664 research outputs found

    Indigenous knowledge based abiotic indicators used in weather prediction by farmers of Wayanad, Kerala, India

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    The paper presents twenty abiotic indicators used by farmers for weather prediction in Wayanad district, Kerala.These indicators were based mainly on the appearance of sky, color and patterns of cloud, moon, wind, rainbow andtemperature. The popularity of these indicators among farmers was measured using use validity score (UVS) based onpurpose of use, extent of use and perceived reliability. With this score, we categorized the indicators into high, mediumand low popularity classes. Five indicators were assessed as high popularity, four as low popularity and the remaining,medium popularity

    Functional Roles of Farmer Producer Companies: the Stakeholders’ Perception

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    This study explored the perception of stakeholders of selected Farmer Producer Companies (FPC) ofKerala, India, on the functional role of such companies in the livelihood betterment of farmers. Five roles were identified and ranked based on the percentage scores for understanding the perception of the role of FPCs. The five roles analyzed included facilitate development of member farmers, increase the cultivation of particular crop, identify needs of farmers and conduct trainings/ exposure visits, delivery of services to farmers and creation of more employment among farmers. Based on results it was inferred that stakeholders from various FPCs in the state identified delivery of services to farmers as the most important functional role of FPCs. This was followed by the role of farmer development facilitation which was agreed by over 75 percent of all categories. Creation of more employment opportunities for farmers, and impart of trainings and exposure visits to them was given comparatively less importance by all the stakeholders. The least important role identified was increasing the crop cultivation

    Perceived Entrepreneurial Training Needs of Trainees of Krishi Vigyan Kendras in Kerala

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    The present study was conducted in the state of Kerala to analyse the training needs of 100 trainees of five Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVK). The findings indicated that the packaging & marketing of mushroom and post harvest handling value addition were the most preferred training areas by the KVK trainees in mushroom production. In apiculture, honey extraction essential operations was perceived as the most needed area of training. In the area of value addition of fruits and vegetables, technology upgradation and packaging marketing techniques were the most preferred areas by the trainees. Relational analysis revealed that socio-economic variables like educational status and annual income, communication variables like extension contact and mass media exposure and entrepreneurial variables like entrepreneurial intention, entrepreneurial need, entrepreneurial capacity, innovativeness,achievement motivation, decision making ability, risk orientation, self confidence, cosmopoliteness andeconomic motivation were found positively and significantly correlated with training needs. The KVKsshould take concrete efforts to organize need based entrepreneurship development training programmesto improve effectiveness

    Performance analysis of coconut enterprises facilitated through agribusiness incubators

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    Agribusiness incubators (ABI) catalyze entrepreneurship development by facilitating technology and institutionalized services. The study addresses the performance analysis of enterprises promoted through coconut sector ABIs working in Kerala. Primary and secondary data collected from 30 randomly selected ABI graduated entrepreneurs in business were used to characterize the enterprises. The results indicated that 56 per cent of enterprises joined ABIs at the nascent stage and were able to receive government funding under different subsidy schemes. Majority of enterprises (72%) shared features of micro-enterprises in terms of the number of persons employed (01-10) and annual turnover less than ` 25 lakh. Most of the micro-enterprises (66%) functioned as sole proprietary firms, whereas small enterprises were registered as limited company/partnership firms (20%). Virgin coconut oil (VCO) was the major product in 40 per cent of enterprises followed by coconut chips (20%), coconut chocolates (10%), desiccated coconut (07), neera and tender coconut water-based drinks (07%). Performances of two purposively selected enterprises producing VCO and coconut chips were undertaken using break-even analysis. Production and sales of both VCO and coconut chips were more than the calculated BEP values of 1000 litres and 500 kg respectively. This indicated that both enterprises operated at profitable levels. The findings suggest that the entrepreneurs who completed the business incubation program had greater success in their business irrespective of the business size. This can be attributed to their greater access to technologies and entrepreneurship development programmes under the ABI

