180 research outputs found

    Construyendo puentes

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    Proyecto socioeducativo de aprendizaje servicioPretendemos revalorizar un servicio que ha ido decayendo durante los últimos cuatro años, el Centro Juvenil del Ayuntamiento de Bellreguard, mediante la implementación de un proyecto socioeducativo que contribuya y oriente en el desarrollo integral de los preadolescentes y jóvenes de la población de Bellreguard mediante la experiencia lúdica y educativa del aprendizaje servicio, en colaboración con otros agentes y servicios educativos y sociales.Universidad de Granada. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Grado en Educación Socia

    Optimal Approximate Minimization of One-Letter Weighted Finite Automata

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    In this paper, we study the approximate minimization problem of weighted finite automata (WFAs): to compute the best possible approximation of a WFA given a bound on the number of states. By reformulating the problem in terms of Hankel matrices, we leverage classical results on the approximation of Hankel operators, namely the celebrated Adamyan-Arov-Krein (AAK) theory. We solve the optimal spectral-norm approximate minimization problem for irredundant WFAs with real weights, defined over a one-letter alphabet. We present a theoretical analysis based on AAK theory, and bounds on the quality of the approximation in the spectral norm and 2\ell^2 norm. Moreover, we provide a closed-form solution, and an algorithm, to compute the optimal approximation of a given size in polynomial time.Comment: 32 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2102.0686

    Improving the Effectiveness of Sanctions: A Checklist for the EU. CEPS Special Report No. 95, 6 November 2014

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    The increasingly frequent imposition of sanctions by the EU over the past decade has not been accompanied by a thorough pre-assessment and contingency planning stage, which, argue the authors, has led to the formulation of suboptimal sanctions regimes. This paper proposes a practical pre-assessment and contingency planning of sanctions – a checklist, which departs from the ‘ad hoc-ism’ of current decision-making on sanctions. The checklist includes the identification of resources linked to the objectionable policies; the leverage of the EU; the costs to the EU; the legality of the measures; their unintended effects; the expected contribution towards EU goals; their coherence with overall EU external relations; and the communication of these policies

    Optimal Spectral-Norm Approximate Minimization of Weighted Finite Automata

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    We address the approximate minimization problem for weighted finite automata (WFAs) over a one-letter alphabet: to compute the best possible approximation of a WFA given a bound on the number of states. This work is grounded in Adamyan-Arov-Krein Approximation theory, a remarkable collection of results on the approximation of Hankel operators. In addition to its intrinsic mathematical relevance, this theory has proven to be very effective for model reduction. We adapt these results to the framework of weighted automata over a one-letter alphabet. We provide theoretical guarantees and bounds on the quality of the approximation in the spectral and 2\ell^2 norm. We develop an algorithm that, based on the properties of Hankel operators, returns the optimal approximation in the spectral norm.Comment: 24 pages, authors appear in alphabetical order; minor correction in Theorem 3.2 and consequently updated notation in Section 3, the validity of the result is not affecte

    Lower Extremity Proprioception and Physical Performance Testing: A Correlation Study

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    Proprioception is a function of the somatosensory system which has implications for activities of daily living, athletic endeavors, and risk of injury. It has been suggested that athletes who sustain injuries may have decreased proprioception and a corresponding increase in the risk of re-injury. Interventions for injury prevention and/or recovery may include, but are not limited to, emphasis on proprioceptive ability via joint position awareness. The purpose of this investigation was to determine if a correlation exists between proprioceptive ability and other components of physical performance such as lower body muscular power and change of direction. It was hypothesized that significant correlations would exist. Participants included 7 males and 2 females (age 15 ± 2 yrs., height 1.51 ± .15 m, mass 68.2 ± 17.14 kg) who did not have a lower extremity injury or surgery within 6 months of this investigation. Proprioceptive testing included the Stork Standing test (SST) and ankle Joint Position Sense (JPS). Lower extremity proprioceptive testing was performed unilaterally in both eyes closed and open conditions. Lower body muscular power and change of direction were assessed via the vertical jump (VJ), one step vertical jump (1VJ), standing long jump (SLJ), 9.14 m (10-yard) dash, and pro agility (PA). Associations were determined via a Pearson Product Moment Correlation and the criterion alpha was set a priori at p ≤ 0.05. Significant correlations were observed between SST with eyes closed on the non-dominant leg and both VJ (r = -0.82) and 1VJ (r =-0.82). In addition, a significant correlation was observed between SST with eyes closed on the dominant leg and the 9.14 m dash (r = -0.90). The results of our investigation suggest a link between proprioception and lower body muscular power. Additional investigations should examine the causal relationships between these variables to attempt to determine the efficacy of interventions designed to improve one or more of the aforementioned characteristics as well as any potential influence on injury risk

