537 research outputs found

    Wage expectations for higher education students in Spain

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    We use data on expected wages self-reported by college students to assess the hypothesis that the positive gap between expected and actual wages would decrease as students approach graduation. Our estimation results confirm this hypothesis. The amount and the quality of student information, used to forecast wages, improves with student experience. We find that expected wages for first-year students are affected not only by the degree type and academic performance, but also by the variables determining their degree preferences and their household environment. In the case of junior students, the degree type and length affects expected wages, though neither pre-university performance nor household environment influence their wage forecasts.Wage differentials, College choice, Ordered response

    Converging to efficiency : the Ramón y Cajal Program experience

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    We analyze the evolution on the design of a policy measure promoted by the Spanish Government: the Ramón y Cajal Program. In the first calls of the Program, an eligibility requirement for a researcher was a preacceptance from at least one Spanish research institution. This requirement was removed in the fourth call. We model the recruiting process as a twosided matching model to find the reason for the new design. We model the situation as if research centers decided by majority to play either the old or the new mechanism. Our results prove that in a repeated game and assuming that research personnel is scarce, even endogamic centers will prefer the new mechanism after a finite number of calls. We also analyze application data for the first five calls, finding empirical support to our assumptions and theoretical findings

    Converging to efficiency : the Ramón y Cajal Program experience

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    We analyze the evolution on the design of a policy measure promoted by the Spanish Government: the Ramón y Cajal Program. In the first calls of the Program, an eligibility requirement for a researcher was a preacceptance from at least one Spanish research institution. This requirement was removed in the fourth call. We model the recruiting process as a twosided matching model to find the reason for the new design. We model the situation as if research centers decided by majority to play either the old or the new mechanism. Our results prove that in a repeated game and assuming that research personnel is scarce, even endogamic centers will prefer the new mechanism after a finite number of calls. We also analyze application data for the first five calls, finding empirical support to our assumptions and theoretical findings.

    Converging to Efficiency: the Ramón y Cajal Program Experience

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    We analyze the evolution on the design of a policy measure promoted by the Spanish Government: the Ramón y Cajal Program. In the first calls of the Program, an eligibility requirement for a researcher was a preacceptance from at least one Spanish research insti- tution. This requirement was removed in the fourth call. We model the recruiting process as a two-sided matching model to find the reason for the new design. We model the situation as if research centers decided by majority to play either the old or the new mechanism. Our results prove that in a repeated game and assuming that research personnel is scarce, even endogamic centers will prefer the new mechanism after a finite number of calls. We also analyze application data for the first five calls, finding empirical support to our assumptions and theoretical findings.Two-sided Matching Markets, Stable Matching, R&D, Policy Analysis, Differences in Differences.

    Effects of a Motivational Climate on Psychological Needs Satisfaction, Motivation and Commitment in Teen Handball Players

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    The aim of this study was to examine the effects of the motivational climate created by the coach and perceived by a group of young high-performance handball players on their sport motivation, self-determination, sport psychological needs and sport commitment. The study participants were 479 young handball players. The age range was 16–17 years old. Players were administered a battery composed of a Perceived Motivational Climate in Sport Questionnaire, Sport Motivation Scale, the Basic Psychological Needs in Exercise Scale and Sport Commitment Questionnaire to measure the above-mentioned theoretical constructs. Results showed that the handball players showed high levels of a task-involving climate, of basic psychological needs satisfaction and of self-determined motivation and commitment. Higher levels of basic psychological needs such as autonomy and competence were associated with a higher task-involving climate, self-determined index and sport commitment (task-involving climate–basic psychological needs (β = 0.55; 95% IC 0.387/0.682; p = 0.001); Ego-involving climate–basic psychological needs (β = 0.06; 95% IC −0.069/0.181; p = 0.387); Basic psychological needs–self-determined index (β = 0.48; 95% IC 0.376/0.571; p = 0.001); Self-determined index–commitment (β = 0.58; 95% IC 0.488/0.663; p = 0.001). The obtained model showed that basic psychological needs mediated the association between a task-involving climate and self-determination, and self-determination mediated the association between basic psychological needs satisfaction and commitment

