112 research outputs found


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    This article provides a historical overview ofthe implementation of reproductive rights inBrazil. It aims to understand the role of theState in guaranteeing the right to familyplanning through law 9.263 / 1996. In thissense, the contraceptive method known astubal ligation and the difficulty of accessimposed by the family planning law will beaddressed. In conclusion, it was found thatthe family planning law imposes requirementsthat hinder access to voluntary sterilization.However, there are already some bills inprocess, whose purpose is to reduce thebureaucracy of access to this contraceptivemethod.Este artigo faz um resgate histórico sobre aimplementação dos direitos reprodutivos noBrasil. Tem como objetivo entender o papel doEstado na garantia do direito ao planejamentofamiliar através da lei 9.263/1996. Nessesentido será abordado o método contraceptivoconhecido como ligadura tubária e adificuldade de acesso imposta pela lei doplanejamento familiar. Em conclusão,constatou-se que a lei do planejamentofamiliar, impõe requisitos que dificultam oacesso a esterilização voluntária. No entanto,já existem alguns projetos de lei emtramitação, cuja finalidade é desburocratizar oacesso a este método contraceptivo

    Disrupting the Acyl Carrier Protein/SpoT Interaction In Vivo: Identification of ACP Residues Involved in the Interaction and Consequence on Growth

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    In bacteria, Acyl Carrier Protein (ACP) is the central cofactor for fatty acid biosynthesis. It carries the acyl chain in elongation and must therefore interact successively with all the enzymes of this pathway. Yet, ACP also interacts with proteins of diverse unrelated function. Among them, the interaction with SpoT has been proposed to be involved in regulating ppGpp levels in the cell in response to fatty acid synthesis inhibition. In order to better understand this mechanism, we screened for ACP mutants unable to interact with SpoT in vivo by bacterial two-hybrid, but still functional for fatty acid synthesis. The position of the selected mutations indicated that the helix II of ACP is responsible for the interaction with SpoT. This suggested a mechanism of recognition similar to one used for the enzymes of fatty acid synthesis. Consistently, the interactions tested by bacterial two-hybrid of ACP with fatty acid synthesis enzymes were also affected by the mutations that prevented the interaction with SpoT. Yet, interestingly, the corresponding mutant strains were viable, and the phenotypes of one mutant suggested a defect in growth regulation


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    This article provides a historical overview ofthe implementation of reproductive rights inBrazil. It aims to understand the role of theState in guaranteeing the right to familyplanning through law 9.263 / 1996. In thissense, the contraceptive method known astubal ligation and the difficulty of accessimposed by the family planning law will beaddressed. In conclusion, it was found thatthe family planning law imposes requirementsthat hinder access to voluntary sterilization.However, there are already some bills inprocess, whose purpose is to reduce thebureaucracy of access to this contraceptivemethod.Este artigo faz um resgate histórico sobre aimplementação dos direitos reprodutivos noBrasil. Tem como objetivo entender o papel doEstado na garantia do direito ao planejamentofamiliar através da lei 9.263/1996. Nessesentido será abordado o método contraceptivoconhecido como ligadura tubária e adificuldade de acesso imposta pela lei doplanejamento familiar. Em conclusão,constatou-se que a lei do planejamentofamiliar, impõe requisitos que dificultam oacesso a esterilização voluntária. No entanto,já existem alguns projetos de lei emtramitação, cuja finalidade é desburocratizar oacesso a este método contraceptivo

    Modification of the Patient Competency Rating Scale for use on an acute neurorehabilitation unit: The PCRS-NR

