30 research outputs found

    "bisphenol a: An emerging threat to male fertility"

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    Background: Among the factors causing male infertility, one of the most debated is the exposure to environmental contaminants. Recently, the chemical compound Bisphenol A (BPA) has drawn attention from the reproductive science community, due to its ubiquitous presence in day-to-day life. Its toxic action appears to mainly affect the male reproductive system, directly impacting male fertility. Main: The purpose of this review is to investigate current research data on BPA, providing an overview of the findings obtained from studies in animal and human models, as well as on its supposed mechanisms of action. Conclusion: A clear understanding of BPA action mechanisms, as well as the presumed risks deriving from its exposure, is becoming crucial to preserve male fertility. The development and validation of methodologies to detect BPA toxic effects on reproductive organs can provide greater awareness of the potential threat that this chemical represents

    Ideações e tentativas de suicídio em adolescentes com práticas sexuais hetero e homoeróticas

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    Esta pesquisa, que teve como população-alvo adolescentes com idade entre 12 e 20 anos, residentes em três municípios do interior Paulista, buscou conhecer as associações entre orientação sexual e ideações e tentativas de suicídio. Corroborando com as pesquisas internacionais, evidenciou-se que os não heterossexuais têm mais chances de pensarem e tentarem suicídio, comparativamente aos heterossexuais. Todavia, encontrou-se que, dentre o grupo de adolescentes que se assumiram não heterossexuais, os que estão mais vulneráveis são aqueles que se autodefiniram bissexuais e "outros", os quais constituem o grupo de pessoas menos assumidas, dentre os não heterossexuais. Do mesmo modo, constatou-se que os respondentes apresentam diversas opiniões e valores homofóbicos, sexistas e heterocentrados, o que revela ser o espaço escolar, onde se encontram esses jovens não heterossexuais, bastante carregado de posicionamentos discursivos discriminatórios. Conclui-se que a questão do suicídio é uma problemática de saúde pública e que a população de jovens não heterossexuais necessita de abordagens específicas para a prevenção e de atenção relativas a essa conduta.This survey, which had as the target population adolescents aged between 12 and 20 years living in three municipalities in São Paulo, sought to investigate the associations between sexual orientation and ideation and suicide attempts. Confirming international research findings, it is showed that non-heterosexuals are more likely to attempt and think about suicide, compared to heterosexuals. However, we found that among the group of teenagers who assumed to be non-heterosexuals, the most vulnerable are those who define themselves as bisexual and "other", which constitute the group of people less assumed, among non-heterosexuals. Similarly, it was found that the respondents have different homophobic, sexist and heterocentric opinions and values, which turn out to be the school environment, where these young non-heterosexual study, loaded with enough discriminatory discursive positions. We conclude that the issue of suicide is a public health problem and that the population of young non-heterosexual needs specific approaches for prevention and care in respect to this conduct

    The laboratory assessment of sperm DNA fragmentation in infertile patients

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    Over 15% of couples worldwide suffer from infertility and in 50% of cases a male factor is found. According to the World Health Organization, sperm analysis is the most appropriate test to assess male infertility. Since quite often, the conventional semen parameters are related to sperm DNA damage, the integration of this evaluation with sperm DNA fragmentation (SDF) could independently predict the sperm reproductive potential. Unfortunately, this analysis has not entered into routine clinical practice. The aim of this review is to discuss the importance of the SDF analysis and its clinical implication and to evaluate the extrinsic and intrinsic factors that affect the DNA fragmentation. In addition, principles and protocols of different methods used to evaluate and quantify the SDF are reviewed; advantages and disadvantages of different methods are reported

    Glossary of molecular biology and clinical molecular biology. Part I: General terms

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    This glossary has been conceived to help readers, who are less experienced with molecular biology, to approach this field of laboratory medicine, which is gaining increasing importance in the analytical and diagnostic processes. The glossary is organized into two separate sections: general terms of molecular biology and clinical molecular biology (molecular biology techniques, and molecular diagnostic testing). For some of the terms, a link to articles published in Biochimica Clinica, where these terms are employed is included. For each term the corresponding English version is reported; in addition, all the entries of the glossary are listed in the Appendix both in Italian and in English alphabetical order

    Glossary of molecular biology and clinical molecular biology. Part II: Laboratory methodologies

