47 research outputs found

    Influencia del estado emocional previo a la competici贸n en el rendimiento deportivo

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    Tesis doctoral in茅dita le铆da en la Universidad Aut贸noma de Madrid, Facultad de Formaci贸n de Profesorado y Educaci贸n, Departamento de Educaci贸n F铆sica, Deporte y Motricidad Humana. Fecha de lectura : 23 de mayo de 2016La predicci贸n y aumento del rendimiento deportivo es algo que todo entrenador busca desarrollar. Este trabajo pretende conocer cu谩l es la influencia del estado emocional previo a la competici贸n en el rendimiento deportivo. Para ello, se han realizado diversas aproximaciones descriptivas y experimentales. En primer lugar, esta tesis se ha centrado en validar una nueva escala (POMS-VIC), basada en el modelo del profesor Lang (1968) y que intenta salvar las limitaciones encontradas en estudios previos en cuanto a la medida del perfil emocional del deportista desde una 贸ptica tridimensional de la emoci贸n. En un segundo estudio se ha estudiado la validez predictiva de esta escala de manera experimental bajo condiciones de laboratorio para, posteriormente, hacerlo en situaciones reales de competici贸n. Por 煤ltimo, se ha comprobado su validez respecto a pruebas y escalas similares, obteniendo en todos los apartados resultados altamente satisfactorios, lo que permite obtener una prueba con grandes beneficios en la aplicaci贸n de la evaluaci贸n y el entrenamiento en psicolog铆a de la actividad f铆sica y el deporte. Tanto en t茅rminos de aumento como de disminuci贸n del rendimiento deportivo, los principales resultados encontrados reflejan el papel fundamental que juega el estado emocional previo y la manipulaci贸n afectiva; predici茅ndolo a veces incluso mejor que pruebas f铆sicas y fisiol贸gicas. Se ha encontrado que, a mayor puntuaci贸n en la escala Valencia y Control, a mayor semejanza con el perfil emocional 芦Iceberg禄 (Morgan, 1980a) y con manipulaciones ligeramente negativas, se desarrolla un rendimiento superior. En este sentido, el ajuste de un modelo de regresi贸n entre el rendimiento obtenido y las escalas consideradas (Valencia-Intensidad-Control) explica un 93 % de la varianza. Por 煤ltimo, se cree necesaria ampliar la investigaci贸n al respecto, as铆 como resulta necesario un mayor trabajo en el laboratorio con experimentos que incluyan elementos semejantes a los que aparecen en competici贸n, modificando estas condiciones e introduciendo la existencia de p煤blico, la aparici贸n de recompensas econ贸micas, o modificando las condiciones del contexto

    Effect of rules changes on water polo shooting performance according to the final classification: high, medium, and worst level

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    Introduction: The aim of this study compare the influence of rules changes on shots performance considering three different levels, in the final classification, between two male European championships with different rules. Material and Methods: All shots made by the first, second, sixth, seventh, eleventh and twelfth classified in 27th European Championship in 2006 (Belgrade, Serbia) and all shots made by the first, second, eighth, ninth, fifteenth and sixteenth classified in 34th European Championship in 2020 (Budapest, Hungary) were analysed. Results: The total sample was composed of 3,467 shots (1,813 in Belgrade Championship and 1,654 in Budapest). The study was developed with an observational design. Three observers with more than 300h of experience in observational studies of water polo consensually quantified all the actions. Discussion: The effectiveness of the shots, considering only those that have taken place in equality and counterattack, shows greater scoring efficiency by the HL teams against the WL; and specifically among the shots made with a balanced period score (+-1) (F = 3.637; p = .032; S.E. = .107) and unbalanced (+-2) (F = 3.835; p = .027; S.E. = .106) stand out. In inequality situations its noted the existence of lower efficiency for WL teams when shot from the center stands out against the HL. Conclusions: It is concluded that the regulatory changes have reduced the importance, in the performance of the teams, of effectiveness in situations of inequality, giving rise to a more dynamic game, balanced according to the skill of the players and not their body size, but above all less stati

    Origen, evoluci贸n e influencia de las reglas de waterpolo sobre la din谩mica del juego

