236 research outputs found

    Intangible Capital and Productivity at the Firm Level: a Panel Data Assessment

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    The econometric literature on measuring returns on intangible capital is vast, but we still know little about the effects on productivity of different types of intellectual capital (R&D and patents) and customer capital (trademarks and advertising). The aim of this paper is to estimate the marginal productivity of different types of intangibles by relying on the theoretical framework of the production function, which we apply to a large panel of Italian companies. To this end, the European accounting system makes it possible to compare the impact on productivity of intangibles measured from expenditures (as usual in Anglo-American studies) with the impact of intangible assets reported by companies in their balance sheets (a measure which is available in the Italian context, for example, but less common in the literature). Our results contribute two main findings to the literature. First, among the intangible components, the highest marginal productivity is that of intellectual capital, customer capital and intangible assets. Second, the use of accounting information on intangible investments is crucial to find high effects of intangible assets on productivity, while intangibles measured from expenses seem to play a more limited role. Preliminary results obtained from sub-samples mimicking the presence of spillovers deliver higher effects of intellectual capital on productivity, suggesting that intangibles\u2019 social value is larger than the part we can estimate with individual firm data

    The motor cortex of the sheep: laminar organization, projections and diffusion tensor imaging of the intracranial pyramidal and extrapyramidal tracts

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    The laminar organization of the motor cortex of the sheep and other large domestic herbivores received scarce attention and is generally considered homologous to that of rodents and primates. Thickness of the cortex, subdivision into layers and organization are scarcely known. In the present study, we applied different modern morphological, mathematical and image-analyses techniques to the study of the motor area that controls movements of the forelimb in the sheep. The thickness of the cortex resulted comparable to that of other terrestrial Cetartiodactyls (but thicker than in marine Cetartiodactyls of similar body mass). The laminar organization showed marked development of layer 1, virtual absence of layer 4, and image analysis suggested prevalence of large irregular neural cells in the deeper layers. Diffusion tensor imaging revealed robust projections from the motor cortex to the pyramids in the brainstem, and well evident tracts descending to the tegmentum of the mesencephalon and dorsal pons. Our data contrast the general representation of the motor system of this species, considered to be predominantly based on extra-pyramidal tracts that originate from central pattern generators in the brainstem. © 2019, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature

    Ultracompact microinterferometer-based fiber Bragg grating interrogator on a silicon chip

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    We report an interferometer-based multiplexed fiber Bragg grating (FBG) interrogator using silicon photonic technology. The photonic-integrated system includes the grating coupler, active and passive interferometers, interferometers, a 12-channel wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) filter, and Ge photodiodes, all integrated on a 6x8 mm2 silicon chip. The system also includes optical and electric interfaces to a printed board, which is connected to a real-time electronic board that actively performs the phase demodulation processing using a multitone mixing (MTM) technique. The device with active demodulation, which uses thermally-based phase shifters, features a noise figure of σ  =  0.13 pm at a bandwidth of 700 Hz, which corresponds to a dynamic spectral resolution of 4.9 fm/Hz1/2. On the other hand, the passive version of the system, based on a 90º-hybrid coupler, features a noise figure of σ  =  2.55 pm at a bandwidth of 10 kHz, also showing successful detection of a 42 kHz signal when setting the bandwidth to 50 kHz. These results demonstrate the advantage of integrated photonics, which allows the integration of several systems with different demodulation schemes in the same chip and guarantees easy scalability to a higher number of ports without increasing the dimensions or the cost

    Thermo-mechanical behavior of surface acoustic waves in ordered arrays of nanodisks studied by near infrared pump-probe diffraction experiments

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    The ultrafast thermal and mechanical dynamics of a two-dimensional lattice of metallic nano-disks has been studied by near infrared pump-probe diffraction measurements, over a temporal range spanning from 100 fs to several nanoseconds. The experiments demonstrate that, in these systems, a two-dimensional surface acoustic wave (2DSAW), with a wavevector given by the reciprocal periodicity of the array, can be excited by ~120 fs Ti:sapphire laser pulses. In order to clarify the interaction between the nanodisks and the substrate, numerical calculations of the elastic eigenmodes and simulations of the thermodynamics of the system are developed through finite-element analysis. At this light, we unambiguously show that the observed 2DSAW velocity shift originates from the mechanical interaction between the 2DSAWs and the nano-disks, while the correlated 2DSAW damping is due to the energy radiation into the substrate.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    Integrated management of ash from industrial and domestic combustion : a new sustainable approach for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from energy conversion

