4,717 research outputs found

    Break-up fragments excitation and the freeze-out volume

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    We investigate, in microcanonical multifragmentation models, the influence of the amount of energy dissipated in break-up fragments excitation on freeze-out volume determination. Assuming a limiting temperature decreasing with nuclear mass, we obtain for the Xe+Sn at 32 MeV/nucleon reaction [J. D. Frankland et al., Nucl. Phys. A689, 905 (2001); A689, 940 (2001)] a freeze-out volume almost half the one deduced using a constant limiting temperature.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Kinetic energy spectra for fragments and break-up density in multifragmentation

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    We investigate the possibility, in nuclear fragmentation, to extract information on nuclear density at break-up from fragment kinetic energy spectra using a simultaneous scenario for fragment emission. The conclusions we derive are different from the recently published results of Viola et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, (2004), 132701] assuming a sequential fragment emission and claiming that the experimentally observed decrease of peak centroids for kinetic energy spectra of fragments with increasing bombarding energy is due to a monotonic decrease of the break-up density.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Near IR diffraction-limited integral-field SINFONI spectroscopy of the Circinus galaxy

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    Using the adaptive optics assisted near infrared integral field spectrometer SINFONI on the VLT, we have obtained observations of the Circinus galaxy on parsec scales. The morphologies of the H_2(1-0)S(1) 2.12um and Br_gamma 2.17um emission lines are only slightly different, but their velocity maps are similar and show a gradient along the major axis of the galaxy, consistent with rotation.Since V_rot/sigma is approximately 1 suggests that random motions are also important, it is likely that the lines arise in a rotating spheroid or thickened disk around the AGN. Comparing the Br_gamma flux to the stellar continuum indicates that the star formation in this region began almost 10^8 yr ago. We also detect the [SiVI] 1.96um,[AlIX] 2.04um and [CaVIII] 2.32um coronal lines. In all cases we observe a broad blue wing, indicating the presence of two or more components in the coronal line region. A correlation between the ionisation potential and the asymmetry of the profiles was found for these high excitation species.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, Submitted to the Proceedings of the IFS Workshop, Jul 4-8 2005, Durham, Englan

    Scaling Behavior of the Landau Gauge Overlap Quark Propagator

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    The properties of the momentum space quark propagator in Landau gauge are examined for the overlap quark action in quenched lattice QCD. Numerical calculations are done on three lattices with different lattice spacings and similar physical volumes to explore the approach of the quark propagator towards the continuum limit. We have calculated the nonperturbative momentum-dependent wavefunction renormalization function Z(p2)Z(p^2) and the nonperturbative mass function M(p2)M(p^2) for a variety of bare quark masses and extrapolate to the chiral limit. We find the behavior of Z(p2)Z(p^2) and M(p2)M(p^2) are in good agreement for the two finer lattices in the chiral limit. The quark condensate is also calculated.Comment: 3 pages, Lattice2003(Chiral fermions

    Advancement in the understanding of multifragmentation and phase transition for hot nuclei

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    Recent advancement on the knowledge of multifragmentation and phase transition for hot nuclei is reported. It concerns i) the influence of radial collective energy on fragment partitions and the derivation of general properties of partitions in presence of such a collective energy, ii) a better knowledge of freeze-out properties obtained by means of a simulation based on all the available experimental information and iii) the quantitative study of the bimodal behaviour of the heaviest fragment charge distribution for fragmenting hot heavy quasi-projectiles which allows, for the first time, to estimate the latent heat of the phase transition.Comment: 9 pages, Proceedings of IWM09, November 4-7, Catania (Italy

    Infinite Volume and Continuum Limits of the Landau-Gauge Gluon Propagator

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    We extend a previous improved action study of the Landau gauge gluon propagator, by using a variety of lattices with spacings from a=0.17a = 0.17 to 0.41 fm, to more fully explore finite volume and discretization effects. We also extend a previously used technique for minimizing lattice artifacts, the appropriate choice of momentum variable or ``kinematic correction'', by considering it more generally as a ``tree-level correction''. We demonstrate that by using tree-level correction, determined by the tree-level behavior of the action being considered, it is possible to obtain scaling behavior over a very wide range of momenta and lattice spacings. This makes it possible to explore the infinite volume and continuum limits of the Landau-gauge gluon propagator.Comment: 24 pages RevTex, 18 figures; Responses to referee comments, minor change