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    The aim of this study was to describe the origin and evolution of the different regulations in water polo that have existed throughout its almost one hundred and fifty years of history and their possible influence on the game dynamics. A content analysis of the texts published on paper by the F茅d茅ration Internationale de Natation was carried out, focusing on semantics, based on some key categories of this sport. The main conclusion is that many regulatory changes have been made over the years. However, there is no scientific evidence of their effects on the game dynamicsEl objetivo de este estudio fue describir el origen y evoluci贸n de sus diferentes reglamentos a lo largo de sus casi ciento cincuenta a帽os de historia y su influencia en la din谩mica del juego. Se llev贸 a cabo un an谩lisis de contenido de los textos publicados en papel por la Federaci贸n Internacional de Nataci贸n Amateur, centr谩ndose en la sem谩ntica, a partir de algunas categor铆as clave de este deporte. Se concluye que han existido numerosos cambios normativos a lo largo de los a帽os. Sin embargo, sigue sin existir evidencia cient铆fica de sus efectos en la din谩mica del juegoS

    Shooting performance in high level women's water polo according to the final ranking

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    Introduction: The aim of this study was to analyze the situational framework (numerical equality, counterattack and numerical inequality) associated with shooting performance in women鈥檚 Water polo considering three different levels in the final ranking (high -1st-4th-, medium -5th-8th- and worst -9th-12th-). Material and Methods: All shots (2698) made in 34th European Championship in 2020 were analyzed in the present study. The study was developed with an observational design. The reliability between three observers was verified using the Kappa concordance index. The shots were registered using Polo Direct Analysis v1.0 software. Results: There are differences between the high level teams (ranked at 1st-4th) and the rest of the teams, appreciating a greater scoring efficiency in equality lob shots (.5; 1.0; 1.2) and reverse shot [.7; .5; .2]) inequality short post (3.0; 1.8; 1.7) and counterattack in the situations shots from left side (1.6; .7; .5), shots from center with feint (2.9; 1.5; .7), drive (2.0; .8; .7) and rebound shot (.9; .7; .3). Discussion: The existence of differences between the top-ranked teams, those in the intermediate zones and the lowest-ranked teams are found. There is a greater scoring efficiency in the top-ranked teams. Conclusions: It is concluded that in order to achieve a higher performance in women's water polo, athletes must have the ability to withstand great efforts and perform fast swims to convert counterattack situations. Likewise, and in static situations, it is necessary to have fast ball circulation, lining up players with a great versatility of shooting in the different game situations, which therefore allows them to have more resources and take advantage of the opportunities generated by the opponentS

    Throwing velocity in water polo elite competition: Analysis of associated variables

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    Throwing velocity is a relevant variable in water polo performance. Few studies have investigated the throw鈥檚 speed during an official competition or real game situation in high level competition. All throws performed in 27th European Championship in 2006 (Belgrade, Serbia) and 12th World Championships in 2007 (Melbourne, Australia) were analyzed in the present study. The total sample was composed of 5,691 throws (2,474 in female category). The study was developed with an observational design. A digital video camera, a radar and Polo An谩lisis Directo v1.0 software were used to record data. The reliability between the observers was verified using the kappa agreement index, ensuring that in all cases this value was greater than .85. The average maximum speed of throws in female water polo was 13.88 m/s (卤2.44 m/s) and 16.94 m/s (卤3.38 m/s) in male. The variables distance and game situation showed a combined ability to predict 19% of speed differences in female water polo throws and 33% in male

    Self-efficacy perception in elite water polo goalkeepers

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    The sports in which there is the figure of goalkeeper, becomes relevant in order to obtain high performance, the perception of success that this participant is formed and that is configured as an expectation. Therefore, this study aims to analyse the association between perception of self-efficacy of two elite water polo goalkeepers and their coach and the observable performance in an international tournament. In order to measure the perception of behavioural success and their coach, it was used the Scale of achievement self-efficacy for water polo goalkeepers (Argudo, De la Vega, Tejero, & Ruiz, 2013). To measure the performance, were analysed all throwing鈥檚 received by the two goalkeepers in the XV Water polo World Championship. The results indicate that there are differences between the perception of the player, the coach and the observed behaviour, appreciating that the goalkeeper鈥檚 perception of success is superior to what actually happens. While in the female case, player and coach perception is less than the observed behaviour

    Effect of training in SSG on the ability to repeat sprints in young football players

