29 research outputs found

    Students' experience with online simulation games: From computer anxiety to satisfaction

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    It is currently of great importance to analyse the experience of the application of new technologies in teaching. This research paper examines the personality traits of students and their environment, which may influence the experience of college students using online simulation games. Previous literature suggests that individuals may feel anxiety when using the computer, which may vary according to their perception of being able to control the situation, their perceived importance of the activities and any prior knowledge that they have. Therefore, the first objective of this research is to analyse the relationship between computer anxiety, locus of control and perceived importance of the computer activities. The second objective is to examine whether this relationship is moderated by knowledge. The third objective is to identify user clusters to examine which factors are most important to explain user satisfaction with online simulation games. Results showed that students experience greater computer anxiety when the situation is perceived as important and the locus of control is high, being these effects moderated by their previous knowledge. Moreover, a cluster analysis threw light on the existence of cluster of users whose satisfaction mainly depends on their game score. These results have implications for both academic and research purposes

    Functional barriers to the adoption of electronic banking: The moderating effect of gender

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    The adoption of electronic banking in Spain is lower compared to other countries. This study analyzes the barriers that prevent its adoption, with the conceptual framework of the theory of resistance to innovation. In addition, it analyzes the moderating effect of gender on these barriers. Using structural equations, through PLS and multi-group analysis, the results confirm consumer resistance to electronic banking adoption by functional barriers. It highlights the importance of the value barrier, being this aspect of particular relevance for men, while women are more affected by the complexity in the use of electronic banking. These results have implications for management in overcoming non-adopters’ resistance to the innovation. La adopción de la banca electrónica en España es menor en comparación con otros países. Este estudio analiza las barreras que impiden su adopción, con el marco conceptual de la teoría de la resistencia a la innovación. Además, analiza el efecto moderador del género sobre estas barreras. Utilizando ecuaciones estructurales, a través de PLS y análisis multi-grupo, los resultados confirman la resistencia del consumidor a la adopción de la banca electrónica por barreras funcionales. Destaca la importancia de la barrera de valor, siendo este aspecto de especial relevancia para los hombres, mientras que a las mujeres les impacta más la complejidad en el uso de la banca electrónica. Estos resultados tienen implicaciones para la gestión para superar la resistencia de los no adoptantes a la innovación

    Complementary IT resources for enabling technological opportunism

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    This study examines the use of information technologies (ITs), IT human capital, the level of IT vendor support, and their joint effects on firm''s sensing and responding to IT changes (technological opportunism). Using data from the U.S. and Spain, the results suggest that IT use and the firm''s IT human capital are the main drivers of technological opportunism (TO). The effect of IT vendor support on TO is country dependent, with a U-shaped effect in the U.S. and no effect in Spain. IT vendor support can have positive effects on TO if the firm invests in IT human capital

    The generation of student engagement as a cognition-affect-behaviour process in a Twitter learning experience

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    Twitter is a microblog that allows users to interact about a topic in online discussion. This makes it an interesting interactive tool with possibilities to increase student engagement and learning performance through active collaboration in an informal learning environment. However, few articles take a quantitative approach to investigate the creation of student engagement using this social networking site. To address this gap, we propose a series of activities conducted through Twitter to analyse the engagement generation process in a sample of 110 students in the first year of a business and administration degree at a large Spanish university. The results show that the engagement process is created through active collaborative learning and enjoyment, and that engaged students are more satisfied with the activity and perceive greater learning performance. This leads us to recommend teachers to encourage active and collaborative activities to make students more engaged and satisfied, and improve their performance.es consisting of applying the concepts studied in class to practical environments, and activities where students browse for online information and take part in a debate, are more enjoyable

    Lucro líquido do franqueado: um sinal para a escolha de franquia em época de crise

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    Este artículo aborda desde la perspectiva de la Teoría de Señales la elección de una franquicia por un potencial franquiciado que elige este canal de distribución por primera vez. El objetivo es analizar la relación entre algunas señales enviadas por el franquiciador y la elección de una franquicia por el potencial franquiciado. Concluimos que los efectos de las variables macroeconómicas de España en el periodo 2006-2013 influyeron en los ingresos netos de los franquiciados para que se convirtiera en una señal empleada por éstos a la hora de elegir la franquicia donde abrir un establecimiento.This paper adopts the perspective of Theory of Signals to discuss how someone starting a business as a franchisee for the first time can choose a suitable franchise brand. The aim was to analyze the relationship between certain signals sent by the franchisor and the choice of a franchise brand by the prospective franchisee. Using panel data, we found that the effects of macroeconomic variables in Spain for the 2006-2013 crisis period influenced franchisees' net income, which thus became a relevant signal in their process of choosing a franchise brand to start a business.Sob a perspectiva da Teoria de Sinais, este artigo aborda a seleção de uma franquia por um franqueado que elege esse potencial canal de distribuição pela primeira vez. O objetivo é analisar a relação entre alguns sinais enviados pelo franqueador e a escolha de uma franquia pelo potencial franqueado. Usando a metodologia de dados em painel, os resultados obtidos nos permitiram concluir que os efeitos das variáveis macroeconômicas da Espanha no período de crise econômica (2006-2013) influenciaram as receitas líquidas dos franqueados, tornando-se um sinal para eles elegerem onde abrir um estabelecimento franqueado

    Investigation of the Transcriptomic and Metabolic Changes Associated With Superficial Scald Physiology Impaired by Lovastatin and 1-methylcyclopropene in Pear Fruit (Cv. "Blanquilla")