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    This document represents the second part of a glossary on molecular biology. In particular, the main laboratory techniques for molecular biology are be described. Indeed, recent technological advances made available a number of technologies featured by higher accuracy and sensitivity that are becoming commonly used in routine molecular diagnostics. Aiming to support less experienced readers, the terms related to the main molecular biology techniques are listed herein. For each term the corresponding English version is reported (see also the complete list, both in Italian and in English alphabetical order, reported in the Appendix). In addition, for some of the terms, a link to articles published in Biochimica Clinica, where they have been used, is reported

    A construção social e política pela não-discriminação por orientação sexual The social and political construction of the non-discrimination based on sexual orientation

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    Este artigo busca apontar e compreender, no contexto brasileiro, a construção de uma rede social, política e jurídica de combate à discriminação por orientação sexual. Para tanto, vale-se de uma abordagem genealógica das condições de possibilidade para a emergência da discriminação por orientação sexual como questão social, bem como para a criação de instrumentos jurídicos e sociais de enfrentamento e ações afirmativas pela liberdade de expressão sexual. Consideram-se como aspectos importantes nesse processo a atuação dos movimentos sociais contra a discriminação de gênero e sexo; a dimensão da saúde, sobretudo no que diz respeito à epidemia da Aids nos anos 80; e a resposta do Estado frente a esse contexto.<br>This paper seeks to understand, in the Brazilian context, the construction of a social, political and juridical network aimed to fight discrimination linked to sexual orientation. To do so, we used a genealogical approach to define the conditions of possibility to the emergence of sexual orientation discrimination as a social issue, as well as the creation of social and legal instruments and affirmative actions to ensure freedom of sexual expression. We consider as important aspects in this process the role of social movements against gender discrimination, the health dimension concerning aids epidemic in the 1980's and the government response to it

    Sexualidade e política na cultura contemporânea: o reconhecimento social e jurídico do casal homossexual Sexuality and politics in contemporary culture: social and legal recognition for gay couples

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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar os principais dispositivos de discurso que estabelecem fronteiras e hierarquias entre práticas sexuais. Pretende-se analisar em que medida a utilização de alguns conceitos da Psicanálise, da Antropologia e do Direito são evocados para definir fronteiras entre sexualidades normais e desviantes. Para isto, serão destacadas: a construção, por aqueles discursos, do dispositivo "diferença sexual" (de hierarquia entre os sexos e de exclusão da homossexualidade) e a noção de "ordem procriativa" (atualizadora de um modelo biológico de filiação). A partir dessas premissas, nota-se que a tríade heterossexualidade-casamento-filiação permanece como a única referência possível para pensar a cultura ou a sociedade, sendo que a visibilidade ou o reconhecimento civil do laço afetivo e sexual homossexual se transforma numa ameaça de apagamento de fronteiras ou de transgressões de limites.<br>This study aims to analyze the main discursive devices that establish borders and hierarchies among sexual practices. The objective is to analyze to what extent the utilization of certain concepts from psychoanalysis, anthropology, and law are invoked to define borders between normal and deviant sexualities. The following points are highlighted: the construction, by these discourses, of the "sexual difference" device (hierarchy between the sexes and exclusion of homosexuality) and the notion of "procreative order" (updating a biological model of filiation). Based on these premises, one notes that the heterosexuality-marriage-filiation triad remains as the only possible reference to conceive of culture or society, while the visibility or civil recognition of homosexual affective and sexual ties threatens to erase borders or transgress limits

    The PaCS Debates: From 'le retour a la barbarie' to 'le droit d'etre ceux que l'on est'

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    This paper seeks to analyse the ways in which the partnership legislation introduced through the French parliament in 1999 (Pacte civil de solidarit&eacute;) has brought in its wake a re-examination of contemporary models of Republicanism and citizenship. Viewed by some as a threat to social cohesion (for Philippe de Villiers, for instance, the PaCS represented 'le retour &agrave; la barbarie'), for others the PaCS represents a means to examine, but also to strengthen, the 'elasticity' (Gunther, 2009) of the Republic, thus illustrating its ability to adapt to social and political change. Through analysis of the evolution of definitions of key terms in the PaCS debates, this paper charts the ways in which the partnership legislation can be seen to offer a practical, political and social means for a queering of citizenship in the contemporary Republic with its roots in the realm of sexual citizenship, but a reach that extends far beyond it