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    Introduction: Football is one of the most popular team sports worldwide. During a match, players perform varying acyclic activities at differing intensities in order to face the complex and dynamic competition requirements. For this reason, the aim of this study was demonstrate that training in small sided is an effective method for developing the ability to repeat sprints in young football players. Material and Method: Fifty-four male soccer players (U13, U15 and U17, n=18 in which group) at the youth level participated in this study. A program based on Small Sided Games (3vs3) during 6 weeks in a space of 30x25m was applied. A contrast of means, pre and post intervention, was carried out between control and the experimental group and segregating the sample by age group. Results: When analyzing the degree of relationship between RSA fatigue index and jump loss, no significant differences were found. We also studied the relationship between the jump power (CMJ) and the power of the best sprint performed at RSA. Discusion: These results are consistent with those obtained in previous studies (Clemente et al., 2014; Dellal et al., 2012; Owen et al., 2012) on elite players. Conclusion: It can be concluded that this program improves the capacity of recovery before high intensity efforts and allows, at the same time, to work on technical and tactical elements and to develop the physical profile of the players. This type of games provokes improvements in the vertical jump, generate more power in the (CMJ) and the capacity to repeat explosive efforts

    An谩lisis de los valores de eficacia de los porteros de waterpolo

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    El presente estudio pretende analizar los valores de eficacia de los porteros del Campeonato del Mundo de Waterpolo celebrado en Melbourne en 2007. Con la intenci贸n de determinar si existen diferencias entre la condici贸n de ganador y perdedor, entre ganadores, entre perdedores y entre sexos, se filmaron y analizaron los 96 partidos celebrados, utilizando el Software Polo An谩lisis Directo v1.0.Se midieron diversos coeficientes de eficacia en situaciones de igualdad, desigualdad, transici贸n y penaltis. Se procedi贸 con comparaci贸n de medias U de Mann-Whitney y se encontraron diferencias entre los coeficientes de resoluci贸n e imprecisi贸n en situaci贸n de igualdad en funci贸n del sexo (U = .02; p < .05, U = .03; p < .05) y resultado (U = .0; p < .05, U = .0; p < .05), aunque no se apreciaron diferencias entre ganadores ni entre perdedores.En conclusi贸n, se considera que los coeficientes de im-precisi贸n en transici贸n y penalti ofrecen una idea de la situaci贸n deportiva a analizar y entrenar para aumentar el rendimiento deportivo, aunque a煤n es necesaria mayor investigaci贸nThe present study aims to analyze the efficacy values of goalkeepers in the Water polo World Championships held in Melbourne in 2007. In order to determine any differences between winner and loser, winners, losers and between genres, were filmed and analyzed, using the Software Pole Direct Analysis v1.0, all the 96 match celebrated.Various coefficients of effectiveness were measured in situations of equality, inequality, transition and penalties. A comparison of U Mann-Whitney was performed, and we found differences between the coefficients of resolution and imprecision in a situation of equality according to sex (U = .02; p < .05, U = .03; p < .05) and results (U = .0; p < .05, U = .0; p < .05), although there were no differences between winners, or among losers.In conclusion, it is considered that the coefficients of imprecision in transition and penalty give an idea of the sport situation to analyze and train to increase the sport performance, although still more research is necessary.Actividad F铆sica y Deport

    Motor objectives as a reference for the diversification of cooperative motor situations in physical education

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    Comunicaciones. 脕rea t茅matica 4: Otras experiencias de aprendizaje cooperativo[ES] La formaci贸n inicial del profesorado de Educaci贸n F铆sica demanda de su capacitaci贸n para diversificar las situaciones motrices que ofrecer谩 a su alumnado. Dentro de este contexto, uno de los medios de sistematizaci贸n de este proceso pasa por tomar en consideraci贸n los objetivos motores. Con esta base la comunicaci贸n presenta los resultados de un estudio realizado con profesorado en formaci贸n. Desde 茅l se concluy贸 que dicho profesorado encontraba un n煤mero variado de situaciones motrices cooperativas en funci贸n de su objetivo, hallaba referentes t谩cticos compartidos en situaciones con el mismo objetivo motor, y valoraba referentes compartidos en cuanto a la interacci贸n social y las implicaciones 茅ticas en las diferentes situaciones cooperativas. De forma adicional se plante贸 como conclusi贸n que los objetivos motores son un buen mediador para ofrecer pr谩cticas motrices cooperativas variadas al alumnado[EN] The initial training of Physical Education teachers demands their training to diversify the motor situations that they will offer their students. Within this context, one of the means of systematizing this process is to consider the motor goals. On this basis, the communication presents the results of a study carried out with teachers in training. From it, it was concluded that teachers found a varied number of cooperative motor situations depending on their objective, found shared tactical referents in situations with the same motor goal, and valued shared referents in terms of social interaction and ethical implications in the different cooperative situations. Additionally, it was concluded that motor goals are a good mediator to offer varied cooperative motor practices to students