161 research outputs found

    Propuesta para la fidelización de profesionales a través de una política retributiva moderna y motivadora en ADIF

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    [ES] Para obtener el título de diplomado en Gestión y Administración Pública es necesario realizar un Prácticum o Trabajo Final de Carrera (TFC). En este caso, para poder ser evaluado se deben de tener aprobados todos los créditos de asignaturas troncales y optativas que se establecen. Optamos por la realización de un TFC cuya aplicación práctica está en la Administración Pública, siguiendo los criterios que se establecen en la Normativa aprobada por la Comisión Permanente de la Facultad de Administración y Dirección de Empresas. Con ello para cumplir con esta Normativa, el trabajo que se presenta tiene como principal objetivo realizar una propuesta para la mejora del desempeño de los directivos a través de una Política motivadora y moderna basada en Competencias. Incorporar la gestión por competencias a la acción de RENFE Operadora exige introducir cambios organizacionales dentro de la misma. La gestión de esos escenarios cada vez más complejos con los estándares de calidad, eficacia y eficiencia a los que los ciudadanos tienen derecho, exige abordar cambios en diferentes órdenes, comenzando por la política de gestión de recursos humanos. La gestión por competencia es uno de esos elementos que nos va a permitir un salto hacia delante en la gestión de recursos humanos al servicio de RENFE Operadora, porque supone ser capaces de contestar a la pregunta de cuándo alguien es competente en su puesto de trabajo. Y la respuesta es cuando sabe qué hacer, sabe cómo hacerlo y tiene voluntad y disposición, es decir, sabe, sabe hacer y quiere. El trabajo consta de cinco capítulos. En el primero de ellos, se plantea el objeto y objetivos de este trabajo. Se ha establecido la estructura documental y el plan de trabajo que se ha seguido para su elaboración. Se ha indicado la normativa aplicable a nuestro caso y por último se han justificado las asignaturas que tiene relación directa con el trabajo, finalizando con un apartado que determina la relación que tiene este TFC con otros que se han presentado anteriormente. El segundo capítulo establece la situación actual de RENFE Operadora explicando sus funciones y servicios además de describir el organigrama a nivel directivo de la misma. En este mismo capítulo también se describen determinados puestos de trabajo y se estudian los elementos relativos al mismo y las condiciones físicas del lugar del trabajo. En el capítulo tres se analiza las necesidades retributivas de RENFE y se planifica la política retributiva. Al mismo tiempo, se mencionan los elementos estratégicos de la política retributiva y se valoran los puestos de trabajo. En el capítulo cuatro se desarrolla detalladamente la propuesta de mejora en la gestión de recursos humanos: Fidelización de directivos a través de una política retributiva moderna y motivadora. Se fundamenta en la opinión de los expertos y los planes de mejora de las Administraciones Públicas. También, se clasifican las competencias y la aplicación práctica en cuanto a las competencias de los puestos directivos. Por último, en el capítulo cinco se citan todas las conclusiones generales que han dado lugar tras haber realizado todo este proceso para llevar a cabo la mejora de las competencias y la viabilidad del proyecto junto con las ventajas que tendría su implantación.Boroda, AG. (2013). PROPUESTA PARA LA FIDELIZACIÓN DE PROFESIONALES A TRAVÉS DE UNA POLÍTICA RETRIBUTIVA MODERNA Y MOTIVADORA EN ADIF. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/35146.Archivo delegad

    Komu i do czego potrzebne były w XVI w. sumariusze podatkowe? O narodzinach planowania budżetowego we wczesnonowożytnym Królestwie Polskim

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    Who needed tax records in the 16th century and why? On budget planning at the start of the early modern period in Poland (Summary)The modern methods of calculating income and expenses using statistical data is sometimes attributed to the period of the Enlightenment. However, an analysis of the surviving sources (constitutions passed by the Sejm and registers of taxable income) suggests that the first attempts to create a balanced budget in the Kingdom of Poland can be dated between 1530–80. At that time action was taken to improve the functioning of the treasury, accompanied by the creation of new types of treasury documentation: tax returns and income tax registers. Both the form and content of the income tax registers indicate that they were used to calculate future years’ tax inflows and to seek the reasons for the periodical drops in revenue. Discontinuing the preparation of tax registers at the end of the 16th century was probably related to changes in the rules for preparing the state budget, which manifested itself in calculating lump-sum taxes or leasing out their collection. In place of planning the future budget, the treasury administration began to concentrate mainly on satisfying current state requirements and paying tax arrears.Who needed tax records in the 16th century and why? On budget planning at the start of the early modern period in Poland (Summary)The modern methods of calculating income and expenses using statistical data is sometimes attributed to the period of the Enlightenment. However, an analysis of the surviving sources (constitutions passed by the Sejm and registers of taxable income) suggests that the first attempts to create a balanced budget in the Kingdom of Poland can be dated between 1530–80. At that time action was taken to improve the functioning of the treasury, accompanied by the creation of new types of treasury documentation: tax returns and income tax registers. Both the form and content of the income tax registers indicate that they were used to calculate future years’ tax inflows and to seek the reasons for the periodical drops in revenue. Discontinuing the preparation of tax registers at the end of the 16th century was probably related to changes in the rules for preparing the state budget, which manifested itself in calculating lump-sum taxes or leasing out their collection. In place of planning the future budget, the treasury administration began to concentrate mainly on satisfying current state requirements and paying tax arrears

    Dokumentacja skarbowo-wojskowa z czasów Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego a rejestry poborowe województwa podlaskiego z lat 1578–1580

