1,046 research outputs found

    Impact of titanium doping on Al self-diffusion in alumina

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    α-Al2O3 is an important refractory material which has numerous technical applications: as an in situ growing self-healing oxide scale, as a massive material and as reinforcement fibres in composites. For modelling diffusion controlled processes (creep, sintering, alpha-alumina scale growth on aluminium bearing Fe or Ni base alloys) it is necessary to study self-diffusion of the constituent elements

    Association between transfer of passive immunity, health, and performance of female dairy calves from birth to weaning

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    The objective of this observational study was to compare calf health, average daily weight gain, and calf mortality considering the proposed categories of transfer of passive immunity (TPI) by the consensus report of Lombard et al. (2020). The consensus report defines 4 categories of passive immunity (excellent, good, fair, and poor) of calves obtained after colostrum ingestion. The association between the 4 TPI categories was analyzed on calf health (i.e., hazards for morbidity and mortality), and average daily weight gain (ADG) of female Holstein Friesian calves during the first 90 d of age. A further aim of this study was to examine the effects of calving-related factors, such as dystocia or winter season, on TPI status. We hypothesized that calves with excellent TPI have greater ADG, lower risks for infectious diseases such as neonatal diarrhea, pneumonia, and omphalitis, and lower mortality rates. This observational study was conducted from December 2017 to March 2021. Blood was collected from 3,434 female Holstein Friesian dairy calves from 1 commercial dairy farm. All female calves aged 2 to 7 d were assessed for TPI status by determination of total solids (TS) in serum via Brix refractometry by the farm personnel once a week. Passive immunity was categorized according to Lombard et al. (2020) with excellent (≥9.4% Brix), good (8.9–9.3% Brix), fair (8.1–8.8% Brix), or poor TPI (<8.1% Brix). For the analysis of ADG and calving ease 492 or 35 calves had to be excluded due to missing data. The distribution of calves according to TPI categories was as follows: 4.8% poor (n = 166), 29.5% fair (n = 1,012), 28.3% good (n = 971), and 37.4% excellent (n = 1,285). From the calving-related factors, parity of the dam, calving ease, birth month, calving assistance by different farm personnel, and day of life for TPI assessment were significantly associated with TS concentration. Out of 3,434 calves, 216 (6.3%) had diarrhea, and 31 (0.9%) and 957 (27.9%) suffered from omphalitis and pneumonia during the first 90 d of life, respectively. Overall, the morbidity during the preweaning period was 32.6% (n = 1,118), and the mortality was 3.1% (n = 107). The ADG was 0.90 ± 0.15 kg with a range of 0.32 to 1.52 kg. The Cox regression model showed that calves suffering from poor TPI tended toward a greater hazard risk (HR) for diarrhea (HR = 1.57, 95% CI: 0.92–2.69) compared with calves with excellent TPI. Calves suffering from TPI had a greater HR for pneumonia (HR = 2.00, CI: 1.53–2-61), overall morbidity (HR = 1.99, CI: 1.56–2.55), and mortality (HR = 2.47, CI: 1.25–4.86) in contrast to excellent TPI. Furthermore, calves with good and fair TPI had significantly greater HR for pneumonia (good TPI: HR = 1.35, CI: 1.15–1.59; fair TPI: HR = 1.41, CI: 1.20–1.65) and overall morbidity (good TPI: HR = 1.26, CI: 1.09–1.47; fair TPI: HR = 1.32, CI: 1.14–1.53) compared with the excellent TPI category. Average daily weight gain during the first 60 d of life was associated with TPI categories. Calves with excellent and good TPI status had ADG of 0.90 ± 0.01 kg/d and 0.92 ± 0.01 kg/d (mean ± SE), respectively. The ADG of calves with fair TPI status was 0.89 ± 0.01 kg/d, and calves suffering from poor TPI had 0.86 ± 0.01 kg/d. Average daily weight gain differed in calves with poor TPI compared with the other categories. Fair and excellent TPI differed additionally from good TPI. We found no statistical difference between the TPI categories fair and excellent. In conclusion, poor TPI was associated with higher morbidity and mortality during the first 90 d of life. Furthermore, calves with fair, good or excellent TPI had greater ADG

