33 research outputs found

    Forecasts for Galaxy Cluster Observations and Cosmological Implications from the <em>eROSITA</em> All-Sky Survey

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    One of the most commonly asked questions in astrophysics today refers to the nature of dark energy. The characteristics of this parameter are imprinted in the large-scale structure of matter and accordingly also in the distribution of galaxy clusters as tracers of this structure. The up-coming X-ray instrument eROSITA, which is scheduled for launch in 2017, will detect a sample of ~100,000 clusters of galaxies in a total of eight all-sky surveys. These observations are expected to significantly support the study of dark energy. Before the launch of the instrument, it is essential to forecast the expected observations, as well as to prepare the required data analysis strategies. The projects within this thesis support these aims, while focusing on the observations of galaxy clusters and on the cosmological implications from the expected cluster catalogue. In a first project, I perform predictions on how well eROSITA will be able to detect cluster gas temperatures and redshifts, while simulating realistic spectra for a variety of different clusters. Applying a spectral fit, the cluster properties are re-obtained and subsequently analysed in comparison to the input parameter. Convolving these results with the halo mass function and an assumed instrumental selection function, yields the number of eROSITA clusters with precise characteristics. Accordingly, the instrument will obtain precise temperatures with relative uncertainties of For a sub-sample of the above clusters, I additionally test the influence of the pre-analysis to extract the cluster spectra from the observed raw data. This is achieved by generating event files of cluster observations and by reducing them based on the currently developed eROSITA software, eSASS. While the parameter precisions are only minorly influenced by the pre-analysis, the parameter accuracy now shows a bias of >10%. The identification of this and other systematics already initiated an advanced development of the data reduction software. To quantify the cosmological potential of eROSITA, I convert the halo mass function into a more general abundance function, which is based on the number of observed cluster photons. This function allows the computation of a mockcatalogue of the expected eROSITA clusters, which is highly dependent on cosmology. Implementing this catalogue and the corresponding abundance model into Markov-Chain Monte Carlo simulations yields the credibilities of the cosmological parameters, including the nature of dark energy. These forecasts present the instrument as powerful probe for precision cosmology, where the credibilities from the cluster abundances alone show comparable results to the Planck data with external priors. Combining both data sets allows for relative precisions of 7.7% for w_0 and for an uncertainty on w_a of 0.276. This results in a figure of merit of FoM=53 for the nature of dark energy on the 2-sigma uncertainty level. In conclusion, eROSITA will allow for precise studies of galaxy cluster properties, while increasing the current sample of clusters with precise temperatures by a factor of 5-10. The on-going development of the data reduction tools will support these expectations. These cluster studies and the resulting large catalogue of objects, will allow for strong and unprecedented cosmological constraints. Based on these results, eROSITA will be classified as the first Stage IV instrument for studying the nature of dark energy

    Constraining galaxy cluster temperatures and redshifts with eROSITA survey data

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    The nature of dark energy is imprinted in the large-scale structure of the Universe and thus in the mass and redshift distribution of galaxy clusters. The upcoming eROSITA mission will exploit this method of probing dark energy by detecting roughly 100,000 clusters of galaxies in X-rays. For a precise cosmological analysis the various galaxy cluster properties need to be measured with high precision and accuracy. To predict these characteristics of eROSITA galaxy clusters and to optimise optical follow-up observations, we estimate the precision and the accuracy with which eROSITA will be able to determine galaxy cluster temperatures and redshifts from X-ray spectra. Additionally, we present the total number of clusters for which these two properties will be available from the eROSITA survey directly. During its four years of all-sky surveys, eROSITA will determine cluster temperatures with relative uncertainties of Delta(T)/T<10% at the 68%-confidence level for clusters up to redshifts of z~0.16 which corresponds to ~1,670 new clusters with precise properties. Redshift information itself will become available with a precision of Delta(z)/(1+z)<10% for clusters up to z~0.45. Additionally, we estimate how the number of clusters with precise properties increases with a deepening of the exposure. Furthermore, the biases in the best-fit temperatures as well as in the estimated uncertainties are quantified and shown to be negligible in the relevant parameter range in general. For the remaining parameter sets, we provide correction functions and factors. The eROSITA survey will increase the number of galaxy clusters with precise temperature measurements by a factor of 5-10. Thus the instrument presents itself as a powerful tool for the determination of tight constraints on the cosmological parameters.Comment: accepted for publication in A&A; 17 pages, 20 figure

