23 research outputs found

    Drivers Of Organizational Innovativeness Among SMEs in Malaysia Halal Industry

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    The Malaysia Halal Industry has been one of the lucrative and profitable areas of business in Malaysia with estimated global market value (food and non food) of US$2.1 trillion annually (Industry, 2006). The increasing awareness to select halal products has created a great demand for halal products and services. Malaysia is in a unique spot to become a global halal hub due to its outstanding infrastructure, favourable business atmosphere and well established policies and institutions that support initiatives engaged by the Malaysian Government. Unfortunately, majority of the entrepreneurs (SMEs) are unable to sustain in the market as after three years, the brand name disappear due to innovation, high competition with multinational companies and financial constraints.The main purpose of this paper is to emphasize the drivers of innovativeness in improving business performance among SMEs.Many theorists agreed that the organizational development depends on low or high level of innovativeness. This paper is based on the management behavior towards innovativeness which is crucial for enhancing business performance. It also highlighted the drivers of innovativeness in SMEs Malaysia Halal Industry and a framework for future empirical investigation is proposed

    Shelf ice-associated cryo-benthos and environmental features

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    Incidences of cryo-benthic communities beneath ice shelves are rare and recent discoveries. Combined seal- and ROV-borne imagery and novel sampling technologies allowed for a re-assessment and augmentation of earlier findings on a cryo-benthic isopod community (Antarcturus cf. spinacoronatus), being attached head-down to the underside of floating shelf ice at depths of around 80-150m. The shelf ice-associated cryo-benthos was discovered at Drescher Inlet (-72.83667 -19.15300), Riiser-Larsen Ice Shelf (eastern Weddell Sea). The inlet constitutes a 25km long and between 2 and 4km wide crack in the surrounding shelf ice, which is associated with certain environmental features. Here we compile all available local physical, biological, and biogeochemical data and discuss their relevance in the wider regional context for this faunal hotspot. These include data on shelf, sea and platelet ice, seafloor topography, hydrography and water chemistry, as well as associated pelagic and benthic marine life, in particular affinities of the cryo-benthic isopod community to related fauna occurring in nearby seabed communities using molecular barcoding

    Exclusion Expected? Cardiac Slowing Upon Peer Exclusion Links Preschool Parent Representations to School‐Age Peer Relationships

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    Attachment theory proposes that children’s representations of interactions with caregivers guide information‐processing about others, bridging interpersonal domains. In a longitudinal study (N = 165), preschoolers (Mage = 5.19 years) completed the MacArthur Story Stem Battery to assess parent representations. At school‐age (Mage = 8.42 years), children played a virtual ballgame with peers who eventually excluded them to track event‐related cardiac slowing, a physiological correlate of rejection, especially when unexpected. At both ages, parents and teachers reported on peer and emotional problems. During exclusion versus inclusion‐related events, cardiac slowing was associated with greater positive parent representations and fewer emerging peer problems. Cardiac slowing served as a mediator between positive parent representations and peer problems, supporting a potential psychophysiological mechanism underlying the generalization of attachment‐related representations to peer relationships

    Samoylov Deep Drilling Spring Campaign 2018

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    Permafrost thaw is associated with impacts on climate, land surface and coastal and river bank structures. Pro-cesses such as thermokarst and thermo-erosion lead to ground subsidence, which can have drastic e˙ects on the topography. One of the main drivers of surface subsidence vulnerability is the sedimentological composition, including ground ice content, and the temperature state of permafrost. This drilling campaign aimed to retrieve a deep, frozen sediment core from Samoylov Island to cover several scientific disciplines including geocryology, sedimentology and geochemistry. This campaign provides sample material from much greater depths (65.7 m) than previous boreholes on the island (27 m in 2006) and the anal-ysis of the sediments will therefore lead to a better understanding of the deep permafrost deposits on Samoylov Island. Furthermore, a temperature chain was installed in the borehole for long-term temperature monitoring

    Body awareness, voluntary physiological regulation, and their modulation by contemplative mental training