    River water quality model no. 1 (RWQM1): II. Biochemical process equations

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    In this paper, biochemical process equations are presented as a basis for water quality modelling in rivers under aero-bic and anoxic conditions. These equations are not new, but they summarise parts of the development over the past 75 years. The primary goals of the presentation are to stimulate communication among modellers and field-oriented researchers of river water quality and of wastewater treatment, to facilitate practical application of river water quality modelling, and to encourage the use of elemental mass balances for the derivation of stoichiometric coefficients of biochemical transformation processes. This paper is part of a series of three papers: In the first paper, the general modelling approach is described; in the present paper, the biochemical process equations of a complex model are presented; and in the third paper, recommendations are given for the selection of a reasonable submodel for a specific application

    Hortonian Scaling of Coupled Hydrological and Biogeochemical Responses Across an Intensively Managed River Basin

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    Structural and functional attributes across fractal river networks have been characterized by well-established and consistent hierarchical, Hortonian scaling patterns. In most of the global river basins, spatial patterns of human settlements also conform to similar hierarchical scaling. However, emergent spatial hierarchical patterns and scaling of heterogeneous anthropogenic nutrient loads over a river basin are less known. As a case study, we examined here a large intensely managed river basin in Germany (Weser River; 46K km(2); 8M population). Archived data for point-/diffuse-sources of total Phosphorus (P-tot) input loads were combined with numerical and analytical model simulations of coupled hydrological and biogeochemical processes for in-stream P-tot removal at the network scale. We find that P-tot input loads scale exponentially over stream-orders, with the larger scaling constant for point-source loads from urban agglomerations compared to those for diffuse-source contributions from agricultural and forested areas. These differences in scaling patterns result from hierarchical self-organization of human settlements, and the associated clustering of large-scale, altered land-cover. Fraction of P-tot loads removed through in-stream biogeochemical processes also manifests Hortonian scaling, consistent with predictions of an analytical model. Our analyses show that while smaller streams are more efficient in P-tot removal, in larger streams the magnitude of P-tot loads removed is higher. These trends are consistent with inverse scaling of nutrient removal rate constant with mean discharge, and downstream clustering of larger cumulative input loads. Analyses of six nested sub-basins within the Weser River Basin also reveal similar scaling patterns. Our findings are useful for projecting likely water-quality spatial patterns in similar river basins in Germany, and Central Europe. Extensions and generalizations require further examination of diverse basins with archetype spatial heterogeneities in anthropogenic pressures and hydroclimatic settings

    Emergent spatial patterns of competing benthic and pelagic algae in a river network: A parsimonious basin-scale modeling analysis

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    Algae, as primary producers in riverine ecosystems, are found in two distinct habitats: benthic and pelagic algae typically prevalent in shallow/small and deep/large streams, respectively. Over an entire river continuum, spatiotemporal patterns of the two algal communities reflect specificity in habitat preference determined by geomorphic structure, hydroclimatic controls, and spatiotemporal heterogeneity in nutrient loads from point- and diffuse-sources. By representing these complex interactions between geomorphic, hydrologic, geochemical, and ecological processes, we present here a new river-network-scale dynamic model (CnANDY) for pelagic (A) and benthic (B) algae competing for energy and one limiting nutrient (phosphorus, P). We used the urbanized Weser River Basin in Germany (7th-order; ~8.4 million population; ~46 K km2) as a case study and analyzed simulations for equilibrium mass and concentrations under steady median river discharge. We also examined P, A, and B spatial patterns in four sub-basins. We found an emerging pattern characterized by scaling of P and A concentrations over stream-order ω, whereas B concentration was described by three distinct phases. Furthermore, an abrupt algal regime shift occurred in intermediate streams from B dominance in ω≤3 to exclusive A presence in ω≥6. Modeled and long-term basin-scale monitored dissolved P concentrations matched well for ω&gt;4, and with overlapping ranges in ω&lt;3. Power-spectral analyses for the equilibrium P, A, and B mass distributions along hydrological flow paths showed stronger clustering compared to geomorphological attributes, and longer spatial autocorrelation distance for A compared to B. We discuss the implications of our findings for advancing hydro-ecological concepts, guiding monitoring, informing management of water quality, restoring aquatic habitat, and extending CnANDY model to other river basins

    Association of transition cow health with pregnancy per artificial insemination and pregnancy loss in Holstein cows submitted to a Double-Ovsynch protocol for first service

