1,811 research outputs found

    Theoretical studies of the transport and removal processes of Sahara dust

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    The processes controlling the evolution of aerosol particles may be divided into dynamic processes concerned with the motions of air currents and microphysical processes concerned with the growth of the individual particles. The Ames planetary boundary layer model was modified to construct a subsynoptic scale aerosol model to study the long term fate of the Saharan dust. The transport model consists of a mixed layer, a convection layer, and free atmosphere. Conditions used for a preliminary test run and results obtained are described

    Moždana vazomotorna reaktivnost i okluzivna bolest karotidnih arterija

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    Cerebral autoregulation is a mechanism that enables relatively constant cerebral blood flow during variations of cerebral perfusion pressure. The differences between cerebral blood flow at rest and after administration of a potent vasodilatory stimulus test such as hypercapnia reflect cerebral vasomotor reactivity defined as the vasodilation capacity of cerebral arterioles to external stimuli, providing important information about the cerebral hemodynamic status. Cerebral vasomotor reactivity provides important information about the cerebral hemodynamic status. In this article, cerebral vasomotor reactivity assessment tests are presented, with emphasis on transcranial Doppler, as well as the use of transcranial Doppler in assessing cerebral vasomotor reactivity in carotid stenosis, occlusion, and the importance of cerebral vasomotor reactivity for carotid surgery.Moždana autoregulacija je mehanizam koji omogućava relativno ustaljeni moždani protok krvi za vrijeme promjena tlaka prokrvljenosti mozga. Razlike između moždanog protoka krvi u mirovanju i nakon testa snažne vazodilatacijske stimulacije poput hiperkapnije odražavaju moždanu vazomotornu reaktivnost definiranu kao vazodilatacijski kapacitet moždanih arteriola za vanjske poticaje, pružajući važne podatke o moždanom hemodinamskom statusu. Moždana vazomotorna reaktivnost daje važne informacije o statusu moždane hemodinamike. U članku se prikazuju testovi za procjenu moždane vazomotorne reaktivnosti s naglaskom na transkranijski Doppler, te primjena transkranijskog Dopplera u procjeni moždane vazomotorne reaktivnosti kod karotidne stenoze, okluzije, kao i važnost moždane vazomotorne reaktivnosti za kirurgiju karotidnih arterija

    Increased Neutrophil Elastase and Proteinase 3 and Augmented NETosis Are Closely Associated With β-Cell Autoimmunity in Patients With Type 1 Diabetes

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    Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is an autoimmune disease resulting from the self-destruction of insulin-producing β-cells. Reduced neutrophil counts have been observed in patients with T1D. However, the pathological roles of neutrophils in the development of T1D remain unknown. Here we show that circulating protein levels and enzymatic activities of neutrophil elastase (NE) and proteinase 3 (PR3), both of which are neutrophil serine proteases stored in neutrophil primary granules, were markedly elevated in patients with T1D, especially those with disease duration of less than 1 year. Furthermore, circulating NE and PR3 levels increased progressively with the increase of the positive numbers and titers of the autoantibodies against β-cell antigens. An obvious elevation of NE and PR3 was detected even in those autoantibody-negative patients. Increased NE and PR3 in T1D patients are closely associated with elevated formation of neutrophil extracellular traps. By contrast, the circulating levels of α1-antitrypsin, an endogenous inhibitor of neutrophil serine proteases, are decreased in T1D patients. These findings support an early role of neutrophil activation and augmented neutrophil serine proteases activities in the pathogenesis of β-cell autoimmunity and also suggest that circulating NE and PR3 may serve as sensitive biomarkers for the diagnosis of T1D.postprin

    Duretovo krvarenje: rijetka komplikacija ishemijskog moždanog udara u području središnje moždane arterije - Prikaz slučaja

