290 research outputs found

    Can inflationary models of cosmic perturbations evade the secondary oscillation test?

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    We consider the consequences of an observed Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) temperature anisotropy spectrum containing no secondary oscillations. While such a spectrum is generally considered to be a robust signature of active structure formation, we show that such a spectrum {\em can} be produced by (very unusual) inflationary models or other passive evolution models. However, we show that for all these passive models the characteristic oscillations would show up in other observable spectra. Our work shows that when CMB polarization and matter power spectra are taken into account secondary oscillations are indeed a signature of even these very exotic passive models. We construct a measure of the observability of secondary oscillations in a given experiment, and show that even with foregrounds both the MAP and \pk satellites should be able to distinguish between models with and without oscillations. Thus we conclude that inflationary and other passive models can {\em not} evade the secondary oscillation test.Comment: Final version accepted for publication in PRD. Minor improvements have been made to the discussion and new data has been included. The conclusions are unchagne

    Limits on the gravity wave contribution to microwave anisotropies

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    We present limits on the fraction of large angle microwave anisotropies which could come from tensor perturbations. We use the COBE results as well as smaller scale CMB observations, measurements of galaxy correlations, abundances of galaxy clusters, and Lyman alpha absorption cloud statistics. Our aim is to provide conservative limits on the tensor-to-scalar ratio for standard inflationary models. For power-law inflation, for example, we find T/S<0.52 at 95% confidence, with a similar constraint for phi^p potentials. However, for models with tensor amplitude unrelated to the scalar spectral index it is still currently possible to have T/S>1.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D. Calculations extended to blue spectral index, Fig. 6 added, discussion of results expande

    Is cosmology consistent?

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    We perform a detailed analysis of the latest CMB measurements (including BOOMERaNG, DASI, Maxima and CBI), both alone and jointly with other cosmological data sets involving, e.g., galaxy clustering and the Lyman Alpha Forest. We first address the question of whether the CMB data are internally consistent once calibration and beam uncertainties are taken into account, performing a series of statistical tests. With a few minor caveats, our answer is yes, and we compress all data into a single set of 24 bandpowers with associated covariance matrix and window functions. We then compute joint constraints on the 11 parameters of the ``standard'' adiabatic inflationary cosmological model. Out best fit model passes a series of physical consistency checks and agrees with essentially all currently available cosmological data. In addition to sharp constraints on the cosmic matter budget in good agreement with those of the BOOMERaNG, DASI and Maxima teams, we obtain a heaviest neutrino mass range 0.04-4.2 eV and the sharpest constraints to date on gravity waves which (together with preference for a slight red-tilt) favors ``small-field'' inflation models.Comment: Replaced to match accepted PRD version. 14 pages, 12 figs. Tiny changes due to smaller DASI & Maxima calibration errors. Expanded neutrino and tensor discussion, added refs, typos fixed. Combined CMB data, window and covariance matrix at http://www.hep.upenn.edu/~max/consistent.html or from [email protected]

    On the degree of scale invariance of inflationary perturbations

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    Many, if not most, inflationary models predict the power-law index of the spectrum of density perturbations is close to one, though not precisely equal to one, |n-1| \sim O(0.1), implying that the spectrum of density perturbations is nearly, but not exactly, scale invariant. Some models allow n to be significantly less than one (n \sim 0.7); a spectral index significantly greater than one is more difficult to achieve. We show that n \approx 1 is a consequence of the slow-roll conditions for inflation and ``naturalness,'' and thus is a generic prediction of inflation. We discuss what is required to deviate significantly from scale invariance, and then show, by explicit construction, the existence of smooth potentials that satisfy all the conditions for successful inflation and give nn as large as 2.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    The Formation of Cosmic Structures in a Light Gravitino Dominated Universe

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    We analyse the formation of cosmic structures in models where the dark matter is dominated by light gravitinos with mass of 100 100 eV -- 1 keV, as predicted by gauge-mediated supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking models. After evaluating the number of degrees of freedom at the gravitinos decoupling (g∗g_*), we compute the transfer function for matter fluctuations and show that gravitinos behave like warm dark matter (WDM) with free-streaming scale comparable to the galaxy mass scale. We consider different low-density variants of the WDM model, both with and without cosmological constant, and compare the predictions on the abundances of neutral hydrogen within high-redshift damped Ly--α\alpha systems and on the number density of local galaxy clusters with the corresponding observational constraints. We find that none of the models satisfies both constraints at the same time, unless a rather small Ω0\Omega_0 value (\mincir 0.4) and a rather large Hubble parameter (\magcir 0.9) is assumed. Furthermore, in a model with warm + hot dark matter, with hot component provided by massive neutrinos, the strong suppression of fluctuation on scales of \sim 1\hm precludes the formation of high-redshift objects, when the low--zz cluster abundance is required. We conclude that all different variants of a light gravitino DM dominated model show strong difficulties for what concerns cosmic structure formation. This gives a severe cosmological constraint on the gauge-mediated SUSY breaking scheme.Comment: 28 pages,Latex, submitted for publication to Phys.Rev.

    A study of smoke formation from wood combustion

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    Aerosol time of flight mass spectrometry (ATOFMS) was used to analyse the particles emitted during the flaming and smouldering phases of the combustion of samples of hard and soft woods. Eugenol and furfural were also burned and using results from previous work of the authors, they have been shown to be useful proxies for initial wood combustion products. The ratios of elementary carbon to total carbon in the particles were similar for both the woods and for eugenol. The ATOFMS spectra of most of the particles were consistent with the presence of soot precursor constituents along with oxygen containing fragments. Most particle diameters were less than 2.5. ÎŒm, with the greatest concentration of <. 0.12. ÎŒm

    Estimating the tensor-to-scalar ratio and the effect of residual foreground contamination

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    We consider future balloon-borne and ground-based suborbital experiments designed to search for inflationary gravitational waves, and investigate the impact of residual foregrounds that remain in the estimated cosmic microwave background maps. This is achieved by propagating foreground modelling uncertainties from the component separation, under the assumption of a spatially uniform foreground frequency scaling, through to the power spectrum estimates, and up to measurement of the tensor to scalar ratio in the parameter estimation step. We characterize the error covariance due to subtracted foregrounds, and find it to be subdominant compared to instrumental noise and sample variance in our simulated data analysis. We model the unsubtracted residual foreground contribution using a two-parameter power law and show that marginalization over these foreground parameters is effective in accounting for a bias due to excess foreground power at low ℓ\ell. We conclude that, at least in the suborbital experimental setups we have simulated, foreground errors may be modeled and propagated up to parameter estimation with only a slight degradation of the target sensitivity of these experiments derived neglecting the presence of the foregrounds.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in JCA

    Keeping it in the family: Parental influences on young people's attitudes to police

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    Prior research finds young people are less satisfied with police than their older counterparts. Despite this, our understanding of youth attitudes to police is limited, as most research has focused on adult attitudes to police. This study adds to our understanding by examining the influence of parent–child dynamics on youth attitudes to police. We predict that youth attitudes to police will be influenced by their parents’ attitudes. A survey of 540 school students in South East Queensland reveals that perceived parental attitudes to police are associated with youth attitudes to police. However, this effect is partially mediated by maternal, but not paternal attachment. These findings suggest that youth attitudes to police are not simply influenced by contact with police and delinquency, but that familial context is important. Consequently, our theoretical understanding of youth attitudes to police must move beyond a focus upon police contact and delinquency
