357 research outputs found

    Virtues and vices of two layers of Fundamental Rights: lessons from the Protocol on the Charter of the Fundamental Rights of the EU

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    During the last decades, a great many comprehensive and thematic instruments for the legal protection of human rights have been established. Three levels are necessary levels of protection, namely, the national, the international, and the supranational level. On these levels, however, one fnds a plurality of bills of rights or other legal instruments for the protection of human rights respectively, which overlap and may conflict. This make the assessment of claim

    La Drittwirkung ante el trasfondo de la transformación de los derechos morales en derechos fundamentales

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    The conceptual construction of the Drittwirkung has played an important role in the history of the German dogmatic of the fundamental rights. In this paper will be analyzed the classical constructions of the Drittwirkung in the jurisprudence and in the academic debate. Likewise, the author proposes to widen the classical conception of the Drittwirkung in order to adapt it to the new challenges that face the basic rights. The latter, will be achieved through the theory of the transformation of moral rights into basic rights.La construcción conceptual de la Drittwirkung ha desempeñado un papel de suma importancia en la historia de la dogmática alemana de los derechos fundamentales. En este trabajo se analizarán las clásicas construcciones que han presentado este concepto dentro de la jurisprudencia y el debate académico. Asimismo, el autor propone ampliar el concepto de la Drittwirkung con el objetivo de adecuarla a los nuevos retos presentados por los derechos fundamentales. Esto último, por medio de la teoría de la transformación de los derechos morales en derechos fundamentales

    Derechos absolutos y proporcionalidad

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    Certain rights are commonly regarded as absolute sensu stricto, that is to say, they lend themselves neither to limitation nor to proportionality analysis. Following the received opinion, absolute sensu stricto characterises rights found in Articles 3 and 4 (1) European Convention on Human Rights, articles 1, 4 and 5 (1) Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. I shall argue, to the contrary, that the basic rights commonly regarded as absolute are not absolute sensu stricto. Rather, proportionality analysis that is employed elsewhere can and should be used here, too. Why so? The merit of a reconstruction of these rights in terms of proportionality analysis is the explanation that it provides, namely, why it is that these rights enjoy, for all intents and purposes, an “absolute” standing. Thus, the dogmatic, not to say a priori character of absolute rights sensu stricto yields to an understanding of these rights in terms of the very machinery used elsewhere in proportionality analysis.Ciertos derechos son comúnmente considerados absolutos en sensu stricto. Esto significa que tales derechos no podrían estar sujetos ni a limitaciones ni al análisis de proporcionalidad. De acuerdo con una opinión generalmente aceptada u ortodoxa, se caracteriza como derechos absolutos a derechos tales como los contenidos en los artículos 3 y 4 (1) del Convenio Europeo de Derechos Humanos, o los derechos contenidos en los artículos 1, 4 y 5 (1) de la Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea. Voy a plantear, contra esta opinión, que los derechos fundamentales comúnmente considerados absolutos no son absolutos en sensu stricto. Por el contrario, postularé que el análisis de proporcionalidad, normalmente empleado en otros contextos, también puede ser de utilidad aquí. ¿Por qué? El mérito de reconstruir estos derechos en términos del análisis de proporcionalidad radica en la explicación que ella proporciona, a saber, la explicación del porqué estos derechos poseen, para todos los sentidos y propósitos, un estatus “absoluto”. Así pues, el carácter dogmático, por no decir a priori, de los derechos absolutos sensu stricto, nos da un entendimiento de estos derechos en términos de la propia maquinaria conceptual del análisis de proporcionalidad normalmente empleado en otros contextos. &nbsp

    A model of fasciculation and sorting in mixed populations of axons

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    We extend a recently proposed model (Chaudhuri et al., EPL 87, 20003 (2009)) aiming to describe the formation of fascicles of axons during neural development. The growing axons are represented as paths of interacting directed random walkers in two spatial dimensions. To mimic turnover of axons, whole paths are removed and new walkers are injected with specified rates. In the simplest version of the model, we use strongly adhesive short-range inter-axon interactions that are identical for all pairs of axons. We generalize the model to adhesive interactions of finite strengths and to multiple types of axons with type-specific interactions. The dynamic steady state is characterized by the position-dependent distribution of fascicle sizes. With distance in the direction of axon growth, the mean fascicle size and emergent time scales grow monotonically, while the degree of sorting of fascicles by axon type has a maximum at a finite distance. To understand the emergence of slow time scales, we develop an analytical framework to analyze the interaction between neighboring fascicles.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures; version accepted for publication in Phys Rev