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    In dieser Dissertation untersuche ich das Zusammenspiel mentaler und körperlicher Prozesse, insbesondere den Einfluss von kontemplativem Mentaltraining (KMT) auf Interozeption (innerliches SpĂŒren des Körpers) und physiologische Regulation. In einer großangelegten Trainingsstudie (n = 332, Trainingsdauer 3-9 Monate), der ReSource-Studie, zeige ich, dass KMT die interozeptive Genauigkeit in den Trainingskohorten erhöht, nicht jedoch in einer Retest-Kontrollgruppe. Die Steigerungen in interozeptiver Genauigkeit gehen mit VerĂ€nderungen im emotionalen Gewahrsein einher und sagen diese voraus. Im Einklang mit diesen Befunden berichten die Studienteilnehmenden von positiven VerĂ€nderungen in verschiedenen Dimensionen des Körpergewahrseins. Diese betreffen vor allem die FĂ€higkeit, Aufmerksamkeit auf Körperempfindungen aufrechtzuerhalten sowie deren Gebrauch zur Emotionserkennung und -regulation. Ich beschreibe eine neuentwickelte Biofeedback-Aufgabe, welche die FĂ€higkeit misst, willentlich die hochfrequente HerzratenvariabilitĂ€t (HF-HRV) hochzuregulieren, wodurch die willentliche parasympathische KontrollfĂ€higkeit (WPK) indiziert wird. Ich zeige, dass individuelle Unterschiede in WPK mit dem Oxytocin-Rezeptorgen-Polymorphismus rs53576 zusammenhĂ€ngen und mit individuellen Unterschieden im altruistisch motivierten Verhalten korrelieren. WPK wird durch KMT verbessert, wobei diese Verbesserungen durch den rs53576 Genotyp moduliert werden. In einer weiteren Untersuchung zeige ich, dass retrospektive, subjektive Berichte ĂŒber eine emotional erregende Erfahrung teilweise die objektiv gemessene körperliche Erregung widerspiegeln. Das Ausmaß dieser körperlich-mentalen KohĂ€renz ist abhĂ€ngig von der interozeptiven Genauigkeit. Zusammengenommen vertiefen diese Studien unser VerstĂ€ndnis des Zusammenspiels von physiologischen und mentalen Prozessen und zeigen wie KMT das innerliche SpĂŒren des Körpers und die willentliche physiologische Regulation verbessert.In this dissertation, I investigate interactions between mental and bodily processes, specifically by studying the influence of contemplative mental training (CMT) on interoception (inner body sensing) and physiological regulation. In a large-scale mental training study (n = 332, training durations 3–9 months), the ReSource Project, I find that CMT increases interoceptive accuracy in the training cohorts, but not in a retest control cohort. These increases in interoceptive accuracy co-occur with and predict improvements in emotional awareness. In line with these objective data on interoception, participants self-report training-related benefits on multiple dimensions of body awareness. The strongest changes occur in the ability to sustain attention to body sensations and the use of this ability to identify and regulate emotions. I also introduce a novel biofeedback task that measures the ability to voluntarily upregulate high frequency heart rate variability (HF-HRV), indicative of voluntary parasympathetic control. Cross-sectional data of the ReSource Project show that individual differences in voluntary parasympathetic control are related to the oxytocin receptor gene rs53576 polymorphism and correlate to individual differences in altruistically motivated behavior. Furthermore, CMT improves various aspects of voluntary HF-HRV regulation, with modulation of these improvements by rs53576 genotype. An additional investigation in cross-sectional data shows that subjective retrospective reports of an emotionally arousing experience partially mirror the objectively measured bodily arousal during the actual experience. Individual differences in this mind–body coherence are related to individual differences in interoceptive accuracy. Together, these studies highlight the tight interplay between physiological and mental processes and show how CMT improves inner body sensing and voluntary physiological regulation