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    We report on an unusual case of brainstem Duret hemorrhage after ischemic stroke in the anterior circulation. The patient showed a clinical and neuroradiological picture of an acute and malignant middle cerebral artery infarct with increased intracranial pressure followed by a brainstem hemorrhage. The report suggests that the descending transtentorial herniation of any etiology might be complicated by a Duret hemorrhage.Opisuje se rijedak slučaj Duretova krvarenja moždanoga debla nakon ishemijskog moždanog udara u prednjem krvotoku. Bolesnik je pokazivao kliničku i neuroradiološku sliku akutnog i zloćudnog infarkta središnje moždane arterije uz povišen intrakranijski tlak, nakon čega je uslijedilo krvarenje u moždanom deblu. Ovaj prikaz ukazuje na to da se Duretovo krvarenje može pojaviti kao komplikacija kod silazne transtentorijske hernijacije bilo koje etiologije

    A-FABP mediates adaptive thermogenesis by promoting intracellular activation of thyroid hormones in brown adipocytes

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    The adipokine adipocyte fatty acid-binding protein (A-FABP) has been implicated in obesity-related cardio-metabolic complications. Here we show that A-FABP increases thermogenesis by promoting the conversion of T4 to T3 in brown adipocytes. We find that A-FABP levels are increased in both white (WAT) and brown (BAT) adipose tissues and the bloodstream in response to thermogenic stimuli. A-FABP knockout mice have reduced thermogenesis and whole-body energy expenditure after cold stress or after feeding a high-fat diet, which can be reversed by infusion of recombinant A-FABP. Mechanistically, A-FABP induces the expression of type-II iodothyronine deiodinase in BAT via inhibition of the nuclear receptor liver X receptor α, thereby leading to the conversion of thyroid hormone from its inactive form T4 to active T3. The thermogenic responses to T4 are abrogated in A-FABP KO mice, but enhanced by A-FABP. Thus, A-FABP acts as a physiological stimulator of BAT-mediated adaptive thermogenesis.published_or_final_versio

    Observed sea breeze life cycle in and around NYC: Impacts on UHI and ozone patterns

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    This observational study investigates New York City (NYC) impacts on summer sea breeze fronts (SBFs) during a 2018 LISTOS Campaign day with a regional heat wave and O3 episode. A morning urban heat island peaked at 8.3 °C and then induced convergences into the City, trapping its NO2 emissions. SBFs came ashore at 0700 EST from the Atlantic along southern Long Island (LI), and from the LI Sound along northern LI and southern Connecticut; 2-h later another formed over New Jersey. The Ocean front was retarded over NYC at noon, while all fronts merged by 1400 EST and continued inland for four more hours. High O3 first appeared at 0900 EST downwind of NYC. By 1100 EST, a new surface peak formed north of the City in the Hudson River Valley (HRV). The maxima merged, peaking at 143 ppb at 1300 EST behind the SBF and near the maximum temperatures of 39 °C. Trajectories ending at the northern LI site with a PBL O3 peak first passed NYC, arrived before the episode, and then recirculated back in its SB flow. Trajectories ending in the HRV showed pollutant transport over NYC twice, before advection northward into the narrow Valley by the ocean SBF

    One-Year Risk of Stroke after Transient Ischemic Attack or Minor Stroke

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    BACKGROUND Previous studies conducted between 1997 and 2003 estimated that the risk of stroke or an acute coronary syndrome was 12 to 20% during the first 3 months after a transient ischemic attack (TIA) or minor stroke. The TIAregistry.org project was designed to describe the contemporary profile, etiologic factors, and outcomes in patients with a TIA or minor ischemic stroke who receive care in health systems that now offer urgent evaluation by stroke specialists. METHODS We recruited patients who had had a TIA or minor stroke within the previous 7 days. Sites were selected if they had systems dedicated to urgent evaluation of patients with TIA. We estimated the 1-year risk of stroke and of the composite outcome of stroke, an acute coronary syndrome, or death from cardiovascular causes. We also examined the association of the ABCD2 score for the risk of stroke (range, 0 [lowest risk] to 7 [highest risk]), findings on brain imaging, and cause of TIA or minor stroke with the risk of recurrent stroke over a period of 1 year. RESULTS From 2009 through 2011, we enrolled 4789 patients at 61 sites in 21 countries. A total of 78.4% of the patients were evaluated by stroke specialists within 24 hours after symptom onset. A total of 33.4% of the patients had an acute brain infarction, 23.2% had at least one extracranial or intracranial stenosis of 50% or more, and 10.4% had atrial fibrillation. The Kaplan–Meier estimate of the 1-year event rate of the composite cardiovascular outcome was 6.2% (95% confidence interval, 5.5 to 7.0). Kaplan–Meier estimates of the stroke rate at days 2, 7, 30, 90, and 365 were 1.5%, 2.1%, 2.8%, 3.7%, and 5.1%, respectively. In multivariable analyses, multiple infarctions on brain imaging, large-artery atherosclerosis, and an ABCD2 score of 6 or 7 were each associated with more than a doubling of the risk of stroke. CONCLUSIONS We observed a lower risk of cardiovascular events after TIA than previously reported. The ABCD2 score, findings on brain imaging, and status with respect to large-artery atherosclerosis helped stratify the risk of recurrent stroke within 1 year after a TIA or minor stroke. (Funded by Sanofi and Bristol-Myers Squibb.)Supported by an unrestricted grant from Sanofi and Bristol-Myers Squibb

