4,374 research outputs found

    A Study of the SP Geophysical Technique in a Campus Setting

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    The self potential (SP) method is a simple and inexpensive geophysical surveying technique, which involves measuring electrical potentials on the surface due to charge separations in the subsurface. These charge separations can arise from a number of different physical and electrochemical processes, and hence interpretations tend to be qualitative. Small anomalies are typically neglected as transient, inexplicable, or uninteresting. In contrast, large negative anomalies associated with ore bodies are noted for their constancy. In this study, an area on the campus of Memorial University was repeatedly surveyed in order to determine which natural and anthropogenic features generated SP anomalies, and whether these anomalies were constant or transient. We found anomalies associated with a building, a buried metallic pipe, trees, and subtler ground variations. The locations of anomalies, both large and small, were notably unvarying over a period of days and weeks. The building always generated a significant negative anomaly, but the sign of other anomalies (including that associated with the pipe) and the magnitude of all anomalies varied with time. In a second area dominated by a shallow sewer pipe, SP data allowed modeling of the burial depth and charge distribution of the pipe. Our results show that SP can be a useful and reliable method for shallow ground surveys, but that the time-varying nature of both sign and magnitude of small to moderate anomalies should be taken into account in data collection and interpretation. Résumé La méthode des potentiels spontanés est une technique d’exécution de levés géophysiques simple et peu dispendieuse consistant à mesurer les potentiels électriques à la surface liés aux séparations des charges dans le sous-sol. Ces séparations des charges peuvent découler d’un certain nombre de processus physiques et électrochimiques différents, de sorte que les interprétations données ont tendance à être qualitatives. On néglige généralement les petites anomalies, les considérant comme des anomalies transitoires, inexplicables ou peu intéressantes. En revanche, on note les anomalies négatives poussées qui sont associées aux corps minéralisés en raison de leur constance. Dans le cadre de cette étude, on a réalisé des levés répétés dans un secteur du campus de l’Université Memorial pour déterminer quelles particularités naturelles et artificielles produisaient des anomalies des PS et si ces anomalies étaient constantes ou transitoires. Nous avons découvert des anomalies associées à un bâtiment, à un tuyau en métal enfoui, à des arbres et à des irrégularités du terrain plus subtiles. Fait remarquable, les emplacements des anomalies, tant prononcées que minimes, n’ont pas changé au cours d’une période de plusieurs jours et semaines. Le bâtiment a toujours produit une anomalie négative marquée, mais le signal d’autres anomalies (notamment celle associée au tuyau) et la magnitude de toutes les anomalies ont varié au fil du temps. Dans un second secteur où était surtout présent un tuyau d’égout peu profond, les données des PS ont permis la modélisation de la profondeur d’enfouissement et de la distribution des charges du tuyau. Nos résultats révèlent que la polarisation spontanée peut s’avérer une méthode utile et fiable pour les levés terrestres peu profonds, mais qu’il faudrait tenir compte de la nature variable des signaux et de la magnitude des anomalies minimes à moyennes lors de la collecte et de l’interprétation des données. [Traduit par la redaction

    Balloon-borne radiometer measurement of Northern Hemisphere mid-latitude stratospheric HNO3 profiles spanning 12 years

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    Low-resolution atmospheric thermal emission spectra collected by balloon-borne radiometers over the time span of 1990–2002 are used to retrieve vertical profiles of HNO3, CFC-11 and CFC-12 volume mixing ratios between approximately 10 and 35 km altitude. All of the data analyzed have been collected from launches from a Northern Hemisphere mid-latitude site, during late summer, when stratospheric dynamic variability is at a minimum. The retrieval technique incorporates detailed forward modeling of the instrument and the radiative properties of the atmosphere, and obtains a best fit between modeled and measured spectra through a combination of onion-peeling and global optimization steps. The retrieved HNO3 profiles are consistent over the 12-year period, and are consistent with recent measurements by the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment-Fourier transform spectrometer satellite instrument. This suggests that, to within the errors of the 1990 measurements, there has been no significant change in the HNO3 summer mid-latitude profile