    Rates of Bone Loss in Young Adult Males

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    Osteoporosis-related fractures occur more frequently in women compared with men, but mortality is greater in men compared with women. Peak bone mass is a significant predictor of osteoporosis and fracture risk; therefore, it is important to optimize peak bone mass during young adulthood. Several recent longitudinal studies, which are summarized in this article, have investigated bone changes among young men. Cortical bone loss does not appear to be significant until individuals reach their mid-30s and is associated with decreased sex hormone concentrations. Significant trabecular bone loss in young men aged in their 20s has been reported and is associated with reduced lean mass and activity levels, especially among former athletes. Whether changes in activity levels among nonathletes lead to bone loss among young men requires further investigation

    Recent Experimental and Clinical Findings in the Skeleton Associated with Loss of Estrogen Hormone or Estrogen Receptor Activity

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    Studies on rodent models and rare human disorders of estrogen production or response have revealed an increased complexity of the actions of estrogen on bone. ERalpha disruption in human males results in delayed epiphyseal maturation, tall stature, trabecular thinning, marked cortical thinning, genu valgum and significantly reduced cortical vBMD, but trabecular number is preserved and there is normal to increased periosteal expansion. Aromatase deficiency results overall in a similar phenotype, although less is known about skeletal architecture. Importantly, estrogen replacement in these individuals, even if provided late in the third decade, may normalize aBMD. Less certain is whether there is complete recovery of normal skeletal architecture and strength. Rodent models, in general, are consistent with the human phenotype but are confounded by inherent differences between mouse and human physiology and issues regarding the completeness of the different knock-out lines. Both human and rodent studies suggest that residual effects of estrogen through ERbeta, truncated ERalpha forms or nonclassical estrogen receptors might account for different phenotypes in the hERKO man, aromatase deficient subjects and rodents. Importantly, androgen, particularly by preserving trabecular number and augmenting both periosteal and epiphyseal growth, also has significant actions on bone

    Abbreviating Boal at the Louisiana Old State Capitol Museum: Using Image Theatre

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    This article describes the execution of and reflections of a Theatre of the Oppressed workshop offered in 2017 to middle and high school groups visiting the Louisiana Old State Capitol Museum on half-day field trips. The workshops accompanied The Power of Children: Making a Difference exhibit, which features the stories and struggles of Ruby Bridges, Ryan White, and Anne Frank. Despite initial plans for an hour-long session, the workshop designed to connect youth participant experiences to the stories of the children featured in the exhibit was cut to only fifteen minutes. Our group of four facilitators discusses ways we modified Augusto Boal’s Image Theatre practices, the difficulties we faced leading short sessions in the setting of a school field trip, and our worries about maintaining emotional safety as youth tackled themes of power, powerlessness, and policing

    Врахування ризиків у процесі взаємодії електронних магазинів та користувачів

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    Розглядаються ризики, які виникають у відвідувачів електронних магазинів, а також пропонуються можливі заходи безпеки при онлайн-купівлі товарів. Описуються ризики, яким підлягають самі Інтернет-магазини, та наводяться пропозиції щодо підвищення безпеки веб-ресурсу, розміщеного в мереж і Інтернет.Describing the risks arising at visitors of electronic shops are considered, and also possible security' measures are offered at online purchase of the goods. Risks to which Internet shops are exposed are described and offers on improvement of safety of a web resource which Internet is in a network are resulted

    Antagonism potency of dark Septate endophytes against Pyricularia oryzae for improving health of rice plants