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    Objective: The Patient Competency Rating Scale (PCRS) is a 30-item self-report questionnaire that was developed to assess awareness of deficits in post-acute patients following traumatic brain injury (TBI). The purpose of this study was to develop a modified and psychometrically sound version of the PCRS for use on an acute, inpatient neurorehabilitation unit. Research design: Prospective cohort of patients seen for inpatient rehabilitation following brain injury. Procedures: Nineteen items from the original PCRS were retained for their applicability to an inpatient neurorehabilitation unit and administered to 108 acute neurological inpatients. Results: Principle components factor analyses with varimax rotation yielded a three factor solution. Acceptable internal consistencies were calculated for each factor and the total PCRS score. Conclusions: These findings document the psychometric properties of a briefer version of the PCRS for use on an inpatient rehabilitation unit. This modified version has been labelled the PCRS for neurorehabilitation (i.e. PCRS-NR)

    Qualitative features of finger movement during the Halstead finger oscillation test following traumatic brain injury

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    Qualitative and quantitative performance on the Halstead Finger Tapping test may help differentiate brain dysfunctional patients from normal controls. Normal and abnormal finger tapping patterns during this task have been characterized and illustrated pictorially. Data from 65 patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI) and 15 normal controls support the dual proposition that (1) abnormal finger tapping patterns are more commonly observed in TBI patients than in controls and (2) the frequency of abnormal finger movements may relate to the severity of TBI during the acute stages after trauma. Future prospective studies are needed to replicate these findings

    Non-pharmacological management of psychiatric disturbances after traumatic brain injury

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    Persons who suffer traumatic brain injury (TBI) often demonstrate a variety of psychiatric and neuropsychiatric disturbances. Some of those disturbances may be managed by non-pharmacological methods. The methods draw heavily on established principles of psychotherapy and behavioral modification. However, the unique problems imposed by neurocognitive deficits must be factored into any form of non-pharmacological intervention with this patient group. A simple model consolidates information about the important ingredients in the non-pharmacological management of psychiatric disturbances in TBI patients

    Early cognitive and affective sequelae of traumatic brain injury: a study using the BNI Screen for Higher Cerebral Functions

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    OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate that the Barrow Neurological Institute (BNI) Screen for Higher Cerebral Functions (BNIS) can be used to briefly assess cognitive and affective disturbances during the acute stages after traumatic brain injury (TBI). DESIGN AND OUTCOME MEASURES: People with TBI were administered the BNIS during the first 60 days after injury and their performance compared to a convenience sample of control subjects used in the standardization of the BNIS. SETTING: Inpatient units of a neurological institute and medical center. SUBJECTS: Forty-two individuals with moderate-to-severe TBI and 21 control subjects. RESULTS: Compared to patients with TBI, control subjects performed significantly better on the BNIS total and all subtest scores. TBI patients were best classified by poor performance on measures of affect disturbance and impaired awareness. Stepwise discriminant analysis identified disturbances in memory, awareness, and affect as contributing most to the classification of an individual as having TBI. CONCLUSIONS: Both cognitive and affective disturbances can be directly assessed during the early stages after significant TBI. The BNIS can be used for this purpose and help document that TBI specifically affects memory, awareness, and affect during its early stages and should be addressed in rehabilitation

    Fidelity index determination of DNA methyltransferases.

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    DNA methylation is the most frequent form of epigenetic modification in the cell, which involves gene regulation in eukaryotes and protection against restriction enzymes in prokaryotes. Even though many methyltransferases exclusively modify their cognate sites, there have been reports of those that exhibit promiscuity. Previous experimental approaches used to characterize these methyltransferases do not provide the exact concentration at which off-target methylation occurs. Here, we present the first reported fidelity index (FI) for a number of DNA methyltransferases. We define the FI as the ratio of the highest amount of methyltransferase that exhibits no star activity (off-target effects) to the lowest amount that exhibits complete modification of the cognate site. Of the methyltransferases assayed, M.MspI and M.AluI exhibited the highest fidelity of ≥250 and ≥500, respectively, and do not show star activity even at very high concentrations. In contrast, M.HaeIII, M.EcoKDam and M.BamHI have the lowest fidelity of 4, 4 and 2, respectively, and exhibit star activity at concentrations close to complete methylation of the cognate site. The fidelity indexes provide vital information on the usage of methyltransferases and are especially important in applications where site specific methylation is required