295 research outputs found

    Utilisation des services par les personnes fréquentant les ressources pour personnes itinérantes de Montréal et de Québec, et atteintes de troubles concomitants de santé mentale et de toxicomanie

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    Contexte : Depuis les années 1990, le Québec vit une vague de désinstitutionnalisation et crée des ressources plus intégrées pour les personnes ayant des troubles concomitants de santé mentale et de toxicomanie. Or, aucune étude au Québec n’a précisé l’utilisation des services par les personnes itinérantes atteintes de troubles concomitants, qui éprouvent plusieurs difficultés à recevoir des services. Objectif : Décrire l’utilisation de services en santé mentale et en toxicomanie de personnes fréquentant les ressources pour personnes itinérantes. Méthode : Les troubles de santé mentale, ceux liés aux substances et les troubles concomitants, et l’utilisation des services relativement à ces problèmes sont décrits à partir des données d’une enquête effectuée auprès de la clientèle utilisant des ressources pour personnes itinérantes de Montréal et de Québec (n=757). Résultats : Vingt-deux pour cent de la population qui utilise des ressources a éprouvé des troubles concomitants au cours d’une année. Ces personnes n’utilisent pas plus les services de santé mentale ou ceux liés à la toxicomanie que les personnes n’ayant que le type de problème en question, et ces taux d’utilisation de services sont très bas. Conclusion : Des pistes de solutions (logements supervisés, programmes PACT) sont suggérées et les efforts d’intégration doivent se continuer afin d’améliorer l’accessibilité aux soins de cette clientèle.Context: Since the 90’s, the province of Quebec pass through a deinstitutionalization process and integrated resources for people having concurrent mental health and drug related disorders were created. In Quebec, no study specified the utilization of services by homeless people with concurrent disorders, a population who face difficulties in receiving services. Objective: To describe utilization of mental health and substance related disorders services of clientele using resources intended for homeless people. Methods: This study uses data from a survey conducted on the clientele of resources for homeless persons in Montreal and Quebec city (n=757). Mental health problems, substance use disorders and concurrent disorders, as well as utilization of services related to these problems by clientele from resources for homeless people are presented. Results: Twenty-two percent of this population had concurrent disorders during a one-year period. They don’t use more mental health and substance related disorders services than those with a single problem and their utilization of these services is very low. Conclusion: Some suggestions are brought (supportive housing, PACT programs) and it is proposed to continue working on integration of services in order to improve accessibility for this clientele.Contexto: desde la década del 90 se produce en Quebec una ola de desinstitucionalización, acompañada por la creación de recursos más integrados para quienes padecen problemas concomitantes de salud mental y toxicomanía. Sin embargo, ningún estudio llevado a cabo en Quebec a precisado la utilización de los servicios por parte de los itinerantes que padecen problemas concomitantes y que experimentan diversas dificultades para recibir dichos servicios. Objetivo: describir el uso de los servicios de salud mental y toxicomanía por parte de quienes frecuentan los recursos para itinerantes. Método: los problemas de salud mental, aquéllos ligados al consumo de sustancias psicotrópicas y problemas concomitantes y la utilización de los servicios relacionados con estos problemas se describen a partir de datos de una investigación realizada con la clientela que utiliza los recursos para itinerantes en Montreal y en Quebec (n=757). Resultados: el veintidós por ciento de la población que utiliza estos recursos ha experimentado problemas concomitantes durante el curso de un año. Estas personas no utilizan los servicios de salud mental o relacionados con la toxicomanía más que las personas que tienen sólo el tipo de problema en cuestión, y el porcentaje de utilización de estos servicios es muy bajo. Conclusión: se sugieren soluciones posibles (departamentos en alquiler supervisados, programas PACT) y se señala que los esfuerzos de integración deben continuar con el objetivo de mejorar el acceso a los servicios por parte de esta clientela

    Inclusion of tetramethylpyrazine in channels of the organic zeolite 2,4,6-tris(4-bromophenoxy)-1,3,5-triazine

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    2,4,6-tris(4-bromophenoxy)-1,3,5-triazine (BrPOT) features a channel size (11-12Å) allowing the inclusion of large guest molecules such as tetramethylpyrazine (TMPZ). TMPZ forms π-stacks (d: 3.5Å) along channels of BrPOT and shows rotational disorder for methyl positions. Co-inclusions of I2 resulted in a doped state where I2 molecules are oriented perpendicular to the channel axis with positional disorder as well. The particular orientation of I2 molecules is evident from the observed dichrois

    Meilleures pratiques et formation dans le contexte du continuum des services en santé mentale et en toxicomanie : le programme de formation croisée du sud-ouest de Montréal