    The role of psychological flexibility in the relationship between self-concealment and disordered eating symptoms

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    The present cross-sectional study investigated whether psychological flexibility mediates the association between self-concealment and disordered eating (DE) symptoms among non-clinical college students. Data of 209 male and female participants (nfemale = 165), aged 18-22 years old, were used for analyses. Self-concealment was found to be positively associated with DE symptoms (i.e., general eating disorder symptoms and eating disorder-related cognitions) and negatively associated with psychological flexibility. Psychological flexibility was inversely associated with DE symptoms. Finally, psychological flexibility was found to mediate the association between self-concealment and DE symptoms after accounting for gender, ethnic background, and body mass index (BMI)

    Production Strategies of Livestock Herders in the Grasslands of Kazakhstan: Implications for the Marketing of Fine Fibres

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    Goat populations have been rising in Kazakhstan over the past ten years since independence and goats are preferred by farmers trying to restock. Quality of cashmere production is the key to profitable and sustainable sales to world markets for this luxury good. However, Kazakhstan did not develop a cashmere industry in the Soviet period so today goats are sheared rather than combed and little profit is made from cashmere. Goats, as well as sheep and camels are currently multi-purpose animals providing income from sales of animals, cashmere, milk and meat. This will change as the terms of trade change for high quality cashmere and households comb for fine down

    Banking market reaction to auctions of failed banks

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    In this study, we find that non-merger rival banks of failed banks from 2008 to 2013 experience substantial negative abnormal stock returns in the United States when failed banks are auctioned. Negative abnormal returns are related to contagion effects associated with an increased probability of their own failure and the information of these rival banks' opaque assets. We also find evidence that FDIC resolutions of these failed banks, similar to previous regulatory interventions, distort the market competition

    Galaxy Merger Candidates in High-Redshift Cluster Environments

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    We compile a sample of spectroscopically- and photometrically-selected cluster galaxies from four high-redshift galaxy clusters (1.59<z<1.711.59 < z < 1.71) from the Spitzer Adaptation of the Red-Sequence Cluster Survey (SpARCS), and a comparison field sample selected from the UKIDSS Deep Survey. Using near-infrared imaging from the \textit{Hubble Space Telescope} we classify potential mergers involving massive (M3×1010MM_* \geq 3\times 10^{10}\mathrm{M}_\odot) cluster members by eye, based on morphological properties such as tidal distortions, double nuclei, and projected near neighbors within 20 kpc. With a catalogue of 23 spectroscopic and 32 photometric massive cluster members across the four clusters and 65 spectroscopic and 26 photometric comparable field galaxies, we find that after taking into account contamination from interlopers, 11.05.6+7.0%11.0 ^{+7.0}_{-5.6}\% of the cluster members are involved in potential mergers, compared to 24.74.6+5.3%24.7^{+5.3}_{-4.6}\% of the field galaxies. We see no evidence of merger enhancement in the central cluster environment with respect to the field, suggesting that galaxy-galaxy merging is not a stronger source of galaxy evolution in cluster environments compared to the field at these redshifts.Comment: Accepted by Ap

    Secondary HIV Infection and Mitigation in Cure-Related HIV Trials During Analytical Treatment Interruptions

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    To the Editor—We are writing to express concerns regarding facts reported in 2 recent Journal of Infectious Diseases articles pertaining to the ANRSLIGHT study, conducted in 18 clinical sites in France between September 2013 and May 2015. Initially, we were delighted to see the authors implemented several inclusion criteria that we believe were likely to ensure safety of participants during the analytical treatment interruption (ATI) that occurred during the trial, for example a nadir of CD4+ T-cell count of ≥300 cells/mm3 and an initial CD4+ T-cell count of ≥600/mm3. However, other aspects are dismaying, including the detailed identifying information about the index participant and partner. We fear it is possible to identify both persons from the elaborate medical and nonmedical history provided. After contacting the study Principal Investigator, Dr Lelièvre, through a European colleague, it appears there were no consents to disclose this information. Thus, we feel strongly that it was inappropriate to include such comprehensive, potentially identifying details