3,895 research outputs found

    Two New Tests of the Metallicity Sensitivity of the Cepheid Period-Luminosity Relation (The Leavitt Law)

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    We undertake a new test of the metallicity sensitivity of the Leavitt Law for Classical Cepheids. We derive an empirical calibration of the apparent luminosities of Cepheids as measured from the optical through the mid-infrared (0.45-8.0um) as a function of spectroscopic [Fe/H] abundances of individual Cepheids in the Large Magellanic Cloud from Romaniello et al. (2008). The cumulative trend over the entire wavelength range shows a nearly monotonic behavior. The sense of the trend is consistent with differential line-blanketing in the optical, leading to stars of high metallicity being fainter in the optical. This is followed by a reversal in the trend at longer wavelengths, with the cross-over occurring near the K band at about 2.2um, consistent with a subsequent redistribution of energy resulting in a mild brightening of Cepheids (with increased metallicity) at mid-infrared wavelengths. This conclusion agrees with that of Romaniello et al. based on a differential comparison of the mean V- and K-band Leavitt Laws for the Galaxy, SMC and LMC, but is opposite in sign to most other empirical tests of the sensitivity of Cepheid distances to mean [O/H] HII region abundances. We also search for a correlation of Cepheid host-galaxy metallicity with deviations of the galaxy's Cepheid distance from that predicted from a pure Hubble flow. Based on Cepheid distances to 26 nearby galaxies in the local flow, only a very weak signal is detected giving Dmu_o = -0.17 (+/- 0.31) ([O/H] - 8.80) - 0.21 (+/-0.10). This is in agreement with previous determinations, but statistically inconclusive.Comment: Accepted to the Astrophysical Journal. 8 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    mRNA localization in metazoans: A structural perspective

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Taylor & Francis via the DOI in this recordAsymmetric localization of mRNAs is a widespread gene regulatory mechanism that is crucial for many cellular processes. The localization of a transcript involves multiple steps and requires several protein factors to mediate transport, anchoring and translational repression of the mRNA. Specific recognition of the localizing transcript is a key step that depends on linear or structured localization signals, which are bound by RNA-binding proteins. Genetic studies have identified many components involved in mRNA localization. However, mechanistic aspects of the pathway are still poorly understood. Here we provide an overview of structural studies that contributed to our understanding of the mechanisms underlying mRNA localization, highlighting open questions and future challenges.The authors are funded by the Max Planck Gesellshaft, the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Program (FP7/2007-2013), ERC grant agreement no. 310957 and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (BO3588/2-1 to F.B.)

    Theoretical insights into the RR Lyrae K-band Period-Luminosity relation

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    Based on updated nonlinear, convective pulsation models computed for several values of stellar mass, luminosity and metallicity, theoretical constraints on the K-band Period-Luminosity (PLK) relation of RR Lyrae stars are presented. We show that for each given metal content the predicted PLK is marginally dependent on uncertainties of the stellar mass and/or luminosity. Then, by considering the RR Lyrae masses suggested by evolutionary computations for the various metallicities, we obtain that the predicted infrared magnitude M_K over the range 0.0001< Z <0.02 is given by the relation MK=0.568-2.071logP+0.087logZ-0.778logL/Lo, with a rms scatter of 0.032 mag. Therefore, by allowing the luminosities of RR Lyrae stars to vary within the range covered by current evolutionary predictions for metal-deficient (0.0001< Z <0.006) horizontal branch models, we eventually find that the infrared Period-Luminosity- Metallicity (PLZK) relation is MK=0.139-2.071(logP+0.30)+0.167logZ, with a total intrinsic dispersion of 0.037 mag. As a consequence, the use of such a PLZK relation should constrain within +-0.04 mag the infrared distance modulus of field and cluster RR Lyrae variables, provided that accurate observations and reliable estimates of the metal content are available. Moreover, we show that the combination of K and V measurements can supply independent information on the average luminosity of RR Lyrae stars, thus yielding tight constraints on the input physics of stellar evolution computations. Finally, for globular clusters with a sizable sample of first overtone variables, the reddening can be estimated by using the PLZK relation together with the predicted MV-logP relation at the blue edge of the instability strip (Caputo et al. 2000).Comment: 8 pages, including 5 postscript figures, accepted for publication on MNRA