    Forecasts on dark energy from the X-ray cluster survey with eROSITA: constraints from counts and clustering

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    We forecast the potential of the forthcoming X-ray galaxy-cluster survey with eROSITA to constrain dark-energy models. We focus on spatially-flat cosmological scenarios with either constant or time-dependent dark-energy equation-of-state parameters. Fisher information is extracted from the number density and spatial clustering of a photon-count-limited sample of clusters of galaxies up to z~2. We consider different scenarios for the availability of (i) X-ray follow-up observations, (ii) photometric and spectroscopic redshifts, and (iii) accurate knowledge of the observable -- mass relation down to the scale of galaxy groups. With about 125,000 clusters (detected with more than 50 photons and with mass M500c > 1013h110^{13} h^{-1} Msun) from an average all-sky exposure of 1.6 ks, eROSITA will give marginalized, one-dimensional, 1-σ\sigma errors of Δσ8=± 0.008\Delta \sigma_8 = \pm~0.008 (\sim1 per cent), ΔΩM=± 0.006\Delta \Omega_{\rm M} = \pm~0.006 (2.2 per cent), Δw0=± 0.07\Delta w_0 = \pm~0.07 (7 per cent), and Δwa=± 0.25\Delta w_a = \pm~0.25 (optimistic scenario) in combination with (and largely improving upon) current constraints from various cosmological probes (cosmic microwave background, BAOs, Type Ia SNe). Our findings correspond to a dark-energy figure of merit in the range of 116162116-162 (after the four years of all-sky survey), making eROSITA one of the first Stage IV experiments to come on line according to the classification of the Dark Energy Task Force. To secure improved mass calibrations and to include high-redshift clusters (z > 0.5) as well as objects at the group-mass scale (M500c < 5 × 1013h1\times~ 10^{13} h^{-1} Msun) will be vital to reach such accuracies.Comment: Submitted to MNRAS. Main results at Figure 2 and Table


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    The baryonic composition of galaxy clusters and groups is dominated by a hot, X-ray emitting Intra-Cluster Medium (ICM). The mean metallicity of the ICM has been found to be roughly 0.3 ÷ 0.5 times the solar value, therefore a large fraction of this gas cannot be of purely primordial origin. Indeed, the distribution and amount of metals in the ICM is a direct consequence of the past history of star formation in the cluster galaxies and of the processes responsible for the injection of enriched material into the ICM. We here shortly summarize the current views on the chemical enrichment, focusing on the observational evidence in terms of metallicity measurements in clusters, spatial metallicity distribution and evolution, and expectations from future missions