    Dynamics of path aggregation in the presence of turnover

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    We investigate the slow time scales that arise from aging of the paths during the process of path aggregation. This is studied using Monte-Carlo simulations of a model aiming to describe the formation of fascicles of axons mediated by contact axon-axon interactions. The growing axons are represented as interacting directed random walks in two spatial dimensions. To mimic axonal turnover, random walkers are injected and whole paths of individual walkers are removed at specified rates. We identify several distinct time scales that emerge from the system dynamics and can exceed the average axonal lifetime by orders of magnitude. In the dynamical steady state, the position-dependent distribution of fascicle sizes obeys a scaling law. We discuss our findings in terms of an analytically tractable, effective model of fascicle dynamics.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures; changed the order of presentation, rewritten the abstract and introduction, changed the title, expanded discussions; the main results remain the sam

    Loss of respiratory complex I subunit NDUFB10 affects complex I assembly and supercomplex formation.

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    The orchestrated activity of the mitochondrial respiratory or electron transport chain (ETC) and ATP synthase convert reduction power (NADH, FADH2) into ATP, the cell's energy currency in a process named oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS). Three out of the four ETC complexes are found in supramolecular assemblies: complex I, III, and IV form the respiratory supercomplexes (SC). The plasticity model suggests that SC formation is a form of adaptation to changing conditions such as energy supply, redox state, and stress. Complex I, the NADH-dehydrogenase, is part of the largest supercomplex (CI + CIII2 + CIVn). Here, we demonstrate the role of NDUFB10, a subunit of the membrane arm of complex I, in complex I and supercomplex assembly on the one hand and bioenergetics function on the other. NDUFB10 knockout was correlated with a decrease of SCAF1, a supercomplex assembly factor, and a reduction of respiration and mitochondrial membrane potential. This likely is due to loss of proton pumping since the CI P P -module is downregulated and the P D -module is completely abolished in NDUFB10 knock outs.The study was supported by a grant from CRC944 (INST190/1672 and the z-project). Tasnim Arroum was supported by an HFSP doctoral fellowship (RGP0016/ 2018).S

    The Yo-Yo Intermittent Tests: A Systematic Review and Structured Compendium of Test Results

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    Background: Although Yo-Yo intermittent tests are frequently used in a variety of sports and research studies to determine physical fitness, no structured reference exists for comparison and rating of test results. This systematic review of the most common Yo-Yo tests aimed to provide reference values for test results by statistical aggregation of published data.Methods: A systematic literature search for articles published until August 2017 was performed in MEDLINE, Web of Science, SPORTDiscus and Google Scholar. Original reports on healthy females and males ≥16 years were eligible for the analysis. Sub-maximal test versions and the Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Level 1 Children's test (YYIR1C) were not included.Results: 248 studies with 9,440 participants were included in the structured analysis. The Yo-Yo test types most frequently used were the Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Level 1 (YYIR1, 57.7%), the Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Level 2 (YYIR2, 28.0%), the Yo-Yo Intermittent Endurance Level 2 (YYIE2, 11.4%), and the Yo-Yo Intermittent Endurance Level 1 (YYIE1, 2.9%) test. For each separate test, reference values (global means and percentiles) for sports at different levels and both genders were calculated.Conclusions: Our analysis provides evidence that Yo-Yo intermittent tests reference values differ with respect to the type and level of sport performed.The presented results may be used by practitioners, trainers and athletes to rate Yo-Yo intermittent test performance levels and monitor training effects

    Subscale Validation of the Subsurface Active Filtration of Exhaust (SAFE) Approach to NTP Ground Testing

