203 research outputs found

    Three Essays on Financial and Trade Integration

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    This dissertation consists of three essays on financial and trade integration. Financial and trade integration are the processes though which a country\u27s financial and commodities markets become more integrated with those in other countries. The first essay addresses the determinants of financial integration, the second essay examines the contribution of financial and trade integration to the convergence in marginal products of capital, the third essay accesses the effect of international trade in physical capital on economic growth.;The first essay addresses the empirical question of whether international financial flows are responsive to capital account restrictions or liberalization policies. The effect of capital controls on financial flows differs across countries and types of financial flows (FDI, portfolio equity, and debt). Capital controls are found to be effective for all types of international capital flows in developed countries. However, short-term volatile flows are not responsive to capital controls in developing countries. Capital controls can be an effective policy tool in developed countries with liberalized international trade and adequate reserves. Policies in developing countries should facilitate FDI flows and restrict non-productive short-term equity or debt flows in order to maintain macroeconomic stability and lower the probability of a crisis.;The second essay examines the determinants of convergence in the marginal product of capital. The essays derives an empirical model from Solow\u27s growth model and augment it to include global factors of financial flows and capital embodied in commodity trade. The marginal products of capital converges, however, this convergence is conditional upon country- specific variables such as reproducible capital share. Saving rates, foreign direct investment, and international trade are essential determinants of this conditional convergence. There is no evidence that debt financial flows reduce the global difference in the marginal product of capital. International trade also contributes to this convergence by equalizing international prices of investment and consumption goods.;The final essay estimates the effects of inflows of foreign physical capital on the output per capita growth. The essay uses an open economy extension of a neoclassical growth model to include the share of foreign physical capital in domestic investment. Inflows of machinery and capital equipment reinforce a positive growth in output per worker. Non-industrial (non-OECD) countries that rely on foreign high-quality capital grow faster. The findings suggest that policies should facilitate trade liberalization in developing countries and strengthen the domestic ability to absorb technological benefits from abroad

    On the Relativistic Separable Functions for the Breakup Reactions

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    In the paper the so-called modified Yamaguchi function for the Bethe-Salpeter equation with a separable kernel is discussed. The type of the functions is defined by the analytic stucture of the hadron current with breakup - the reactions with interacting nucleon-nucleon pair in the final state (electro-, photo-, and nucleon-disintegration of the deuteron).Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to be published in EPJ Wo


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    The study examined the construction of the fundamental solution for the equations of statics {1,2} – approximation for transversely isotropic plates under bending with the action of concentrated force. Equations {1,2} -approximation were obtained by the decomposition method in the thickness coordinate using the Legendre polynomials. These equations take into account all the components of the stress tensor, including the transverse shear and normal stresses. Since the classical theory of Kirchhoff-Love doesn’t take account of these stresses, the study on the basis of refined theories of stress-strain state of transversely isotropic plates under the action of concentrated force effects is an important scientific and technical problem. The fundamental solution of obtained equations results using a two-dimensional Fourier integral transform and inverse treatment techniques, built with the help of a special G-function. This method allows reducing the system of resolving differential equations for statics of flat plates and shells to a system of algebraic equations. After that, the inverse Fourier transform restores the fundamental solution. The work was carried out numerical studies that demonstrate patterns of behavior of components of the stress-strain state, depending on the elastic constants of transversely isotropic material. The results play a decisive role in the study of boundary value problems in the mechanics of thin-walled elements of constructions, including under the influence of concentrated and local diverse forces

    Кластерные инициативы в российской практике: особенности и перспективы развития

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    Due to the negative impact of globalization on still weak after the collapse of the USSR the Russian economy, there is a lag in the Russian Federation on the level of economic development from the more developed countries of the world, which is more acute in the period of anti-sanctions: an increase in the outflow of capital from the country, the instability of the banking sector of activity, the contraction of exports and imports of goods and services, termination of contracts with foreign suppliers and growing because of it unemployment and inflation, the deficit of the Federal budget of the Russian Federation. In this case the development of clusters in Russia as a tool of enhancing efficiency and competitiveness of the Russian economy in the global space has recently become an urgency. The article considers russian experience of building clusters, efficient operations and prospects of development of clusters in the Russian Federation. It is concluded that in modern conditions it is necessary to attach great importance to cluster policy, which is a powerful impetus to the development of the national economy