    Seeing two faces together: preference formation in humans and rhesus macaques

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    Humans, great apes and old world monkeys show selective attention to faces depending on conspecificity, familiarity, and social status supporting the view that primates share similar face processing mechanisms. Although many studies have been done on face scanning strategy in monkeys and humans, the mechanisms influencing viewing preference have received little attention. To determine how face categories influence viewing preference in humans and rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta), we performed two eye-tracking experiments using a visual preference task whereby pairs of faces from different species were presented simultaneously. The results indicated that viewing time was significantly influenced by the pairing of the face categories. Humans showed a strong bias towards an own-race face in an Asian–Caucasian condition. Rhesus macaques directed more attention towards non-human primate faces when they were paired with human faces, regardless of the species. When rhesus faces were paired with faces from Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus) or chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), the novel species’ faces attracted more attention. These results indicate that monkeys’ viewing preferences, as assessed by a visual preference task, are modulated by several factors, species and dominance being the most influential

    Aspirin and extended-release dipyridamole versus clopidogrel for recurrent stroke

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    Background Recurrent stroke is a frequent, disabling event after ischemic stroke. This study compared the efficacy and safety of two antiplatelet regimens — aspirin plus extendedrelease dipyridamole (ASA–ERDP) versus clopidogrel. Methods In this double-blind, 2-by-2 factorial trial, we randomly assigned patients to receive 25 mg of aspirin plus 200 mg of extended-release dipyridamole twice daily or to receive 75 mg of clopidogrel daily. The primary outcome was first recurrence of stroke. The secondary outcome was a composite of stroke, myocardial infarction, or death from vascular causes. Sequential statistical testing of noninferiority (margin of 1.075), followed by superiority testing, was planned. Results A total of 20,332 patients were followed for a mean of 2.5 years. Recurrent stroke occurred in 916 patients (9.0%) receiving ASA–ERDP and in 898 patients (8.8%) receiving clopidogrel (hazard ratio, 1.01; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.92 to 1.11). The secondary outcome occurred in 1333 patients (13.1%) in each group (hazard ratio for ASA–ERDP, 0.99; 95% CI, 0.92 to 1.07). There were more major hemorrhagic events among ASA–ERDP recipients (419 [4.1%]) than among clopidogrel recipients (365 [3.6%]) (hazard ratio, 1.15; 95% CI, 1.00 to 1.32), including intracranial hemorrhage (hazard ratio, 1.42; 95% CI, 1.11 to 1.83). The net risk of recurrent stroke or major hemorrhagic event was similar in the two groups (1194 ASA–ERDP recipients [11.7%], vs. 1156 clopidogrel recipients [11.4%]; hazard ratio, 1.03; 95% CI, 0.95 to 1.11). Conclusions The trial did not meet the predefined criteria for noninferiority but showed similar rates of recurrent stroke with ASA–ERDP and with clopidogrel. There is no evidence that either of the two treatments was superior to the other in the prevention of recurrent stroke. (ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00153062.