1,623 research outputs found

    Challenging humanism: human-animal relations in recent postcolonial novels.

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    This thesis identifies and examines a conjunction between white postcolonial cultural and species concerns within recent novels from South Africa, Canada, New Zealand and Australia. The argument takes as a starting point a suggestion by Philip Armstrong that postcolonial and animal studies discourses might form an alliance based on a common antagonist: humanism. Here, this idea is applied in the context of literature by white postcolonial writers. I explore the extent and nature of the alliance and the degree to which it can be called successful within the selected novels. Each of the five chapters concerns a different text, and the thesis is also divided into two sections. The first addresses the contrasting approaches to humanism and to animals offered by J.M. Coetzee’s Disgrace (1999) and Yann Martel’s Life of Pi (2001). The second addresses the representation of these themes in Fiona Farrell’s Mr Allbones' Ferrets (2007), Julia Leigh’s The Hunter (1999), and Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake (2003), set in the past, present and future respectively, to illustrate the temporal dimension of the white postcolonial-animal alliance in question. Overall, the thesis emphasises the relevance of species concerns within white postcolonial culture, and posits the existence of a thread running through contemporary white postcolonial novels in which animals are a priority. All of the novels examined here, I argue, represent animals as more than victims in relation to humanist discourse: they emphasise animals’ potential to disrupt that discourse by affecting the attitudes of individual humans or by resisting humanist endeavours by their own actions. The result of this, I suggest, is that animals appear as allies in white postcolonial cultures’ attempts at self-definition against historical colonialism and contemporary globalisation, while white postcolonial literature portrays animals in ways that promote positive human perceptions of them

    La participación de las familias en la escuela

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    Hay unanimidad desde las instancias que dictan los principios fundamentales sobre la educación en señalar que la responsabilidad natural para educar a los hijos recae en sus padres, por lo que éstos son los primeros y principales educadores de sus hijos, aunque se necesite muchas veces de ayuda. Por este motivo, la escuela va a suponer un complemento normal para su misión educativa en la sociedad en la que nos movemos, aunque no suple la responsabilidad de los padres. En este artículo se examina la participación de los padres durante los primeros años de escolaridad de sus hijos desde una perspectiva conceptual, se analizan las diversas dimensiones o grados que puede adoptar la participación de los padres, sus niveles de concreción y de agrupación, y el distinto rol que pueden adquirir los padres

    Propuesta de indicadores para valorar la calidad de los programas de educación preescolar

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    El objetivo de este artículo es dar a conocer dos aspectos: por un lado, justificar la dificultad que existe a la hora de plantear un programa educativo de calidad para la etapa de educación preescolar. Por otro lado, derivado de esta dificultad, el artículo enuncia los indicadores a los que se puede prestar atención para poder identificar un programa de calidad en educación preescolar. Se espera que esta información sea clarificadora para padres y educadores, en orden a enjuiciar cualquier intervención educativa

    Determining quality of early childhood education programmes in Spaina case study

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    This paper presents a case study where a specific protocol for assessing the quality of education programmes for children from newborn to age three was used. The article opens with a statement of the problem and a historical overview of Spanish educational policy which suggest that one of the main purposes of current legislation (LOE, 2006) is to ensure that centres provide high quality educational experiences. The paper goes on to describe the research that has been done in order to develop a protocol designed to assess educational programmes for children from newborn through age three. Finally, the article presents the results of a pilot project in which this protocol was applied in a case study. The information gathered and the conclusions derived from two stakeholders, parents and teachers, over two academic years is analyzed

    The within-host evolution of antimicrobial resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    Tuberculosis (TB) has been responsible for the greatest number of human deaths due to an infectious disease in general, and due to antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in particular. The etiological agents of human TB are a closely-related group of human-adapted bacteria that belong to the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC). Understanding how MTBC populations evolve within-host may allow for improved TB treatment and control strategies. In this Review, we highlight recent works that have shed light on how AMR evolves in MTBC populations within individual patients. We discuss the role of heteroresistance in AMR evolution, and review the bacterial, patient, and environmental factors that likely modulate the magnitude of heteroresistance within-host. We further highlight recent works on the dynamics of MTBC genetic diversity within-host, and discuss how spatial substructures in patients' lungs, spatiotemporal heterogeneity in antimicrobial concentrations, and phenotypic drug tolerance likely modulates the dynamics of MTBC genetic diversity in patients during treatment. We note the general characteristics that are shared between how the MTBC and other bacterial pathogens evolve in humans, and highlight the characteristics unique to the MTBC

