159 research outputs found

    Supervision as a form of inclusive education retraining and school community professional advancement

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    Using the example of Kryvyi Rih, we present the supervision model used to promote the education reform in Ukraine and the retraining of the school's major players. Through a sociopolitical and educational description of the current situation in Kryvyi Rih, empirical study has introduced a model of retraining. Due to this, 124 key stakeholders from 20 inclusive schools underwent testing to help plan the implementation of the monitoring model (teachers, tutors, staff, psychologists and parents from 7 districts of Kryvyi Rih were invited to participate). In this study, we provide an alternative strategy for interagency supervisory groups and communication, with an emphasis on the model supervision retraining of inclusive education specialists. Four stages make up the supervision process: case report, exchange, conceptualization, and summary. In the paper, we suggest a modification of an unstructured interview by a specialist who specifies the context of training supervision in order to facilitate successful work. The psycho-educational support team in inclusive education was able to propose the supervision program thanks to the analysis of the organizational, methodological, and information retraining system and the execution of the pilot project of supervisory groups: I. Providing team members with the necessary training to work with the objectives of each child development plan; II. Using case preparation tools; III. Analyzing environmental elements; and IV. Managing team support.Using the example of Kryvyi Rih, we present the supervision model used to promote the education reform in Ukraine and the retraining of the school's major players. Through a sociopolitical and educational description of the current situation in Kryvyi Rih, empirical study has introduced a model of retraining. Due to this, 124 key stakeholders from 20 inclusive schools underwent testing to help plan the implementation of the monitoring model (teachers, tutors, staff, psychologists and parents from 7 districts of Kryvyi Rih were invited to participate). In this study, we provide an alternative strategy for interagency supervisory groups and communication, with an emphasis on the model supervision retraining of inclusive education specialists. Four stages make up the supervision process: case report, exchange, conceptualization, and summary. In the paper, we suggest a modification of an unstructured interview by a specialist who specifies the context of training supervision in order to facilitate successful work. The psycho-educational support team in inclusive education was able to propose the supervision program thanks to the analysis of the organizational, methodological, and information retraining system and the execution of the pilot project of supervisory groups: I. Providing team members with the necessary training to work with the objectives of each child development plan; II. Using case preparation tools; III. Analyzing environmental elements; and IV. Managing team support

    Surface Hardening Technology with a Concentrated Energy Source

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    The article is devoted to the increase of wear resistance of large-modular gears due to the application of the innovative method of plasma surface hardening working surfaces of teeth. The method of determination and estimation of the residual resource of large-modular gear transmissions after plasma surface hardening is developed and the influence of technological parameters of this process on wear resistance and mechanisms of deterioration of the surface layer have been investigated. The process of plasma surface hardening has been experimentally investigated, an estimation of the obtained physical and mechanical properties and hardness of the processed material during plasma heating has been made. The increase of durability of the work of large-modular gears passing by the plasma surface hardening has been experimentally investigated and the calculations on durability have been performed for the wear parameter, and it has been established that the application of this heat treatment method increases the durability 2.28 times. A complex of specialized equipment was developed for the implementation of the technological scheme of plasma surface hardening of the large-modular gears' working surfaces without melting, using the original design of the magnetic-deflection system for the creation of an external magnetic field

    Теоретичні засади дослідження соціального підприємництва в контексті маркетингу 3.0

