109 research outputs found

    Line shifts in accretion disks - the case of Fe KĪ±\alpha

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    Here we present a short overview and main results of our investigations of several effects which can induce shifts in the broad Fe KĪ±\alpha line emitted from relativistic accretion disks around single and binary supermassive black holes. We used numerical simulations based on ray-tracing method in the Kerr metric to study the role of classical Doppler shift, special relativistic transverse Doppler shift and Doppler beaming, general relativistic gravitational redshift, and perturbations of the disk emissivity in the formation of the observed Fe KĪ±\alpha line profiles. Besides, we also investigated whether the observed line profiles from the binary systems of supermassive black holes could be affected by the Doppler shifts due to dynamics of such systems. The presented results demonstrate that all these effects could have a significant influence on the observed profiles of the broad Fe KĪ±\alpha line emitted from relativistic accretion disks around single and binary supermassive black holes.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Scienc

    Possible observational signatures of SMBHBs in their Fe KĪ±\alpha line profiles

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    Here we study the potential observational signatures of supermassive black hole binaries (SMBHBs) in the Fe KĪ±\alpha line profiles emitted from the accretion disks around their components. We simulated the Fe KĪ±\alpha line emission from the relativistic accretion disks using ray tracing method in Kerr metric. The obtained profiles from the SMBHBs are then compared with those in the case of the single supermassive black holes (SMBHs). We considered two models of the SMBHBs: a model when the secondary SMBH is embedded in the accretion disk around the primary, causing an empty gap in the disk, and a model with clearly separated components, where the accretion disks around both primary and secondary give a significant contribution to the composite Fe KĪ±\alpha line emission of a such SMBHB. The obtained results showed that both models of SMBHBs can leave imprints in the form of ripples in the cores of the emitted Fe KĪ±\alpha line profiles, which may look like an absorption component in the line profile. However, in the case of the composite line profiles emitted from two accretion disks, these ripples could have much higher amplitudes and strongly depend on orbital phase of the system, while for those emitted from a disk with an empty gap, the corresponding ripples mostly have lower amplitudes and do not vary significantly with orbital phase. The present day X-ray telescopes are not able to detect such signatures in the observed X-ray spectra of SMBHBs. However this will be possible with the next generation of X-ray observatories, which will also enable application of such effects as a tool for studying the properties of these objects.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, 1 table. Presented as invited talk at the 12th Serbian Conference on Spectral Line Shapes in Astrophysics (http://www.scslsa.matf.bg.ac.rs/press12/day5/Jovanovic.pdf) and accepted for publication in "Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnat\'e Pleso (CAOSP)

    The First Spectroscopically Resolved Sub-parsec Orbit of a Supermassive Binary Black Hole

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    One of the most intriguing scenarios proposed to explain how active galactic nuclei are triggered involves the existence of a supermassive binary black hole system in their cores. Here we present an observational evidence for the first spectroscopically resolved sub-parsec orbit of a such system in the core of Seyfert galaxy NGC 4151. Using a method similar to those typically applied for spectroscopic binary stars we obtained radial velocity curves of the supermassive binary system, from which we calculated orbital elements and made estimates about the masses of components. Our analysis shows that periodic variations in the light and radial velocity curves can be accounted for an eccentric, sub-parsec Keplerian orbit of a 15.9-year period. The flux maximum in the lightcurve correspond to the approaching phase of a secondary component towards the observer. According to the obtained results we speculate that the periodic variations in the observed H{\alpha} line shape and flux are due to shock waves generated by the supersonic motion of the components through the surrounding medium. Given the large observational effort needed to reveal this spectroscopically resolved binary orbital motion we suggest that many such systems may exist in similar objects even if they are hard to find. Detecting more of them will provide us with insight into black hole mass growth process.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figures, published in ApJ, 759, 11

    Donut and dynamic polarization effects in proton channeling through carbon nanotubes