    Entwicklung eines kontextsensitiven Berechtigungssystems fĂŒr Smart Homes

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    Der Mensch bewegt sich heutzutage in Umgebungen, in denen er von technischen GegenstĂ€nden umgeben ist. Die zunehmende KommunikationsfĂ€higkeit dieser GerĂ€te ermöglicht die Entwicklung sogenannter Smart Environments. Diese Entwicklung ist vor allem in den Wohnumgebungen des Menschen zu spĂŒren. Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Entwicklung eines Berechtigungssystems fĂŒr diesen sensiblen und komplexen Lebensbereich. Um die alltĂ€glichen Situationen abbilden zu können, wurden das Berechtigungssystem an eine Kontexterkennung gekoppelt. Dies ermöglicht zum einen die DeVnition statischer Regeln, zum anderen wird die Zuweisung von Berechtigungen in AbhĂ€ngigkeit des vorherrschenden Kontextes ermöglicht.Nowadays Humans live in environments surrounded by technological artifacts. The increasing communication capabilities of these artifacts allow the uprising of the so called "Smart Environments". This development is speciVcally felt in domestic living environments. The aim of this Thesis is the design of an authorization system for these delicate and complex areas of life. In order to better reWect the real life situations an access control system is annotated with measures of context awareness. This enables the deVnition of static rules and the assignment of permissions depending on the prevailing context

    Android-basierte Smart Home Interaktion am Beispiel einer Gegensprechanl

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    Die steigende AllgegenwĂ€rtigkeit von Computern spielt eine tragende Rolle bei der Entwicklung neuer Systeme. Im Rahmen dieser Bachelorarbeit werden Interaktionsmöglichkeiten hinsichtlich eines intelligenten TĂŒrklingelsystems in einer Smart Home Umgebung untersucht. Nach der Identifikation verschiedenster Interaktionen durch die Schilderung von Beispielszenarien, werden diverse Architekturmuster auf ihre mögliche Verwendung hin geprĂŒft. Anschließend wird die Realisierbarkeit des Systems anhand von GrundfunktionalitĂ€ten einer Gegensprechanlage nachgewiesen.The increasing ubiquity of computers plays a crucial role in the development of new systems. As part of this bachelor thesis, interactions are examined for an intelligent doorbell system in a smart home environment. After the identification of various interactions as described by example scenarios, various architectural patterns and their possible use are evaluated. Then, the feasibility of the system using basic functionality of an intercom system is proven

    Differential changes in self-reported aspects of interoceptive awareness through 3 months of contemplative training

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    Interoceptive body awareness (IA) is crucial for psychological well-being and plays an important role in many contemplative traditions. However, until recently, standardized self-report measures of IA were scarce, not comprehensive, and the effects of interoceptive training on such measures were largely unknown. The Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness (MAIA) questionnaire measures IA with eight different scales. In the current study, we investigated whether and how these different aspects of IA are inïŹ‚uenced by a 3-months contemplative intervention in the context of the ReSource project, in which 148 subjects engaged in daily practices of “Body Scan” and “Breath Meditation.” We developed a German version of the MAIA and tested it in a large and diverse sample (n = 1,076). Internal consistencies were similar to the English version (0.56– 0.89), retest reliability was high (r s: 0.66–0.79), and the MAIA showed good convergent and discriminant validity. Importantly, interoceptive training improved ïŹve out of eight aspects of IA, compared to a retest control group. Participants with low IA scores at baseline showed the biggest changes. Whereas practice duration only weakly predicted individual differences in change, self-reported liking of the practices and degree of integration into daily life predicted changes on most scales. Interestingly, the magnitude of observed changes varied across scales. The strongest changes were observed for the regulatory aspects of IA, that is, how the body is used for self-regulation in daily life. No signiïŹcant changes were observed for the Noticing aspect (becoming aware of bodily changes), which is the aspect that is predominantly assessed in other IA measures. This differential pattern underscores the importance to assess IA multi-dimensionally, particularly when interested in enhancement of IA through contemplative practice or other mind–body interventions