37 research outputs found

    Teacher Sorting, Teacher Quality, and Student Composition: Evidence from Norway

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    Using panel data for Norwegian schools, we establish a two-equation supply and demand model for teachers with approved education. Taking into account nationally determined teacher pay and a strict teacher appointment rule, the data enable us to separately estimate supply and demand functions for certified teachers. The results clearly indicate that the student body composition, and in particular students belonging to ethnic minorities, influences both teacher supply and teacher demand. The implied negative relationship between excess demand for certified teachers and the share of minority students is likely to be important for teacher quality.Teacher sorting; Teacher quality; School choice

    The variation in teachers’ grading practices: causes and consequences

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    Abstract The teachers' grading practices vary a lot between the upper secondary schools in Norway. This paper discusses the causes and the consequences. The point of departure is the model laid out b

    Are parental effort allocations biased by gender?

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    It is well established that girls outperform boys in schools, but the available empirical evidence suggests that the determinants of the gender achievement gap are poorly understood. The present paper looks inside families for explanations. Rich data for families with children in the lower secondary school in Norway are used to investigate whether parents’ allocations of educational efforts are biased by gender. It is shown that parents allocate more efforts to girls than to boys, and also, that there is a negative correlation between parental efforts and prior achievements. The compensating resource allocations are more evident for boys than for girls.human capital, gender differences, parental effort,

    Teacher Sorting, Teacher Quality, and Student Composition : Evidence from Norway

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    Using panel data for Norwegian schools, we establish a two-equation supply and demand model for teachers with approved education. Taking into account nationally determined teacher pay and a strict teacher appointment rule, the data enable us to separately estimate supply and demand functions for certified teachers. The results clearly indicate that the student body composition, and in particular students belonging to ethnic minorities, influences both teacher supply and teacher demand. The implied negative relationship between excess demand for certified teachers and the share of minority students is likely to be important for teacher quality

    I hvilken grad kan studentenes arbeidsinnsats påvirkes?

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    Kvalitetsreformen har ikke ført til at gjennomsnittsstudenten har økt arbeidsinnsatsen. Mange studenter har en tendens til å utsette innsatsen til dagene før eksamen. Erfaringer fra Handelshøyskolen i Trondheim (TØH) viser at etablering av ulike pedagogiske tilbud gjør det mulig både å få opp studieinnsatsen og sikre jevnere engasjement i løpet av semesteret. Det som kjennetegner disse tiltakene er at de virker komplementære på studentenes arbeidsinnsats. Samtidig må det tas hensyn til at den knappe ressurstilgangen ved denne typen studier målt ved antallet studenter per faglig ansatt setter praktiske grenser for hva som er mulig å få av studentaktive læringsformer i store studentkull. Hovedfunnene i denne studien er at (1) studenters oppgavespesifikke ambisjoner i et fag har betydning for arbeidsinnsatsen og (2) at innføring av midtsemesterprøver som stiller krav til resultater får studenter til å arbeide jevnere med faget. Det skjer en forskyvning av tidsbruken til første del av semesteret. Hvorvidt midtsemesterprøver øker den totale arbeidsmengden med faget er usikkert. Arbeidsinnsatsen etter at prøven er gjennomført ser ut til å gå ned

    Teacher Sorting, Teacher Quality, and Student Composition: Evidence from Norway

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    Using panel data for Norwegian schools, we establish a two-equation supply and demand model for teachers with approved education. Taking into account nationally determined teacher pay and a strict teacher appointment rule, the data enable us to separately estimate supply and demand functions for certified teachers. The results clearly indicate that the student body composition, and in particular students belonging to ethnic minorities, influences both teacher supply and teacher demand. The implied negative relationship between excess demand for certified teachers and the share of minority students is likely to be important for teacher quality