    Students' assessment of higher education in Spain

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    We explore evidence on the perceived economic value of higher education to college students in terms of their reported expected and shadow wages. Our estimates provide predictions for expected wages that are similar across gender and become closer to actual wages as students approach graduation. This is consistent with an improvement in the quality of student information used to forecast wages. Shadow wages relative to expected wages increase during the academic year for men and are constant for women, which is consistent with the higher reluctance of women to drop out of university. Finally, students with lower socioeconomic background and poor performance exhibit a higher propensity to drop out

    Wage expectations for higher education students in Spain

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    We use data on expected wages self-reported by college students to assess the hypothesis that the positive gap between expected and actual wages would decrease as students approach graduation. Our estimation results confirm this hypothesis. The amount and the quality of student information, used to forecast wages, improves with student experience. We find that expected wages for first-year students are affected not only by the degree type and academic performance, but also by the variables determining their degree preferences and their household environment. In the case of junior students, the degree type and length affects expected wages, though neither pre-university performance nor household environment influence their wage forecast

    Wage expectations for higher education students in Spain

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    We assess students' ability to forecast future earnings by using data on expected wages self-reported by college students with different graduation horizons. We find a significant gender gap, by which wage expectations are systematically lower for women than for men. However, women do not fully account for the gender gap in their future earnings. We also find that student performance, degree type, and graduation horizon play a relevant role in wage forecasts. In any case, students' expectations do not conform market wages but become more realistic as they approach graduation. We are in debt with Juanjo Dolado and Ricardo Mora for valuable comments. We acknowledge research funding from the Spanish Ministry of Finance and Competitiveness, Grant Nos. ECO2012- 31358 (first author) and ECO2014-57442-P (second author)We acknowledge research funding from the Spanish Ministry of Finance and Competitiveness, Grant Nos. ECO2012-31358 (first author) and ECO2014-57442-P (second author)

    Evaluación de las transferencias de tecnología. El caso de la investigación contratada en las Universidades

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    La evaluación de los programas de ciencia y tecnología está plenamente justificada desde la perspectiva económica. El impacto de este tipo de políticas públicas sobre la productividad, la competitividad internacional y en el nivel y en la estructura de la demanda de trabajo está siendo muy estudiado. En esta comunicación partiendo de las dimensiones e instrumentos que pueden emplearse en la evaluación de los programas científico-tecnológicos, nosotros abordamos la problemática de la evaluación de este tipo de actividades realizadas en el ámbito universitario bajo demanda del sector privado. Se trata de un área de la acción pública que como cualquier otra actividad financiada con fondos públicos debe ser evaluada, pero que presenta un conjunto de peculiaridades que hacen los ejercicios de evaluación especialmente complejos

    Workshop on preparation of Laquer Peels to teach Sedimentology

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    El presente trabajo presenta el proceso técnico para la elaboración de una piel de laca sobre un perfil de sedimento en el medio natural o en testigos en caja. Estas pieles de laca son reproducciones fieles del original y fáciles de transportar y conservar y en ellas se resalta la estructura interna de tal forma que ésta se visualiza mejor que en el propio perfil sedimentario. El análisis de los perfiles obtenidos mediante la aplicación de esta técnica ofrece una posibilidad de profundización en el proceso de comprensión de los principios de la sedimentología y constituye una herramienta útil en el proceso de enseñanzaaprendizaje.This paper presents the technical process for preparing lacquer peels on a sedimentary profile in the natural environment or in a boxcore. These laquer peels are accurate reproductions of the original, easy to transport and conserve; they highlight the internal structure in such a way that it can be seen better than in the original profile. The analysis of the profiles obtained by applying this technique provides a better understanding of the principles of sedimentology and is a useful tool in the teaching-learning process