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    We investigate the angular and spatial distributions of protons of the energy of 0.223 MeV after channeling through an (11,~9) single-wall carbon nanotube of the length of 0.2 Ī¼\mum. The proton incident angle is varied between 0 and 10 mrad, being close to the critical angle for channeling. We show that, as the proton incident angle increases and approaches the critical angle for channeling, a ring-like structure is developed in the angular distribution - donut effect. We demonstrate that it is the rainbow effect. When the proton incident angle is between zero and a half of the critical angle for channeling, the image force affects considerably the number and positions of the maxima of the angular and spatial distributions. However, when the proton incident angle is close to the critical angle for channeling, its influence on the angular and spatial distributions is reduced strongly. We demonstrate that the increase of the proton incident angle can lead to a significant rearrangement of the propagating protons within the nanotube. This effect may be used to locate atomic impurities in nanotubes as well as for creating nanosized proton beams to be used in materials science, biology and medicine.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figure

    Dynamic polarization of graphene by moving external charges: random phase approximation

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    We evaluate the stopping and image forces on a charged particle moving parallel to a doped sheet of graphene by using the dielectric response formalism for graphene's Ļ€\pi-electron bands in the random phase approximation (RPA). The forces are presented as functions of the particle speed and the particle distance for a broad range of charge-carrier densities in graphene. A detailed comparison with the results from a kinetic equation model reveal the importance of inter-band single-particle excitations in the RPA model for high particle speeds. We also consider the effects of a finite gap between graphene and a supporting substrate, as well as the effects of a finite damping rate that is included through the use of Mermin's procedure. The damping rate is estimated from a tentative comparison of the Mermin loss function with a HREELS experiment. In the limit of low particle speeds, several analytical results are obtained for the friction coefficient that show an intricate relationship between the charge-carrier density, the damping rate, and the particle distance, which may be relevant to surface processes and electrochemistry involving graphene.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Dynamic polarization effects on the angular distributions of protons channeled through carbon nanotubes in dielectric media

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    The best level of ordering and straightening of carbon nanotube arrays is often achieved when they are grown in a dielectric matrix, so such structures present the most suitable candidates for future channeling experiments with carbon nanotubes. Consequently, we investigate here how the dynamic polarization of carbon valence electrons in the presence of various surrounding dielectric media affects the angular distributions of protons channeled through (11,~9) single-wall carbon nanotubes. Proton speeds between 3 and 10 a.u., corresponding to energies of 0.223 and 2.49 MeV, are chosen with the nanotube's length varied between 0.1 and 1 Ī¼\mum. We describe the repulsive interaction between a proton and the nanotube's atoms in a continuum-potential approximation based on the Doyle-Turner potential, whereas the attractive image force on a proton is calculated using a two-dimensional hydrodynamic model for the dynamic response of the nanotube valence electrons, while assigning to the surrounding medium an appropriate (frequency dependent) dielectric function. The angular distributions of channeled protons are generated using a computer simulation method which solves the proton equations of motion in the transverse plane numerically. Our analysis shows that the presence of a dielectric medium can strongly affect both the appearance and positions of maxima in the angular distributions of channeled protons.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Wake effect in graphene due to moving charged particles

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    We study the wake effect in a supported graphene layer induced by external charged particles moving parallel to it by using the dynamic polarization function of graphene within the random phase approximation for its pi electrons described as Diracs fermions. We explore the effects of a substrate assuming that graphene is supported by an insulating substrate, such as SiO2, and a strongly polar substrate, such as SiC, under the gating conditions. Strong effects are observed in the wake pattern in the induced density of charge carriers in supported graphene due to finite size of the graphene-substrate gap, as well as due to strong coupling effects, and plasmon damping of graphenes pi electrons. We find that the excitation of surface phonons in the substrate may exert quite strong influences on the wake effect in the total electrostatic potential in the graphene plane at low particle speeds.27th Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases (SPIG), Aug 26-29, 2014, Serbian Acad Sci and Arts, Belgrade, Serbi