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    Introduction. Modern development of socio-economic sector makes adjustments to market environment. Enterprises require expansion of their activities and feel necessity to diversify risks. Satisfaction of consumer needs is accompanied by introduction of innovations in various areas. Focusing on marketing 3.0, when market activity should not only ensure enterprise’s profitability, but also care about consumer and environment, is embracing more and more enterprises and becoming modern business responsibility. Therefore, the problem of social entrepreneurship research in context of sustainable development is becoming relevant and important. Aim and tasks. The main aim of this work is to formulate theoretical means for social entrepreneurship research, which should reveal peculiarities of tools to achieve global goals of sustainable development. To achieve this goal, the following tasks have been solved in this study: analysis of definitions and study the essence of “social entrepreneurship” concept; interconnection of social entrepreneurship goals with global goals of sustainable development and compliance with modern concept of marketing 3.0. Results. Research of “social enterprise” definition allows to define it as stable business structure, tended to self-development, which forms mechanism of social support and infrastructure development through close integration into social system. Social entrepreneurship is aimed at solving social problems and other goals of marketing 3.0. Social enterprise is considered in context of sustainable development, which is a concept that requires balance between satisfying current needs of people and protecting interests of future generations, ensuring their necessity for safe and healthy environment, and it must be able to contribute to global goals of sustainable development at local level. Conclusions. Social enterprises have become an acceptable mechanism for solving socio-economic problems, as they are developing and expanding new tools to achieve global goals of sustainable development at local level. Social  entrepreneurship has opportunity to involve socially vulnerable groups in public life and expand citizens’ activity. Social entrepreneurship today is aimed at positive social changes and providing basic human needs in an optimal way.Вступ. Сучасний розвиток соціально-економічної сфери вносить корективи в ринкове середовище. Підприємства відчувають потребу у розширенні своєї діяльності та диверсифікації ризиків. Задоволення потреб споживачів супроводжується впровадженням інновацій по різних напрямках. Орієнтація на маркетинг 3.0, коли ринкова діяльність повинна забезпечувати не тільки рентабельність підприємства, а ще й турбуватись про  споживача і оточуюче середовище, охоплює все більшу кількість підприємств та стає обов’язком сучасного бізнесу. Тому питання дослідження соціального підприємництва на тлі сталого розвитку набуває актуальності та важливості. Мета і завдання. Основною метою роботи є обґрунтування теоретичних засад дослідження соціального підприємництва, що повинно розкрити особливості інструментарію з досягнення глобальних цілей сталого розвитку. Для досягнення поставленої мети у дослідженні вирішено коло завдань: аналіз визначень та дослідження сутності явища «соціальне підприємництво»; співвідношення мети існування соціального підприємництва з глобальними цілями сталого розвитку та відповідність сучасній концепції маркетингу 3.0. Результати. Дослідження дефініції «соціальне підприємство» дозволяє надати визначення її як стійкої бізнес-структури, схильної до саморозвитку, що формує механізм соціальної підтримки та інфраструктурного розвитку шляхом тісної інтеграції в суспільну систему. Соціальне підприємництво націлене на вирішення соціальних проблем та інших цілей маркетингу 3.0. Соціальне підприємство розглянуто у контексті сталого розвитку, що являє собою концепцію, необхідністю якої є встановлення балансу між задоволенням потреб сучасності для людей та захистом інтересів майбутніх поколінь, забезпечуючи їхню потребу у безпечному та здоровому довкіллі, то воно повинно бути спроможним сприяти досягненню глобальних цілей сталого розвитку на місцевому рівні. Висновки. Соціальні підприємства стали прийнятним механізмом розв’язання соціально-економічних проблем, оскільки займаються розробкою та поширенням нових інструментів щодо досягнення глобальних цілей сталого розвитку на локальному рівні. Соціальне підприємництво має можливість залучати до громадського життя соціально вразливі верстви населення та розширювати активність громадян. Соціальне підприємництво сьогодні спрямоване на позитивні соціальні зміни та забезпечення базових людських потреб оптимальним способом

    Distance E-Learning in the System of Professional Development of Corporation Managers: Challenges of COVID-19

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    The corporate education system is implemented through sequential and step-by-step in-company e-training based on integrity of goals, objectives, functions, learning technologies, and content structure of the training material, which add flexibility and vitality to the entire learning process with an advanced reflection of reality. The definition of a corporate training center in terms of a systematic approach is formulated as a system in which training and development of personnel are initiated and managed by the company itself, carried out within the company and involving internal resources. Thus, training and professional development of managers is not just an element of organizational practice or type of activity of certain employees of the organization, but a fully fledged part of the development strategy of the organization and the entire existing organizational system. To implement this process, modern transnational corporations (TNCs) create corporate training centers in which training and personnel development is initiated and managed by the company itself, carried out within the company and involve internal resources. The algorithm of creating a corporate training center covers a number of stages, in particular: support by the management; legal and financial support; creation of organizational and pedagogical conditions; program and content implementation support and practical application of the personnel training system; and a control and reporting system

    Peculiarities Of Triazoloazepinium Bromides Effect On Steel Microbial Corrosion

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    Triazoloazepinium bromides act as biocides against sulfate-reducing bacteria and can produce an effect on mild steel microbial corrosion.  It has been established that under the competing adsorption, the compounds with the properties of corrosion inhibitors can form a film, which protects the steel surface, before it is settled by corrosively active microorganisms.The protective film ensures the inhibition efficiency of up to 98.7%. With triazoloazepinium bromides of the 2nd group, corrosively active microorganisms colonize the steel surface before the inhibitor creates the protective layer. In this case, the biocorrosion accelerates by up to 6.25 times. Different effect of triazoloazepinium bromides on steel biocorrosion rate is explained by the molecular structure