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    Blast disease caused by Pyricularia oryzae (Po) is the main disease affecting rice production. Dark septate endophytes (DSEs) is known to improve plant performance and suppress disease. This study evaluated DSEs antagonism potency against P. oryzae in improving the rice plant's health. The research stages consisted of: (1). DSE and Po growth rate; (2). Antagonism of DSEs against Po; (3). Chitinase; (4). DSEs Viability; (5). DSEs application to rice seeds in nurseries. The results showed the growth of APDS 3.2 colonies had fulfilled Petri (d = 9 cm) at three days after incubation (DAI), while 4.1 BTG and TKC 2.2.a at 7 DAI.  Po had slow colony growth required 20 DAI. Inhibition of APDS 3.2 against Po was 43.75%, higher than of 4.1 BTG (38.60%) and of TKC 2.2.a (39.76%). The rice plants inoculated with APDS 3.2 had a relatively higher at seedling height, root length, wet weight, and dry weight than those inoculated with TKC 2.2.a and 4.1 BTG. The highest DSEs colonization was found in APDS 3.2 at 50.56%, followed by TKC 2.2.a (46.67%) and 4.1 BTG (40%). DSEs fungus has the potential to suppress rice blast pathogens by improving the health of rice plants, especially APDS 3.2.Key words: Colonization, Growth Rate, Viability  Penyakit blas yang disebabkan oleh Pyricularia oryzae (Po) merupakan penyakit utama yang memengaruhi produksi padi. Dark septate endophyte (DSE) diketahui mampu meningkatkan performa tanaman dan menekan penyakit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi potensi antagonisme DSE terhadap P. oryzae dalam meningkatkan kesehatan tanaman padi. Tahapan Penelitian terdiri atas: (1). Kecepatan tumbuh DSE dan Po; (2). Antagonisme DSE terhadap Po; (3). Kitinase; (4). Viabilitas DSE; (5). Aplikasi DSE pada benih padi di persemaian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pertumbuhan koloni APDS 3.2 telah memenuhi petri (d= 9 cm) pada 3 hari setelah inkubasi (HSI), sedangkan 4.1 BTG dan TKC 2.2.a pada 7 HSI. Pertumbuhan koloni Po lambat membutuhkan 20 HSI. Penghambatan APDS 3.2 terhadap Po sebesar 43,75% lebih tinggi dibandingkan 4.1 BTG (38,60%) maupun TKC 2.2.a (39,76%). Tanaman padi yang diinokulasi APDS 3.2 memiliki tinggi, panjang akar, bobot basah, dan bobot kering relatif lebih tinggi dibandingkan yang diinokulasi TKC 2.2.a dan 4.1 BTG. Kolonisasi DSE tertinggi dijumpai pada APDS 3.2 sebesar 50,56%, diikuti TKC 2.2.a (46,67%) dan 4.1 BTG (40%). Cendawan DSE memiliki potensi untuk menekan patogen blas padi dengan cara meningkatkan kesehatan tanaman padi, khususnya APDS 3.2

    Beef cattle selected for increased muscularity have a reduced muscle response and increased adipose tissue response to adrenaline

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    The aim of this experiment was to evaluate the impact of selection for greater muscling on the adrenaline responsiveness of muscle, adipose and liver tissue, as reflected by changes in plasma levels of the intermediary metabolites lactate, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and glucose. This study used 18-month-old steers from an Angus herd visually assessed and selected for divergence in muscling for over 15 years. Ten low muscled (Low), 11 high muscled (High) and 3 high muscled heterozygotes for myostatin mutation (High(Het)) steers were challenged with adrenaline doses ranging between 0.2 to 3.0 mu g/kg live weight. For each challenge, 16 blood samples were taken between -30 and 130 min relative to adrenaline administration. Plasma was analysed for NEFA, lactate and glucose concentration and area under curve (AUC) over time was calculated to reflect the tissue responses to adrenaline. Sixteen basal plasma samples from each animal were also assayed for growth hormone. Muscle glycogen and lactate concentration were analysed from four muscle biopsies taken from the semimembranosus, semitendinosus and longissimus thoracis et lumborum of each animal at 14, 90 and 150 days on an ad libitum grain-based diet and at slaughter on day 157. In response to the adrenaline challenges, the High steers had 30% lower lactate AUC than the Low steers at challenges greater than 2 mu g/kg live weight, indicating lower muscle responsiveness at the highest adrenaline doses. Aligning with this decrease in muscle response in the High animals were the muscle glycogen concentrations which were 6.1% higher in the High steers. These results suggest that selection for muscling could reduce the incidence of dark, firm, dry meat that is caused by low levels of glycogen at slaughter. At all levels of adrenaline challenge, the High steers had at least 30% greater NEFA AUC, indicating that their adipose tissue was more responsive to adrenaline, resulting in greater lipolysis. In agreement with this response, the High steers had a higher plasma growth hormone concentration, which is likely to have contributed to the increased lipolysis evident in these animals in response to adrenaline. This difference in lipolysis may in part explain the reduced fatness of muscular cattle. There was no effect of selection for muscling on liver responsiveness to adrenaline