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    Brief History of NTP: Project Rover Began in 1950s by Los Alamos Scientific Labs (now Los Alamos National Labs) and ran until 1970s Tested a series of nuclear reactor engines of varying size at Nevada Test Site (now Nevada National Security Site) Ranged in scale from 111 kN (25 klbf) to 1.1 MN (250 klbf) Included Nuclear Furnace-1 tests Demonstrated the viability and capability of a nuclear rocket engine test program One of Kennedys 4 goals during famous moon speech to Congress Nuclear Engines for Rocket Vehicle Applications (NERVA) Atomic Energy Commission and NASA joint venture started in 1964 Parallel effort to Project Rover was focused on technology demonstration Tested XE engine, a 245-kN (55-klbf) engine to demonstrate startup shutdown sequencing. Hot-hydrogen stream is passed directly through fuel elements potential for radioactive material to be eroded into gaseous fuel flow as identified in previous programs NERVA and Project Rover (1950s-70s) were able to test in open atmosphere similar to conventional rocket engine test stands today Nuclear Furance-1 tests employed a full scrubber system Increased government and environmental regulations prohibit the modern testing in open atmosphere. Since the 1960s, there has been an increasing cessation on open air testing of nuclear material Political and national security concerns further compound the regulatory environmen

    ProfiLe-P – Professionswissen in der Lehramtsausbildung Physik. Vorstellung eines Forschungsverbundes

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     Der Forschungsverbund „Professionswissen in der Lehramtsausbildung Physik" (ProfiLe-P) hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, ein Rahmenmodell des Professionswissens angehender Physiklehrerinnen und -lehrer sowie von Übungsleiterinnen und -leitern der Physik zu entwickeln. Das Modell soll deklarative, analytische und prozedurale Komponenten fachdidaktischen Wissens sowie physikalisches Fachwissen umfassen. Im Verbund sind drei Teilvorhaben angelaufen. DaWis (Universität Paderborn) setzt sich mit der analytischen und deklarativen Komponente fachdidaktischen Wissens auseinander, EWis (Universität Bremen) beschäftigt sich mit den prozeduralen Komponenten fachdidaktischen Wissens und FaWis (Universität Duisburg-Essen, RWTH Aachen) behandelt das physikalische Fachwissen. Es werden Testinstrumente für alle Bereiche entwickelt und an der Zielgruppe - Physik-Lehramtsstudierende aller Stufen sowie Übungsgruppenleiter -  validiert. Als Vergleichsgruppe sind Vollfachstudierende der Physik sowie Lehramtsstudierende der Mathematik einbezogen. Analysiert werden soll insbesondere die Vernetzung der einzelnen Bereiche des Professionswissens. Das Projekt ist im November 2011 gestartet worden und läuft bis Mitte 2015.

    ProfiLe-P – Professionswissen in der Lehramtsausbildung Physik. Vorstellung eines Forschungsverbundes

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     Der Forschungsverbund „Professionswissen in der Lehramtsausbildung Physik" (ProfiLe-P) hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, ein Rahmenmodell des Professionswissens angehender Physiklehrerinnen und -lehrer sowie von Übungsleiterinnen und -leitern der Physik zu entwickeln. Das Modell soll deklarative, analytische und prozedurale Komponenten fachdidaktischen Wissens sowie physikalisches Fachwissen umfassen. Im Verbund sind drei Teilvorhaben angelaufen. DaWis (Universität Paderborn) setzt sich mit der analytischen und deklarativen Komponente fachdidaktischen Wissens auseinander, EWis (Universität Bremen) beschäftigt sich mit den prozeduralen Komponenten fachdidaktischen Wissens und FaWis (Universität Duisburg-Essen, RWTH Aachen) behandelt das physikalische Fachwissen. Es werden Testinstrumente für alle Bereiche entwickelt und an der Zielgruppe - Physik-Lehramtsstudierende aller Stufen sowie Übungsgruppenleiter -  validiert. Als Vergleichsgruppe sind Vollfachstudierende der Physik sowie Lehramtsstudierende der Mathematik einbezogen. Analysiert werden soll insbesondere die Vernetzung der einzelnen Bereiche des Professionswissens. Das Projekt ist im November 2011 gestartet worden und läuft bis Mitte 2015.