    Solubility-pH profiles of a free base and its salt: sibutramine as a case study

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    In the present study the solubility-pH profiles of sibutramine free base and its hydrochloride salt were determined in the pH range between 2.0 and 9.5 by means of the recommended shake-flask method, and the solids collected were dried and studied by X-ray diffraction in order to elucidate their free base or salt structure. Above pHmax (or Gibbs pKa) the solid collected was always identified as free base, whatever the sibutramine species (free base or hydrochloride salt) initially solved. However, in the pH range below pHmax different solids were isolated depending on the buffers employed

    The exhibition space as a place of encounter. The mediation processes in Bombas Gens Centre d’Art

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    El panorama general sobre el consumo de arte en nuestro país ha propiciado una profunda revisión crítica sobre el estatus del museo en la sociedad española. Dentro de la función educativa ampliamente extendida y asociada a estas instituciones, ha cobrado especial relevancia en los últimos tiempos el concepto de mediación. En el presente artículo, concretamos algunas de las ideas consensuadas sobre las estrategias de diálogo en los museos de arte a la par que exponemos la puesta en práctica de estas teorías en un ejemplo pionero en la ciudad de ValenciaThe current art scene in our country has led to a comprehensive, critical review of the status of art museums in Spanish society. Mediation has become particularly important in recent times within the educational role widely promoted by and associated with these institutions. In this article, we will summarise some of the predominant ideas regarding mediation strategies in art museums, and will show the results of implementing such pioneering strategies by using an art museum in Valencia as an example

    Solubility-pH profiles of a free base and its salt: sibutramine as a case study

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    In the present study the solubility-pH profiles of sibutramine free base and its hydrochloride salt were determined in the pH range between 2.0 and 9.5 by means of the recommended shake-flask method, and the solids collected were dried and studied by X-ray diffraction in order to elucidate their free base or salt structure. Above pHmax (or Gibbs pKa) the solid collected was always identified as free base, whatever the sibutramine species (free base or hydrochloride salt) initially solved. However, in the pH range below pHmax different solids were isolated depending on the buffers employed

    Análisis jurídico de la tabla del consumo de drogas en Ecuador

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    The drug consumption table in Ecuador faces a social, legal and Public Health dilemma, related to drug consumption and trafficking, Art. 364 of the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador of 2008 and Art. 220 of the current Comprehensive Criminal Organic Code (COIP), maintain the purpose of not criminalizing the consumer of scheduled substances subject to control, but rather integrating them into Public Health and giving them the opportunity to rehabilitate, however, after the passage of time, the results They have been contrary to the established ones, being for the current Government Daniel Noboa, a challenge when trying to control the levels of crime, which from his point of view, the drug table has increased the rates of violence throughout Ecuador. As a research method, the bibliographic-qualitative approach is used as a research topic of the criminal legal framework, which supports the authenticity of this table with an analysis since the creation of the drug table and its economic, criminal and social impact.La tabla de consumo de drogas en el Ecuador, se enfrenta a un dilema social, jurídico y de Salud Pública, relacionado al consumo y tráfico de drogas, el Art. 364 de la Constitución de la República del Ecuador del 2008 y el Art. 220 del (COIP) Código Orgánico Integral Penal vigente, sostienen como propósito no criminalizar al consumidor de sustancias catalogadas sujetas a fiscalización, más bien integrarlos en la Salud Pública y que tengan la oportunidad de rehabilitarse, sin embargo, tras el transcurso del tiempo, los resultados han venido siendo contarios a los establecidos, siendo para el actual Gobierno Daniel Noboa, un desafío al tratar de controlar los niveles de delincuencia, que desde su punto de vista, la tabla de drogas ha aumentado los índices de violencia en todo el Ecuador. Como método de investigación se utilizó el enfoque bibliográficocualitativo como tema de investigación del marco jurídico penal, que sustenta la autenticidad de esta tabla con un análisis desde la creación de la tabla de drogas y su impacto tanto económico, penal y socia