44 research outputs found

    Offshore service vessels in high artctic oil and gas field logistics operations : fleet configuration and the functional demands of cargo supply and emergency response vessels

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    I rapporten ser en nærmere på de funksjonelle behov som bør ivaretas i forsyningskjeden for offshore servicefartøy knyttet til olje og gass operasjoner i arktiske farvann. En ser nærmere på spesielle utfordringer på felt i polarkodeområder med ekstra fare for is og ising, og med lite infrastruktur tilgjengelig. Det fokuseres både på godstransportbehov og på krav til fartøyers multi-funksjonalitet hva angår beredskapsfunksjoner

    Arctic oil and gas field logistics and offshore service vessel capacities : the case of the Norwegian and Russian High Arctic

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    I denne rapporten gjøres en gjennomgang av logistikk opplegget og leveringskjeden fra forsyningsbase på land til olje og gassfelt til sjøs på de nordligste feltene i Norge og Russland. Ulike krav til offshore servicefartøy diskuteres i lys av utfordringer knyttet til is og ising, lange distanser og begrenset infrastruktur

    Innovation on the Open Sea: Examining Competence Transfer and Open Innovation in the Design of Offshore Vessels

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    In this article, we discuss the role of open innovation in collaborative design processes in mature industries such as the shipping industry. We examine the design of high-tech offshore service vessels in environments characterized by high volatility and complexity. We elaborate on the role that accumulating and sharing core competences plays in speeding up the innovation process and increasing product value. We present a longitudinal case study of a shipping company implementing an open innovation approach that integrates its own core competences in offshore operations with the competences of ship designers and ship builders to develop a new design for challenging environments. In this article, we draw on an open innovation approach and a competence-based view to demonstrate how the firm can "reach out" to gain novel competences related to innovation, which may transform the competitive environment to the firm’s advantage. The article would be useful to innovation scholars and practitioners who work with innovative product development

    Emergency management competence needs: Education and training for key emergency management personnel in a maritime Arctic environment MARPART2-(MAN), Project Report 2

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    This report focuses on competence demands among key management personnel responsible for maritime emergency response. The report has a special focus on competence challenges related to operations in an Arctic environment

    Emergency management in maritime mass evacuation operations - the case of the high Arctic

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    Maritime activity in the high north – the range of unwanted incidents and risk patterns

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    Author's accepted version (post-print).This is the accepted manuscript (post-print) of the article Marchenko, N., Borch, O. J., Markov, S. V. & Andreassen, N. (2015). Maritime activity in the high north – the range of unwanted incidents and risk patterns. Proceedings – International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions available at http://www.poac.com/PapersOnline.htm