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    This observational study was conducted to evaluate the effect of transition cow health on pregnancy per artificial insemination (P/AI) and pregnancy loss (PL) in cows submitted to a Double-Ovsynch protocol (DO) for first service. Lactating Holstein cows (n = 15,041) from one commercial dairy farm in northern Germany between January 2015 to December 2021 were enrolled into a modified Double-Ovsynch protocol (GnRH, 7 d later PGF2α, 3 d later GnRH, 7 d later GnRH, 7 d later PGF2α, 24 h later PGF2α, 32 h later GnRH, and 16 to 18 h later timed artificial insemination) for first service at 72 ± 3 d in milk. Pregnancy was diagnosed at 32 and 60 d post-AI via transrectal ultrasonography. Pregnancy loss was defined as the proportion of cows diagnosed pregnant 32 d post-artificial insemination that were diagnosed nonpregnant 60 d post-artificial insemination. Health-related events (i.e., milk fever [MF], hyperketonemia [KET], retained fetal membranes [RFM], metritis, mastitis, left displaced abomasum [LDA]) were assessed by farm personnel using standard operating procedures. Multivariable logistic regression was used for testing potential associations between transition cow health event occurrence and outcome variables, including P/AI and PL. Three separate models were built for cows in first lactation, second lactation, and ≥third lactation. Overall, 20.0% (885/4,430), 34.9% (1,391/3,989), and 53.9% (3,570/6,622) of cows had at least one transition cow health event for first, second, and ≥third lactations, respectively. The most prevalent transition cow health event for first-lactation cows was metritis (10.7%; [473/4,430]), whereas second-lactation cows suffered mostly from mastitis (16.6%; [664/3,989] and KET (16.6%; [661/3,989]), and cows with ≥third lactations were mostly affected by KET (33.2%; [2,198/6,622]). We observed a negative association between inflammatory disorders (i.e., RFM, metritis, mastitis) and P/AI in all cows irrespective of parity. Metabolic disorders (i.e., MF, KET, LDA) were negatively associated with P/AI only in multiparous cows. Irrespective of parity, only uterine diseases (i.e., RFM, metritis) were significantly associated with PL. These results show that enrolling cows into a fertility protocol, such as DO, cannot overcome the carryover effects of inflammatory and metabolic disorders on P/AI and PL and highlight the importance of optimizing transition cow health as a prerequisite for achieving high fertility in a DO protocol

    Juxtaposition of Spin Freezing and Long Range Order in a Series of Geometrically Frustrated Antiferromagnetic Gadolinium Garnets

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    Specific heat measurements in zero magnetic field are presented on a homologous series of geometrically frustrated, antiferromagnetic, Heisenberg garnet systems. Measurements of Gd3Ga5O12, grown with isotopically pure Gd, agree well with previous results on samples with naturally abundant Gd, showing no ordering features. In contrast, samples of Gd3Te2Li3O12 and Gd3Al5O12 are found to exhibit clear ordering transitions at 243 mK and 175 mK respectively. The effects of low level disorder are studied through dilution of Gd3+ with non-magnetic Y3+ in Gd3Te2Li3O12. A thorough structural characterization, using X-ray diffraction, is performed on all of the samples studied. We discuss possible explanations for such diverse behavior in very similar systems.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Emergent spatial patterns of competing benthic and pelagic algae in a river network: A parsimonious basin-scale modeling analysis.

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    Algae, as primary producers in riverine ecosystems, are found in two distinct habitats: benthic and pelagic algae typically prevalent in shallow/small and deep/large streams, respectively. Over an entire river continuum, spatiotemporal patterns of the two algal communities reflect specificity in habitat preference determined by geomorphic structure, hydroclimatic controls, and spatiotemporal heterogeneity in nutrient loads from point- and diffuse-sources. By representing these complex interactions between geomorphic, hydrologic, geochemical, and ecological processes, we present here a new river-network-scale dynamic model (CnANDY) for pelagic (A) and benthic (B) algae competing for energy and one limiting nutrient (phosphorus, P). We used the urbanized Weser River Basin in Germany (7th-order; ~8.4 million population; ~46 K km2) as a case study and analyzed simulations for equilibrium mass and concentrations under steady median river discharge. We also examined P, A, and B spatial patterns in four sub-basins. We found an emerging pattern characterized by scaling of P and A concentrations over stream-order ω, whereas B concentration was described by three distinct phases. Furthermore, an abrupt algal regime shift occurred in intermediate streams from B dominance in ω≤3 to exclusive A presence in ω≥6. Modeled and long-term basin-scale monitored dissolved P concentrations matched well for ω>4, and with overlapping ranges in ω<3. Power-spectral analyses for the equilibrium P, A, and B mass distributions along hydrological flow paths showed stronger clustering compared to geomorphological attributes, and longer spatial autocorrelation distance for A compared to B. We discuss the implications of our findings for advancing hydro-ecological concepts, guiding monitoring, informing management of water quality, restoring aquatic habitat, and extending CnANDY model to other river basins
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