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    The article aims to assess the extent of the influence of the Lithuanian fiscal and military system, which was used in Podlasie until 1569, on records created after the introduction of the Polish treasury system in 1569.Celem artykułu jest próba oceny skali wpływu stosowanego na Podlasiu do 1569 r. litewskiego systemu skarbowo-wojskowego na dokumentację aktową powstającą po wprowadzeniu w tymże roku polskiego systemu skarbowego

    Przestrzenne zróżnicowanie wysokości cen żyta, pszenicy, jęczmienia i owsa na terenie Królestwa Polskiego w lustracjach królewszczyzn z lat 1564–1565

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    The article deals with the analysis of the spatial distribution and reliability of information on the prices of four cereals (wheat, rye, barley and oats) included in the survey of crown lands. The collected data cover the entire territory of the Kingdom of Poland within the borders prior to 1569, and the area of Podlasie incorporated in 1569.Artykuł jest analizą przestrzennego rozmieszczenia cen czterech zbóż (pszenicy, żyta, jęczmienia i owsa) opracowanego na podstawie informacji zawartych w lustracjach majątków królewskich. Porusza także problem ich wiarygodności. Zgromadzone dane obejmują całe terytorium Królestwa Polskiego w granicach sprzed 1569 r. oraz włączone do niego w 1569 r. Podlasie

    Soft, Normative or Transformative Power: What Do the EU’s Communications with Eastern Partners Reveal About its Influence?

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    In 2014-2015, the European Union revised its neighbourhood policy (ENP), aiming to introduce more differentiation and a more pragmatic approach to the varying levels of ambition for cooperation or integration of neighbouring countries. The Eastern Partnership, a policy explicitly targeting the EU’s eastern neighbours, has encountered serious setbacks in the face of Russia’s increasingly aggressive stance. Communication about what the EU does with and for neighbouring states is an essential component for the success of the revised ENP, especially given rising concerns about Russia’s use of media to promote its own view of developments in the region and the choices of neighbouring countries as a zero sum game. This paper seeks to establish what the EU’s communications reveal about its status as soft, normative or transformative power in the region. The paper analyses the EU’s communications towards Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine for a two-month period in 2016, after the adoption of the revised ENP. To guide the analysis, the paper revisits the concepts of soft, normative and transformative power. Comparing the scope and elements of these concepts, we suggest that transformative power approaches stress a broad spectrum of reform targeting future members, while soft and normative power address any third states. Soft power includes economic aspects contributing to the EU’s (or other powers) attractiveness, while as a normative power the EU focuses primarily on norms. Using this framework, the paper finds that the EU’s official communications to Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine represented a different mix of elements. Communications to Belarus were different from the communications to the other two states, stressing normative and rights issues. The range of concepts addressed in communications to Moldova and Ukraine has been broader and more varied. The main emphasis in communications to Ukraine and Moldova were democratic governance (Ukraine) and economic reforms (Moldova). Therefore, it is possible to distinguish normative and transformative power elements in the EU’s communications to the three Eastern Partnership countries. Last but not least, there is still a substantial share of messages that are event driven, that is, focus on specific events rather than on the benefits of cooperation with the EU as a whole

    The problem of American slang translation into Ukrainian

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    The main aim of our theses is to highlight the issue of youth slang, characteristic of some of its features and its translation. Errors of this type occur when the translator chooses the "modern" equivalent when translating slang that are strongly associated in the minds of the speech in English with a particular historical period, they can carry flavor of a particular historical era

    Comparing Belarus and Ukraine

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    This paper discusses the role of statehood and limited statehood in relation to societal orders in Belarus and Ukraine. We conceptualize state capacity as a crucial factor affecting open and closed access orders and define its key elements. We investigate specifically public service provision by state and nonstate actors, while recognizing that security and control over territory are other important aspects of statehood which are problematic in Ukraine. Our empirical investigation of key public services covers, on the one hand, elements affecting public service provision such as public administration reform and independence, and on the other hand, the actual state of basic services. We find that healthcare, postal services and public transport are better developed in Belarus than in Ukraine. This reliable provision of public services likely contributes to the stability of the limited access order in Belarus. At the same time, politicization of the Belarusian public administration and authoritarian centralization of government institutions affect other public services and continue to represent a threat to the economy in Belarus. Ukraine, in contrast, while struggling to deliver some public goods and services, is taking important steps in public administration reform. This could result in creating a more professional and independent public administration in Ukraine and, in the longterm, an opening of access to public services on a more universal basis

    The Elements of Russia’s Soft Power: Channels, Tools, and Actors Promoting Russian Influence in the Eastern Partnership Countries

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    Soft power can be exerted by a variety of actors using different channels and tools. This paper focuses on actors and channels transmitting Russian messages and discourses in the Eastern Partnership countries. It contributes to enhancing our understanding of Russian influences in the region in two ways. First, it maps the network of influential actors who have the potential to transmit Russian messages and target various audiences. Second, it offers a detailed analysis of the coverage of Russia (and the European Union (EU)) in one important channel for dissemination of information about Russia and the EU: popular TV stations in Belarus, Moldova, and Ukraine. The analysis shows the presence of a wide variety of actors focusing on ‘compatriots’, religious bonds, and Russian-language speakers in the region, which reflects the key ideas of the ‘Russian World’ narrative. These actors promote Russia’s role as a centre of gravity and aim to appeal to Russians, Slavs and Orthodox Christians. This image of Russia, however, does not dominate the news programmes in any of the three countries. In Moldova and Ukraine, Russia is most often mentioned (negatively) in the context of security, while in Belarus it is covered more often than the EU in economy-related news items. Moreover, a large portion of the news about Russia and the EU has no positive or negative tone or is presented in a balanced way. In general, apart from what was conveyed by Russian TV channels, Russia does not have a more positive image than the EU in the news programmes in the countries we monitored