    Quark propagator in a covariant gauge

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    Using mean--field improved gauge field configurations, we compare the results obtained for the quark propagator from Wilson fermions and Overlap fermions on a \3 lattice at a spacing of a=0.125(2)a=0.125(2) fm.Comment: 5 pages, 8 figures, talk given by F.D.R. Bonnet at LHP 2001 workshop, Cairns, Australi

    The FLIC Overlap Quark Propagator

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    FLIC overlap fermions are a variant of the standard (Wilson) overlap action, with the FLIC (Fat Link Irrelevant Clover) action as the overlap kernel rather than the Wilson action. The structure of the FLIC overlap fermion propagator in momentum space is studied, and a comparison against previous studies of the Wilson overlap propagator in quenched QCD is performed. To explore the scaling properties of the propagator for the two actions, numerical calculations are performed in Landau Gauge across three lattices with different lattice spacing aa and similar physical volumes. We find that at light quark masses the acti ons agree in both the infrared and the ultraviolet, but at heavier masses some disagreement in the ultraviolet appears. This is attributed to the two action s having different discretisation errors with the FLIC overlap providing superior performance in this regime. Both actions scale reasonably, but some scaling violations are observed

    Diversidade e distribuição espacial de bromeliáceas epifíticas do Altíssimo Rio Tibagi - Paraná - Brasil.

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    O presente estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar a diversidade e a distribuição espacial das bromeliáceas epifíticas na região do altíssimo rio Tibagi, considerando os fatores geomorfológicos, pedológicos, climáticos e vegetacionais. A avaliação fitossociológica das bromeliáceas foi realizada mediante instalação de parcelas em número variável nas três áreas de estudo. O levantamento florístico foi complementado por observações nas áreas adjacentes às parcelas, respeitando a compartimentação geomorfológica, pedológica e vegetacional. Foram registradas onze espécies de bromeliáceas no total, tendo sido sete delas observadas na área da cabeceira do rio Tibagi, oito no cânion e nove na floresta da foz do rio Bugio. A riqueza foi relacionada, principalmente, com as condições macro e microclimáticas. A umidade fornecida pelas nuvens e chuvas formadas na cuesta do segundo planalto, assim como, em microescala, a umidade atmosférica gerada pelas cachoeiras existentes no cânion e originada da evaporação da água dos Organossolos, é o fator climático fundamental na definição dos padrões encontrados. Considerando a distribuição horizontal das espécies, a diminuição de bromeliáceas da porção mais próxima ao canal para a mais distante está atrelada ao gradiente microclimático, formado pela redução em umidade relativa associada à diminuição em luminosidade

    Modeling seismic wave propagation and amplification in 1D/2D/3D linear and nonlinear unbounded media

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    To analyze seismic wave propagation in geological structures, it is possible to consider various numerical approaches: the finite difference method, the spectral element method, the boundary element method, the finite element method, the finite volume method, etc. All these methods have various advantages and drawbacks. The amplification of seismic waves in surface soil layers is mainly due to the velocity contrast between these layers and, possibly, to topographic effects around crests and hills. The influence of the geometry of alluvial basins on the amplification process is also know to be large. Nevertheless, strong heterogeneities and complex geometries are not easy to take into account with all numerical methods. 2D/3D models are needed in many situations and the efficiency/accuracy of the numerical methods in such cases is in question. Furthermore, the radiation conditions at infinity are not easy to handle with finite differences or finite/spectral elements whereas it is explicitely accounted in the Boundary Element Method. Various absorbing layer methods (e.g. F-PML, M-PML) were recently proposed to attenuate the spurious wave reflections especially in some difficult cases such as shallow numerical models or grazing incidences. Finally, strong earthquakes involve nonlinear effects in surficial soil layers. To model strong ground motion, it is thus necessary to consider the nonlinear dynamic behaviour of soils and simultaneously investigate seismic wave propagation in complex 2D/3D geological structures! Recent advances in numerical formulations and constitutive models in such complex situations are presented and discussed in this paper. A crucial issue is the availability of the field/laboratory data to feed and validate such models.Comment: of International Journal Geomechanics (2010) 1-1