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    This work supports, for the first time, the integrated management of waste materials arising from industrial processes (fly ash from municipal solid waste incineration and coal fly ash), agriculture (rice husk ash), and domestic activities (ash from wood biomass burning in domestic stoves). The main novelty of the paper is the reuse of wood pellet ash, an underestimated environmental problem, by the application of a new technology (COSMOS-RICE) that already involves the reuse of fly ashes from industrial and agricultural origins. The reaction mechanism involves carbonation: this occurs at room temperature and promotes permanent carbon dioxide sequestration. The obtained samples were characterized using XRD and TGA (coupled with mass spectroscopy). This allowed quantification of the mass loss attributed to different calcium carbonate phases. In particular, samples stabilized using wood pellet ash show a weight loss, attributed to the decomposition of carbonates greater than 20%. In view of these results, it is possible to conclude that there are several environmental benefits from wood pellet ash reuse in this way. In particular, using this technology, it is shown that for wood pellet biomass the carbon dioxide conversion can be considered negative

    Very Large Baseline Array observations of Mrk 6 : probing the jet-lobe connection

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    We present the results of high-resolution VLBI (very long baseline interferometry) observations at 1.6 and 4.9 GHz of the radio-loud Seyfert galaxy, Mrk 6. These observations are able to detect a compact radio core in this galaxy for the first time. The core has an inverted spectral index (α1.6 4.9 = +1.0 ± 0.2) and a brightness temperature of 1 × 108 K. Three distinct radio components, which resemble jet elements and/or hotspots, are also detected. The position angles of these elongated jet elements point not only to a curved jet in Mrk 6, but also towards a connection between the AGN and the kpc-scale radio lobes/bubbles in this galaxy. Firmer constraints on the star formation rate provided by new Herschel observations (SFR <0.8 M⊙ yr-1) make the starburst-wind-powered bubble scenario implausible. From plasma speeds, obtained via prior Chandra X-ray observations, and ram pressure balance arguments for the interstellar medium and radio bubbles, the north-south bubbles are expected to take 7.5 × 106 yr to form, and the east-west bubbles 1.4 × 106 yr. We suggest that the jet axis has changed at least once in Mrk 6 within the last ≈107 yr. A comparison of the nuclear radio-loudness of Mrk 6 and a small sample of Seyfert galaxies with a subset of low-luminosity FR I radio galaxies reveals a continuum in radio properties.Peer reviewe

    The use of antimicrobials in italian heavy pig fattening farms

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    Data on antimicrobial use (AMU) in heavy pig production (&gt;150 kg) are limited. The aim of this study was to investigate the AMU in this production. Data from 2015 were collected for 143 fattening farms. The AMU was estimated through a treatment index per 100 days (TI100) using the defined daily dose animal for Italy (DDDAit). When possible, a comparison with the European Medicines Agency’s defined daily doses for animals (DDDvet) was performed. The median TI100 was 10.7 (range, 0.2–49.5). Group treatments represented 94.6% of overall consumption. The AMU calculated using DDDAit and DDDvet were strongly correlated (ρ = 0.976; p &lt; 0.001). The AMU was negatively correlated with injectables use (ρ = −0.46, p &lt; 0.001) and positively correlated with oral products (ρ = 0.21, p = 0.014), premixes (ρ = 0.26, p = 0.002), and mortality (ρ = 0.18; p = 0.027). Farm size was negatively correlated with AMU (ρ = −0.29, p &lt; 0.001). Smaller farms were more frequently above the median TI100 (odds ratio = 2.3, 95% confidence interval = 1.2–4.7), suggesting that they may have lower biosecurity and management standards. The results of this study should provide useful insights for the development of an Italian monitoring system