    К изучению неформального языка русской благотворительности

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    This article provides a linguistic analysis of informal nominations making part of the “thesaurus of charity”. They are lexemes that exist in the field of substandard and circulate in the environment of oral youth communication, in social networks, blogs, Internet media, etc. The main sources of the material are social networks (VKontakte), information and entertainment portals (Pikabu, YouTube, Bolshoy Vopros, etc.), as well as popular media. The informal vocabulary of charity reflects the most “popular” types of youth’s charitable activities; also, it possesses not fully established semantics and compatibility; it is often absent from any of the official explanatory dictionaries. This article focuses on words the stems донат- / донейт- / донейшн-.Analysis of the semantics and connotative background of substandard derivatives of the English verb donate make it possible to formulate some specific features of perception of the charity situation which exist in youth’s linguistic consciousness. Firstly, in the semantics of lexemes донат (and its derivatives) and донейшн, the idea of giving as a demonstration of gratitude for someone’s activities and participation in these activities is significant. Secondly, the connotative background of words with the донат- stem contains the idea of a “bonus” for the philanthropist, sometimes represented by material, but more often by moral satisfaction from the act of benefaction. Thus, the idea of giving as conscious gratitude of the donator becomes central. It seems necessary to structure the ideas about the lexical and semantic field “Gratuitous help to those in need” in order to achieve clarity in the meanings of words that make up the informal lexical field of charity and to identify the features of their compatibility with the aim of adjusting the use of substandard nominations of charitable activities in media and sociopolitical discourse.В статье осуществлен лингвистический анализ неформальных номинаций, входящих в «тезаурус благотворительности». Это обозначения, бытующие в сфере субстандарта и функционирующие в среде устного молодежного общения, в социальных сетях, блогах, интернет-СМИ и пр. Основными источниками материала послужили социальные сети («ВКонтакте»), информационно-развлекательные порталы («Пикабу», YouTube, «Большой вопрос» и пр.), а также популярные СМИ. Неформальная лексика благотворительности отражает наиболее «популярные» виды молодежной благотворительной деятельности; обладает не до конца устоявшейся семантикой и сочетаемостью, часто не зафиксирована ни в одном из официальных толковых словарей. В центре настоящей статьи — лексемы с основами донат- / донейт- / донейшн-.Анализ семантики и коннотативного фона субстандартной лексики, заимствованной из англ. donate, позволил сформулировать некоторые специфические черты восприятия ситуации благотворительности, бытующие в языковом сознании молодежи. Во-первых, в семантике лексем донат (и ее дериватов) и донейшн значимой является идея пожертвования как благодарности за чью-либо деятельность и участия в этой деятельности. Во-вторых, коннотативный фон слов с основой донат- содержит идею «бонуса» для благотворителя, иногда материального, но чаще — морального удовлетворения от помощи. Таким образом, центральной становится идея пожертвования как осознанной благодарности жертвователя.С целью более корректного использования субстандартных номинаций благотворительной деятельности в медийном и общественно-политическом дискурсе необходимым представляется структурировать представления о субстандартной лексике ЛСГ «Безвозмездная помощь нуждающимся»; более четко сформулировать значения слов, составляющих неформальное поле благотворительности; выявить особенности их сочетаемости

    Cultural Linguistics as a Unique Basis for Language Data Interpretation

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    The article is devoted to the solution of several issues. The first one is the consideration of cultural linguistics as a modern science studying features of culture which are reflected in the specific language of the specific country. The second issue concerns studying and analyzing linguistic units used to create the image of V.V. Putin in British, American and Spanish news articles not older than three years. The article presents some cases of cultural influence on linguistic units chosen by the authors to describe V. Putin’s image. The reason for the choice is explained by the high frequency of V. Putin’s name referring in international news agencies, newspapers and magazines and historical and cultural features of two different cultures that have a serious impact on the way of perceiving and describing V. Putin. The article shows some particularities of the variation of the English and Spanish languages used to make the image of V. Putin. The article provides some information on the numbers of English and Spanish native speakers. The research is held by means of modern journalistic English and Spanish languages. Contrastive-comparative and contextual analysis, lingo-stylistical and continuous sampling and content methods were used in the research

    Диалектные различия в языковом сознании жителей Русского Севера (на материале оппозитивных контекстов)