    Genotoksičnost metalnih nanočestica: osvrt na podatke istraživanja In vivo

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    With increasing production and application of a variety of nanomaterials (NMs), research on their cytotoxic and genotoxic potential grows, as the exposure to these nano-sized materials may potentially result in adverse health effects. In large part, indications for potential DNA damaging effects of nanoparticles (NPs) originate from inconsistent in vitro studies. To clarify these effects, the implementation of in vivo studies has been emphasised. This paper summarises study results of genotoxic effects of NPs, which are available in the recent literature. They provide indications that some NP types cause both DNA strand breaks and chromosomal damages in experimental animals. Their genotoxic effects, however, do not depend only on particle size, surface modifi cation (particle coating), and exposure route, but also on exposure duration. Currently available animal studies may suggest differing mechanisms (depending on the duration of exposure) by which living organisms react to NP contact. Nevertheless, due to considerable inconsistencies in the recent literature and the lack of standardised test methods - a reliable hazard assessment of NMs is still limited. Therefore, international organisations (e.g. NIOSH) suggest utmost caution when potential exposure of humans to NMs occurs, as long as evidence of their toxicological and genotoxic effect(s) is limited.S povećanjem proizvodnje i primjene niza različitih nanomaterijala (NM) raste i potreba istraživanja njihovih mogućih citotoksičnih i genotoksičnih učinaka kao i drugih štetnih učinaka na zdravlje u uvjetima profesionalne ili opće izloženost ljudi. Indikacije potencijanog oštećenja DNA kojeg uzrokuju nanočestice u velikoj mjeri proizlaze iz nedosljednih in vitro ispitivanja. Kako bi se razjasnili ti učinci, naglašena je potreba provedbe in vivo ispitivanja. Ovaj pregledni rad sažima rezultate procjene genotoksičnih učinaka nanočestica koji su objavljeni u novijoj stručnoj i znanstvenoj literaturi. Navedeni rezultati pokazuju da određene nanočestice uzrokuju lomove u molekuli DNA i oštećuju kromosome u eksperimentalnim životinjama. Njihovi genotoksični učinci ne ovise samo o veličini čestice, modifi kaciji površine (oblaganje čestice) i načinu izlaganja, već i o trajanju izloženosti nanočesticama. Postojeća istraživanja provedena na životinjama upućuju na različite mehanizme koji ovise o trajanju izlaganja i pomoću kojih živi organizmi reagiraju na doticaj s nanočesticama. Međutim postoje brojne nedosljednosti u novijoj literaturi, a standardne testne metode nisu dostupne pa je stoga pouzdanija procjena opasnosti od izlaganja nanomaterijalima u ljudi još uvijek veoma ograničena. Stoga se u međunarodnim dokumentima savjetuje oprez prilikom svakog izlaganja ljudi nanomaterijalima kako bi se spriječili mogući opći toksični genotoksični učinci

    Characteristics and properties of nano-LiCoO2 synthesized by pre-organized single source precursors: Li-ion diffusivity, electrochemistry and biological assessment

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    Background: LiCoO2 is one of the most used cathode materials in Li-ion batteries. Its conventional synthesis requires high temperature (>800 degrees C) and long heating time (>24 h) to obtain the micronscale rhombohedral layered high-temperature phase of LiCoO2 ( HT-LCO). Nanoscale HT-LCO is of interest to improve the battery performance as the lithium (Li+) ion pathway is expected to be shorter in nanoparticles as compared to micron sized ones. Since batteries typically get recycled, the exposure to nanoparticles during this process needs to be evaluated. Results: Several new single source precursors containing lithium (Li+) and cobalt (Co2+) ions, based on alkoxides and aryloxides have been structurally characterized and were thermally transformed into nanoscale HT-LCO at 450 degrees C within few hours. The size of the nanoparticles depends on the precursor, determining the electrochemical performance. The Li-ion diffusion coefficients of our - LiCoO2 nanoparticles improved at least by a factor of 10 compared to commercial one, while showing good reversibility upon charging and discharging. The hazard of occupational exposure to nanoparticles during battery recycling was investigated with an in vitro multicellular lung model. Conclusions: Our heterobimetallic single source precursors allow to dramatically reduce the production temperature and time for HT-LCO. The obtained nanoparticles of LiCoO2 have faster kinetics for Li+ insertion/extraction compared to microparticles. Overall, nano-sized - LiCoO2 particles indicate a lower cytotoxic and (pro-)inflammogenic potential in vitro compared to their micron-sized counterparts. However, nanoparticles aggregate in air and behave partially like microparticles

    Nanobio Silver: Its Interactions with Peptides and Bacteria, and Its Uses in Medicine

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    Envelope glycoprotein determinants of HIV-1 in ART-naive subjects with progressive HIV-1 subtype C infection

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    Submission note: A thesis submitted in total fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy to the Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Microbiology, School of Life Sciences, College of Science, Health and Engineering, La Trobe University, Bundoora


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    The baryonic composition of galaxy clusters and groups is dominated by a hot, X-ray emitting Intra-Cluster Medium (ICM). The mean metallicity of the ICM has been found to be roughly 0.3 ÷ 0.5 times the solar value, therefore a large fraction of this gas cannot be of purely primordial origin. Indeed, the distribution and amount of metals in the ICM is a direct consequence of the past history of star formation in the cluster galaxies and of the processes responsible for the injection of enriched material into the ICM. We here shortly summarize the current views on the chemical enrichment, focusing on the observational evidence in terms of metallicity measurements in clusters, spatial metallicity distribution and evolution, and expectations from future missions