to 133 genus and 64 families. As for vertebrates, we observed 61 species (8 endemic species): 5 mammals (including an invasive species, Rattus rattus), 42 birds, 13 reptiles, and one freshwater teleost species. The impacts that are affecting the biodiversity of the zone are commented. This information will be useful to elaborate possible plans of management and conservation of this protected area

    Deposition rate controls nucleation and growth during amorphous/nanocrystalline competition in sputtered Zr-Cr thin films

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    Dual-phase Zr-based thin films synthesized by magnetron co-sputtering and showing competitive growth between amorphous and crystalline phases have been reported recently. In such films, the amorphous phase grows as columns, while the crystalline phase grows as separated cone-shaped crystalline regions made of smaller crystallites. In this paper, we investigate this phenomenon and propose a model for the development of the crystalline regions during thin film growth. We evidence using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), that this competitive selfseparation also exists in co-sputtered Zr-Cr thin films with Cr contents of ~84-86 at.%, corresponding to the transition between the amorphous and crystalline compositions, and in the Zr-V system. Then, to assess the sturdiness of this phenomenon, its existence and geometrical characteristics are evaluated when varying the film composition and the deposition rate. The variation of geometrical features, such as the crystalline cone angle, the size and density of crystallites, is discussed. Is it shown that a variation in the deposition rate changes the nucleation and growth kinetics of the crystallites. The surface coverage by the crystalline phase at a given thickness is also calculated for each deposition rate. Moreover, comparison is made between Zr-Cr, Zr-V, Zr-Mo and Zr-W dual-phase thin films to compare their nucleation and growth kinetics

    A non-conserved amino acid variant regulates differential signalling between human and mouse CD28

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    CD28 superagonistic antibodies (CD28SAb) can preferentially activate and expand immunosuppressive regulatory T cells (Treg) in mice. However, pre-clinical trials assessing CD28SAbs for the therapy of autoimmune diseases reveal severe systemic inflammatory response syndrome in humans, thereby implying the existence of distinct signalling abilities between human and mouse CD28. Here, we show that a single amino acid variant within the C-terminal proline-rich motif of human and mouse CD28 (P212 in human vs. A210 in mouse) regulates CD28-induced NF-κB activation and pro-inflammatory cytokine gene expression. Moreover, this Y209APP212 sequence in humans is crucial for the association of CD28 with the Nck adaptor protein for actin cytoskeleton reorganisation events necessary for CD28 autonomous signalling. This study thus unveils different outcomes between human and mouse CD28 signalling to underscore the importance of species difference when transferring results from preclinical models to the bedside

    Experimental and chemometric studies of cell membrane permeability

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    [Abstract] Cell membrane permeability (P) governs the molecules or ions to transport through the cell membrane. In this study, we measured P of ruminal microbes in different initial levels of surface tension (ST) and specific surface area (SSA). Data of P in present study and published data of pH, ammonia concentration, digestibility of neutral detergent fibre and gas production in two time scales (tk and ′tk) as input variables Vq(tk) were took into consideration for developing a predictive model. The ideas of Box–Jenkins Operators and Covariance Perturbation Theory Operators were used for the first time to establish a model to predict the variations of cellular permeability. The best model presented sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of > 0.89, and MCC > 0.78 for 77,781 cases (training + validation series). In addition, we also reported a simulation of ternary phase diagram with predicted values of cell permeability at various experimental conditions.National Natural Science Foundation of China; Grant No. 31172234Chinese Academy of Science and Technology Strategic Pilot Project; Grant No. XDA05020700Hunan Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China; Grant No. 12JJ3015Red Gallega de Investigación sobre Cáncer Colorrectal; Ref. R2014/03