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    Cet article présente le programme de formation croisée du sud-ouest de Montréal. Les auteurs estiment que le contexte post-désinstitutionalisation et d’intégration des services en santé mentale impose de nouveaux rôles aux intervenants oeuvrant dans les différents réseaux de services. La formation croisée apparaît donc comme un modèle particulièrement adapté à leurs besoins afin d’optimiser leurs interventions. Le modèle est présenté à partir des études les plus récentes et est illustré par le programme de formation croisée, développé pour les réseaux de la santé mentale et de la toxicomanie dans le sud-ouest de Montréal. Ses applications sont explorées pour d’autres réseaux.This article presents the cross training program in Montreal’s south-west. The authors underline that the context of post-deinstitutionalization and mental health service integration impose new roles to professionals who work within these different networks of services. Cross training thus appears as a model that is particularly adapted to their needs in order to optimize their interventions. The model is presented with a review of the most recent studies and is illustrated with the cross training program, a model developed by the networks of mental health care and addiction treatment in Montreal’s south-west. The program’s applications are examined for other networks of care and services.Este artículo presenta el programa de formación cruzada del suroeste de Montreal. Los autores estiman que el contexto de posdesinstitucionalización e integración de los servicios de salud mental impone roles nuevos a los interventores que laboran en las diversas redes de servicios. La formación cruzada parece por consiguiente un modelo particularmente adaptado a sus necesidades para optimizar sus intervenciones. El modelo es presentado a partir de los estudios más recientes y es ilustrado por medio del programa de formación cruzada, un modelo desarrollado para las redes de salud mental y toxicomanía en el suroeste de Montreal. Se exploran sus aplicaciones para otras redes.Este artigo apresenta o programa de formação cruzada do sudoeste de Montreal. Os autores acreditam que o contexto de pós-desinstitucionalização e de integração dos serviços em saúde mental impõe novos papéis aos intervenientes que trabalham nas diferentes redes de serviços. A formação cruzada demonstra ser, então, um modelo especialmente adaptado a suas necessidades a fim de otimizar suas intervenções. O modelo é apresentado a partir dos estudos mais recentes e é ilustrado pelo programa de formação cruzada, um modelo desenvolvido para as redes da saúde mental e da toxicomania no sudoeste de Montreal. Suas aplicações são exploradas para outras redes

    Novel Host-Guest Structures of 2,4,6- Tris (4-Halophenoxy)-1,3,5-Triazines(XPOT): Inclusion of C60 and Pyridine

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    The crystal structures of two halophenoxytriazine host-guest compounds are reported and discussed. They feature inclusion of C60 into cages of 2,4,6-tris(4-iodophenoxy)-1,3,5-triazine [IPOT, hexagonal, P63/m, a=16.367(2)Å, c=20.661(4)Å, V=4793.1(13)Å3, Z=2] and of pyridine6-clusters into cages of 2,4,6-tris(4-bromophenoxy)-1,3,5-triazine (BrPOT, rhombohedral, R 3ˉ \bar{3} , a=15.5186(8)Å, c=39.521(3)Å, V=8242.7(8)Å3, Z=6). The stackings of the threefold symmetric layers of XPOT host molecules are different from each other and from those of all previously reported XPOT inclusion compounds (X: Cl, Br, I). Graphical Abstract: The new compounds IPOT3·C60 and BrPOT2·py3, represent new packing types in the family of threefold symmetric XPOT inclusion compounds (XPOT=2,4,6-tris(4-halophenoxy)-1,3,5-triazine; X=Cl, Br, I

    ASIME 2018 White Paper. In-Space Utilisation of Asteroids: Asteroid Composition -- Answers to Questions from the Asteroid Miners

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    In keeping with the Luxembourg government's initiative to support the future use of space resources, ASIME 2018 was held in Belval, Luxembourg on April 16-17, 2018. The goal of ASIME 2018: Asteroid Intersections with Mine Engineering, was to focus on asteroid composition for advancing the asteroid in-space resource utilisation domain. What do we know about asteroid composition from remote-sensing observations? What are the potential caveats in the interpretation of Earth-based spectral observations? What are the next steps to improve our knowledge on asteroid composition by means of ground-based and space-based observations and asteroid rendez-vous and sample return missions? How can asteroid mining companies use this knowledge? ASIME 2018 was a two-day workshop of almost 70 scientists and engineers in the context of the engineering needs of space missions with in-space asteroid utilisation. The 21 Questions from the asteroid mining companies were sorted into the four asteroid science themes: 1) Potential Targets, 2) Asteroid-Meteorite Links, 3) In-Situ Measurements and 4) Laboratory Measurements. The Answers to those Questions were provided by the scientists with their conference presentations and collected by A. Graps or edited directly into an open-access collaborative Google document or inserted by A. Graps using additional reference materials. During the ASIME 2018, first day and second day Wrap-Ups, the answers to the questions were discussed further. New readers to the asteroid mining topic may find the Conversation boxes and the Mission Design discussions especially interesting.Comment: Outcome from the ASIME 2018: Asteroid Intersections with Mine Engineering, Luxembourg. April 16-17, 2018. 65 Pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1612.0070