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    To elucidate the physiology underlying the development of superficial scald in pears, susceptible "Blanquilla" fruit was treated with different compounds that either promoted (ethylene) or repressed (1-methylcyclopropene and lovastatin) the incidence of this disorder after 4 months of cold storage. Our data show that scald was negligible for the fruit treated with 1-methylcyclopropene or lovastatin, but highly manifested in untreated (78% incidence) or ethylene-treated fruit (97% incidence). The comparison between the fruit metabolomic profile and transcriptome evidenced a distinct reprogramming associated with each treatment. In all treated samples, cold storage led to an activation of a cold-acclimation-resistance mechanism, including the biosynthesis of very-long-chain fatty acids, which was especially evident in 1-methylcyclopropane-treated fruit. Among the treatments applied, only 1-methylcyclopropene inhibited ethylene production, hence supporting the involvement of this hormone in the development of scald. However, a common repression effect on the PPO gene combined with higher sorbitol content was found for both lovastatin and 1-methylcyclopropene-treated samples, suggesting also a non-ethylene-mediated process preventing the development of this disorder. The results presented in this work represent a step forward to better understand the physiological mechanisms governing the etiology of superficial scald in pears

    Molecular and biochemical differences underlying the efficacy of lovastatin in preventing the onset of superficial scald in a susceptible and resistant Pyrus communis L. cultivar

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    Riscaldo Superficiale, Pero, Frigoconservazione, Danno da freddo, Maturazione del frutto, AntiossidantiThe molecular and biochemical events underlying the onset of superficial scald in two pear cultivars with different susceptibility (‘Blanquilla’ and ‘Conference’) was investigated in fruit untreated and treated with lovastatin, 1-MCP or ethylene. ‘Conference’ pears were characterized by higher content of flavonols and linolenic acid (18:3), two metabolites related to chilling injury resistance. In this cultivar, the expression level of three genes belonging to the ascorbate glutathione pathway (APX, DHAR and MDHAR) were constitutively overexpressed, highlighting the role that endogenous antioxidant potential played in scald control. In the scaldsusceptible cultivar (‘Blanquilla’) the lovastatin treatment, in contrast to 1-MCP, effectively prevented superficial scald development and α-farnesene production without affecting fruit ripening. Moreover, lovastatin stimulated an increased production of ethanol and oleic + cis vaccenic acid (18:1), both compounds being also involved in cold stress tolerance. In both cultivars, and in contrast to 1-MCP, lovastatin did not impair the expression level of the genes devoted to ethylene production (ACO, ACS) and perception (ERS1, ERS2). As a consequence, the expression levels of the genes involved in texture modifications (PG1) and volatile emission (LOX, HPL, ADH and AAT) were maintained in lovastatin-treated samples allowing the fruit to reach an adequate final quality. The results from this study are discussed to highlight the complex regulatory network underlying superficial scald development in different pear cultivars

    Mejora del rendimiento escolar, a través de utilizar en el aula estrategias de tipo cognitivo

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    1) Aumentar la capacidad de aprendizaje de los alumnos de segunda etapa de EGB, deprimidos socio-culturalmente o que presenten una deficiencia mental límite o ligera, mediante la aplicación del programa de enriquecimiento instrumental de Reuven Feuerstein. 2) Hipótesis nula: la aplicación o no del programa no influye en la puntuación obtenida en el factor verbal (PMA). 3) Hipótesis alternativa: si se ha aplicado el programa, los alumnos puntuan más alto en los factores: verbal, espacial, razonamiento, numérico y fluidez verbal y en el test de autoconcepto de Piers-Harris. Alumnos de sexto de EGB de 4 centros públicos (dos grupos, uno experimental y otro de control en cada centro), y de escuelas hogares (un sólo grupo), de la provincia de Ciudad Real. Se han diseñado dos tratamientos estadísticos diferentes (para un sólo grupo y para dos). Las variables utilizadas son: 1) Independientes: programa de enriquecimiento instrumental de Reuven Feuerstein, con dos niveles de tratamiento: el grupo experimental, programas escolares ordinarios y el instrumental: el grupo de control, sólo el currículum escolar. 2) Variables dependientes: aptitudes mentales primarias, del PMA; autoconcepto de Piers-Harris. Matrices progresivas de Raven, test de aptitudes mentales primarias, PMA, de Thurstone, test de autoconcepto de Piers-Harris. T de Student, T de Wilcoxon, percentiles de distribuciones F. Resultados de tipo cuantitativo: en el diseño de dos grupos, la aplicación del programa no ha producido mejoras estadísticamente significativas en los factores medidos. En el diseño de un solo grupo, se han encontrado diferencias estadísticamente significativas en los factores: verbal y autoconcepto. Resultados de tipo cualitativo: en un solo grupo experimental, respecto a las funciones cognitivas, en la fase de entrada se aprecian logros muy significativos referidos a la búsqueda impulsiva. Se observan asímismo, avances importantes en orientación espacio-temporal y en la capacidad para relacionar dos fuentes de información a la vez. En la fase de elaboración no se observan progresos. En la fase de salida hay mejoras. La mejora del autoconcepto es evidente. Las relaciones profesor-alumnos progresan y hay una interacción muy positiva entre ambos. En el diseño de dos grupos la aplicación del programa no ha producido los efectos deseados. El programa se presenta como ideal para aquellos individuos con capacidad intelectual normal y que sufren deprivación socio-cultural.Castilla La ManchaBiblioteca de Educación del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; Calle San Agustín, 5 - 3 Planta; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; Fax +34917748026; [email protected]