909 research outputs found

    El aprendizaje autónomo en la enseñanza de una segunda lengua a través de un texto literario

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    El objetivo del estudio es elaborar una propuesta de actividades que promuevan el aprendizaje autónomo, así como el mejoramiento de las habilidades en la lengua inglesa, mediante el uso de literatura, también comprobar en una situación real si el material arroja los resultados que se hipotetizan

    Epiphany Through Chaos

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    This essay examines how each individual in a family going through a divorce is fighting through their own chaos and storms of the process. Psychological examinations, statistics, cases and personal experience are used as examples to demonstrate how these struggles help create and shape the children in the family and their identity; as well as the parents

    BRST symmetry and unitarity of the Horava theory

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    We present an analysis on the BRST symmetry transformations of the Horava theory under the BFV quantization, both in the nonprojectable and projectable cases. We obtain that the BRST transformations are intimately related to a particular spatial diffeomorphism along one of the ghost vector fields. We show explicitly the invariance of the quantum action and the nilpotence of the BRST transformations, using this diffeomorphism largely. The BRST symmetry is verified in the whole phase space, inside and outside the constrained surface. When restricted to the constrained surface, the BRST transformations are completely local. The consistency of the BRST symmetry is a fundamental feature of a quantum field theory, specially for renormalization. The BFV quantization is independent of the chosen gauge-fixing condition. This allows us to show the unitarity of the quantum Horava theory, covering the gauge required for renormalization.Comment: V2: The discussion on the existence of the solution for N has been expande

    Quantization of the anisotropic conformal Horava theory

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    We perform the Batalin-Fradkin-Vilkovisky quantization of the anisotropic conformal Horava theory in d spatial dimensions. We introduce a model with a conformal potential suitable for any dimension. We define an anisotropic and local gauge-fixing condition that accounts for the spatial diffeomorphisms and the anisotropic Weyl transformations. We show that the BRST transformations can be expressed mainly in terms of a spatial diffeomorphism along a ghost field plus a conformal transformation with another ghost field as argument. We study the quantum Lagrangian in the d=2 case, obtaining that all propagators are regular, except for the fields associated with the measure of the second-class constraints. This behavior is qualitatively equal to the nonconformal case

    Parameter-Conditioned Reachable Sets for Updating Safety Assurances Online

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    Hamilton-Jacobi (HJ) reachability analysis is a powerful tool for analyzing the safety of autonomous systems. However, the provided safety assurances are often predicated on the assumption that once deployed, the system or its environment does not evolve. Online, however, an autonomous system might experience changes in system dynamics, control authority, external disturbances, and/or the surrounding environment, requiring updated safety assurances. Rather than restarting the safety analysis from scratch, which can be time-consuming and often intractable to perform online, we propose to compute \textit{parameter-conditioned} reachable sets. Assuming expected system and environment changes can be parameterized, we treat these parameters as virtual states in the system and leverage recent advances in high-dimensional reachability analysis to solve the corresponding reachability problem offline. This results in a family of reachable sets that is parameterized by the environment and system factors. Online, as these factors change, the system can simply query the corresponding safety function from this family to ensure system safety, enabling a real-time update of the safety assurances. Through various simulation studies, we demonstrate the capability of our approach in maintaining system safety despite the system and environment evolution

    Resilience to climate change: from theory to practice through co-production of knowledge in Chile

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    In theory, building resilience is touted as one way to deal with climate change impacts; however, in practice, there is a need to examine how contexts influence the capacity of building resilience. A participatory process was carried out through workshops in regions affected by drought in Chile in 2014. The aim was to explore how resilience theory can be better applied and articulated into practice vis-á-vis participatory approaches that enrich the research process through the incorporation of co-produced. The results show that there are more differences in responses by type of actor than between regions, where issues of national interest, such as ‘education-information’ and ‘preparedness’, are highlighted over others. However, historically relevant local topics emerged as differentiators: decentralisation, and political will. This reinforces why special attention must be given to the different understandings in knowledge co-production processes. This study provides evidence and lessons on the importance of incorporating processes of the co-production of knowledge as a means to better articulate and transfer abstract concepts, such as resilience theory, into practice.ISSN:1862-4065ISSN:1862-405

    Adsorption of molecular gases on different porous surfaces using the statistical associating fluid theory variable range approximation

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    "In the thermodynamic framework of coupled statistical associating fluid theory variable range (SAFTVR) 2D and 3D models we present the theoretical predictions of the adsorption isotherms in real physical units, as it is commonly done in experiments. The systems studied are methane (CH4), nitrogen (N2), ethane (C2H6), n-butane (C4H10), propane (C3H8), and propylene (C3H6) adsorbed on silica gel (two classes: NSG and WSG), zeolite (4A and Na-Y), and BDH activated carbon. Employing only two fitting parameters with clear physical meaning in such an approach, we find a better agreement with the experimental data than other semiempirical models with more fitting parameters.

    Composisicón química y cinética de producción de gas in vitro del salvado de maíz

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    LA DIGESTIBILIDAD IN VITRO DE LOS GRANOS La industria de la elaboración de harina de maíz, almidones, féculas y levaduras contribuye al 13.1% del valor bruto de la cadena productiva de este grano en México (Financiera Rural, 2011). El salvado de maíz corresponde a la fracción fibrosa, no leñosa que se obtiene luego de la extracción de los almidones contenidos en la semilla para la industria de la producción de harinas para consumo humano (Figura 1). El pericarpio es la parte estructural más externa del grano y se divide en tres capas; epicarpio (0.7 a 1 mm) mesocarpio (4 a 6 mm) y endocarpio, el espesor del pericarpio normalmente varía de 60 a 80 mm, está formado por un tejido denso y correoso, cuya composición es 69.7 % fibra, 19.1 % proteína, 7.3 % almidón, 1 % grasa y 4.4 % de otras sustancias (Bartolo-Pérez et al., 1999). La fibra está formada fundamentalmente por: Hemicelulosa (67 %), celulosa (23 %) y lignina (0,%) (Burga y Duensing, 1989)

    Jargon of Authenticity in the Chilean Conservatism: Reactionarism, National Fantasies and Military Fascism (1902-1980)

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    This essay aims to cover one of the tendencies of Chilean reactionary thought, based on the hypothesis about the impossibility for a non-Catholic conservatism in Chile. In effect, secularism was drastically diminished by the persistence of ultramontane political theology, from archbishop Rafael Valdivieso to the Catholic-romantic historicism of Jaime Eyzaguirre. The main archive of this work shows the confluence between Palacios’s thesis on the “Chilean race”, from 1902, the dialectical and anti-intellectualist portalianism of Edwards and Encina in the interwar period, and the military belicology based on Ludendorff’s doctrine of total war among military intellectuals during the 70’. Finally, I attempt a rather short structural analysis, inspired by Marxism and psychoanalysis, to explain the way in which the Chilean “authenticity jargon” (Adorno’s concept) covers the destructive negativity of the social bond inherent to capitalist formations. The national fantasies of Chilean conservatism, although in crisis during the neoliberal period, are now reborn as probable alternatives of ideological interpellation for the lettered community of endangered fascism