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    The use brews in preparing leavens provides yeast cells’ and lactbacteria’s life activity with nutrients. The process of sugaring of bitter brews depending on parameters of their preparation was studied, and it was established, that the most intensity of sugars accumulation takes place during 1 hour of sugaring at the moisture mass share in brew 78,0 %. It is recommended to use such developed bitter brew in the technology of rye-wheat bread with the small content of rye four (10…12 %) or wheat bread of sorted flour. It is recommended to use the four-phase method of preparing dough by the scheme: “sugared “bitter” brew → brew, fermented by homo-enzymatic thermophilic FMB  L.Delbrükii‒76 → hop leaven, fermented by yeast of S. cerevisiae L-1 race and homo-enzymatic mesophilic LMB L. Plantarum-30 → dough». At using 25 % of leaven, the acidity of dough and ready products decreases by 2,0 degrees. That is why it is recommended to use this method of preparing bakery products of wheat flour. At that there is provided the better fluffiness and crumb state and prolongation of freshness of bakery products. According to the research results, there was developed the apparatus-technological productive scheme that can be introduced on special lines.&nbsp

    Analysis of musical art trends in Ukraine in the 21st century

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    Thus, the development of Ukrainian music underwent a gradual evolution until the Russian aggression began in 2022. After the fall of the Soviet Union, Ukrainian-language music was not in favor, but after 2014 and especially after February 24, 2022, it became mainstream. Among Chusach varieties of musical art in Ukraine, the most common are pop, rock, rap, jazz, etc. The new opportunities that the Network has opened up for performers also have many hidden dangers. This is primarily about piracy, which significantly reduces the profits from selling your own. At the same time, thanks to multimedia and high-speed Internet, the exchange of musical novelties became more efficient. In particular, for a long time, Ukrainian music was characterized by the same trends as in the West: song plots, rhythms, popular styles of music, etc. It should be noted that the demand for Ukrainian music increased after Russia's military aggression. The Russian product was banned. So, if similar trends unfold in the same way, Ukraine will continue to see the emergence of new talented collectives. It should be noted that pop and rock are promising directions of music development but rap also looks extremely promising

    The use of big data and data mining in the investigation of criminal offences

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    The aim of this study was to determine the features and prospects of using Big Data and Data Mining in criminal proceedings. The research involved the methods of a systematic approach, descriptive analysis, systematic sampling, formal legal approach and forecasting. The object of using Big Data and Data Mining are various crimes, the common features of which are the seriousness and complexity of the investigation. The common tools of Big Data and Data Mining in crime investigation and crime forecasting as interrelated tasks were identified. The creation of databases is the result of the processing of data sources by Data Mining methods, each being distinguished by the specifics of use. The main risks of implementing Big Data and Data Mining are violations of human rights and freedoms. Improving the use of Big Data and Data Mining requires standardization of procedures with strict adherence to the fundamental ethical, organizational and procedural rules. The use of Big Data and Data Mining is a forensic innovation in the investigation of serious crimes and the creation of an evidence base for criminal justice. The prospects for widespread use of these methods involve the standardization of procedures based on ethical, organizational and procedural principles. It is appropriate to outline these procedures in framework practical recommendations, emphasizing the responsibility of officials in case of violation of the specified principles. The area of further research is the improvement of innovative technologies and legal regulation of their application

    Methods of using digital technologies for the development of students’ listening comprehension strategies in higher educational institutions

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    The research is topical because of the mass inclusion of students in the digital world, the importance of listening comprehension in foreign language studies in higher educational institutions, the challenges of distance and blended learning. The aim of the study was to establish the effectiveness of digital technologies (Zoom, YouTube channel, Instagram, Kahoot, Google Forms, Padlet) in the development of listening comprehension skills in students of higher educational institutions (HEIs). The research involved qualitative and quantitative analysis of data, simulation. The author’s programme intended for the development of students’ listening comprehension strategies in HEIs was elaborated and experimentally tested in the course of the research. The implementation of the proposed programme allowed improving the level of respondents’ academic performance in terms of listening comprehension. The programme involved the adequate student participation, a differentiated approach, the variability of digital technologies used (Zoom, YouTube channel, Instagram, Kahoot, Google Forms, Padlet), providing opportunities for creativity. The programme implementation resulted in the increased number of students with excellent grades in listening comprehension by 11.7%, with good grades — by 25%. The study confirmed the positive attitude of students to the use of digital technologies in foreign language learning, outlined the conditions for the development of students’ listening comprehension strategies in HEIs. The research results can be used to develop students’ listening comprehension skills in distance or blended learning. The prospect for the further research is the application of the obtained results to the development of students’ skills in other types of speech activity in foreign language classes. A separate area of research is the study of the impact of digital technologies on the development of students’ foreign language competence and the preparation of methodological advice for foreign language teachers