    Metabarcoding data reveal vertical multitaxa variation in topsoil communities during the colonization of deglaciated forelands

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    Ice-free areas are expanding worldwide due to dramatic glacier shrinkage and are undergoing rapid colonization by multiple lifeforms, thus representing key environments to study ecosystem development. It has been proposed that the colonization dynamics of deglaciated terrains is different between surface and deep soils but that the heterogeneity between communities inhabiting surface and deep soils decreases through time. Nevertheless, tests of this hypothesis remain scarce, and it is unclear whether patterns are consistent among different taxonomic groups. Here, we used environmental DNA metabarcoding to test whether community diversity and composition of six groups (Eukaryota, Bacteria, Mycota, Collembola, Insecta, and Oligochaeta) differ between the surface (0–5 cm) and deeper (7.5–20 cm) soil at different stages of development and across five Alpine glaciers. Taxonomic diversity increased with time since glacier retreat and with soil evolution. The pattern was consistent across groups and soil depths. For Eukaryota and Mycota, alpha-diversity was highest at the surface. Time since glacier retreat explained more variation of community composition than depth. Beta-diversity between surface and deep layers decreased with time since glacier retreat, supporting the hypothesis that the first 20 cm of soil tends to homogenize through time. Several molecular operational taxonomic units of bacteria and fungi were significant indicators of specific depths and/or soil development stages, confirming the strong functional variation of microbial communities through time and depth. The complexity of community patterns highlights the importance of integrating information from multiple taxonomic groups to unravel community variation in response to ongoing global changes

    In-Space Utilisation of Asteroids::“Answers to Questions from the Asteroid Miners”

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    The aim of the Asteroid Science Intersections with In-­Space Mine Engineering (ASIME) 2016 conference on September 21-­‐22, 2016 in Luxembourg City wasto provide an environment for the detailed discussion of the specific properties of asteroids, with the engineering needs of space missions that utilize asteroids.The ASIME 2016 Conference produced a layered record of discussions from theasteroid scientists and the asteroid miners to understand each other’s key concerns and to address key scientific questions from the asteroid mining companies: Planetary Resources, Deep Space Industries and TransAstra. These Questions were the focus of the two day conference, were addressed byscientists inside and outside of the ASIME Conference and are the focus ofthis White Paper.The Questions from the asteroid mining companies have been sorted into the three asteroid science themes: 1) survey, 2) surface and 3) subsurface and 4)Other. The answers to those Questions have been provided by the scientists with their conference presentations or edited directly into an early open-­‐access collaborative Google document (August 2016-­‐October 2016), or inserted byA. Graps using additional reference materials. During the ASIME 2016 last two-­‐hours, the scientists turned the Questions from the Asteroid Miners around by presenting their own key concerns: Questions from the Asteroid Scientists. These answers in this White Paper will point to the Science Knowledge Gaps (SKGs) for advancing the asteroid in-­‐space resource utilisation domain

    Evolution of Plant Nucleotide-Sugar Interconversion Enzymes

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    Nucleotide-diphospho-sugars (NDP-sugars) are the building blocks of diverse polysaccharides and glycoconjugates in all organisms. In plants, 11 families of NDP-sugar interconversion enzymes (NSEs) have been identified, each of which interconverts one NDP-sugar to another. While the functions of these enzyme families have been characterized in various plants, very little is known about their evolution and origin. Our phylogenetic analyses indicate that all the 11 plant NSE families are distantly related and most of them originated from different progenitor genes, which have already diverged in ancient prokaryotes. For instance, all NSE families are found in the lower land plant mosses and most of them are also found in aquatic algae, implicating that they have already evolved to be capable of synthesizing all the 11 different NDP-sugars. Particularly interesting is that the evolution of RHM (UDP-L-rhamnose synthase) manifests the fusion of genes of three enzymatic activities in early eukaryotes in a rather intriguing manner. The plant NRS/ER (nucleotide-rhamnose synthase/epimerase-reductase), on the other hand, evolved much later from the ancient plant RHMs through losing the N-terminal domain. Based on these findings, an evolutionary model is proposed to explain the origin and evolution of different NSE families. For instance, the UGlcAE (UDP-D-glucuronic acid 4-epimerase) family is suggested to have evolved from some chlamydial bacteria. Our data also show considerably higher sequence diversity among NSE-like genes in modern prokaryotes, consistent with the higher sugar diversity found in prokaryotes. All the NSE families are widely found in plants and algae containing carbohydrate-rich cell walls, while sporadically found in animals, fungi and other eukaryotes, which do not have or have cell walls with distinct compositions. Results of this study were shown to be highly useful for identifying unknown genes for further experimental characterization to determine their functions in the synthesis of diverse glycosylated molecules