    Enset‐based agricultural systems in Ethiopia: A systematic review of production trends, agronomy, processing and the wider food security applications of a neglected banana relative

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    Enset (Ensete ventricosum (Welw.) Cheesman) is the major starch staple of the Ethiopian Highlands, where its unique attributes enhance the food security of approximately 20 million people and have earned it the title “The Tree Against Hunger”. Yet enset‐based agriculture is virtually unknown outside of its narrow zone of cultivation, despite growing wild across much of East and Southern Africa. Here, we review historical production data to show that the area of land under enset production in Ethiopia has reportedly increased 46% in two decades, whilst yield increased 12‐fold over the same period, making enset the second most produced crop species in Ethiopia—though we critically evaluate potential issues with these data. Furthermore, we address a major challenge in the development and wider cultivation of enset, by reviewing and synthesizing the complex and fragmented agronomic and ethnobotanic knowledge associated with this species; including farming systems, processing methods, products, medicinal uses and cultural importance. Finally, we provide a framework to improve the quality, consistency and comparability of data collected across culturally diverse enset‐based agricultural systems to enhanced sustainable use of this neglected starch staple. In conclusion, we discuss the challenges and opportunities for enset cultivation beyond its restricted distribution, and the regional food security potential it could afford smallholders elsewhere in Southern and East Africa

    Ecological Genomics for the Conservation of Dwarf Birch

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    PhDThe persistence of woody plant populations faces numerous environmental challenges, including climate change, hybridisation and population fragmentation. Here I explore the genomic signatures and relative importance of these pressures in Dwarf Birch (Betula nana), which has declined significantly over the last century across the Scottish Highlands. Firstly, I find that future climate is likely to result in a significant range reduction and that relict populations are likely to display reduced fitness. Secondly, I show that combining multiple mutation rate markers yields more accurate estimates of demographic history and the impact of fragmentation. I develop a novel method to derive high mutation rate markers from short sequencing reads, to facilitate more widespread application. Thirdly, I assess the degree of local adaptation, and explore potential for composite provenancing for the restoration of B. nana populations. Surprisingly, the data yields little evidence of adaptive introgression from the related tree B. pubescens, suggesting that this may not be an alternative route to climate tolerance. Finally, I review published literature on the population structure and genetic diversity of genus Betula in Europe and consider options for the conservation and management of B. nana, including assisted gene flow and prioritization of in situ genetic diversity.NERC CASE studentship NE/J017388/

    Weaknesses and strenghts in assessing early childhood programmes: an assessment of an early childhood spanish trilingual priogramme in two- to three- year- old children

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    This article gives an account of the results from an assessment of an early childhood education programme, conducted over the course of two academic years (1999–2000 and 2000–2001), in a centre in northeastern Spain. The purpose of the assessment was to discover how a particular educational programme contributed to the short‐term competency levels of children aged from two to three years old. The programme’s curriculum encompassed different areas of development, including physical exercise and motor movement and social and linguistic development, using a unique teaching methodology that exposes the children to three different languages at the same time. The article includes a discussion of the weaknesses and strengths in implementing evaluation in early childhood education programmes, and concludes with some guiding principles that may prove useful in the evaluation of the appropriateness of any given assessment method used within an early childhood educational programme

    La evaluación como garantía de calidad en educación preescolar

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    Este trabajo analiza la evaluación como el modo que tiene el educador de la etapa de preescolar de garantizar la calidad en sus intervenciones. Con este propósito, en primer lugar, en este artículo se analizan las razones por las que tiene sentido evaluar las intervenciones educativas en preescolar. En segundo lugar se enuncian los beneficios que parecen estar relacionados con la calidad de sus intervenciones y los beneficios que le reporta al niño un programa educativo de calidad