    Understanding Dissolution and Crystallization with Imaging: A Surface Point of View

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    The tendency for crystallization during storage and administration is the most considerable hurdle for poorly water-soluble drugs formulated in the amorphous form. There is a need to better detect often subtle and complex surface crystallization phenomena and understand their influence on the critical quality attribute of dissolution. In this study, the interplay between surface crystallization of the amorphous form during storage and dissolution testing, and its influence on dissolution behavior, is analyzed for the first time with multimodal nonlinear optical imaging (coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) and sum frequency generation (SFG)). Complementary analyses are provided with scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and infrared and Raman spectroscopies. Amorphous indomethacin tablets were prepared and subjected to two different storage conditions (30 Ā°C/23% RH and 30 Ā°C/75% RH) for various durations and then dissolution testing using a channel flow-through device. Trace levels of surface crystallinity previously imaged with nonlinear optics after 1 or 2 days of storage did not significantly decrease dissolution and supersaturation compared to the freshly prepared amorphous tablets while more extensive crystallization after longer storage times did. Multimodal nonlinear optical imaging of the tablet surfaces after 15 min of dissolution revealed complex crystallization behavior that was affected by both storage condition and time, with up to four crystalline polymorphs simultaneously observed. In addition to the well-known Ī±- and Ī³-forms, the less reported metastable Īµ- and Ī·-forms were also observed, with the Īµ-form being widely observed in samples that had retained significant surface amorphousness during storage. This form was also prepared in the pure form and further characterized. Overall, this study demonstrates the potential value of nonlinear optical imaging, together with more established solid-state analysis methods, to understand complex surface crystallization behavior and its influence on drug dissolution during the development of amorphous drugs and dosage forms.Peer reviewe

    Theoretical modeling of experimental EELS data for monolayer graphene supported by different metal substrates

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    We present a theoretical modeling of the electron energy loss spectroscopy data for monolayer graphene supported by Pt(111), Ru(0001), and Ni(111) substrates. In order to reproduce the experimental loss function, we have used a two-dimensional, two-fluid hydrodynamic model for inter-band transitions of grapheneā€™s Ļ€ and Ļƒ electrons and an empirical Drude-Lorentz model in the local approximation for metal substrates. The agreement between the theoretical curves and the experimental data is very good in the cases of graphene supported by Pt and Ru substrates. Conversely, the agreement is less satisfactory for the case of graphene/Ni, presumably due to the strong hybridization between the Ļ€ states of graphene and the d bands of Ni, which is not accounted for in the model

    Building solids inside nano-space: from confined amorphous through confined solvate to confined ā€˜metastableā€™ polymorph

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    The nanocrystallisation of complex molecules inside mesoporous hosts and control over the resulting structure is a significant challenge. To date the largest organic molecule crystallised inside the nano-pores is a known pharmaceutical intermediate ā€“ ROY (259.3 g mol1). In this work we demonstrate smart manipulation of the phase of a larger confined pharmaceutical ā€“ indomethacin (IMC, 357.8 g mol1), a substance with known conformational flexibility and complex polymorphic behaviour. We show the detailed structural analysis and the control of solid state transformations of encapsulated molecules inside the pores of mesoscopic cellular foam (MCF, pore size ca. 29 nm) and controlled pore glass (CPG, pore size ca. 55 nm). Starting from confined amorphous IMC we drive crystallisation into a confined methanol solvate, which upon vacuum drying leads to the stabilised rare form V of IMC inside the MCF host. In contrast to the pure form, encapsulated form V does not transform into a more stable polymorph upon heating. The size of the constraining pores and the drug concentration within the pores determine whether the amorphous state of the drug is stabilised or it recrystallises into confined nanocrystals. The work presents, in a critical manner, an application of complementary techniques (DSC, PXRD, solid-state NMR, N2 adsorption) to confirm unambiguously the phase transitions under confinement and offers a comprehensive strategy towards the formation and control of nano-crystalline encapsulated organic solids
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