    Concreciones carbonatadas en margas del Eoceno: consecuencias geomorfológicas

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    [Resumen] Las margas del Eoceno de la cuenca de Jaca (Pirineo Central) presentan, en numerosos lugares, una topografía de detalle muy característica, en la que destacan un conjunto de núcleos más resistentes de aspecto frecuentemente esférico y de orden métrico, que permiten hablar de un paisaje de "margas con bolas". Se trata en realidad de concreciones dolomíticas interestratificadas, menos susceptibles a los procesos erosivos que las propias margas. En este trabajo hemos intentado establecer si las diferencias mineralógicas entre concreciones carbonatadas y margas encajantes permiten explicar esta meteorización diferencial; para ello se ha estudiado la mineralogía de las concreciones, las margas y las margas alteradas. Se concluye que los procesos químicos de alteración resultan insuficientes para explicar las diferentes tasas erosivas, debiendo por tanto atribuirse a causas físicas (susceptibilidad ante la helada, procesos de humectación-desecación) la mayor erosionabilidad de las margas frente a las concreciones carbonatadas y areniscas interestratificadas.[Abstract] The Eocene marls from the Jaca basin (Central Pyrenees) show a conspicuous morphologic feature consisting of disperse hard cores, often with an spherical shape and metric size, surrounded by the marly matrix. These hard cores are dolomitic concretions isolated from the marls because of less intense weathering. In this paper we study the mineralogical composition of dolomitic concretionsand marls, in order to better define the differences in weathering processes. We conclude that chemical weathering processes do not fully explain the differences of erosion rates. We propose physical processes (frost susceptibility, dry-moist alternations) as the main erosion factors in the Eocene marls and, consequently, they are responsible for the greater erodibility of the marls compared to the dolomite concretions and interlayered sandstones

    Distance and reddening of the Local Group dwarf irregular galaxy NGC 6822

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    On the basis of a new photometric analysis of the Local Group dwarf irregular galaxy NCG 6822 based on observations obtained with the Advanced Camera for Surveys onboard the Hubble Space Telescope, we have obtained a new estimate of the extinction of two fields located in the southeast region of the galaxy. Because of significant differences in the distance estimates to NGC 6822 available in literature, we decided to provide an independent determination of the distance to this galaxy based on an updated and self-consistent theoretical calibration of the tip of the red giant branch brightness. As a result we newly determined the distance to NGC 6822 to be equal to (m−M)0=23.54±0.05{\rm(m-M)}_0=23.54\pm 0.05, and compared our measurement with the most recent determinations of this distance.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, Astronomy & Astrophysics (Research Note), in press (proof correction included

    The shape of the Red Giant Branch Bump as a diagnostic of partial mixing processes in low-mass stars

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    We suggest to use the shape of the Red Giant Branch (RGB) Bump in metal-rich globular clusters as a diagnostic of partial mixing processes between the base of the convective envelope and the H-burning shell. The Bump located along the differential luminosity function of cluster RGB stars is a key observable to constrain the H-profile inside these structures. In fact, standard evolutionary models that account for complete mixing in the convective unstable layers and radiative equilibrium in the innermost regions do predict that the first dredge-up lefts over a very sharp H-discontinuity at the bottom of the convective region. Interestingly enough we found that both atomic diffusion and a moderate convective overshooting at the base of the convective region marginally affects the shape of the RGB Bump in the differential Luminosity Function (LF). As a consequence, we performed several numerical experiments to estimate whether plausible assumptions concerning the smoothing of the H-discontinuity, due to the possible occurrence of extra-mixing below the convective boundary, affects the shape of the RGB Bump. We found that the difference between the shape of RGB Bump predicted by standard and by smoothed models can be detected if the H-discontinuity is smoothed over an envelope region whose thickness is equal or larger than 0.5 pressure scale heights. Finally, we briefly discuss the comparison between theoretical predictions and empirical data in metal-rich, reddening free Galactic Globular Clusters (GGCs) to constrain the sharpness of the H-profile inside RGB stars.Comment: 15 pages, 8 postscript figures, ApJ in pres

    Evaluation of the vibrations transmitted to the hand-arm system in the use of portable harvesters for olives

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    The use of portable harvesters in olives harvesting is presently widely diffused in Sicily, south Italy, both to reduce the costs of production and to assure the olive oil quality. Nevertheless, it's well known that the use of such tools may involve risk of exposure to vibration transmitted to the hand-arm system which is a potential cause of muscular/skeletal pains, and specific pathologies such as Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS), Vibration-Induced White Finger (VWF) and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS). The aim of this study was to assess the level of exposure to vibration transmitted to the hand-arm system of the operators during the use of portable harvesters for olives. Two different commonly used types of tools were evaluated performing both laboratory and field tests. One was a hook type harvester provided with an internal combustion engine; the other an electric portable harvester consisting of a bar ending with a comb, equipped with an electric motor. The daily action value established by the European Directive 2002/44/EC was always considerably exceeded by the two harvesters for both hands both in the laboratory and in the field tests; however, the electric comb showed A(8) values about halved with respect to the hook type, equal to 20.79 and 18.69 m s-2 respectively for right and left hand in the field tests against 42.07 and 30.03 m s-2 obtained with the hook type harvester

    Diagnosing cervicogenic headache

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