11 research outputs found

    Die Gemeinsame Deutsch-Polnische Schulbuchkommission 1972–2007

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    原著:ウォジミエシュ・ボロジェイ翻訳:宇佐美幸彦「1972年から2007年におけるドイツ・ポーランド共同教科書委員会」 (宇佐美幸彦訳) pp.31-44"Die Gemeinsame Deutsch-Polnische Schulbuchkommission 1972–2007" pp.137-15

    Nowe książki o „wypędzeniach”

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    „Wojna ducha” na Wschodzie. Propaganda i nauka w służbie ruchów narodowych

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    The article discusses the issue of the political involvement of people of science and culture in Central and Eastern Europe during World War I and in the immediate aftermath. In comparison with the phenomenon of the “war of the spirits” known in the historiography, so far observed mainly in France, Germany and Great Britain, the regional variation of this phenomenon was characterized by a greater informational value and a stronger relationship between journalistic writing and professional science. In particular, the representatives of such disciplines as physical (racial) anthropology and geography in the service of their national movements and governments engaged the whole arsenal of scientific means of persuasion: they used the language of a particular science, created coherent and logical, formally correct theories, argued, while maintaining the appropriate forms, with ideological opponents. These features of the discourse, among other things, contributed to the viability of their scientific theories from World War I, which – unlike analogous creations of Western European luminaries of art and science – still retain the right to exist in a professional academic and journalistic communities in Central and Eastern Europe

    Nowsze badania nad I wojną światową w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej i Południowo-Wschodniej (wybrane zagadnienia)

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    Recent Studies about the First World War in Central-Eastern and South-Eastern Europe (Select Problems)The article discusses chiefly the main trends of research pursued in the past few years and dealing with the Eastern and South-Eastern theatre of the First World War. The most essential new trend seems the cultural turn. One of its consequences is researchers’ rising interest in Central-Eastern Europe and the Balkans, followed by a comprehensive analysis of a number of aspects of the phenomenon of violence. The authors include in the latter the occupation experienced by the Eastern and Balkan theatres to an extent much greater than in the case of the remaining regions. A successive aspect involves forced migrations of the civilian population – refugees and victims of deportations. Violence is also associated with the situation of prisoners of war, more numerous along the Eastern Front than the Western one. Most of those phenomena occurred and even progressed also after the end of World War I, and did not finish until the first half of the 1920s. This is true in particular for anti-Jewish pogroms and armed conflicts accompanying the delineation of the frontiers of the new states in the region. A survey of studies ends with a presentation of the as yet scarce symptoms of commemorating the Great War in Central-Eastern and South-Eastern Europe


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    Znaki niepodległości. Święto 11 Listopada w Polsce i jego odpowiedniki w międzywojennej Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej

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    Artykuł omawia polityki pamięci państw Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym w czterech obszarach. Pierwszy dotyczy sporów wokół daty uzyskania (albo odzyskania) niepodległości, względnie zjednoczenia kraju. Kolejny – pomników usuwanych i erygowanych po 1918 r. Trzeci przybliża losy grobów wojennych i upamiętnień poległych w I wojnie światowej i w walkach o niepodległość i granice. Ostatni analizuje okoliczności i symbolikę grobów nieznanego żołnierza. The article presents policies of memory pursued in the interwar period by the states of Central and Eastern Europe, on the basis of four groups of examples. The first one concerns controversies around the date of gaining (or regaining) independence, or unification of the country. The next one – monuments removed or erected after 1918. The third group focuses on the fate of war graves and commemoration places of people killed during the Great War and in fights for independence and frontiers, while the last one analyses the circumstances and symbolism of unknown soldiers’ graves