1,991 research outputs found

    Basic studies on dispersion hardening

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    Transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction observations of substructure and elastic strains in cold worked and annealed dispersion strengthened alloy

    Per una ricapitalizzazione efficacenete co-creativa dei sistemi territoriali italiani

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    La trasformazione creativa (innovazione) non dovrebbe essere immaginata se non come emergente dall’interazione interna (immanente) ai soggetti individuali o inter-individuali, piuttosto che da istanze separate e superiori (trascendenti). Il compito del planning dovrebbe quindi essere quello di rendere percepibili le potenzialitĂ  di cambiamento emergenti dall’interazione della molteplicitĂ  di detentori di quote di capitale urbano (stakeholder), che includono in pratica la totalitĂ  dei soggetti, e di fornire loro validi framework di orientamento e di scambio tra differenti, e spesso inconciliabili, sistemi di ‘valori’. Sono insomma richiesti approcci innovativi all’‘urbano’, per lo piĂč contrastanti con le tradizionali prassi di investimento infrastrutturale, realizzate a scapito dell’investimento in ‘capitale umano’. Per superare la vieta dicotomia tra approcci top-down e bottom-up appare inoltro opportuno far riferimento a un nuovo modello di governance caratterizzato da reti auto-organizzate assimilabili a un fenomeno spontaneo guidato da processi sociali piĂč che da obiettivi politici. A questo modello social di governance fanno riferimento i cosiddetti Living Lab urbani e territoriali, da considerare come veri e propri ecosistemi di agenzie che, interagendo co-creativamente, sembrano poter costituire un utile riferimento per l’integrazione multi scalare dei livelli di governo e che, attraverso la condivisione di un’idea di impresa e/o di una problematica, sembrano anche in grado di produrre concreti effetti di rigenerazione urbano-territoriale

    Ultrasensitive Displacement Noise Measurement of Carbon Nanotube Mechanical Resonators

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    Mechanical resonators based on a single carbon nanotube are exceptional sensors of mass and force. The force sensitivity in these ultra-light resonators is often limited by the noise in the detection of the vibrations. Here, we report on an ultra-sensitive scheme based on a RLC resonator and a low-temperature amplifier to detect nanotube vibrations. We also show a new fabrication process of electromechanical nanotube resonators to reduce the separation between the suspended nanotube and the gate electrode down to ∌150\sim 150~nm. These advances in detection and fabrication allow us to reach 0.5 pm/Hz0.5~\mathrm{pm}/\sqrt{\mathrm{Hz}} displacement sensitivity. Thermal vibrations cooled cryogenically at 300~mK are detected with a signal-to-noise ratio as high as 17~dB. We demonstrate 4.3 zN/Hz4.3~\mathrm{zN}/\sqrt{\mathrm{Hz}} force sensitivity, which is the best force sensitivity achieved thus far with a mechanical resonator. Our work is an important step towards imaging individual nuclear spins and studying the coupling between mechanical vibrations and electrons in different quantum electron transport regimes.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    High flux polarized gamma rays production: first measurements with a four-mirror cavity at the ATF

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    The next generation of e+/e- colliders will require a very intense flux of gamma rays to allow high current polarized positrons to be produced. This can be achieved by converting polarized high energy photons in polarized pairs into a target. In that context, an optical system consisting of a laser and a four-mirror passive Fabry-Perot cavity has recently been installed at the Accelerator Test Facility (ATF) at KEK to produce a high flux of polarized gamma rays by inverse Compton scattering. In this contribution, we describe the experimental system and present preliminary results. An ultra-stable four-mirror non planar geometry has been implemented to ensure the polarization of the gamma rays produced. A fiber amplifier is used to inject about 10W in the high finesse cavity with a gain of 1000. A digital feedback system is used to keep the cavity at the length required for the optimal power enhancement. Preliminary measurements show that a flux of about 4×106γ4\times10^6 \gamma/s with an average energy of about 24 MeV was generated. Several upgrades currently in progress are also described

    The Antares Collaboration : Contributions to the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2015, The Hague)

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    The ANTARES detector, completed in 2008, is the largest neutrino telescope in the Northern hemisphere. Located at a depth of 2.5 km in the Mediterranean Sea, 40 km off the Toulon shore, its main goal is the search for astrophysical high energy neutrinos. In this paper we collect the 21 contributions of the ANTARES collaboration to the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2015). The scientific output is very rich and the contributions included in these proceedings cover the main physics results, ranging from steady point sources, diffuse searches, multi-messenger analyses to exotic physics

    Pion and proton showers in the CALICE scintillator-steel analogue hadron calorimeter

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    Showers produced by positive hadrons in the highly granular CALICE scintillator-steel analogue hadron calorimeter were studied. The experimental data were collected at CERN and FNAL for single particles with initial momenta from 10 to 80 GeV/c. The calorimeter response and resolution and spatial characteristics of shower development for proton- and pion-induced showers for test beam data and simulations using Geant4 version 9.6 are compared.Comment: 26 pages, 16 figures, JINST style, changes in the author list, typos corrected, new section added, figures regrouped. Accepted for publication in JINS

    Shower development of particles with momenta from 15 GeV to 150 GeV in the CALICE scintillator-tungsten hadronic calorimeter

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    We present a study of showers initiated by electrons, pions, kaons, and protons with momenta from 15 GeV to 150 GeV in the highly granular CALICE scintillator-tungsten analogue hadronic calorimeter. The data were recorded at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron in 2011. The analysis includes measurements of the calorimeter response to each particle type as well as measurements of the energy resolution and studies of the longitudinal and radial shower development for selected particles. The results are compared to Geant4 simulations (version 9.6.p02). In the study of the energy resolution we include previously published data with beam momenta from 1 GeV to 10 GeV recorded at the CERN Proton Synchrotron in 2010.Comment: 35 pages, 21 figures, 8 table

    Performance of the first prototype of the CALICE scintillator strip electromagnetic calorimeter

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    A first prototype of a scintillator strip-based electromagnetic calorimeter was built, consisting of 26 layers of tungsten absorber plates interleaved with planes of 45x10x3 mm3 plastic scintillator strips. Data were collected using a positron test beam at DESY with momenta between 1 and 6 GeV/c. The prototype's performance is presented in terms of the linearity and resolution of the energy measurement. These results represent an important milestone in the development of highly granular calorimeters using scintillator strip technology. This technology is being developed for a future linear collider experiment, aiming at the precise measurement of jet energies using particle flow techniques

    Search for muon-neutrino emission from GeV and TeV gamma-ray flaring blazars using five years of data of the ANTARES telescope

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    The ANTARES telescope is well-suited for detecting astrophysical transient neutrino sources as it can observe a full hemisphere of the sky at all times with a high duty cycle. The background due to atmospheric particles can be drastically reduced, and the point-source sensitivity improved, by selecting a narrow time window around possible neutrino production periods. Blazars, being radio-loud active galactic nuclei with their jets pointing almost directly towards the observer, are particularly attractive potential neutrino point sources, since they are among the most likely sources of the very high-energy cosmic rays. Neutrinos and gamma rays may be produced in hadronic interactions with the surrounding medium. Moreover, blazars generally show high time variability in their light curves at different wavelengths and on various time scales. This paper presents a time-dependent analysis applied to a selection of flaring gamma-ray blazars observed by the FERMI/LAT experiment and by TeV Cherenkov telescopes using five years of ANTARES data taken from 2008 to 2012. The results are compatible with fluctuations of the background. Upper limits on the neutrino fluence have been produced and compared to the measured gamma-ray spectral energy distribution.Comment: 27 pages, 16 figure