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    This article considers cases of metalinguistic reflection of the Northern Russian folk tradition bearers regarding interdialectal differences presented in the form of opposed contexts — statements in which linguistic features of the bearers of two or more language varieties are deliberately contrasted. The main data for the study are presented by metalinguistic text formations collected during the fieldwork of the Toponymic Expedition of Ural Federal University between 2005 and 2016. The article aims to highlight the peculiarities of the naïve linguistic consciousness concerning dialect distinctions on different language levels (phonetics, prosody, vocabulary), as well as to analyse metalinguistic statements about the sociolingustic and linguogeographic parameters underlying the opposition of different dialects. As a result of opposed contexts analysis, the author determines a number of phonetic features of the Russian Northern dialects. These features serve as a basis for the division “one’s own dialect” — “another dialect” in naïve linguistic consciousness: progressive assimilation (palatalisation) of velar consonants, yjr pronunciation of [ў] instead of [l], simplification of the combination [cht’], pronunciation [ch] as [ts] and [o] as [a], etc. The author also singles out some features regarded as irrelevant by naïve dialectologists and describes peculiarities of the “naïve” perception of dialect vocabulary features (inter-dialectal synonymy and homonymy). Additionally, she describes a number of the most frequent words, indicating dialectal differences (clothes, pastry, tools, mushrooms, typical addresses, and personal names, etc.). The article refers to the main sociolinguistic oppositions, which are relevant for dialect speakers (“Russian” — “non-Russian”, “urban” — “rural”). The article makes an attempt to retrace relative “naïve” isoglosses. The author shows several boundaries and areas marked by naive “dialectologists”.В статье рассматриваются случаи проявления метаязыковой рефлексии диалектоносителей по поводу междиалектных различий, представленные в виде оппозитивных контекстов — высказываний, в которых намеренно противопоставлены особенности двух или более идиомов. Основным материалом для исследования послужили метаязыковые тексты, собранные в ходе полевой работы Топонимической экспедиции Уральского федерального университета на Русском Севере в 2005–2016 гг. Целью исследования является выявление особенностей наивных представлений о диалектных различиях на разных уровнях языковой системы (фонетики, просодии, лексики), а также анализ метаязыковых высказываний, касающихся социолингвистических и лингвогеографических параметров противопоставления говоров. В результате контекстного анализа оппозитивных контекстов в работе определяется круг фонетических черт северно­русских говоров, которые становятся основанием для создания оппозиции «свой» говор — «чужой» говор в наивном метаязыковом сознании: прогрессивная ассимиляция заднеязычных согласных по мягкости, произношение [ў] на месте [л], упрощение сочетания [чт’], «цоканье», «аканье» и др., — и черт, не являющихся релевантными для «наивных диалектологов». Описываются особенности «наив­ного» восприятия лексических особенностей говоров: междиалектной синонимии и омонимии. Определяется круг наиболее частотных слов-индикаторов диалектных различий (наименования одежды, выпечки, орудий, грибов, ягод, типовые обращения и имена, и др.). Выявляются основные социолингвистические оппозиции, релевантные для носителей диалектов («русское» — «нерусское», «городское» — «деревенское»). Осуществляется попытка проследить условные «наивные» изоглоссы, обозначаются некоторые границы и зоны, выделенные «наивными диалектологами»


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    Purpose. The article focuses on the communicative strategies and structure of the public discourse with the reference to the Reith Lectures presented by Hilary Mantel on BBC RADIO 4 in 2017.Method or methodology of the work. The public discourse research has been conducted by means of the structural analysis in combination with the intertextual analysis, semantic and stylistic analysis as well as some elements of the discourse analysis.According to the form and the content, Reith lectures are to be considered a genre variety of public discourse, presupposing audio interaction of the speaker and the audience in order to convey certain information from the stance of the speaker or somebody else’s, whom the speaker respects. Considering the public discourse structural model suggested by O.F. Rusakova, it should be pointed out that the author distinguishes the following interconnected elements, such as ‘intention’, ‘performance’, ‘virtual plan’, and ‘contextual plan’. In H. Mantel’s lectures the intention is manifested in the form of the audio discourse, i.e. performance by means of a unique beginning, figurative and ludic narration, question-answer strategy for maintaining contact with the audience, utilizing formal and colloquial lexis, lingua-stylistic devices – allusions, metaphors, similes, epithets, repetitions. The сontextual plan also comes to the fore, as all the five lectures are traditionally performed at certain locations either connected with the theme of the lecture or the lecturer herself, which is announced by the presenter.Results. It is concluded that the structure of the writer’s open lecture is based on the interaction of the intentional, virtual, contextual and psychological plans, setting the selection of the narrative strategies of the speaker. Depending on the speaker’s intention and individual style, certain elements of the public discourse structure come to the fore.Practical implications. The results of this analysis should be useful for preparing a public performance and getting acquainted with the works of H. Mantel, one of the renowned contemporary English authors.Цель данной работы – выявить особенности коммуникативной структуры публичного дискурса на материале открытых лекций Хилари Мэнтел, прочитанных в 2017 г. для ВВС RADIO 4.Методы или методология исследования. Исследование публичного дискурса проводилось на основе метода структурного анализа с использованием интертекстуального метода, методов семантического и стилистического анализа, а также элементов дискурсивного анализа.По форме и содержанию ритовские лекции можно отнести к жанровой разновидности публичного дискурса, предполагающего речевое взаимодействие выступающего и аудитории с целью сообщения слушателям какой-либо информации и представления научных, гуманитарных и социально-политических проблем в определенном аспекте. В работе опираемся на структурную модель публичного дискурса, предложенную О.Ф. Русаковой, и содержащую следующие взаимосвязанные элементы: интенцию, актуальный план, виртуальный план и контекстуальный план. В публичных лекциях Х. Мэнтел интенция реализуется в виде устного дискурса – «перформанса» посредством использования необычного начала, образно-игровой манеры повествования, интерактивной формы для поддержания контакта с аудиторией, употребления формальной и сниженной лексики, лингвостилистических приемов – аллюзий, метафор, сравнений, эпитетов, повторов. Важное значение приобретает контекстуальный план, определяющий место и порядок проведения лекций, присутствие ведущего, вопросы слушателей по окончании и заключительное слово лектора.Результаты исследования. Исследование показало, что структура открытой лекции писателя представляет собой взаимодействие интенционального, виртуального, контекстуального и психологического планов, определяющих выбор нарративных стратегий выступающего. В зависимости от интенции и индивидуального стиля лектора актуализируются определенные элементы публичного дискурса.Область применения результатов. Результаты данной работы могут быть полезны при выборе коммуникативных стратегий при подготовке публичного выступления, а также для знакомства с творчеством Хилари Мэнтел – одного из наиболее значимых писателей современности и прекрасного лектора

    Fundamentos del enfoque de sistemas para la metodología de evaluación de instalaciones de obras acuáticas en medio natural

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    De acuerdo con los requisitos reglamentarios y ambientales sobre el funcionamiento de las instalaciones sanitarias denominadas objetos de actividad, se debe evaluar la influencia ambiental de estas instalaciones. en términos de utilización de los recursos hídricos, que es exactamente el objetivo de este estudio. Los fundamentos de la metodología de esta evaluación se desarrollan mediante el enfoque de sistema centrado en la noción de sistema. Los resultados del estudio de la interacción del objeto de actividad (OA) con los ambientes naturales (NENV) del geosistema de cuenca se utilizan en el desarrollo de los fundamentos de la metodología de evaluación de la influencia ambiental (EIA). Los resultados del estudio se han utilizado para diseñar y construir instalaciones de ingeniería hidroeléctrica en el norte del Cáucaso en el sur de Rusi

    Genetics Factors in Major Depression Disease

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    Depressive disorders (DDs) are one of the most widespread forms of psychiatric pathology. According to the World Health Organization, about 350 million people in the world are affected by this condition. Family and twin studies have demonstrated that the contribution of genetic factors to the risk of the onset of DDs is quite large. Various methodological approaches (analysis of candidate genes, genome-wide association analysis, genome-wide sequencing) have been used, and a large number of the associations between genes and different clinical DD variants and DD subphenotypes have been published. However, in most cases, these associations have not been confirmed in replication studies, and only a small number of genes have been proven to be associated with DD development risk. To ascertain the role of genetic factors in DD pathogenesis, further investigations of the relevant conditions are required. Special consideration should be given to the polygenic characteristics noted in whole-genome studies of the heritability of the disorder without a pronounced effect of the major gene. These observations accentuate the relevance of the analysis of gene-interaction roles in DD development and progression. It is important that association studies of the inherited variants of the genome should be supported by analysis of dynamic changes during DD progression. Epigenetic changes that cause modifications of a gene's functional state without changing its coding sequence are of primary interest. However, the opportunities for studying changes in the epigenome, transcriptome, and proteome during DD are limited by the nature of the disease and the need for brain tissue analysis, which is possible only postmortem. Therefore, any association studies between DD pathogenesis and epigenetic factors must be supplemented through the use of different animal models of depression. A threefold approach comprising the combination of gene association studies, assessment of the epigenetic state in DD patients, and analysis of different “omic” changes in animal depression models will make it possible to evaluate the contribution of genetic, epigenetic, and environmental factors to the development of different forms of depression and to help develop ways to decrease the risk of depression and improve the treatment of DD